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Chapter 1 - Basics
2023-09-11 11:00:00 -0700
Chapter 1 - This will get you up to speed with almost all of the Zig programming language. This part of the tutorial should be coverable in under an hour.


Value assignment has the following syntax: (const|var) identifier[: type] = value.

  • const indicates that identifier is a constant that stores an immutable value.
  • var indicates that identifier is a variable that stores a mutable value.
  • : type is a type annotation for identifier, and may be omitted if the data type of value can be inferred.
const constant: i32 = 5;  // signed 32-bit constant
var variable: u32 = 5000; // unsigned 32-bit variable

// @as performs an explicit type coercion
const inferred_constant = @as(i32, 5);
var inferred_variable = @as(u32, 5000);

Constants and variables must have a value. If no known value can be given, the undefined value, which coerces to any type, may be used as long as a type annotation is provided.

const a: i32 = undefined;
var b: u32 = undefined;

Where possible, const values are preferred over var values.


Arrays are denoted by [N]T, where N is the number of elements in the array and T is the type of those elements (i.e., the array's child type).

For array literals, N may be replaced by _ to infer the size of the array.

const a = [5]u8{ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
const b = [_]u8{ 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd' };

To get the size of an array, simply access the array's len field.

const array = [_]u8{ 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' };
const length = array.len; // 5


Zig's if statements only accept bool values (i.e. true or false). There is no concept of truthy or falsy values.

Here, we will introduce testing. Save the below code and compile + run it with zig test file-name.zig. We will be using the expect function from the standard library, which will cause the test to fail if it's given the value false. When a test fails, the error and stack trace will be shown.

const expect = @import("std").testing.expect;

test "if statement" {
    const a = true;
    var x: u16 = 0;
    if (a) {
        x += 1;
    } else {
        x += 2;
    try expect(x == 1);

If statements also work as expressions.

test "if statement expression" {
    const a = true;
    var x: u16 = 0;
    x += if (a) 1 else 2;
    try expect(x == 1);


Zig's while loop has three parts - a condition, a block and a continue expression.

Without a continue expression.

test "while" {
    var i: u8 = 2;
    while (i < 100) {
        i *= 2;
    try expect(i == 128);

With a continue expression.

test "while with continue expression" {
    var sum: u8 = 0;
    var i: u8 = 1;
    while (i <= 10) : (i += 1) {
        sum += i;
    try expect(sum == 55);

With a continue.

test "while with continue" {
    var sum: u8 = 0;
    var i: u8 = 0;
    while (i <= 3) : (i += 1) {
        if (i == 2) continue;
        sum += i;
    try expect(sum == 4);

With a break.

test "while with break" {
    var sum: u8 = 0;
    var i: u8 = 0;
    while (i <= 3) : (i += 1) {
        if (i == 2) break;
        sum += i;
    try expect(sum == 1);


For loops are used to iterate over arrays (and other types, to be discussed later). For loops follow this syntax. Like while, for loops can use break and continue. Here, we've had to assign values to _, as Zig does not allow us to have unused values.

test "for" {
    //character literals are equivalent to integer literals
    const string = [_]u8{ 'a', 'b', 'c' };

    for (string, 0..) |character, index| {
        _ = character;
        _ = index;

    for (string) |character| {
        _ = character;

    for (string, 0..) |_, index| {
        _ = index;

    for (string) |_| {}


All function arguments are immutable - if a copy is desired the user must explicitly make one. Unlike variables, which are snake_case, functions are camelCase. Here's an example of declaring and calling a simple function.

fn addFive(x: u32) u32 {
    return x + 5;

test "function" {
    const y = addFive(0);
    try expect(@TypeOf(y) == u32);
    try expect(y == 5);

Recursion is allowed:

fn fibonacci(n: u16) u16 {
    if (n == 0 or n == 1) return n;
    return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2);

test "function recursion" {
    const x = fibonacci(10);
    try expect(x == 55);

When recursion happens, the compiler is no longer able to work out the maximum stack size, which may result in unsafe behaviour - a stack overflow. Details on how to achieve safe recursion will be covered in future.

Values can be ignored using _ instead of a variable or const declaration. This does not work at the global scope (i.e. it only works inside functions and blocks) and is useful for ignoring the values returned from functions if you do not need them.

_ = 10;


Defer is used to execute a statement while exiting the current block.

test "defer" {
    var x: i16 = 5;
        defer x += 2;
        try expect(x == 5);
    try expect(x == 7);

When there are multiple defers in a single block, they are executed in reverse order.

test "multi defer" {
    var x: f32 = 5;
        defer x += 2;
        defer x /= 2;
    try expect(x == 4.5);


An error set is like an enum (details on Zig's enums later), where each error in the set is a value. There are no exceptions in Zig; errors are values. Let's create an error set.

const FileOpenError = error{

Error sets coerce to their supersets.

const AllocationError = error{OutOfMemory};

test "coerce error from a subset to a superset" {
    const err: FileOpenError = AllocationError.OutOfMemory;
    try expect(err == FileOpenError.OutOfMemory);

An error set type and another type can be combined with the ! operator to form an error union type. Values of these types may be an error value or a value of the other type.

