diff --git a/classes/Member.php b/classes/Member.php
index e0d75c6b43..25f7261449 100644
--- a/classes/Member.php
+++ b/classes/Member.php
@@ -60,21 +60,6 @@ public function isDead() {
- /**
- * Cohort Key
- *
- * Gets a key that defines the periods and party a member should be compared against
- *
- * @return string of party and entry dates
- */
- public function cohortKey($house = HOUSE_TYPE_COMMONS) {
- // get the hash_id for the cohort this member belongs to
- $person_id = $this->person_id();
- return PartyCohort::getHashforPerson($person_id);
- }
public function cohortPartyComparisonDirection() {
// Is this MP and their cohort compared against the
// first or last party they have?
@@ -143,8 +128,10 @@ public function cohortParty($house = HOUSE_TYPE_COMMONS){
$party = $row["party"];
if ( $party == 'Labour/Co-operative' ) {
$party = 'Labour';
+ } elseif ($party == 'Sinn Féin') {
+ $party = 'Sinn Fein';
- return $party;
+ return slugify($party);
} else {
return null;
diff --git a/classes/PartyCohort.php b/classes/PartyCohort.php
index 1d23ced091..d599c928a7 100644
--- a/classes/PartyCohort.php
+++ b/classes/PartyCohort.php
@@ -15,97 +15,38 @@
class PartyCohort
private $db;
- private $hash;
- private $memberships;
- private $absences;
private $party;
+ private $hash;
- public function __construct($hash, $pop_with_example = false)
+ public function __construct($person_id, $party)
- // $pop with example option will retrieve the relevant fields from
- // an representative member of the cohort.
// treat Labour and Labour/Co-operative the same as that's how
// people view them and it'll confuse the results otherwise
- $this->hash = $hash;
+ $this->party = $party;
+ $this->hash = "$person_id-$party";
$this->db = new \ParlDB;
- $this->memberships = null;
- $this->absences = null;
- $this->party = null;
- if ($pop_with_example) {
- $this->memberships = $this->getMemberships();
- $this->absences = $this->getAbsences();
- $this->party = $this->getParty();
- }
- public function getExamplePerson()
+ public function getAllPolicyPositions($policies)
- // get person_id for a typical member of this cohort
- // given by definition all members have the same relevant properties
- $row = $this->db->query(
- "SELECT person_id from cohort_assignments where cohort_hash = :hash",
- array(":hash" => $this->hash)
- )->first();
+ $positions = array();
- if ($row) {
- return $row["person_id"];
- } else {
- return null;
+ $party = $this->party;
+ if ($party == 'Independent') {
+ return $positions;
- }
- public function getMemberships()
- {
- // get start and left dates for this membership cohort
- if (!is_null($this->memberships)) {
- return $this->memberships;
- };
- $house_id = 1;
- $person_id = $this->getExamplePerson();
- $memberships = $this->db->query(
- "SELECT person_id, entered_house as start_date, left_house as end_date
- FROM member
- WHERE house = :house_id and person_id = :person_id",
- array(":person_id" => $person_id, ":house_id" => $house_id)
- );
- return $memberships;
- }
- public function getParty()
- {
- // get the party this cohort applies to
- // currently this is the first non null value
- if (!is_null($this->party)) {
- return $this->party;
- };
- $person_id = $this->getExamplePerson();
- $member = new Member(array('person_id' => $person_id));
- return $member->cohortParty();
- }
- public function getAbsences()
- {
- // get any known absences for this membership cohort
- if (!is_null($this->absences)) {
- return $this->absences;
- };
- $person_id = $this->getExamplePerson();
- $absences = $this->db->query(
- "SELECT person_id, start_date, end_date
- FROM known_absences
- WHERE person_id = :person_id",
- array(":person_id" => $person_id)
- );
- return $absences;
- }
+ foreach ($policies->getPolicies() as $policy_id => $policy_text) {
+ $data = $this->policy_position($policy_id);
+ if ($data === null) {
+ continue;
+ }
- public function getAllPolicyPositions($policies)
- {
- $positions = $this->fetchPolicyPositionsByMethod($policies, "policy_position");
+ $data['policy_id'] = $policy_id;
+ $data['desc'] = $policy_text;
+ $positions[$policy_id] = $data;
+ }
return $positions;
@@ -132,365 +73,4 @@ public function policy_position($policy_id)
return null;
- public function calculateAllPolicyPositions($policies)
- {
- $positions = $this->fetchPolicyPositionsByMethod($policies, "calculate_policy_position");
- return $positions;
- }
- public function calculate_policy_position($policy_id)
- {
- // This could be done as a join but it turns out to be
- // much slower to do that
- $divisions = $this->db->query(
- "SELECT division_id, division_date, policy_vote
- FROM policydivisions
- JOIN divisions USING(division_id)
- WHERE policy_id = :policy_id
- AND house = 'commons'",
- array(
- ':policy_id' => $policy_id
- )
- );
- $score = 0;
- $max_score = 0;
- $total_votes = 0;
- $date_min = '';
- $date_max = '';
