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Deprecation notice:

The demultiplexing within the Guppy basecaller should be used in preference to that found within this project. Guppy is rountinely updated and will provide ongoing updates for new sequencing kits.

Guppy can be downloaded from:

This repository is now unsupported and we do not recommend its use. Please contact Oxford Nanopore: [email protected] for help with your application if it is not possible to upgrade to our new resources, or we are missing key features.


qcat is a Python command-line tool for demultiplexing Oxford Nanopore reads from FASTQ files. It accepts basecalled FASTQ files and splits the reads into into separate FASTQ files based on their barcode. Qcat makes the demultiplexing algorithms used in albacore/guppy and EPI2ME available to be used locally with FASTQ files. Currently qcat implements the EPI2ME algorithm. In the next version we will add the albacore/guppy algorithm.

Algorithm Status Description
Guppy/Albacore not yet available Using this mode, qcat will produce demultiplexing results identical to Albacore.
EPI2ME available Using this mode, qcat will produce demultiplexing results identical to EPI2ME's demultiplexing workflow

In addition, qcat supports demultiplexing of datasets prepared using dual or combinatorial barcodes (see "How to run qcat?" section for more information).

If you want to demultiplex your reads during basecalling, please use albacore.

Change log


  • Add RAB214


  • Fix PBC and PBK adapter trimming


  • Fixed issue with file names in dual barcoding mode
  • Resolved problem when using –tsv and -b at the same time
  • Min. read length filter added
  • Fixed YAMLLoadWarning


  • Linux or MacOS

Quick start

For the vast majority of datasets, it will be sufficient to run qcat using default parameters:

$ qcat -f <fastq_file> -b <output folder>

After qcat finished, please check to summary output to verify that a barcode was assigned to most of the reads.


Conda (recommended)

Anaconda-Server Badge

To install qcat using conda, make sure you have Miniconda3 installed and the bioconda channels set up. After bioconda is set up, you can install qcat as follows:

$ conda install qcat


PyPI version

If you want to install qcat using pip, please make sure to use python3.

$ pip install --user qcat

To install qcat using pip for all users on a system, run (requires root permissions):

$ pip install qcat


If you have docker available on your computer, you can run qcat using the following command without any prior installation:

$ docker run -ti -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` qcat -f ./input_file.fastq -b ./output_folder/

When running qcat using the above command, the input and output folders have to be in the current working directory. If you want to read from or write to locations other than your working directory, please adjust the -v parameter accordingly.

Manually install from source

GitHub version

To install qcat manually, please make sure you have python3 and git available, and install as follows:

$ git clone
$ cd qcat
$ python3 install

How to run qcat?

Demultiplexing multiple FASTQ files from a folder

$ cat input_folder/*.fastq | qcat -b <output folder>

Demultiplexing a single FASTQ file

$ qcat -f <fastq_file> -b <output folder>

Demultiplexing dual/combinatorial barcoding datasets

$ qcat --dual -f <fastq_file> -b <output folder>

What does the output look like?


Qcat will give you a summary of what barcodes where found and how many on the command line. For example:

Adapters detected in 191 of 193 reads
         LWB001    191: |  ################### |  98.96 %
           none      2: |                      |   1.04 %
Barcodes detected in 191 of 193 adapters
      barcode01    191: |  ################### |  98.96 %
           none      2: |                      |   1.04 %
Demultiplexing finished in 0.69s

In addition, you will get an output folder with a single FASTQ file per barcode:

$ ls -R tmp/output/
barcode01.fastq none.fastq

These files can be used for downstream analysis.

Frequently asked questions

Why are there different demultiplexing modes?

Currently Albacore and EPI2ME use different algorithms for demultiplexing. To provide maximum compatibility, qcat will support both algorithms. Eventually, both algorithms will be consolidated.

What is the difference between porechop and qcat?

Qcat works similarity to porechop. However, porechop was recently deprecated.

When I start qcat without any command-line parameters, it starts but does not terminate.

When invoked without -f/--fastq, qcat will wait for input from standard in. Press Ctrl+C to stop qcat and either rerun wiht -f/--fastq:

$ qcat -f input_file.fastq -b output_folder/

or make sure to use a pipe to provide the input FASTQ file. E.g.:

$ cat input_file.fastq | qcat -b output_folder/

Qcat expects a single input file, but I got several FASTQ files from basecalling.

A simple option is to pipe all FASTQ files into qcat:

$ cat basecalled/*.fastq | qcat -b output_folder/

Alternatively, you can concatenate all FASTQ files into a single file first:

$ cat basecalled/*.fastq > single_file.fastq

and use -f/--fastq:

$ qcat -f single_file.fastq -b output_folder/

I want to use Albacore's algorithm for demultiplexing, but get a warning saying "Demultiplexing mode guppy currently not supported. Falling back to epi2me."

