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File metadata and controls

170 lines (152 loc) · 8.14 KB


The interface has a UUID, which can be polled with the first two API requests. All "/system/..." requests will then need the UUID of this interface. Each device connected to the ComfoNet will also have a device ID (DEVID). This can be used by querying data from the individual device. Some device don't have a device ID (for example the option box). DEVID is NULL in these cases.

Known API Endpoints

API endpoint function additional information
/monitoring/ping UUID of interface, uptime, timestamp retreived on first connect
/system/systems location and connection of ComfoClime
/system/$UUID$/devices list of all connected devices on ComfoNet Bus / CAN Bus
/system/$UUID$/dashboard data for dashboard in app temperatures, fanspeeds, ...
/system/$UUID$/alarms all errors of connected devices seems to contain history
/system/$UUID$/thermalprofile reading/setting thermal profile some values
/device/$DEVID$/property/X/Y/Z reading properties of device
/device/$DEVID$/telemetry/N reading sensor values from device
/device/$DEVID$/definition reads some basic data for the device

Reading properties

The ./property endpoint reads values from the ComfoNet bus similiar to the RMI Protocol (as described in The address translates like: /device/$DEVID$/property/X/Y/Z X = Unit Y = Subunit Z = Property For example querying /device/.../property/1/1/4 on a ComfoAir device returns the serial number of the device. You always receive data as byte array in decimal representation. Changing a value in the app will result in a PUT request to the property.

The ./telemetry endpoint reads sensor values from the ComfoNet bus similiar to the PDO protocol (as described in, where "N" is the number of the sensor.

ComfoClime Nodes

Available units

DEC HEX subunit count name usage
1 0x01 1 NODE General node information
2 0x02 1 ?? ??
3 0x03 1 ?? ??
21 0x15 2 ?? ??
22 0x16 1 TEMPCONFIG Configuration data (season, temp values, ...)
23 0x17 1 HEATPUMP Configuration of heatpump
25 0x19 1 ?? ??
26 0x1A 1 ?? ??

Properties of subunits

Unit SubUnit Property Access Format Description
NODE 1 1 UINT8 ?? = 1
NODE 1 2 UINT8 ?? = 20
NODE 1 3 UINT8 ?? = 1
NODE 1 4 STRING Serial number MBE...
NODE 1 5 UINT8 ?? = 1
NODE 1 6 UINT8 Possibly firmware version
NODE 1 7 UINT32 ?? = [0,120,16,192]
2 1 1 UINT8 ?? = 1
2 1 2 UINT8 ?? = 1, 0
2 1 3 UINT8 ?? = 0
2 1 4 UINT8 ?? = 0
3 1 1 UINT8 ?? = 1
21 1 1 UINT8 ?? = 1
21 2 1 UINT8 ?? = 1
22 1 1 UINT8 ?? = 1
22 1 2 UINT8 season automatic on/off
22 1 3 UINT8 season select (0 = transitional, 1 = heating, 2 = cooling)
22 1 4 UINT16 curve kneepoint heating
22 1 5 UINT16 curve kneepoint cooling
22 1 8 UINT8 automatic temperature select
22 1 9 UINT16 comfort temp heating
22 1 10 UINT16 comfort temp cooling
22 1 11 UINT16 maximum temp while cooling
22 1 12 UINT16 heating delta/difference
22 1 13 UINT16 manual mode target temperature
22 1 15 UINT16 minimum outdoor temp for cooling
22 1 16 UINT16 maximum outdoor temp for heating
22 1 17 UINT16 ?? = [91,1],[94,1]
22 1 18 UINT8 ?? = 70
22 1 19 UINT16 ?? = [232,3]
22 1 20 UINT16 ?? = [50,0]
22 1 21 UINT8 ?? = 0
22 1 23 UINT8 ?? = 10
22 1 24 UINT16 ?? = [3,0]
22 1 25 UINT8 ?? = 0
22 1 26 UINT8 ?? = 1
22 1 27 UINT8 ?? = 0
22 1 28 UINT8 ?? = 0
22 1 29 UINT8 ComfoClime mode (0 = Comfort, 1 = Power, 2 = Eco)
22 1 40 UINT8 ?? = 0
22 1 41 UINT16 ?? = [0,0]
22 1 42 UINT8 ?? = 0
23 1 2 UINT16 ?? temp = 30,0°C
23 1 3 UINT16 heating pump max temp
23 1 4 UINT16 heating pump min temp
23 1 5 UINT16 ?? temp = 20,0°C
23 1 6 UINT16 ?? temp = 5,0°C
23 1 7 UINT16 ?? temp = 60,0°C
23 1 8 UINT16 ?? temp = 0,0°C
23 1 9 UINT16 ?? temp = 0,1°C
23 1 10 UINT16 ?? temp = 1,5°C
23 1 11 UINT8 ?? = 0
23 1 12 UINT16 ?? = [0,0],[1,0]
23 1 13 UINT16 ?? = [0,0]
23 1 14 UINT16 ?? = [200,0],[214,1]
23 1 15 UINT8 ?? = 100
23 1 16 UINT8 ?? = 100
23 1 17 UINT16 ?? = [25,0]
23 1 18 UINT16 ?? = [45,0]
23 1 19 UINT16 ?? = [2,0]
23 1 32 UINT32 ?? = [0,0,0,0]
25 1 1 UINT8 ?? = [2,0]
26 1 1 UINT8 ?? = 0

ComfoClime Sensors

Telemetry number Format Description
1-784 N/A
785 = 0 ??
3500-4111 N/A
4112 = 0 ??
4113 = 0 ??
4116 = 0 ??
4117 = 255 ??
4120 = 0 ??
4121 = 0 ??
4124 = [255,255,255,255] ??
4125 = [0,0,0,0] ??
4128 = [1,0] ??
4129 = [0,0] ??
4132 = [0,0] ??
4133 = [0,0] ??
4145 TPMA temperature
4146 time ??
4148 target temperature?
4149 ComfoClime mode (off=0, heating=1, cooling=2)
4150 = 0 ??
4151 temperature ??
4152 temperature ??
4153 temperature ?? [3,0]
4154 indoor temperature
4193 supply temperature
4194 exhaust temperature ??
4195 heat pump supply side temperature ??
4196 exhaust temperature ??
4197 heat pump exhaust side temperature ??
4198 = 0 ??
4199 = 0 ??
4201 current power
4202 = [52,1] ??
4203 = [0,0] ??
4204 = [0,0] ??
4205 = [81,0] ??
4206 = [5,0] ??
4207 = [2,0] ??
4208 = [200,0] ??
4209 = 0 ??
4210 = 0 ??
4211 = [4,0] ??
4272 = [0,0,0,0] ??
4273 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] ??
4305 = 0 ??
4306 = [0,0,0,0] ??