Let's create a value of an error union type. Here catch is used, which is followed by an expression which is evaluated when the value before it is an error. The catch here is used to provide a fallback value, but could instead be a noreturn - the type of return, while (true) and others.

test "error union" {
    const maybe_error: AllocationError!u16 = 10;
    const no_error = maybe_error catch 0;

    try expect(@TypeOf(no_error) == u16);
    try expect(no_error == 10);

Functions often return error unions. Here's one using a catch, where the |err| syntax receives the value of the error. This is called payload capturing, and is used similarly in many places. We'll talk about it in more detail later in the chapter. Side note: some languages use similar syntax for lambdas - this is not true for Zig.

fn failingFunction() error{Oops}!void {
    return error.Oops;

test "returning an error" {
    failingFunction() catch |err| {
        try expect(err == error.Oops);

try x is a shortcut for x catch |err| return err, and is commonly used where handling an error isn't appropriate. Zig's try and catch are unrelated to try-catch in other languages.

fn failFn() error{Oops}!i32 {
    try failingFunction();
    return 12;

test "try" {
    var v = failFn() catch |err| {
        try expect(err == error.Oops);
    try expect(v == 12); // is never reached

errdefer works like defer, but only executing when the function is returned from with an error inside of the errdefer's block.

var problems: u32 = 98;

fn failFnCounter() error{Oops}!void {
    errdefer problems += 1;
    try failingFunction();

test "errdefer" {
    failFnCounter() catch |err| {
        try expect(err == error.Oops);
        try expect(problems == 99);

Error unions returned from a function can have their error sets inferred by not having an explicit error set. This inferred error set contains all possible errors that the function may return.

fn createFile() !void {
    return error.AccessDenied;

test "inferred error set" {
    //type coercion successfully takes place
    const x: error{AccessDenied}!void = createFile();

    //Zig does not let us ignore error unions via _ = x;
    //we must unwrap it with "try", "catch", or "if" by any means
    _ = x catch {};

Error sets can be merged.

const A = error{ NotDir, PathNotFound };
const B = error{ OutOfMemory, PathNotFound };
const C = A || B;

anyerror is the global error set, which due to being the superset of all error sets, can have an error from any set coerced to it. Its usage should be generally avoided.


Zig's switch works as both a statement and an expression. The types of all branches must coerce to the type which is being switched upon. All possible values must have an associated branch - values cannot be left out. Cases cannot fall through to other branches.

An example of a switch statement. The else is required to satisfy the exhaustiveness of this switch.

test "switch statement" {
    var x: i8 = 10;
    switch (x) {
        -1...1 => {
            x = -x;
        10, 100 => {
            //special considerations must be made
            //when dividing signed integers
            x = @divExact(x, 10);
        else => {},
    try expect(x == 1);

Here is the former, but as a switch expression.

test "switch expression" {
    var x: i8 = 10;
    x = switch (x) {
        -1...1 => -x,
        10, 100 => @divExact(x, 10),
        else => x,
    try expect(x == 1);

Runtime Safety

Zig provides a level of safety, where problems may be found during execution. Safety can be left on, or turned off. Zig has many cases of so-called detectable illegal behaviour, meaning that illegal behaviour will be caught (causing a panic) with safety on, but will result in undefined behaviour with safety off. Users are strongly recommended to develop and test their software with safety on, despite its speed penalties.

For example, runtime safety protects you from out of bounds indices.

test "out of bounds" {
    const a = [3]u8{ 1, 2, 3 };
    var index: u8 = 5;
    const b = a[index];
    _ = b;
test "out of bounds"...index out of bounds
.\tests.zig:43:14: 0x7ff698cc1b82 in test "out of bounds" (test.obj)
    const b = a[index];

The user may disable runtime safety for the current block using the built-in function @setRuntimeSafety.

test "out of bounds, no safety" {
    const a = [3]u8{ 1, 2, 3 };
    var index: u8 = 5;
    const b = a[index];
    _ = b;

Safety is off for some build modes (to be discussed later).


unreachable is an assertion to the compiler that this statement will not be reached. It can tell the compiler that a branch is impossible, which the optimiser can then take advantage of. Reaching an unreachable is detectable illegal behaviour.

