MyMonero Desktop
In order to produce a production build, you must first have installed all of the electron-builder
required system packages for building apps for the desired platforms. See electron-builder.
Would suggest electron-builder be installed globally.
Please note: in order to create a production build for Mac, you must be on a Mac, you'll need an installed Mac developer certificate to sign the build with, and you'll need to copy electron-builder.env.example
to electron-builder.env
. to specify the name of your own certificate signing identity. To do so, edit electron-builder.env
by updating CSC_NAME
with your identity name, which can be found via
Builds require that you have done npm install
and have electron-builder installed globally on your system.
Currently the MyMonero builds are done on MacOS with parallels desktop pro edition this is to allow the hardware certificate signing of the windows build. This is not required if you run the commands in windows yourself.
For MacOS builds you can run the following:
electron-builder -m
For Linux you can run the following:
electron-builder -l
For Windows x64 you can run the following:
electron-builder -w --x64
For Windows ia32 you can run the following:
electron-builder -w --ia32
MyMonero releases are done as follows:
MacOS and linux builds can be done at the same time. the binaries are published to GitHub under a draft release.
electron-builder -ml -p always
Windows builds for both 32bit and 64 bit can be done at the same time. They are required to be seperate from the Linux releases as adding the --ia32 flag will try build a 32 bit linux version which does not work.
electron-builder -w --ia32 --x64 -p always
SHA256 values are generated for the local build files.
(cd dist/ ; for i in *.*; do shasum -a 256 "$i" ; done)
Once release has been published the release is gpg signed.
This is done via downloading the zipped archive. cant be downloaded with Safari as it automatically unzips the folder.
gpg --armor --detach-sign mymonero-app-js-1.x.xx.tar.gz
This produces the .asc file which is then uploaded and added to the release