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File metadata and controls

70 lines (58 loc) · 2.74 KB


rdfgraph is a tool written in Python 2.7, which can create RDF graph images from input in rdfxml/ntriples/turtle/rss-tag-soup format using Redland's librdf and PlantUML.

Because librdf is currently not available on Windows, this tool won't work on Windows unless you port librdf to Windows.


  • as input I used Vladimir Alexiev's PCDM_Multi_Page_Text.ttl from Diagrams with rdfpuml
  • usage:
    $ PCDM_Multi_Page_Text.ttl > PCDM_Multi_Page_Text.puml  
    Read ./defns.json (47 namespaces)  
    Parsing file PCDM_Multi_Page_Text.ttl as turtle  
    Found 35 statements  
    $ plantuml PCDM_Multi_Page_Text.puml  
  • this creates the following picture (PCDM_Multi_Page_Text.png):


usage: [-h] [-d] [-f FORMAT] [-l LANG] [-t] [-s] [-m MAX_COUNT]
                   file.rdf [file.rdf ...]

Creates PlantUML file from RDF file(s)

positional arguments:
  file.rdf      RDF file(s) to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -d            Print debug info (default: False)
  -f FORMAT     Input FORMAT: rdfxml, ntriples, turtle or rss-tag-soup
                (default: None)
  -l LANG       Literal LANGUAGE: en, en-us, de, fr, ... (default: None)
  -t            Display literal type (default: False)
  -s            Shorten literals (to max. 160 chars) (default: False)
  -m MAX_COUNT  Read max. MAX_COUNT input statements (default: None)

If there is a file defns.json present in the same directory where resides, rdfgraph will use this file for the definition of namespaces instead of the built-in ones.


Supported input formats are dependend on librdf, currently:

  • rdfxml (.rdf or .owl)
  • ntriples (.nt)
  • turtle (.ttl)
  • rss-tagg-soup (.rss)

and are recognized by the file extension, if not specified otherwise.

When processing very large RDF files, you can hit the limit of how many statements you can read in the memory. This depends on the way librdf is used via Python bindings (it doesn't exist if you use librdf natively).

For very large/complex RDF files I suggest setting the environment variable PLANTUML_LIMIT_SIZE to something like 100000 (pixels) or more and setting the -Xmx to several GBs, before running plantuml.