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executable file
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File metadata and controls

executable file
65 lines (42 loc) · 3.3 KB

If builds are broken, Maven is not working properly, or classpaths are not configured right or if they are corrupted, try the following steps.

Build path configuration... (Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path)

Source folders

-- FitExample/src/main/java -> contains java source packages
-- FitExample/src/test/java -> contains java test packages with JUnit and JUnit fitnesse tests and suites
Output folders (binaries)
-- FitExample/target/classes -> contains java source class files
-- FitExample/target/test-classes -> contains java test class files

To reconfigure source folders in build path

a. Remove present source folder
b. Add source folders ending with /java suffix as above
c. Define output folders for each as above (select "Allow output folders for source folders")

To add libraries (jar files) explicitly to build path

a. Go to Libraries
b. Add latest JRE as a library
c. Add JUnit 4 as a library if not present
d. Add cobertura-2.0.3.jar as an external jar (in FitnesseDir)
e. Add fitnesse-standalone.jar as an external jar

Rebuilding Maven project (command line: mvn <goal>)

  • Maven build: use goal compile (should download all dependencies specified in .pom at first run)
  • Maven cobertura coverage analysis : use goal cobertura:cobertura (instruments source files, runs tests, and creates coverage reports) => output in target/coverage-reports
  • Maven test: use goal test (runs unit and fitnesse tests using sure-fire plugin; no coverage analysis) => output in target/surefire-reports and target/fitnesse-reports
  • Maven clean: use goal clean (deletes all reports folders)
  • If things look odd: perform Maven->Update Project after a run/build to update folders
  • If build state is corrupted: try Project->Clean and don't run Maven clean

Running Fitnesse server (located inside FitnesseDir)

java -jar fitnesse-standalone.jar -p 8080 (or use another port, don't use port 80)

Open a browser window, go to:


and edit path files if necessary. Normally only one path, the one in the System Property Fixture, needs to be absolute and and changed. The other classpaths should work if you retain the folder structure.

Try that this works buy a Maven build with goal cobertura:cobertura. This should generate coverage reports in target/coverage-reports.

If not using Maven

Include cobertura-2.0.3.jar and fitnesse-standalone.jar in the Java buildpath.

For test converage reports:

  1. Run in console the with the right arguments.
  2. Rerun all tests and suites in the browser using Fitnesse server.
  3. Run in console the with the right arguments.

FitNesse.MyFitExamples.WeeklyTimesheet.TimesheetHeader describes the arguments of the scripts.

Windows (.bat) scripts need to be updated since they use stale libraries in the classpath options. The Linus (.sh) scripts should be correct.

To view reports

To view test run and coverage reports, check *.html files in target/coverage-reports, target/surefire-reports and target/fitnesse-reports. The root, if it exists, is the index.html in each case.