As it is of the type noreturn, it is compatible with all other types. Here it coerces to u32.

test "unreachable" {
    const x: i32 = 1;
    const y: u32 = if (x == 2) 5 else unreachable;
    _ = y;
test "unreachable"...reached unreachable code
.\tests.zig:211:39: 0x7ff7e29b2049 in test "unreachable" (test.obj)
    const y: u32 = if (x == 2) 5 else unreachable;

Here is an unreachable being used in a switch.

fn asciiToUpper(x: u8) u8 {
    return switch (x) {
        'a'...'z' => x + 'A' - 'a',
        'A'...'Z' => x,
        else => unreachable,

test "unreachable switch" {
    try expect(asciiToUpper('a') == 'A');
    try expect(asciiToUpper('A') == 'A');


Normal pointers in Zig cannot have 0 or null as a value. They follow the syntax *T, where T is the child type.

Referencing is done with &variable, and dereferencing is done with variable.*.

fn increment(num: *u8) void {
    num.* += 1;

test "pointers" {
    var x: u8 = 1;
    try expect(x == 2);

Trying to set a *T to the value 0 is detectable illegal behaviour.

test "naughty pointer" {
    var x: u16 = 0;
    var y: *u8 = @ptrFromInt(x);
    _ = y;
Test [23/126] test.naughty pointer... thread 21598 panic: cast causes pointer to be null
./test-c1.zig:252:18: 0x260a91 in test.naughty pointer (test)
    var y: *u8 = @ptrFromInt(x);

Zig also has const pointers, which cannot be used to modify the referenced data. Referencing a const variable will yield a const pointer.

test "const pointers" {
    const x: u8 = 1;
    var y = &x;
    y.* += 1;
error: cannot assign to constant
    y.* += 1;

A *T coerces to a *const T.

Pointer sized integers

usize and isize are given as unsigned and signed integers which are the same size as pointers.

test "usize" {
    try expect(@sizeOf(usize) == @sizeOf(*u8));
    try expect(@sizeOf(isize) == @sizeOf(*u8));

Many-Item Pointers

Sometimes, you may have a pointer to an unknown amount of elements. [*]T is the solution for this, which works like *T but also supports indexing syntax, pointer arithmetic, and slicing. Unlike *T, it cannot point to a type which does not have a known size. *T coerces to [*]T.

These many pointers may point to any amount of elements, including 0 and 1.


Slices can be thought of as a pair of [*]T (the pointer to the data) and a usize (the element count). Their syntax is []T, with T being the child type. Slices are used heavily throughout Zig for when you need to operate on arbitrary amounts of data. Slices have the same attributes as pointers, meaning that there also exists const slices. For loops also operate over slices. String literals in Zig coerce to []const u8.

Here, the syntax x[n..m] is used to create a slice from an array. This is called slicing, and creates a slice of the elements starting at x[n] and ending at x[m - 1]. This example uses a const slice, as the values to which the slice points need not be modified.

fn total(values: []const u8) usize {
    var sum: usize = 0;
    for (values) |v| sum += v;
    return sum;
test "slices" {
    const array = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    const slice = array[0..3];
    try expect(total(slice) == 6);

When these n and m values are both known at compile time, slicing will actually produce a pointer to an array. This is not an issue as a pointer to an array i.e. *[N]T will coerce to a []T.

test "slices 2" {
    const array = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    const slice = array[0..3];
    try expect(@TypeOf(slice) == *const [3]u8);

The syntax x[n..] can also be used when you want to slice to the end.

test "slices 3" {
    var array = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
    var slice = array[0..];
    _ = slice;

Types that may be sliced are arrays, many pointers and slices.


Zig's enums allow you to define types with a restricted set of named values.

Let's declare an enum.

const Direction = enum { north, south, east, west };

Enums types may have specified (integer) tag types.

const Value = enum(u2) { zero, one, two };

Enum's ordinal values start at 0. They can be accessed with the built-in function @enumToInt.

test "enum ordinal value" {
    try expect(@intFromEnum( == 0);
    try expect(@intFromEnum( == 1);
    try expect(@intFromEnum(Value.two) == 2);

Values can be overridden, with the next values continuing from there.

const Value2 = enum(u32) {
    hundred = 100,
    thousand = 1000,
    million = 1000000,

test "set enum ordinal value" {
    try expect(@intFromEnum(Value2.hundred) == 100);
    try expect(@intFromEnum(Value2.thousand) == 1000);
    try expect(@intFromEnum(Value2.million) == 1000000);
    try expect(@intFromEnum( == 1000001);

Methods can be given to enums. These act as namespaced functions that can be called with dot syntax.

const Suit = enum {
    pub fn isClubs(self: Suit) bool {
        return self == Suit.clubs;

test "enum method" {
    try expect(Suit.spades.isClubs() == Suit.isClubs(.spades));

