In addition to what is described here, this document by Jeff Forcier and this talk from Carl Meyer provide wonderful footings for developing on/in open source projects.
1) Ensure all development in performed within a virtualenv. A good way too bootstrap this is via virtualenv-burrito.
Execute the installation using:
$ curl -sL | $SHELL
2) Make a virtualenv called SeqFindr:
$ mkvirtualenv SeqFindr
3) Install autoenv:
$ git clone git:// ~/.autoenv $ echo 'source ~/.autoenv/' >> ~/.bashrc
Something like this:
$ cd $PATH_WHERE_I_KEEP_MY_REPOS $ git clone
Something like this:
$ cd SeqFindr $ # Assuming you installed autoenv - $ # You'll want to say 'y' as this will activate the virtualenv each time you enter the code directory $ # Otherwise - $ # workon SeqFindr $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Use GitHub. You will have already cloned the SeqFindr repo (if you followed instructions above). To make things easier, please fork ( and update your local copy to point to your fork.
Something like this:
$ # Assuming your fork is like this $ #$YOUR_USERNAME/SeqFindr/ $ vi .git/config $ # Replace: $ # url = [email protected]:mscook/SeqFindr.git $ # with: $ # url = [email protected]:$YOUR_USERNAME/SeqFindr.git
With this setup you will be able to push development changes to your fork and submit Pull Requests to the core SeqFindr repo when you're happy.
Important Note: Upstream changes will not be synced to your fork by default. Please, before submitting a pull request please sync your fork with any upstream changes (specifically handle any merge conflicts). Info on syncing a fork can be found here.
We try to make joining and/or modifying the SeqFindr project simple.
- General:
- As close to PEP8 as possible but I ain't no Saint. Just a long as it's clean and readable,
- Using standard lib UnitTest. There are convenience functions & tests/ respectively. We would prefer SMART test vs 100 % coverage.
- In the master GitHub repository we use hooks that call:
- (code QC)
- Travis CI (continuous integration)
- ReadTheDocs (documentation building)