Currently, Albacore's demultiplexing algorithm is only supported when running the qcat docker image. In the next version, we will support other ways of running Guppy/Albacore demultiplexing as well.

Can qcat trim adapters without barcodes?

Currently qcat only supports demultiplexing. However, in the future we plan to add a trimming only mode as well.

What is "simple" mode?

In simple mode qcat will only search for barcode sequences without trying to determine which barcoding kit was used. ONLY USE THIS MODE FOR TESTING/DEBUGGING PURPOSE. Albacore and EPI2ME mode will be faster and give you better results.

What barcoding kits does qcat support?

Kit Description
Auto Auto detect kit
RBK001 Rapid barcoding kit
RBK004 Rapid barcoding kit v4
NBD103/NBD104 Native barcoding kit with barcodes 1-12
NBD114 Native barcoding kit with barcodes 13-24
NBD104/NBD114 Native barcoding kit with barcodes 1-24
PBC001 PCR Barcoding Kit with 12 barcodes
PBC096 PCR Barcoding Kit with 96 barcodes
RPB004/RLB001 Rapid PCR Barcoding Kit (SQK-RPB004) and Rapid Low Input by PCR Barcoding Kit
PBK004/LWB001 Low Input by PCR Barcoding Kit
RAB204 16S Rapid Amplicon Barcoding Kit with 12 Barcodes
VMK001 Voltrax Barcoding Kit with 4 barcodes

Full usage

usage: qcat [-h] [-V] [-l LOG] [--quiet] [-f FASTQ] [-b BARCODE_DIR]
            [-o OUTPUT] [--min-score MIN_QUAL] [--detect-middle] [-t THREADS]
            [--tsv] [--trim]
            [-k {Auto,PBC096,RBK004,NBD104/NBD114,PBK004/LWB001,RBK001,RAB204,VMK001,PBC001,NBD114,NBD103/NBD104,DUAL,RPB004/RLB001}]
            [--list-kits] [--guppy | --epi2me | --dual | --simple]
            [--no-batch] [--filter-barcodes]
            [--simple-barcodes {standard,extended}]

Python command-line tool for demultiplexing Oxford Nanopore reads from FASTQ files

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -l LOG, --log LOG     Print debug information
  --quiet               Don't print summary

General settings:
  -f FASTQ, --fastq FASTQ
                        Barcoded read file
  -b BARCODE_DIR, --barcode_dir BARCODE_DIR
                        If specified, qcat will demultiplex reads to this
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file trimmed reads will be written to (default:
  --min-score MIN_QUAL  Minimum barcode score. Barcode calls with a lower
                        score will be discarded. Must be between 0 and 100.
                        (default: 60)
  --detect-middle       Search for adapters in the whole read
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads. Only works with in guppy mode
  --tsv                 Prints a tsv file containing barcode information each
                        read to stdout.
  --trim                Remove adapter and barcode sequences from reads.
  -k {Auto,PBC096,RBK004,NBD104/NBD114,PBK004/LWB001,RBK001,RAB204,VMK001,PBC001,NBD114,NBD103/NBD104,DUAL,RPB004/RLB001}, --kit {Auto,PBC096,RBK004,NBD104/NBD114,PBK004/LWB001,RBK001,RAB204,VMK001,PBC001,NBD114,NBD103/NBD104,DUAL,RPB004/RLB001}
                        Sequencing kit. Specifying the correct kit will
                        improve sensitivity and specificity and runtime
                        (default: auto)
  --list-kits           List all supported kits

Demultiplexing modes:
  --guppy               Use Guppy's demultiplexing algorithm (default: false)
  --epi2me              Use EPI2ME's demultiplexing algorithm (default: true)
  --dual                Use dual barcoding algorithm
  --simple              Use simple demultiplexing algorithm. Only looks for
                        barcodes, not for adapter sequences. Use only for
                        testing purposes!

EPI2ME options (only valid with --epi2me):
  --no-batch            Don't use information from multiple reads for kit
                        detection (default: false)
  --filter-barcodes     Filter rare barcode calls when run in batch mode

Simple options (only valid with --simple):
  --simple-barcodes {standard,extended}
                        Use 12 (standard) or 96 (extended) barcodes for

Licence and Copyright

© 2018 Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd.

qcat is distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

Research Release

Research releases are provided as technology demonstrators to provide early access to features or stimulate Community development of tools. Support for this software will be minimal and is only provided directly by the developers. Feature requests, improvements, and discussions are welcome and can be implemented by forking and pull requests. However much as we would like to rectify every issue and piece of feedback users may have, the developers may have limited resource for support of this software. Research releases may be unstable and subject to rapid iteration by Oxford Nanopore Technologies.