Enums can also be given var and const declarations. These act as namespaced globals, and their values are unrelated and unattached to instances of the enum type.

const Mode = enum {
    var count: u32 = 0;

test "hmm" {
    Mode.count += 1;
    try expect(Mode.count == 1);


Structs are Zig's most common kind of composite data type, allowing you to define types that can store a fixed set of named fields. Zig gives no guarantees about the in-memory order of fields in a struct or its size. Like arrays, structs are also neatly constructed with T{} syntax. Here is an example of declaring and filling a struct.

const Vec3 = struct { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32 };

test "struct usage" {
    const my_vector = Vec3{
        .x = 0,
        .y = 100,
        .z = 50,
    _ = my_vector;

All fields must be given a value.

test "missing struct field" {
    const my_vector = Vec3{
        .x = 0,
        .z = 50,
    _ = my_vector;
error: missing field: 'y'
    const my_vector = Vec3{

Fields may be given defaults:

const Vec4 = struct { x: f32, y: f32, z: f32 = 0, w: f32 = undefined };

test "struct defaults" {
    const my_vector = Vec4{
        .x = 25,
        .y = -50,
    _ = my_vector;

Like enums, structs may also contain functions and declarations.

Structs have the unique property that when given a pointer to a struct, one level of dereferencing is done automatically when accessing fields. Notice how, in this example, self.x and self.y are accessed in the swap function without needing to dereference the self pointer.

const Stuff = struct {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,
    fn swap(self: *Stuff) void {
        const tmp = self.x;
        self.x = self.y;
        self.y = tmp;

test "automatic dereference" {
    var thing = Stuff{ .x = 10, .y = 20 };
    try expect(thing.x == 20);
    try expect(thing.y == 10);


Zig's unions allow you to define types which store one value of many possible typed fields; only one field may be active at one time.

Bare union types do not have a guaranteed memory layout. Because of this, bare unions cannot be used to reinterpret memory. Accessing a field in a union which is not active is detectable illegal behaviour.

const Result = union {
    int: i64,
    float: f64,
    bool: bool,

test "simple union" {
    var result = Result{ .int = 1234 };
    result.float = 12.34;
test "simple union"...access of inactive union field
.\tests.zig:342:12: 0x7ff62c89244a in test "simple union" (test.obj)
    result.float = 12.34;

Tagged unions are unions which use an enum to detect which field is active. Here we make use of payload capturing again, to switch on the tag type of a union while also capturing the value it contains. Here we use a pointer capture; captured values are immutable, but with the |*value| syntax, we can capture a pointer to the values instead of the values themselves. This allows us to use dereferencing to mutate the original value.

const Tag = enum { a, b, c };

const Tagged = union(Tag) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool };

test "switch on tagged union" {
    var value = Tagged{ .b = 1.5 };
    switch (value) {
        .a => |*byte| byte.* += 1,
        .b => |*float| float.* *= 2,
        .c => |*b| b.* = !b.*,
    try expect(value.b == 3);

The tag type of a tagged union can also be inferred. This is equivalent to the Tagged type above.

const Tagged = union(enum) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool };

void member types can have their type omitted from the syntax. Here, none is of type void.

const Tagged2 = union(enum) { a: u8, b: f32, c: bool, none };

Integer Rules

Zig supports hex, octal and binary integer literals.

const decimal_int: i32 = 98222;
const hex_int: u8 = 0xff;
const another_hex_int: u8 = 0xFF;
const octal_int: u16 = 0o755;
const binary_int: u8 = 0b11110000;

Underscores may also be placed between digits as a visual separator.

const one_billion: u64 = 1_000_000_000;
const binary_mask: u64 = 0b1_1111_1111;
const permissions: u64 = 0o7_5_5;
const big_address: u64 = 0xFF80_0000_0000_0000;

"Integer Widening" is allowed, which means that integers of a type may coerce to an integer of another type, providing that the new type can fit all of the values that the old type can.

test "integer widening" {
    const a: u8 = 250;
    const b: u16 = a;
    const c: u32 = b;
    try expect(c == a);

If you have a value stored in an integer that cannot coerce to the type that you want, @intCast may be used to explicitly convert from one type to the other. If the value given is out of the range of the destination type, this is detectable illegal behaviour.

test "@intCast" {
    const x: u64 = 200;
    const y = @as(u8, @intCast(x));
    try expect(@TypeOf(y) == u8);

Integers, by default, are not allowed to overflow. Overflows are detectable illegal behaviour. Sometimes, being able to overflow integers in a well-defined manner is a wanted behaviour. For this use case, Zig provides overflow operators.

