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+**use-travel** • [**Docs**](globals.md)
+# use-travel
+![Node CI](https://github.com/mutativejs/use-travel/workflows/Node%20CI/badge.svg)
+[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/mutativejs/use-travel/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://coveralls.io/github/mutativejs/use-travel?branch=main)
+A React hook for state time travel with undo, redo, reset and archive functionalities.
+### Motivation
+`use-travel` is a small and high-performance library for state time travel. It's built on [Mutative](https://github.com/mutativejs/mutative) to support mutation updating immutable data. It's designed to be simple and easy to use, and it's also customizable for different use cases.
+It's suitable for building any time travel feature in your application.
+### Installation
+npm install use-travel mutative
+# or
+yarn add use-travel mutative
+### Features
+- Undo/Redo/Reset/Go/Archive functionalities
+- Mutations update immutable data
+- Small size for time travel with Patches history
+- Customizable history size
+- Customizable initial patches
+- High performance
+- Mark function for custom immutability
+### Example
+- [Basic](https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-xfw3uk?file=src%2FApp.js)
+- [Manual Time Travel](https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-3mnzq9?file=src%2FApp.js)
+### API
+You can use `useTravel` to create a time travel state. And it returns a tuple with the current state, the state setter, and the controls. The controls include `back()`, `forward()`, `reset()`, `canBack()`, `canForward()`, `canArchive()`, `getHistory()`, `patches`, `position`, `archive()`, and `go()`.
+import { useTravel } from 'use-travel';
+const App = () => {
+ const [state, setState, controls] = useTravel(0, {
+ maxHistory: 10,
+ initialPatches: {
+ patches: [],
+ inversePatches: [],
+ },
+ });
+ return (
+ );
+### Parameters
+| Parameter | type | description | default |
+| ----------------- | ------------- | ------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |
+| `maxHistory` | number | The maximum number of history to keep | 10 |
+| `initialPatches` | TravelPatches | The initial patches | {patches: [],inversePatches: []} |
+| `initialPosition` | number | The initial position of the state | 0 |
+| `autoArchive` | boolean | Auto archive the state | true |
+### Returns
+| Return | type | description |
+| --------------------- | ------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| `state` | Value | The current state |
+| `setState` | Updater> | The state setter, support mutation update or return immutable data |
+| `controls.back` | (amount?: number) => void | Go back to the previous state |
+| `controls.forward` | (amount?: number) => void | Go forward to the next state |
+| `controls.reset` | () => void | Reset the state to the initial state |
+| `controls.canBack` | () => boolean | Check if can go back to the previous state |
+| `controls.canForward` | () => boolean | Check if can go forward to the next state |
+| `controls.canArchive` | () => boolean | Check if can archive the current state |
+| `controls.getHistory` | () => T[] | Get the history of the state |
+| `controls.patches` | TravelPatches[] | Get the patches history of the state |
+| `controls.position` | number | Get the current position of the state |
+| `controls.go` | (nextPosition: number) => void | Go to the specific position of the state |
+| `controls.archive` | () => void | Archive the current state(the `autoArchive` options should be `false`) |
+> `TravelPatches` is the type of patches history, it includes `patches` and `inversePatches`.
+> If you want to control the state travel manually, you can set the `autoArchive` option to `false`, and use the `controls.archive` function to archive the state.
+> If you want to persist the state, you can use `state`/`controls.patches`/`controls.position` to save the travel history. Then, read the persistent data as `initialState`, `initialPatches`, and `initialPosition` when initializing the state, like this:
+const [state, setState, controls] = useTravel(initialState, {
+ initialPatches,
+ initialPosition,
+## License
+`use-travel` is [MIT licensed](https://github.com/mutativejs/use-travel/blob/main/LICENSE).
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+[**use-travel**](../README.md) • **Docs**
+[use-travel](../globals.md) / useTravel
+# Function: useTravel()
+> **useTravel**\<`S`, `F`, `A`\>(`initialState`, `_options`): `Result`\<`S`, `F`, `A`\>
+A hook to travel in the history of a state
+## Type parameters
+• **S**
+• **F** *extends* `boolean`
+• **A** *extends* `boolean`
+## Parameters
+• **initialState**: `S`
+• **\_options**: `Options`\<`F`, `A`\>= `{}`
+## Returns
+`Result`\<`S`, `F`, `A`\>
+## Source
diff --git a/docs/globals.md b/docs/globals.md
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+[**use-travel**](README.md) • **Docs**
+# use-travel
+## Functions
+- [useTravel](functions/useTravel.md)
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