- $num_divisions = 0;
- $party = $this->getParty();
- $memberships = $this->getMemberships();
- $absences = $this->getAbsences();
- $party_where = 'party = :party';
- $params = array(
- ':party' => $party
- );
- if ($party == 'Labour') {
- // need to get party id function
- $party_where = '( party = :party OR party = :party2 )';
- $params = array(
- ':party' => $party,
- ':party2' => 'Labour/Co-operative'
- );
- }
- foreach ($divisions as $division) {
- $division_id = $division['division_id'];
- $date = $division['division_date'];
- // this bit makes sure we only include divisions in comparison that are part
- // of the allowed cohort
- $in_member_range = false;
- $in_absence_range = false;
- foreach ($memberships as $membership) {
- $start_date = $membership["start_date"];
- $end_date = $membership["end_date"];
- if (($date <= $end_date) && ($date >= $start_date)) {
- // this division occured within a comparison period
- $in_member_range = true;
- }
- }
- foreach ($absences as $absence) {
- $start_date = $absence["start_date"];
- $end_date = $absence["end_date"];
- if (($date <= $end_date) && ($date >= $start_date)) {
- // this division occured within an absence period
- $in_absence_range = true;
- }
- }
- // if not in range, or is in an absence range
- // do not include this division in the comparison
- if (!$in_member_range || $in_absence_range) {
- continue;
- }
- $weights = $this->get_vote_scores($division['policy_vote']);
- $params[':division_id'] = $division_id;
- $params[':division_date'] = $date;
- # join on the membership a person had at the time in question
- # exclude any absent vote if someone was during a period of known absence
- # this means a cohorts position is calculated based on people who were a member of the
- # party at the time, and were not effectively absent
- $votes = $this->db->query(
- "SELECT count(*) as num_votes, vote
- FROM persondivisionvotes
- JOIN member ON persondivisionvotes.person_id = member.person_id
- $party_where
- AND member.house = 1
- AND division_id = :division_id
- AND member.entered_house <= :division_date
- AND member.left_house >= :division_date
- (persondivisionvotes.vote = 'absent' and persondivisionvotes.person_id in
- ( SELECT person_id
- FROM known_absences
- WHERE start_date <= :division_date
- AND end_date >= :division_date
- )
- )
- GROUP BY vote",
- $params
- );
- $num_votes = 0;
- foreach ($votes as $vote) {
- $vote_dir = $vote['vote'];
- if ($vote_dir == '') {
- continue;
- }
- if ($vote_dir == 'tellno') {
- $vote_dir = 'no';
- }
- if ($vote_dir == 'tellaye') {
- $vote_dir = 'aye';
- }
- $num_votes += $vote['num_votes'];
- $score += ($vote['num_votes'] * $weights[$vote_dir]);
- }
- # For range, only care if there were results
- if ($votes->rows()) {
- if (!$date_min || $date_min > $date) {
- $date_min = $date;
- }
- if (!$date_max || $date_max < $date) {
- $date_max = $date;
- }
- $num_divisions++;
- }
- $total_votes += $num_votes;
- $max_score += $num_votes * max(array_values($weights));
- }
- if ($total_votes == 0) {
- return null;
- }
- // this implies that all the divisions in the policy have a policy
- // position of absent so we set weight to -1 to indicate we can't
- // really say what the parties position is.
- if ($max_score == 0) {
- $weight = -1;
- } else {
- $weight = 1 - ($score / $max_score);
- }
- $score_desc = score_to_strongly($weight);
- return [
- 'score' => $weight,
- 'position' => $score_desc,
- 'divisions' => $num_divisions,
- 'date_min' => $date_min,
- 'date_max' => $date_max,
- ];
- }
- public function cache_position($position)
- {
- $this->db->query(
- "REPLACE INTO partypolicy
- (party, house, policy_id, score, divisions, date_min, date_max)
- VALUES (:party, 1, :policy_id, :score, :divisions, :date_min, :date_max)",
- array(
- ':score' => $position['score'],
- ':party' => $this->hash,
- ':policy_id' => $position['policy_id'],
- ':divisions' => $position['divisions'],
- ':date_min' => $position['date_min'],
- ':date_max' => $position['date_max'],
- )
- );
- }
- private function fetchPolicyPositionsByMethod($policies, $method)
- {
- $positions = array();
- $party = $this->getParty();
- if ($party == 'Independent') {
- return $positions;
- }
- foreach ($policies->getPolicies() as $policy_id => $policy_text) {
- $data = $this->$method($policy_id);
- if ($data === null) {
- continue;
- }
- $data['policy_id'] = $policy_id;
- $data['desc'] = $policy_text;
- $positions[$policy_id] = $data;
- }
- return $positions;
- }
- private function get_vote_scores($vote)
- {
- $absent = 1;
- $both = 1;
- $agree = 10;
- if (stripos($vote, '3') !== false) {
- $agree = 50;
- $absent = 25;
- $both = 25;
- }
- $scores = array(
- 'absent' => $absent,
- 'both' => $both
- );
- if (stripos($vote, 'aye') !== false) {
- $scores['aye'] = $agree;
- $scores['no'] = 0;
- } else if (stripos($vote, 'no') !== false) {