Normal Operator Wrapping Operator
+ +%
- -%
* *%
+= +%=
-= -%=
*= *%=
test "well defined overflow" {
    var a: u8 = 255;
    a +%= 1;
    try expect(a == 0);


Zig's floats are strictly IEEE compliant unless @setFloatMode(.Optimized) is used, which is equivalent to GCC's -ffast-math. Floats coerce to larger float types.

test "float widening" {
    const a: f16 = 0;
    const b: f32 = a;
    const c: f128 = b;
    try expect(c == @as(f128, a));

Floats support multiple kinds of literal.

const floating_point: f64 = 123.0E+77;
const another_float: f64 = 123.0;
const yet_another: f64 = 123.0e+77;

const hex_floating_point: f64 = 0x103.70p-5;
const another_hex_float: f64 = 0x103.70;
const yet_another_hex_float: f64 = 0x103.70P-5;

Underscores may also be placed between digits.

const lightspeed: f64 = 299_792_458.000_000;
const nanosecond: f64 = 0.000_000_001;
const more_hex: f64 = 0x1234_5678.9ABC_CDEFp-10;

Integers and floats may be converted using the built-in functions @floatFromInt and @intFromFloat. @floatFromInt is always safe, whereas @intFromFloat is detectable illegal behaviour if the float value cannot fit in the integer destination type.

test "int-float conversion" {
    const a: i32 = 0;
    const b = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(a));
    const c = @as(i32, @intFromFloat(b));
    try expect(c == a);

Labelled Blocks

Blocks in Zig are expressions and can be given labels, which are used to yield values. Here, we are using a label called blk. Blocks yield values, meaning they can be used in place of a value. The value of an empty block {} is a value of the type void.

test "labelled blocks" {
    const count = blk: {
        var sum: u32 = 0;
        var i: u32 = 0;
        while (i < 10) : (i += 1) sum += i;
        break :blk sum;
    try expect(count == 45);
    try expect(@TypeOf(count) == u32);

This can be seen as being equivalent to C's i++.

blk: {
    const tmp = i;
    i += 1;
    break :blk tmp;

Labelled Loops

Loops can be given labels, allowing you to break and continue to outer loops.

test "nested continue" {
    var count: usize = 0;
    outer: for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }) |_| {
        for ([_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) |_| {
            count += 1;
            continue :outer;
    try expect(count == 8);

Loops as expressions

Like return, break accepts a value. This can be used to yield a value from a loop. Loops in Zig also have an else branch, which is evaluated when the loop is not exited with a break.

fn rangeHasNumber(begin: usize, end: usize, number: usize) bool {
    var i = begin;
    return while (i < end) : (i += 1) {
        if (i == number) {
            break true;
    } else false;

test "while loop expression" {
    try expect(rangeHasNumber(0, 10, 3));


Optionals use the syntax ?T and are used to store the data null, or a value of type T.

test "optional" {
    var found_index: ?usize = null;
    const data = [_]i32{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12 };
    for (data, 0..) |v, i| {
        if (v == 10) found_index = i;
    try expect(found_index == null);

Optionals support the orelse expression, which acts when the optional is null. This unwraps the optional to its child type.

test "orelse" {
    var a: ?f32 = null;
    var b = a orelse 0;
    try expect(b == 0);
    try expect(@TypeOf(b) == f32);

.? is a shorthand for orelse unreachable. This is used for when you know it is impossible for an optional value to be null, and using this to unwrap a null value is detectable illegal behaviour.

test "orelse unreachable" {
    const a: ?f32 = 5;
    const b = a orelse unreachable;
    const c = a.?;
    try expect(b == c);
    try expect(@TypeOf(c) == f32);

Payload capturing works in many places for optionals, meaning that in the event that it is non-null, we can "capture" its non-null value.

Here we use an if optional payload capture; a and b are equivalent here. if (b) |value| captures the value of b (in the cases where b is not null), and makes it available as value. As in the union example, the captured value is immutable, but we can still use a pointer capture to modify the value stored in b.

test "if optional payload capture" {
    const a: ?i32 = 5;
    if (a != null) {
        const value = a.?;
        _ = value;

    var b: ?i32 = 5;
    if (b) |*value| {
        value.* += 1;
    try expect(b.? == 6);

And with while:

var numbers_left: u32 = 4;
fn eventuallyNullSequence() ?u32 {
    if (numbers_left == 0) return null;
    numbers_left -= 1;
    return numbers_left;

test "while null capture" {
    var sum: u32 = 0;
    while (eventuallyNullSequence()) |value| {
        sum += value;
    try expect(sum == 6); // 3 + 2 + 1

Optional pointer and optional slice types do not take up any extra memory compared to non-optional ones. This is because internally they use the 0 value of the pointer for null.

This is how null pointers in Zig work - they must be unwrapped to a non-optional before dereferencing, which stops null pointer dereferences from happening accidentally.


