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Deploy cold path analysis using HDInsight

This guide assumes IoT Hub has been previously deployed. Otherwise follow this guide

Step 1:

Fill in the following parameters of src/ColdPath/ColdPathDeployment/azuredeploy.parameters.json:

clusterName: A name for the HDInsight cluster
clusterLoginUserName: an username for the HDInsight cluster
clusterLoginPassword: a password for the HDInsight cluster
IotHubName: existing IoT Hub name
IotHubResourceGroup: resource group name of the IoT Hub

cd src/ColdPath/ColdPathDeployment

az group deployment create -n <deployment-name> \
  -g <resource-group> --template-file azuredeploy.json \
  --parameters azuredeploy.parameters.json

Step 2

Create a blob storage container named "telemetry" in the telemetry storage account created in step 1.

az storage container create --name telemetry --account-name <telemetry-storage-account-name> --account-key <telemetry-storage-access-key>

Step 3

Configure IoT Hub instance with a custom Azure Storage container endpoint pointing to the cold telemetry storage container created in step 2.
Message routing -> Custom endpoints -> Add -> Blob Storage -> Select telemetry storage connainter created in step 2.

More info:

Step 4

Configure IoT Hub instance with a default message route that sends device event messages to the default events endpoint.

az iot hub update -n <iot-hub-name> -g <iot-hub-resource-group> --add properties.routing.routes "{'condition':'true', 'endpointNames':['events'], 'isEnabled':True, 'name':'defaulteventroute', 'source':'DeviceMessages'}"

Step 5

Configure IoT Hub instance with a custom route that sends device event messages to the custom storage endpoint created in step 3.

az iot hub update -n <iot-hub-name> -g <iot-hub-resource-group-name> --add properties.routing.routes "{'condition':'true', 'endpointNames':['<custom-storage-endpoint-name>'], 'isEnabled':True, 'name':'storageroute', 'source':'DeviceMessages'}"

More info:

Step 6

Upload src\ColdPath\HiveApplication\HiveQueries\telemetry.avsc schema to the cold telemetry blob container created in step 2.

Note: The telemetry.avsc file was generated using the following steps:

  1. Download the Avro tools (
  2. Run the following command to extract the schema from a sample of the telemetry
java -jar $AVRO_TOOLS_PATH/avro-tools-1.8.2.jar getschema $SAMPLE_TELEMETRY_FILE > telemetry.avsc

Step 7

Update src\ColdPath\HiveApplication\HiveQueries\createrawtelemetrytable.hql with the Azure Storage account of cold telemetry account created in step 1. Also update src\ColdPath\HiveApplication\HiveQueries\createrawtelemetrytable.hql with the IoT Hub name.

Step 8

Using the Hive View of the HDInsight cluster created in step 1, run the following queries:

  1. createrawtelemetrytable.hql to create an external Hive table that represents the raw telemetry
  2. enrichtelemetry.hql to create a Hive table that enriches the data in the rawtelemetry Hive table.
  3. summarizedeliveries.hql to create a Hive table that summarizes the enrichedtelemetrytable by deliveryId.

Next step:

Use Power BI Desktop to analyze the data in the deliverysummarytable.