- $scores['no'] = $agree;
- $scores['aye'] = 0;
- } else {
- $scores['both'] = 0;
- $scores['absent'] = 0;
- $scores['no'] = 0;
- $scores['aye'] = 0;
- }
- return $scores;
- }
- public static function getCohorts()
- {
- $db = new \ParlDB;
- $cohort_list = $db->query(
- "SELECT DISTINCT cohort_hash FROM cohort_assignments"
- );
- $cohorts = array();
- foreach ($cohort_list as $row) {
- $cohort = $row['cohort_hash'];
- $cohorts[] = $cohort;
- }
- return $cohorts;
- }
- public static function getCohortQuery(){
- $membership_query = '
- select member_periods.person_id as person_id,
- md5(concat(start_party, "|", membership_key, "|", IFNULL(absence_key,""))) as cohort_hash
- from
- (select
- person_id,
- REPLACE(COALESCE(m2party), "/Co-operative", "") as "start_party",
- GROUP_CONCAT(concat(entered_house,":", left_house) ORDER BY entered_house) as "membership_key"
- from
- member
-inner join
-select party m2party, person_id m2pid
-from member
- house = :house and entered_house > :cut_off
-and entered_house = (select min(entered_house) from member m3 where house=:house and entered_house > :cut_off and member.person_id=m3.person_id)
-) m2
-ON member.person_id = m2.m2pid
- where
- house = :house and entered_house > :cut_off
- group by person_id
- order by person_id
- )as member_periods
- left join
- (select
- person_id,
- GROUP_CONCAT(concat(start_date,":", end_date)) as "absence_key"
- from
- known_absences
- group by person_id
- order by person_id, start_date
- ) as absences on member_periods.person_id = absences.person_id';
- return $membership_query;
- }
- public static function getHashforPerson($person_id){
- // given a person id, return the hash for that cohort
- $db = new \ParlDB;
- $row = $db->query("SELECT cohort_hash
- FROM cohort_assignments
- WHERE person_id = :person_id",
- array(":person_id" => $person_id))->first();
- if ($row) {
- return $row["cohort_hash"];
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public static function calculatePositions($quiet=true){
- // get current hashes available
- $cohorts = PartyCohort::getCohorts();
- $db = new \ParlDB;
- $policies = new Policies;
- $n_cohorts = count($cohorts);
- // iterate through all hashes and create policy positions
- $cohort_count = 0;
- foreach ( $cohorts as $cohort ) {
- $cohort = new PartyCohort($cohort, true);
- $positions = $cohort->calculateAllPolicyPositions($policies);
- $cohort_count++;
- $db->conn->beginTransaction();
- foreach ( $positions as $position ) {
- $cohort->cache_position( $position );
- }
- $db->conn->commit();
- if (!$quiet) {
- print("$cohort_count/$n_cohorts\n");
- }
- }
- }
- public static function populateCohorts()
- {
- // create the cohort_assignments table from the query
- $db = new \ParlDB;
- $house = 1;
- $cut_off = '1997-01-01';
- $membership_query = self::getCohortQuery();
- $insert_query = "INSERT INTO cohort_assignments (person_id, cohort_hash) $membership_query";
- $db->query("DELETE FROM cohort_assignments");
- $q = $db->query(
- $insert_query,
- array(
- ':house' => $house,
- ":cut_off" => $cut_off
- )
- );
- }
diff --git a/db/0023-remove-party-cohort.sql b/db/0023-remove-party-cohort.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eab6d9054a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db/0023-remove-party-cohort.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+DROP TABLE `known_absences`;
+DROP TABLE `cohort_assignments`;
diff --git a/db/schema.sql b/db/schema.sql
index 006a23f1bf..e78e4c426d 100644
--- a/db/schema.sql
+++ b/db/schema.sql
@@ -554,19 +554,3 @@ CREATE TABLE `topic_epobjects` (
`epobject_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
UNIQUE KEY `topic_object` (`topic_key`, `epobject_id`)
-CREATE TABLE `known_absences` (
- `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
- `person_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `start_date` date NOT NULL default '1000-01-01',
- `end_date` date NOT NULL default '9999-12-31',
- `desc` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
- PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
- KEY `person_id` (`person_id`)
-CREATE TABLE `cohort_assignments`(
- `person_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
- `cohort_hash` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
- PRIMARY KEY (`person_id`)
diff --git a/scripts/dailyupdate b/scripts/dailyupdate
index 867cc93225..518238a9ec 100755
--- a/scripts/dailyupdate
+++ b/scripts/dailyupdate
@@ -30,12 +30,3 @@ system './mpinfoin.pl';
# update individual division votes
system "./json2db.pl >> $cron_log";
-# update party positions
-system "php ./generate_party_positions.php >> $cron_log";
-#unless ($staging) {
-# chdir $pwmembers;
-# system 'svn commit -m "apply updates from twfy"';
diff --git a/scripts/generate_party_positions.php b/scripts/generate_party_positions.php
deleted file mode 100644
index eacbe58ce6..0000000000