Blocks of code may be forcibly executed at compile time using the comptime keyword. In this example, the variables x and y are equivalent.

test "comptime blocks" {
    var x = comptime fibonacci(10);
    _ = x;

    var y = comptime blk: {
        break :blk fibonacci(10);
    _ = y;

Integer literals are of the type comptime_int. These are special in that they have no size (they cannot be used at runtime!), and they have arbitrary precision. comptime_int values coerce to any integer type that can hold them. They also coerce to floats. Character literals are of this type.

test "comptime_int" {
    const a = 12;
    const b = a + 10;

    const c: u4 = a;
    _ = c;
    const d: f32 = b;
    _ = d;

comptime_float is also available, which internally is an f128. These cannot be coerced to integers, even if they hold an integer value.

Types in Zig are values of the type type. These are available at compile time. We have previously encountered them by checking @TypeOf and comparing with other types, but we can do more.

test "branching on types" {
    const a = 5;
    const b: if (a < 10) f32 else i32 = 5;
    _ = b;

Function parameters in Zig can be tagged as being comptime. This means that the value passed to that function parameter must be known at compile time. Let's make a function that returns a type. Notice how this function is PascalCase, as it returns a type.

fn Matrix(
    comptime T: type,
    comptime width: comptime_int,
    comptime height: comptime_int,
) type {
    return [height][width]T;

test "returning a type" {
    try expect(Matrix(f32, 4, 4) == [4][4]f32);

We can reflect upon types using the built-in @typeInfo, which takes in a type and returns a tagged union. This tagged union type can be found in std.builtin.TypeInfo (info on how to make use of imports and std later).

fn addSmallInts(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) T {
    return switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
        .ComptimeInt => a + b,
        .Int => |info| if (info.bits <= 16)
            a + b
            @compileError("ints too large"),
        else => @compileError("only ints accepted"),

test "typeinfo switch" {
    const x = addSmallInts(u16, 20, 30);
    try expect(@TypeOf(x) == u16);
    try expect(x == 50);

We can use the @Type function to create a type from a @typeInfo. @Type is implemented for most types but is notably unimplemented for enums, unions, functions, and structs.

Here anonymous struct syntax is used with .{}, because the T in T{} can be inferred. Anonymous structs will be covered in detail later. In this example we will get a compile error if the Int tag isn't set.

fn GetBiggerInt(comptime T: type) type {
    return @Type(.{
        .Int = .{
            .bits = @typeInfo(T).Int.bits + 1,
            .signedness = @typeInfo(T).Int.signedness,

test "@Type" {
    try expect(GetBiggerInt(u8) == u9);
    try expect(GetBiggerInt(i31) == i32);

Returning a struct type is how you make generic data structures in Zig. The usage of @This is required here, which gets the type of the innermost struct, union, or enum. Here std.mem.eql is also used which compares two slices.

fn Vec(
    comptime count: comptime_int,
    comptime T: type,
) type {
    return struct {
        data: [count]T,
        const Self = @This();

        fn abs(self: Self) Self {
            var tmp = Self{ .data = undefined };
            for (, 0..) |elem, i| {
      [i] = if (elem < 0)
            return tmp;

        fn init(data: [count]T) Self {
            return Self{ .data = data };

const eql = @import("std").mem.eql;

test "generic vector" {
    const x = Vec(3, f32).init([_]f32{ 10, -10, 5 });
    const y = x.abs();
    try expect(eql(f32, &, &[_]f32{ 10, 10, 5 }));

The types of function parameters can also be inferred by using anytype in place of a type. @TypeOf can then be used on the parameter.

fn plusOne(x: anytype) @TypeOf(x) {
    return x + 1;

test "inferred function parameter" {
    try expect(plusOne(@as(u32, 1)) == 2);

Comptime also introduces the operators ++ and ** for concatenating and repeating arrays and slices. These operators do not work at runtime.

test "++" {
    const x: [4]u8 = undefined;
    const y = x[0..];

    const a: [6]u8 = undefined;
    const b = a[0..];

    const new = y ++ b;
    try expect(new.len == 10);

test "**" {
    const pattern = [_]u8{ 0xCC, 0xAA };
    const memory = pattern ** 3;
    try expect(eql(u8, &memory, &[_]u8{ 0xCC, 0xAA, 0xCC, 0xAA, 0xCC, 0xAA }));

Payload Captures

Payload captures use the syntax |value| and appear in many places, some of which we've seen already. Wherever they appear, they are used to "capture" the value from something.

