This template provides support for Kotlin Native (Linux amd64) on OpenFaaS. By using this template a basic Kotlin Native program can be quickly created and included in a Docker image, which is ready to be deployed on OpenFaaS.
In order to use this template go thorugh the following steps below.
- Clone this repository
- Change working directory to the cloned repository
- Run the following to build a new Kotlin Native Docker image:
docker build --tag hello-kotlin .
- Start OpenFaaS
- Go to the following web address (in a Web Browser) to access the OpenFaaS Portal:
- If a Login dialog appears enter in the username and password for the OpenFaaS instance
- Click on Deploy New Function button
- Select CUSTOM tab
- For Docker image enter in hello-kotlin
- For Function name enter in hello-kotlin
- Click on DEPLOY button
After completing the steps above you can now try out the Kotlin Native OpenFaaS function (hello-kotlin).