This file contains definitions of the questions. It should have one tab per section with all the questions for that section one per row.
The columns are:
- question_no - either a number of number followed by letter for multi part e,g 1a
- topic
- question - question text
- criteria
- clarifications
- how_marked - one of Volunteer Research, National Data, FOI
- weighting - unweighted, low, medium, high
- district - Yes if applies to district councils, blank otherwise
- single_tier
- county
- northern_ireland
- question_type - how the question will be answers (see below)
- points - number of points question is worth before weighting
- option_[1-n] - possible option answers for multuple choice questions
- Y/N - true/false question
- blank - true/false
- Tick all that apply - multi select question
- Tiered answer/multiple choice - multiple choice question
This is for bulk assigning volunteers to the first mark. The columns used are:
- First name
- Last name
- Council Area - volunteers own council which they will not be assigned
- Type of Volunteering - used to determine how many councils to assign
- Assigned Section - section to assign user to
You can have multiple tabs for different stages but the name of the used tab is hard coded in the script.