- Fix: change to using
data - Fix: change wording of downloads
- Add function to get lookup of sequences and clusterID
- Add CSV of all_sequences
- Add function to create empty treeview
- Add function to compute lookups for nodes
- Add
- Add logo placeholder
- Add markdown files for treeview description
- Remove renderUI and replace with update function
- Fix: available treeview options need to be characters
- Reorder radio buttons using factors
- Add {ggtree} to suggests
- Add sina plots to app
- Feat: Add search by mutation functionality
- Feat: Allow colour by mutation
- Set {ggiraph} minimum version 0.8.4
- Fix: speed of app
- Add new tooltips with reduced info
- Add bigger data set
- Fix: ggiraph treeview was not correctly resizing
- Fix: Make radio button choices depend on files available
- Fix: Formatting of tables in dropdown
- Fix: Remove ::: from unit tests
- Switch to using rds inputs instead of html inputs
- Use {ggiraph} widget as input to folder selection
- Add functions to parse tooltip and extract cluster id
- Remove unnecessary html files
- Move panels from RHS to collapsible above
- Rearrange content of collapsible panel
- Add CSS file to style collapsible
- Remove mutation drop down for now
- Add module to download RDS files
- Split into modules
- add {shinytest2} tests
- initialise R package
- convert ui and server scripts to functions
- add data into package
- minor fixes to pass R CMD check