With if statements and optionals.

test "optional-if" {
    var maybe_num: ?usize = 10;
    if (maybe_num) |n| {
        try expect(@TypeOf(n) == usize);
        try expect(n == 10);
    } else {

With if statements and error unions. The else with the error capture is required here.

test "error union if" {
    var ent_num: error{UnknownEntity}!u32 = 5;
    if (ent_num) |entity| {
        try expect(@TypeOf(entity) == u32);
        try expect(entity == 5);
    } else |err| {
        _ = err catch {};

With while loops and optionals. This may have an else block.

test "while optional" {
    var i: ?u32 = 10;
    while (i) |num| : (i.? -= 1) {
        try expect(@TypeOf(num) == u32);
        if (num == 1) {
            i = null;
    try expect(i == null);

With while loops and error unions. The else with the error capture is required here.

var numbers_left2: u32 = undefined;

fn eventuallyErrorSequence() !u32 {
    return if (numbers_left2 == 0) error.ReachedZero else blk: {
        numbers_left2 -= 1;
        break :blk numbers_left2;

test "while error union capture" {
    var sum: u32 = 0;
    numbers_left2 = 3;
    while (eventuallyErrorSequence()) |value| {
        sum += value;
    } else |err| {
        try expect(err == error.ReachedZero);

For loops.

test "for capture" {
    const x = [_]i8{ 1, 5, 120, -5 };
    for (x) |v| try expect(@TypeOf(v) == i8);

Switch cases on tagged unions.

const Info = union(enum) {
    a: u32,
    b: []const u8,
    d: u32,

test "switch capture" {
    var b = Info{ .a = 10 };
    const x = switch (b) {
        .b => |str| blk: {
            try expect(@TypeOf(str) == []const u8);
            break :blk 1;
        .c => 2,
        //if these are of the same type, they
        //may be inside the same capture group
        .a, .d => |num| blk: {
            try expect(@TypeOf(num) == u32);
            break :blk num * 2;
    try expect(x == 20);

As we saw in the Union and Optional sections above, values captured with the |val| syntax are immutable (similar to function arguments), but we can use pointer capture to modify the original values. This captures the values as pointers that are themselves still immutable, but because the value is now a pointer, we can modify the original value by dereferencing it:

test "for with pointer capture" {
    var data = [_]u8{ 1, 2, 3 };
    for (&data) |*byte| byte.* += 1;
    try expect(eql(u8, &data, &[_]u8{ 2, 3, 4 }));

Inline Loops

inline loops are unrolled, and allow some things to happen that only work at compile time. Here we use a for, but a while works similarly.

test "inline for" {
    const types = [_]type{ i32, f32, u8, bool };
    var sum: usize = 0;
    inline for (types) |T| sum += @sizeOf(T);
    try expect(sum == 10);

Using these for performance reasons is inadvisable unless you've tested that explicitly unrolling is faster; the compiler tends to make better decisions here than you.


opaque types in Zig have an unknown (albeit non-zero) size and alignment. Because of this these data types cannot be stored directly. These are used to maintain type safety with pointers to types that we don't have information about.

const Window = opaque {};
const Button = opaque {};

extern fn show_window(*Window) callconv(.C) void;

test "opaque" {
    var main_window: *Window = undefined;

    var ok_button: *Button = undefined;
./test-c1.zig:653:17: error: expected type '*Window', found '*Button'
./test-c1.zig:653:17: note: pointer type child 'Button' cannot cast into pointer type child 'Window'

Opaque types may have declarations in their definitions (the same as structs, enums and unions).

const Window = opaque {
    fn show(self: *Window) void {

extern fn show_window(*Window) callconv(.C) void;

test "opaque with declarations" {
    var main_window: *Window = undefined;;

The typical usecase of opaque is to maintain type safety when interoperating with C code that does not expose complete type information.

Anonymous Structs

The struct type may be omitted from a struct literal. These literals may coerce to other struct types.

test "anonymous struct literal" {
    const Point = struct { x: i32, y: i32 };

    var pt: Point = .{
        .x = 13,
        .y = 67,
    try expect(pt.x == 13);
    try expect(pt.y == 67);

Anonymous structs may be completely anonymous i.e. without being coerced to another struct type.

test "fully anonymous struct" {
    try dump(.{
        .int = @as(u32, 1234),
        .float = @as(f64, 12.34),
        .b = true,
        .s = "hi",

fn dump(args: anytype) !void {
    try expect( == 1234);
    try expect(args.float == 12.34);
    try expect(args.b);
    try expect(args.s[0] == 'h');
    try expect(args.s[1] == 'i');

Anonymous structs without field names may be created and are referred to as tuples. These have many of the properties that arrays do; tuples can be iterated over, indexed, can be used with the ++ and ** operators, and have a len field. Internally, these have numbered field names starting at "0", which may be accessed with the special syntax @"0" which acts as an escape for the syntax - things inside @"" are always recognised as identifiers.