--- a/scripts/generate_party_positions.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
@@ -43,21 +51,49 @@
my $personinfo_check = $dbh->prepare("SELECT data_value from personinfo where data_key = ? and person_id = ?");
my $strong_for_policy_check = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) as strong_votes FROM persondivisionvotes JOIN policydivisions USING (division_id) WHERE policy_id = ? AND person_id = ? AND policy_vote LIKE '%3'");
+my $divisioncheck = $dbh->prepare("SELECT division_title, gid, yes_text, no_text, yes_total, no_total, absent_total, both_total, majority_vote FROM divisions WHERE division_id = ?");
+my $divisionadd = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO divisions (division_id, house, division_title, yes_text, no_text, division_date, division_number, gid, yes_total, no_total, absent_total, both_total, majority_vote) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
+my $divisionupdate = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE divisions SET gid = ?, division_title = ?, yes_text = ?, no_text = ?, yes_total = ?, no_total = ?, absent_total = ?, both_total = ?, majority_vote = ? WHERE division_id = ?");
+my $votecheck = $dbh->prepare("SELECT person_id, vote FROM persondivisionvotes WHERE division_id = ?");
+my $voteadd = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO persondivisionvotes (person_id, division_id, vote) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
+my $voteupdate= $dbh->prepare("UPDATE persondivisionvotes SET vote = ? WHERE person_id = ? AND division_id = ?");
+my $partypolicy_replace = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO partypolicy
+ (party, house, policy_id, score, divisions, date_min, date_max)
+ VALUES (?, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$motion_count = $policy_count = $align_count = 0;
my @policyids = fetch_policies();
-my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-$ua->timeout(10); # 10 second timeout
+sub get_url {
+ # simplify retrying urls if they fail
+ my ($url, $retries) = @_;
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+ $ua->timeout(10); # 10 second timeout
+ my $response = $ua->get($url);
+ if ($response->is_success) {
+ return $response->decoded_content;
+ } else {
+ if ($retries > 0) {
+ sleep(30);
+ say "retrying $url" if $verbose;
+ return get_url($url, $retries - 1);
+ } else {
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
foreach my $dreamid ( @policyids ) {
+ say "fetching data for $dreamid" if $verbose;
my $policy_url = mySociety::Config::get('TWFY_VOTES_URL') . '/twfy-compatible/popolo/' . $dreamid . '.json';
- my $response = $ua->get($policy_url);
- unless ($response->is_success) {
- warn "no json file for policy $dreamid at $policy_url";
+ my $policy_json = get_url($policy_url, 3);
+ unless ($policy_json) {
+ warn "no json file for policy $dreamid at $policy_url\n";
- my $policy_json = $response->decoded_content;
my $policy = $json->decode($policy_json);
my $curr_policy = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($policycheck, {}, $dreamid);
@@ -73,6 +109,10 @@
process_policydivisions($policy->{aspects}, $dreamid);
say "processing alignments for $dreamid" if $verbose;
process_alignments($policy->{alignments}, $dreamid);
+ if ( $dev_populate ) {
+ say "Dev mode - Populating divisions for $dreamid" if $verbose;
+ process_motions($policy, $dreamid);
+ }
print "parsed $policy_count policies, $motion_count divisions, and $align_count alignments from JSON\n";
@@ -81,7 +121,7 @@
sub fetch_policies {
my $policies_url = mySociety::Config::get('TWFY_VOTES_URL') . '/policies/commons/active/all.json';
- my $policies_json = get($policies_url);
+ my $policies_json = get_url($policies_url, 3);
my $policies = $json->decode($policies_json);
my @ids;
@@ -173,6 +213,8 @@ sub process_policydivisions {
sub process_alignments {
my ($alignments, $dreamid) = @_;
+ # Set AutoCommit off
+ $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
foreach (@$alignments) {
say $align_count if $verbose && $align_count % 100 == 0;
@@ -189,5 +231,151 @@ sub process_alignments {
my $val = $_->{$term->[1]};
$personinfo_set->execute($person_id, $pw_id, $val, $val);
+ unless ($_->{no_party_comparision}) {
+ my $hash = "$person_id-$_->{comparison_party}";
+ my $divisions = $_->{count_present} + $_->{count_absent};
+ my $start_date = "$_->{start_year}-00-00";
+ my $end_date = "$_->{end_year}-00-00";
+ $partypolicy_replace->execute(
+ $hash, $dreamid, $_->{comparison_distance_from_policy},
+ $divisions, $start_date, $end_date);
+ }
+ $dbh->commit();
+ # Set AutoCommit on
+ $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
+sub process_motions {
+ my ($policy, $dreamid) = @_;
+ # Set AutoCommit off
+ $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
+ for my $motion ( @{ $policy->{aspects} } ) {
+ $motion_count++;
