When we assign a value of one type to a variable of another type, type casting performed.
- Automatic conversions casting
- Incompatible type casting
If the two types are compatible and the destination type is larger than the source type, this is automatic casting.
To create a conversion between two incompatible types, you must use a cast. It is simply an explicit type conversion, general form:
(target-type) value
An array is a group of like-typed variables, commomly reffered by a common name. It may has one or more dimensions with elements accessed by their index.
An array is specifically a list of like-typed variables. Simply general form:
type var-name[];
array-var = new type[size];
type var-name[] = new type[size];
Multidimentional arrays are implemented as arrays of arrays. Like:
type name[][] = new type[][]; (2D)
type name[][][] = new type[][][]; (3D)
basically defines a new data type, a class is the template for an object & object is instance of class.
class classname {
= new
Method Syntax:
type name(parameter-list) {
//body of method
Constructor initializes an object immediately upon creation. It has the same name as the class.
class class-name {
class-name(parameter-list) {
Recursion is the process of defining something in terms of itself, it allows a method to call itself. Use if
statement with recursion otherwise method will never terminate.
data-type ... variable-name
Thus, VarArgs are specified by three periods(...). This syntax tells the compiler that variable number of arguments will be used, these args will be stored in an array referred to var-name.
Category | Private | No Modifier | Protected | Public |
Same class | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Same package subclass | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Same package non-subclass | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Different package subclass | No | No | Yes | Yes |
Different package non-subclass | No | No | No | Yes |
Unchecked Exceptions: exceptions need not to be included in any method's throws
Checked Exceptions: exceptions that must be included in a method's throws
list if that method can generate one of these exceptions & does not handle it itself.
- ArithmeticException
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- ArrayStoreException
- ClassCastException
- EnumConstantNotPresentException
- IllegalArgumentException
- IllegalCallerException
- IllegalMonitorStateException
- IllegalStateException
- IllegalThreadStateException
- IndexOutOfBoundsException
- LayerInstantiationException
- NegativeArraySizeException
- NullPointerException
- NumberFormatException
- SecurityException
- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- TypeNotPresentException
- UnsupportedOperationException
- ClassNotFoundException
- CloneNotSupportedException
- IllegalAccessException
- InstantiationException
- InterruptedException
- NoSuchFieldException
- NoSuchMethodException
- ReflectiveOperationException