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File metadata and controls

63 lines (56 loc) · 2.43 KB

File structure

Your project folder contains a lot of files that were generated for you. To give you a good understanding of which files do what, we organized them by groups in this document. Also the relevant files for each topic are also mentioned in the other Guides.

Cordova related files and folders

config.xml  # configuration of your Cordova project
platforms/  # platforms you installed
plugins/    # plugins you installed
www/        # will contain the build of your web app, before Cordova is added

Gulp tasks and dependencies

bower.json    # dependencies like Angular & Ionic installed to app/bower_components/
gulpfile.js   # configuration of all the Gulp tasks
gulp/         # more Gulp tasks
package.json  # dependencies like Gulp plugins installed to node_modules/

Application files

  └── index.html # single most important file, everything is wired together here
  └── app.js     # include modules YOU create, for now only 'main'
  └── main/      # all other app files, angular files, styles, assets, ...
    ├── assets/      # assets: fonts, images, translation, etc... go here
    ├── constants/   # angular constants
    ├── controllers/ # angular controllers
    ├── directives/  # angular directives
    ├── filters/     # angular filters
    ├── services/    # angular services
    ├── styles/      # scss styles
    ├── templates/   # angular templates
    └── main.js      # routing, angular module dependencies
  └── otherModle/ # possibly more modules
  └── ...

Files related to quality and testing

.eslintrc          # ESLint base configuration
.eslintignore      # ESLint ignore configuration
  └── karma           # karma unit test
  └── protractor      # protractor e2e tests
karma.conf.js      # karma configuration
protractor.conf.js # protractor configuration

Additional files

res/             # resources folder for splash screens and app icons
.bowerrc         # bower configuration
.editorconfig    # editor configuration
.gitattributes   # git's attribute configuration
.gitignore       # git's ignore configuration
.travis.yml      # travis continuous integration configuration
.yo-rc.json      # yeoman's .yo-rc.json       # shell script for jenkins continuous integration        # the generator's