+ if ($verbose && $motion_count % 10 == 0){
+ print("$motion_count\n");
+ };
+ my ($motion_num) = $motion->{motion}->{id} =~ /pw-\d+-\d+-\d+-(\d+)/;
+ my ($house) = $motion->{motion}->{organization_id} =~ /uk\.parliament\.(\w+)/;
+ my $sources = $motion->{motion}->{sources};
+ my $gid = '';
+ foreach my $source (@$sources) {
+ if ( defined $source->{gid} ) {
+ $gid = $source->{gid};
+ }
+ }
+ my $motion_id = $motion->{motion}->{id};
+ my $text = $motion->{motion}->{text};
+ my $curr_division = $dbh->selectrow_hashref($divisioncheck, {}, $motion_id);
+ if ( $curr_division ) {
+ $curr_division->{yes_text} ||= '';
+ $curr_division->{no_text} ||= '';
+ }
+ my $yes_text = '';
+ my $no_text = '';
+ if ( $motion->{motion}->{actions} ) {
+ $yes_text = $motion->{motion}->{actions}->{yes};
+ $no_text = $motion->{motion}->{actions}->{no};
+ }
+ my $totals = {
+ yes => 0,
+ no => 0,
+ absent => 0,
+ both => 0,
+ };
+ my $majority_vote = '';
+ if ( $motion->{motion}->{vote_events}->[0]->{counts} ) {
+ for my $count ( @{ $motion->{motion}->{vote_events}->[0]->{counts} } ) {
+ $totals->{$count->{option}} = $count->{value};
+ }
+ if ($totals->{yes} > $totals->{no}) {
+ $majority_vote = 'aye';
+ } else {
+ $majority_vote = 'no';
+ }
+ }
+ # Ignore tellers in totals
+ $totals->{yes} -= grep { $_->{option} =~ /tellaye/ } @{ $motion->{motion}->{ vote_events }->[0]->{votes} };
+ $totals->{no} -= grep { $_->{option} =~ /tellno/ } @{ $motion->{motion}->{ vote_events }->[0]->{votes} };
+ if ( !defined $curr_division ) {
+ my $r = $divisionadd->execute($motion_id, $house, $motion->{motion}->{text}, $yes_text, $no_text, $motion->{motion}->{date}, $motion_num, $gid, $totals->{yes}, $totals->{no}, $totals->{absent}, $totals->{both}, $majority_vote);
+ unless ( $r > 0 ) {
+ warn "problem creating division $motion_id, skipping motions\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ } elsif ( $curr_division->{division_title} ne $text ||
+ $curr_division->{gid} ne $gid ||
+ $curr_division->{yes_text} ne $yes_text ||
+ $curr_division->{no_text} ne $no_text ||
+ $curr_division->{yes_total} ne $totals->{yes} ||
+ $curr_division->{no_total} ne $totals->{no} ||
+ $curr_division->{absent_total} ne $totals->{absent} ||
+ $curr_division->{both_total} ne $totals->{both} ||
+ $curr_division->{majority_vote} ne $majority_vote
+ ) {
+ my $r = $divisionupdate->execute($gid, $text, $yes_text, $no_text, $totals->{yes}, $totals->{no}, $totals->{absent}, $totals->{both}, $majority_vote, $motion_id);
+ unless ( $r > 0 ) {
+ warn "problem updating division $motion_id from $curr_division->{division_title} to $text AND $curr_division->{gid} to $gid\n";
+ }
+ }
+ my $curr_votes = $dbh->selectall_hashref($votecheck, 'person_id', {}, $motion_id);
+ for my $vote ( @{ $motion->{motion}->{ vote_events }->[0]->{votes} } ) {
+ my $mp_id_num;
+ $mp_id_num = $vote->{id};
+ $mp_id_num =~ s:uk.org.publicwhip/person/::;
+ next unless $mp_id_num;
+ if ( $mp_id_num !~ /^[1-9]\d+$/ ) {
+ print "$mp_id_num doesn't look like a valid person id - skipping vote for $motion_id - " . ($dreamid || "") . "\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ # if we've seen this motion before then don't process it, however we want
+ # to make sure that the strong vote processing below happens so we still
+ # need to look at all the votes, just not update the details of them in
+ # the database
+ if ( !$motions_seen{$motion_id} ) {
+ $vote_count++;
+ if ( !defined $curr_votes->{$mp_id_num} ) {
+ $voteadd->execute($mp_id_num, $motion_id, $vote->{option});
+ $curr_votes->{$mp_id_num} = { vote => $vote->{option}};
+ } elsif ( $curr_votes->{$mp_id_num}->{vote} ne $vote->{option} ) {
+ # because we probably want to know if this ever happens
+ print "updating $motion_id vote for $mp_id_num from " . $curr_votes->{$mp_id_num}->{vote} . " to " . $vote->{option} . "\n";
+ my $r = $voteupdate->execute($vote->{option}, $mp_id_num, $motion_id);
+ unless ( $r > 0 ) {
+ warn "problem updating $motion_id vote for $mp_id_num from " . $curr_votes->{$mp_id_num}->{vote} . " to " . $vote->{option} . "\n"
+ . DBI->errstr . "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # some divisions are in more than one policy and we want to take note of
+ # this so we can skip processing of them
+ if ( !$motions_seen{$motion_id} ) {
+ $motions_seen{$motion_id} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->commit();
+ # Set AutoCommit on
+ $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scripts/quick-populate b/scripts/quick-populate
index 27e60d1993..9f54952181 100755
--- a/scripts/quick-populate
+++ b/scripts/quick-populate
@@ -9,9 +9,7 @@ echo 'Downloading minimal data'
rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/scrapedxml/debates/debates2022-01* data/pwdata
rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/scrapedjson data/pwdata
rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/people.json data/pwdata
-rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/scrapedxml/divisionsonly/divisions2022-01* data/pwdata
rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/scrapedxml/regmem data/pwdata
echo 'Downloading minimal Senedd'
rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/scrapedxml/senedd/en/senedd2022-01* data/pwdata
rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkforyou.com::parldata/scrapedxml/senedd/cy/senedd2022-01* data/pwdata
@@ -22,8 +20,8 @@ rsync -az --progress --exclude '.svn' --exclude 'tmp/' --relative data.theyworkf
echo 'Load people into database'
-echo 'Load divisions/policies from json'
-scripts/json2db.pl --verbose
+echo 'Load policies and votes from twfy-votes'
+scripts/json2db.pl --verbose --dev-populate
echo 'Load Jan 2022 debates and divisions'
scripts/xml2db.pl --debates --wales --scotland --all
@@ -32,9 +30,6 @@ scripts/xml2db.pl --debates --wales --scotland --all
echo 'Importing MP extra info for voting comparison'
scripts/mpinfoin.pl publicwhip
-echo 'Generate party positions on issues'
-php scripts/generate_party_positions.php
echo 'Generate search index'
search/index.pl all
-echo 'Quick setup completed'
\ No newline at end of file
+echo 'Quick setup completed'
diff --git a/tests/PartyTest.php b/tests/PartyTest.php
index b25fe94a07..f018e951f9 100644
--- a/tests/PartyTest.php
+++ b/tests/PartyTest.php
@@ -32,67 +32,16 @@ public function testLoad()
- public function testSameDateRangeSameCohort()
- {
- // Person ID 1 and 2 should have the same cohort
- // They both belong to A party and have the same date ranges
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(1);
- $cohortkeya = $member->cohortKey();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(2);
- $cohortkeyb = $member->cohortKey();
- $this->assertEquals($cohortkeya, $cohortkeyb);
- }
- public function testdifferentDatesDifferentCohorts()
- {
- //A third MP, but with a known absence added, end up in different cohorts.
- //Person ID 3 has a known absence, and so should be in a different cohort to 1.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
- $query = MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::getCohortQuery();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(1);
- $cohortkeya = $member->cohortKey();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(3);
- $cohortkeyb = $member->cohortKey();
- $this->assertNotEquals($cohortkeya, $cohortkeyb);
- }
- public function testdifferentPartiesDifferentCohorts()
- {
- //Two MPs of different parties with the same date range end up in different cohorts.
- //Person ID 1 and person ID 4 should have different cohorts.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(1);
- $cohortkeya = $member->cohortKey();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(4);
- $cohortkeyb = $member->cohortKey();
- $this->assertNotEquals($cohortkeya, $cohortkeyb);
- }
public function testTwoLabourPartiesAreOneParty()
- //A labour and labour/coop mp with the same date ranges end up in the same cohort.
+ //A labour and labour/coop mp end up in the same cohort.
//Person ID 5 and 6 have the same cohort.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(5);
- $cohortkeya = $member->cohortKey();
+ $cohortkeya = $member->cohortParty();
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(6);
- $cohortkeyb = $member->cohortKey();
+ $cohortkeyb = $member->cohortParty();
$this->assertEquals($cohortkeya, $cohortkeyb);
@@ -101,12 +50,9 @@ public function testPartyChangerComparison()
//An MP who changes party should have their first party as their comparison party.
// Person id 7, has changed party but should have 'A Party' not 'C Party' as their comparison party.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(7);
$comparison_party = $member->cohortParty();
- $this->assertEquals($comparison_party, "A Party");
+ $this->assertEquals($comparison_party, "a-party");
@@ -114,12 +60,9 @@ public function testManualPartyChangerComparison()
// Person 10172 has changed party but has a manual override so should use their last party
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(10172);
$comparison_party = $member->cohortParty();
- $this->assertEquals($comparison_party, "I Party");
+ $this->assertEquals($comparison_party, "i-party");
@@ -127,12 +70,9 @@ public function testSpeakerPartyChangerComparison()
// Person 25 is the speaker, and so doesn't get their former party comparison.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(25);
$comparison_party = $member->cohortParty();
- $this->assertEquals($comparison_party, "Speaker");
+ $this->assertEquals($comparison_party, "speaker");
@@ -141,39 +81,20 @@ public function testComparisonDateRange()
//A policy comparison for a policy with divisions that include 1 outside an mps memberships will not include that division.
