diff --git a/constants/italics.php b/constants/italics.php index af31b2e837..5026b16c5c 100644 --- a/constants/italics.php +++ b/constants/italics.php @@ -350,7 +350,8 @@ 'MoveOn', 'iSemantic', 'DigitalHeritage', 'iBroadway', 'TechSym' ); -const ITALICS_HARDCODE_IN = [" of SectarianismCommunity", +const ITALICS_HARDCODE_IN = [" of SectarianismCommunity", " for WonderNineteenth Century Travel ", + " from the ShadowsAnalytical Feminist Contributions", " der GattungEoeugnathus Brough", " the CitizenMusic as Public ", " to the SirensMusical Technologies ", " the DynastyPalace Women ", "Divine CreaturesAnimal Mummies", "Small Greek WorldNetworks in", "Magia SexualisSex, Magic", " is NothingLost in ", " Without UsDisability ", "Human RightsThe Case ", " Southeast AsiaNation and ", " EcologicalAn Expedition ", "tive CognitionExperimental Expl", "Immigrant NarrativesOrientalism and Cultural", @@ -365,7 +366,8 @@ "ElectrongValue", "thetoxGene", "GopashtamiandGovardhan", "PolishLebensraum", "theNachlassproblem", " forAltalena:", " in Plutarch'sLives", "FromSolidarityto", " gp91phoxPromoter", "in vitroAssays", "MarketizingHindutva", "TheBhagavadgītā,", "theOrigin of Species", "EncounteringHindutva", "ChineseHukouSystem", "CisLatreille"]; -const ITALICS_HARDCODE_OUT = [" of Sectarianism: Community", +const ITALICS_HARDCODE_OUT = [" of Sectarianism: Community", " for Wonder: Nineteenth Century Travel ", + " from the Shadows: Analytical Feminist Contributions", " der Gattung: Eoeugnathus Brough", " the Citizen: Music as Public ", " to the Sirens: Musical Technologies ", " the Dynasty: Palace Women ", "Divine Creatures: Animal Mummies", "Small Greek World: Networks in", "Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic", " is Nothing: Lost in ", " Without Us: Disability ", "Human Rights: The Case ", " Southeast Asia: Nation and ", " Ecological: An Expedition ", "tive Cognition: Experimental Expl", "Immigrant Narratives: Orientalism and Cultural",