An inline loop must be used to iterate over the tuple here, as the type of each tuple field may differ.

test "tuple" {
    const values = .{
        @as(u32, 1234),
        @as(f64, 12.34),
    } ++ .{false} ** 2;
    try expect(values[0] == 1234);
    try expect(values[4] == false);
    inline for (values, 0..) |v, i| {
        if (i != 2) continue;
        try expect(v);
    try expect(values.len == 6);
    try expect(values.@"3"[0] == 'h');

Sentinel Termination

Arrays, slices and many pointers may be terminated by a value of their child type. This is known as sentinel termination. These follow the syntax [N:t]T, [:t]T, and [*:t]T, where t is a value of the child type T.

An example of a sentinel terminated array. The built-in @ptrCast is used to perform an unsafe type conversion. This shows us that the last element of the array is followed by a 0 byte.

test "sentinel termination" {
    const terminated = [3:0]u8{ 3, 2, 1 };
    try expect(terminated.len == 3);
    try expect(@as(*const [4]u8, @ptrCast(&terminated))[3] == 0);

The types of string literals is *const [N:0]u8, where N is the length of the string. This allows string literals to coerce to sentinel terminated slices, and sentinel terminated many pointers. Note: string literals are UTF-8 encoded.

test "string literal" {
    try expect(@TypeOf("hello") == *const [5:0]u8);

[*:0]u8 and [*:0]const u8 perfectly model C's strings.

test "C string" {
    const c_string: [*:0]const u8 = "hello";
    var array: [5]u8 = undefined;

    var i: usize = 0;
    while (c_string[i] != 0) : (i += 1) {
        array[i] = c_string[i];

Sentinel terminated types coerce to their non-sentinel-terminated counterparts.

test "coercion" {
    var a: [*:0]u8 = undefined;
    const b: [*]u8 = a;
    _ = b;

    var c: [5:0]u8 = undefined;
    const d: [5]u8 = c;
    _ = d;

    var e: [:10]f32 = undefined;
    const f = e;
    _ = f;

Sentinel terminated slicing is provided which can be used to create a sentinel terminated slice with the syntax x[n..m:t], where t is the terminator value. Doing this is an assertion from the programmer that the memory is terminated where it should be - getting this wrong is detectable illegal behaviour.

test "sentinel terminated slicing" {
    var x = [_:0]u8{255} ** 3;
    const y = x[0..3 :0];
    _ = y;


Zig provides vector types for SIMD. These are not to be conflated with vectors in a mathematical sense, or vectors like C++'s std::vector (for this, see "Arraylist" in chapter 2). Vectors may be created using the @Type built-in we used earlier, and std.meta.Vector provides a shorthand for this.

Vectors can only have child types of booleans, integers, floats and pointers.

Operations between vectors with the same child type and length can take place. These operations are performed on each of the values in the vector.std.meta.eql is used here to check for equality between two vectors (also useful for other types like structs).

const meta = @import("std").meta;

test "vector add" {
    const x: @Vector(4, f32) = .{ 1, -10, 20, -1 };
    const y: @Vector(4, f32) = .{ 2, 10, 0, 1 };
    const z = x + y;
    try expect(meta.eql(z, @Vector(4, f32){ 3, 0, 20, 0 }));

Vectors are indexable.

test "vector indexing" {
    const x: @Vector(4, u8) = .{ 255, 0, 255, 0 };
    try expect(x[0] == 255);

The built-in function @splat may be used to construct a vector where all of the values are the same. Here we use it to multiply a vector by a scalar.

test "vector * scalar" {
    const x: @Vector(3, f32) = .{ 12.5, 37.5, 2.5 };
    const y = x * @as(@Vector(3, f32), @splat(2));
    try expect(meta.eql(y, @Vector(3, f32){ 25, 75, 5 }));

Vectors do not have a len field like arrays, but may still be looped over.

test "vector looping" {
    const x = @Vector(4, u8){ 255, 0, 255, 0 };
    var sum = blk: {
        var tmp: u10 = 0;
        var i: u8 = 0;
        while (i < 4) : (i += 1) tmp += x[i];
        break :blk tmp;
    try expect(sum == 510);

Vectors coerce to their respective arrays.

const arr: [4]f32 = @Vector(4, f32){ 1, 2, 3, 4 };

It is worth noting that using explicit vectors may result in slower software if you do not make the right decisions - the compiler's auto-vectorisation is fairly smart as-is.


The built-in function @import takes in a file, and gives you a struct type based on that file. All declarations labelled as pub (for public) will end up in this struct type, ready for use.

@import("std") is a special case in the compiler, and gives you access to the standard library. Other @imports will take in a file path, or a package name (more on packages in a later chapter).

We will explore more of the standard library in later chapters.

End Of Chapter 1

In the next chapter we will cover standard patterns, including many useful areas of the standard library.

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