// Person 1 should end up with a policy with a comparison period for policy 1120 starting in 2002 and ending in 2006
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$positions = $this->positionsForPersonID(1);
$specific_policy = $positions[1120];
- $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_min"], "2002-01-01");
- $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_max"], "2006-05-01");
+ $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_min"], "2002-00-00");
+ $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_max"], "2006-00-00");
public function testComparisonDateLongerRange()
//For same policy as testComparisonDateExclusion, someone with a longer range should have a different date_min
// Person 8 starts from 1995, so should end with a comparison period for policy 1120 in 1998.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(1);
- $cohortkeya = $member->cohortKey();
- $member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(8);
- $cohortkeyb = $member->cohortKey();
- $this->assertNotEquals($cohortkeya, $cohortkeyb);
$positions = $this->positionsForPersonID(8);
$specific_policy = $positions['1120'];
- $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_min"], "1998-01-01");
- $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_max"], "2006-05-01");
+ $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_min"], "1998-00-00");
+ $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_max"], "2006-00-00");
@@ -183,15 +104,10 @@ public function testComparisonDateExclusions()
// Person 3 has a known absence during 2006, and so their cohort will only cover the one division for 1120
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$positions = $this->positionsForPersonID(3);
$specific_policy = $positions['1120'];
- $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_min"], "2002-01-01");
- $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_max"], "2002-01-01");
+ $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_min"], "2002-00-00");
+ $this->assertEquals($specific_policy["date_max"], "2002-00-00");
public function testPartyChangeHistoryRobustness(){
@@ -202,9 +118,6 @@ public function testPartyChangeHistoryRobustness(){
//10 and 12 vote the same way of on the division for policy 1124 in 2014, 11 and 13 vote the opposite way.
//The cohort position should be the same for the cohorts person 10, 12 and 13 belong to.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$positionsa = $this->positionsForPersonID(10)[1124];
$positionsb = $this->positionsForPersonID(12)[1124];
$positionsc = $this->positionsForPersonID(13)[1124];
@@ -233,9 +146,6 @@ public function testCalcAndGetPolicyPositions()
# Calculate all party positions
# For an A Party MP (1), get their cohort's preference
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$positions = $this->positionsForPersonID(1);
$comparison = array('1113' => $positions['1113'], '810' => $positions['810']);
@@ -246,8 +156,8 @@ public function testCalcAndGetPolicyPositions()
'score' => '0.5',
'desc' => 'an equal number of electors per parliamentary constituency',
'divisions' => 1,
- 'date_min' => '2021-02-11',
- 'date_max' => '2021-02-11',
+ 'date_min' => '2021-00-00',
+ 'date_max' => '2021-00-00',
'policy_id' => 1113
'810' => array(
@@ -255,8 +165,8 @@ public function testCalcAndGetPolicyPositions()
'score' => '0.5',
'desc' => 'greater regulation of gambling',
'divisions' => 1,
- 'date_min' => '2021-02-11',
- 'date_max' => '2021-02-11',
+ 'date_min' => '2021-00-00',
+ 'date_max' => '2021-00-00',
'policy_id' => 810
@@ -269,9 +179,6 @@ public function testCalcAndGetPolicyPositionsForIndependents()
# Independent MPs should not have policy positions
# MP 14 is an independent MP
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$positions = $this->positionsForPersonID(14);
$this->assertEquals(array(), $positions);
@@ -282,12 +189,9 @@ public function testGetRestrictedPositions()
# Person 1 is a member of party A.
# Party A should have no policies for polices 6667
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId(1);
- $cohortkey = $member->cohortKey();
- $cohort = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort($cohortkey, true);
+ $party = $member->cohortParty();
+ $cohort = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort(1, $party);
$policies = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\Policies(6667);
$positions = $cohort->getAllPolicyPositions($policies);
$expectedPositions = array();
@@ -301,9 +205,6 @@ public function testCalculatePositionsPolicyAbsent()
# were absent (-1)
# Person 6 is a coop MP
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$data = $this->positionsForPersonID(6);
$data = $data['996'];
@@ -319,9 +220,6 @@ public function testAbsentVoteDoesNotEffectPolicyDuringAbsence()
# Person 2 (in party A) should have a cohort policy score
# that is just (aye) (0)
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$data = $this->positionsForPersonID(2);
$data = $data['363'];
@@ -341,8 +239,8 @@ public function testGetAllParties()
private function positionsForPersonID($person_id)
$member = $this->getMemberFromPersonId($person_id);
- $cohortkey = $member->cohortKey();
- $cohort = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort($cohortkey, true);
+ $party = $member->cohortParty();
+ $cohort = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort($person_id, $party);
$policies = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\Policies();
$positions = $cohort->getAllPolicyPositions($policies);
@@ -351,25 +249,13 @@ private function positionsForPersonID($person_id)
private function getMemberFromPersonId($person_id)
- $db = new \ParlDB;
- $row = $db->query(
- "select member_id from member where person_id = :person_id order by entered_house desc",
- array(":person_id" => $person_id)
- )->first();
- if ($row) {
- return new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\Member($row);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
+ return new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\Member([ "person_id" => $person_id ]);
public function testMPPartyPolicyTextWhenDiffers()
// Checks that an MP that differs from party gets the 'sometimes differs from their party' on the profile page
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$page = $this->fetch_page(array('pid' => 15, 'url' => '/mp/15/test_mp_g_party_1/test_westminster_constituency'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test MP G Party 1', $page);
$this->assertStringContainsString('is a G Party MP', $page);
@@ -379,8 +265,6 @@ public function testMPPartyPolicyTextWhenDiffers()
public function testSingleMemberPartyPolicyText()
// this test checks it doesn't say they are an X party MP when they are the only MP of that party
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$page = $this->fetch_page(array('pid' => 7, 'url' => '/mp/7/test_mp_g/test_westminster_constituency'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test MP G', $page);
$this->assertStringNotContainsString('is a B Party MP', $page);
@@ -390,8 +274,6 @@ public function testMPPartyPolicyWherePartyMissingPositions()
// When an MP has votes, but there is no broader party policy to compare it to
// this goes down a funnel that shows the votes, but does not make the comparison to party.
