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Distributed Key-Value Store

A fully functional Distributed Key-Value Store implemented in Go using gRPC. It supports basic CRUD operations (PUT, GET, and DELETE) with consistent hashing to distribute keys across multiple nodes. This project demonstrates distributed systems concepts, focusing on horizontal scalability, consistency, and efficient data distribution.


  • Distributed System: Keys are evenly distributed across nodes using consistent hashing.
  • gRPC for Communication: Nodes communicate with each other using gRPC.
  • Node-to-Node Forwarding: Requests are forwarded to the responsible node if necessary.
  • Thread-Safe In-Memory Storage: Local storage uses a thread-safe map for concurrency.
  • Horizontal Scalability: Easily add nodes to the cluster by modifying the hash ring.

Project Structure

├── kvstore/
│     ├── kvstore.proto          # Protocol Buffers definition
│     ├── kvstore.pb.go          # Generated Protobuf code
│     ├── kvstore_grpc.pb.go     # Generated gRPC code
├── store/
│     ├── kvstore.go             # In-memory Key-Value Store logic
├── hash/
│     ├── hash_ring.go           # Consistent Hashing logic
├── main.go                      # gRPC server with node-to-node communication
├── go.mod                       # Go module file
└──                    # Documentation

How it Works

  1. Consistent Hashing:

    • Distributes keys across nodes using consistent hashing, ensuring even distribution and minimizing rehashing when nodes are added or removed.
  2. gRPC for Communication:

    • Handles communication between clients and nodes, as well as between nodes for forwarding requests.
  3. Node-to-Node Communication:

    • Requests for keys not owned by the current node are forwarded to the correct node.
  4. Thread-Safe Local Storage:

    • Each node uses a thread-safe in-memory map with read/write locks to store key-value pairs.

Setup and Installation


  1. Install Go (1.20+):
  2. Install Protocol Buffers (protoc):
  3. Install the Go gRPC plugins:
    go install
    go install

Clone the repository

git clone

Generate gRPC Code

Make sure protoc is in your PATH. Then run:

protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. kvstore.proto

This will generate the following files:

  1. kvstore.pb.go: Protobuf message definitions.
  2. kvstore_grpc.pb.go: gRPC service stubs.

Install Dependencies

go mod tidy

Run the Server

go run main.go

Node 2

Edit the currentNode value in main.go to localhost:50052:

currentNode := "localhost:50052"

Step 2: Test the System

You can test the distributed key-value store using BloomRPC, grpcurl, or a custom client.

Using BloomRPC

  1. Import the kvstore.proto file into BloomRPC.
  2. Set the server address (e.g., localhost:50051).
  3. Use the Put, Get, and Delete methods to interact with the key-value store.
  4. Using grpcurl
  5. Install grpcurl:
go install

Run the following commands to interact with the server:

Put a key-value pair:

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "mykey", "value": "myvalue"}' localhost:50051 pb.KeyValueService.Put

Get the value of a key:

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "mykey"}' localhost:50051 pb.KeyValueService.Get

Delete a key:

grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"key": "mykey"}' localhost:50051 pb.KeyValueService.Delete

Code Walkthrough

Local In-Memory Store (store/kvstore.go)

A thread-safe map is used to store key-value pairs:

type KeyValueStore struct {
    mu    sync.RWMutex
    store map[string]string

// Put stores a key-value pair.
func (kv *KeyValueStore) Put(key, value string) {
    defer[key] = value

// Get retrieves a value by key.
func (kv *KeyValueStore) Get(key string) (string, bool) {
    value, found :=[key]
    return value, found

// Delete removes a key-value pair.
func (kv *KeyValueStore) Delete(key string) {
    delete(, key)

Consistent Hashing (hash/hash_ring.go)

Used to evenly distribute keys across nodes.

type HashRing struct {
    nodes    []string
    replicas int
    ring     map[int]string
    sorted   []int

// AddNode adds a new node to the ring.
func (h *HashRing) AddNode(node string) { ... }

// GetNode returns the node responsible for a given key.
func (h *HashRing) GetNode(key string) string { ... }

gRPC Server (main.go)

Handles gRPC requests and forwards them to the appropriate node.

type Server struct {
    store       *store.KeyValueStore
    hashRing    *hash.HashRing
    currentNode string
    nodes       []string

func (s *Server) Put(ctx context.Context, req *pb.PutRequest) (*pb.PutResponse, error) { ... }
func (s *Server) Get(ctx context.Context, req *pb.GetRequest) (*pb.GetResponse, error) { ... }
func (s *Server) Delete(ctx context.Context, req *pb.DeleteRequest) (*pb.DeleteResponse, error) { ... }

Future Improvements

  • Persistent Storage: Implement a persistent storage solution (e.g., Redis) for data durability.
  • Leader Election: Add a leader election mechanism to handle node failures.
  • Monitoring and Metrics: Implement monitoring and metrics collection for the distributed system.
  • Load Balancing: Implement load balancing to distribute requests evenly across nodes.
  • Encryption: Add encryption for data in transit and at rest.
  • Authentication: Implement authentication and authorization for the gRPC server.