diff --git a/appendices.tex b/appendices.tex index 327256f..328a695 100644 --- a/appendices.tex +++ b/appendices.tex @@ -329,8 +329,9 @@ \section{The Exterior Covariant Derivative} \end{exercise} Any connection $\nabla$ on $E$ induces a connection $\nabla^\text{End}$ on the vector bundle $\text{End}(E)$. One way to see this is as follows. Given a connection $\nabla$ on $E$, we can define the dual connection $\nabla^*$ on $E^*$. To see this, consider the natural pairing $E\times E^*\to C^\infty(M)$ given by $(s,\theta)\mapsto\theta(s):=\langle s,\theta\rangle$. \begin{exercise} - Verify that the connection $\nabla^*$ on $E^*$ defined by $\langle s,\nabla^*\theta\rangle=\langle\nabla s,\theta\rangle$ indeed defines a connection. Verify explicitly that it is given by the formula: + Verify that the connection $\nabla^*$ on $E^*$ defined by $$(\nabla^*\theta)(s)=d(\theta(s))-\theta(\nabla s)$$ +for $s\in\Gamma(E)$ is indeed a connection. \end{exercise} \begin{proposition} Let $(E,\nabla)$ and $(E',\nabla')$ be vector bundles with connections. Then these connections combine to give a connection $\nabla\otimes\nabla'$ on $E\otimes E'$, defined by