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$page = $this->fetch_page(array('pid' => 4, 'url' => '/mp/4/test_mp_d/test_westminster_constituency'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test MP D', $page);
$this->assertStringContainsString('This is a random selection of Mrs Test MP D’s votes', $page);
@@ -402,8 +284,6 @@ public function testMPPartyPolicyWherePartyMissingPositions()
public function testMPPartyPolicyTextWhenAgrees()
// Test when an MP mostly agrees with their party, as MP G Party 2 does with party G
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$page = $this->fetch_page(array('pid' => 16, 'url' => '/mp/16/test_mp_g_party_2/test_westminster_constituency'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test MP G Party 2', $page);
@@ -414,8 +294,6 @@ public function testMPPartyPolicyTextWhenAgrees()
public function testCrossPartyDisclaimer()
// Test if the cross party disclaimer is there
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::populateCohorts();
- MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort::calculatePositions();
$page = $this->fetch_page(array('pagetype' => 'votes', 'pid' => 7, 'url' => '/mp/7/test_mp_g/test_westminster_constituency/votes'));
$this->assertStringContainsString('Test MP G', $page);
$this->assertStringContainsString('In the votes below they are compared to their original party', $page);
diff --git a/tests/_fixtures/cohorts.xml b/tests/_fixtures/cohorts.xml
index 27ddd43ac8..8821dc5ca7 100644
--- a/tests/_fixtures/cohorts.xml
+++ b/tests/_fixtures/cohorts.xml
@@ -745,15 +745,6 @@
- 1
- 3
- 2006-01-01
- 2007-01-01
- health
@@ -1064,7 +1055,107 @@
+ 1
+ 1-a-party
+ 1120
+ 0.5
+ 10
+ 2002-00-00
+ 2006-00-00
+ 1
+ 3-a-party
+ 1120
+ 0.5
+ 10
+ 2002-00-00
+ 2002-00-00
+ 1
+ 8-a-party
+ 1120
+ 0.5
+ 10
+ 1998-00-00
+ 2006-00-00
+ 1
+ 10-d-party
+ 1124
+ 0.5
+ 10
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2023-01-01
+ 1
+ 12-e-party
+ 1124
+ 0.5
+ 10
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2023-01-01
+ 1
+ 13-e-party
+ 1124
+ 0.5
+ 10
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2023-01-01
+ 1
+ 1-a-party
+ 1113
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ 2021-00-00
+ 2021-00-00
+ 1
+ 1-a-party
+ 810
+ 0.5
+ 1
+ 2021-00-00
+ 2021-00-00
+ 1
+ 6-labour
+ 996
+ -1
+ 10
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2023-01-01
+ 1
+ 2-a-party
+ 363
+ 0
+ 10
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2023-01-01
+ 1
+ 15-g-party
+ 1113
+ 0.87
+ 1
+ 2022-01-01
+ 2023-01-01
@@ -1075,4 +1166,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/_fixtures/divisions.xml b/tests/_fixtures/divisions.xml
index 5f09034d48..3dfe55a290 100644
--- a/tests/_fixtures/divisions.xml
+++ b/tests/_fixtures/divisions.xml
@@ -1,24 +1,6 @@
Test Westminster Constituency
@@ -26,41 +8,6 @@
Test Constituency Value
- 1
- Test Hansard Section
- 2
- com.theyworkforyou/test/hansard/2
- 11
- 2014-01-01
- 10:00
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
@@ -289,14 +236,6 @@
@@ -931,21 +870,5 @@
diff --git a/www/docs/mp/index.php b/www/docs/mp/index.php
index 3056ab2489..0682b51cf5 100644
--- a/www/docs/mp/index.php
+++ b/www/docs/mp/index.php
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ function person_party_policy_diffs($MEMBER, $policiesList, $only_diffs) {
$policySummaries = $divisions->getMemberDivisionDetails();
$party = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\Party($MEMBER->party());
- $partyCohort = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort($MEMBER->cohortKey());
+ $partyCohort = new MySociety\TheyWorkForYou\PartyCohort($MEMBER->person_id(), $MEMBER->cohortParty());
$data['party_positions'] = $partyCohort->getAllPolicyPositions($policiesList);
# house hard coded as this is only used for the party position
# comparison which is Commons only