This repository contains the prototype distributed in-memory key-value store evaluated in our paper. The prototype contains several different implementations of distributed transactions and communication methods which are as follows.
Distributed transactions:
- RAMP-Fast
- Three locking algorithms
- No concurrency control
- RAMP-Fast with RDMA (Our proposal)
Communication methods:
- TCP/IP over Ethernet
- IP over InfiniBand
- Send/Recv Verbs
- RDMA Write
- RDMA Write with Immediate
- RDMA Read
- GCC 4.9.3
- Boost 1.59.0
- Intel TBB 4.4
- MessagePack for C/C++ 1.2.0
- RDMA Communicaton Manager
make -j8 all
Edit server_lists/tcp
and server_lists/ib
for specifying server's hostname and port.
$ ./server -t TRX_TYPE -c COM_TYPE
TRX_TYPE is the parameter for specifying transaction algorithms. Supporting parameters are as follows.
- ramp_f (RAMP-Fast)
- rr, rc, ru (Locking algorithms)
- no_cc (No concurrency control)
- ac_ramp_f (RAMP-Fast with RDMA)
COM_TYPE is the parameter for specifying communication method. Supporting parameters are as follows.
- tcp (TCP/IP over Ethernet)
- ipoib (IP over InfiniBand)
- send_recv (Send/Recv Verbs)
- rdma_write (RDMA Write)
- rdma_write_imm (RDMA Write with Immediate)
WRITE_TRX_NUM and READ_TRX_NUM are the parameter for specifying the number of write transaction and read transaction respectively.