Flash is an iOS (and future Android app) that provides users with a list of deals in products they are interested in. Once you click on a deal, you get 5 minutes to decide whether you want it or not. Deals are obtained from Shopify merchants through a Shopify App I am currently building using Node.js and Express. The project was started at Hack The North, 2015.
The app is built using Facebook's React Native.
User is redirected to their Facebook account for requesting permissions to view their email address and get unique token.
Once they click 'Start Buying', they are shown a list of products which have great discounts.
If the user finds a product they're interested in, they click on it and a 5 minute timer begins. They can either go 'Back' or click 'Buy Now'. After 5 minutes, the user is redirected to the list.
Once they click 'Buy Now', they pick size, colour, other variations, etc.
Using Braintree's API, the user then pays for the product with one touch!
I'd love help on the front end/UX of the app. If you'd like to join in on the project, email me at [email protected] or make a PR. Thanks!