- EGG (carousel)
- header/footer/special (use current view)
- product category thumbnail
- show max 12 categories per page
- thumbnail ratio TBD
- pagination
- EGG (carousel)
- categorydescription
- product listing (follow current view)
- pagination
- (sort popularity?)
- if a generated page, need to have creator’s info in its meta page for sharing
- need to be editable from backend, currently it is editable by directly accessing MySQL database
Dynamic (Generated) products can know its parent, so it can be traced back to its origin
Static (user-uploaded) products will be uploaded by a user or an admin, will the following info: category, type, svg, thumbnail, title, short description, long description, price, price_original, size, and colors
- within product detail page, users can select between different types and colors
- A dynamic (generated) product will inherit specific details from its parent
- A static (user-uploaded) product will have its details defined by its uploader/admin
- If an item is purchased (when check out is clicked), send request to backend and generate a product. (if there are multiple items in the cart, create multiple products)
- The newly created products will need thumbnails, and these thumbnails will be determined based on the type and color PURCHASED (all other characteristics will follow its parent)
- Run a Crontab job to remove hidden products (cronjob 決定要刪除 的原因不會是因為 hide is set to 1, need to have another attribute. 因為有些 item 有時候會被 hide 起來)
- How to determine if a product has not yet been created, by its image
- All products must belong to a category, i.e. samurai, brotherhood, etc.
- A dynamic (generated) product will inherit its original EGG, will copy its title, short description, long description, price, price_original, size, colors
- A static (user-uploaded) product will have its info filled by the uploader/admin
- product
- purchased times
- view count
- category
- view count
- others