# Contributing to mytake.org We welcome contributions of all kinds - design, code, strategy, anything you got! To stand up a dev environment quickly, peek at [`DEV_QUICKSTART.md`](DEV_QUICKSTART.md). If you're looking for a low-hanging fruit, check out [the issues marked `good first issue`](https://github.com/mytakedotorg/mtdo/labels/good%20first%20issue). If you want to make a financial donation, please email Ned at [ned.twigg@mytake.org](mailto:ned.twigg@mytake.org). We believe in permissionless innovation - if you have an idea, feel free to just build it and submit a PR. We also believe in teamwork and consensus - if you want your idea to get merged and released, be ready to debate its merits in the PR. To minimize wasted effort, it might be a good idea to discuss your plan in an issue before you get started, but don't be afraid to just tinker and toss a prototype out there. ## Code of conduct Building the MyTake.org website requires a larger commitment than writing a take on MyTake.org. It is also less anonymous, which means there are more opportunities for contributors to be targeted for bullying or harassment. The [MyTake.org guidelines](https://meta.mytake.org/faq) are too permissive for the deep collaboration required to build MyTake.org. As a result, there are many actions which will cause you to be blocked from participating in the building of MyTake.org, while still allowing you to use the MyTake.org platform to write takes. Anything less than respectful language towards a potential or established MyTake.org builder will not be tolerated. The MyTake.org builder community will support and defend a MyTake.org builder who is facing harassment, regardless of whether the harassment is taking place through channels that MyTake.org has control of (mytake.org, meta.mytake.org, github.com/mytakedotorg, etc), or other channels (email, Twitter, Facebook, etc). MyTake.org will ensure that the geographic, demographic, and ideological diversity of the United States is well-represented in its community of builders. ## License By contributing your code, you agree to license your contribution under the terms of the AGPLv3: https://github.com/mytakedotorg/mtdo/blob/staging/LICENSE