OpenGL is an API for computer graphics.
- Hardware-independent
- Windowing or getting input is not included in the API
- Low-level
- Only knows about triangles (kind of, but also: points, lines, polygons)
- Libraries are often built on top of OpenGL
- State machine
- The various API calls change the OpenGL state, query some part of that state, or cause OpenGL to use its current state to render something
API for creating a display window and using keyboard/mouse interations.
- See RayWindow.cpp to see how these are used for Assignment3
Provides commonly used functions on top of OpenGL.
- Viewing/Camera functions
- gluLookAt (Sets the view matrix that transforms model coordinates to world coordinates)
- gluPerspective (Sets up perspective projection given a field of view and aspect ratio) -- (RayWindow::DisplayFunction)
- Higher level shape drawing functions
- gluCylinder
- gluSphere
- GLEW - OpenGL Extension Wrangler
- Helps loading extensions
- Similar to GLUT and FreeGLUT
- Many more
- glutInit
- Primary initialization routine
- glutInitDisplayMode
- Creates windows with certain types of windows
- glutCreateWindow
- Creates the window with the provided name
- glutReshapeWindow
- Changes the size of the window to the width and height provided
- glutDisplayFunc
- Sets a callback function for the window. GLUT determines when the display callback should be triggered based on the window's redisplay state (can set explicitly by calling glutPostRedisplay).
- glutMainLoop
- Starts the GLUT event processing loop, all registered callbacks will now get called.
- glClearColor
- Establishes what color the window will be cleared to (background color)
- glClear
- Actually clears the window (by clearing the framebuffers)
- glGetFloatv
- Get values from the current OpenGL state
- Model coordinates (vertices defined relative to the model/object)
- Model Matrix
- World coordinates (vertices defined relative to the center of the world)
- View Matrix
- Camera coordinates (vertices defined relative to the camera)
- Projection Matrix
- Homogeneous coordinates (vertices defined relative to the camera's perspective)
- Model coordinates (vertices defined relative to the model/object)
- glBegin & glEnd
- Define what type of objects to draw
- glColor3f
- Set the color for a vertex (or any object)
- All objects after this call will use this color, need to call it again to change
- glVertex3f
- Vertices of a shape
- glutSwapBuffers
- Tells the window to use the current buffers in the OpenGL state (calls glFlush)
- glMatrixMode
- Specifies the matrix that will be operated on
- glLoadIdentity
- Replaces the specified current matrix with the identity matrix
- gluPerspective
- For setting the perspective transformation (projection matrix)
- 4 arguments:
- fovy - field of view (degrees) in y direction
- aspect - aspect ratio (width/height)
- zNear - near clipping plane
- zFar - far clipping plane
- gluLookAt
- For setting the viewing transformation (view matrix)
- 3 sets of arguments:
- Eye x,y,z - location of the camera (3D point)
- Center/Reference x,y,z - where camera is looking (3D point)
- Up x,y,z - rotation of the camera (3D vector)
- You want to move forward --> What is the direction vector (forward vector) of the camera???
- You want to move right --> What is the vector pointing to the right of the camera???
- glRotatef
- Rotates the current object angle degrees around the vector x,y,z
- glTranslatef
- Translates in the given x,y,z direction
- glPushMatrix
- Pushes the current matrix stack down by one, duplicating the current matrix
- glPopMatrix
- Pops the current matrix stack, replacing the current matrix with the one below it
- Explanation:
- You are applying transformations to the modelview matrix (with glTranslate or glRotate) and then you are in some good reference position. You can push a duplicate matrix onto the stack, perform a transformation on that, and then pop it off and you are back at that reference position.
- This avoids having to either make backwards transformations to get back to your reference position or making the whole original sequence of transformations again.
Not used in Assignment 3 anymore
- glEnable
- Enables a state variable
- glEnable(GL_LIGHTING)
- If not enabled (or glDisable is called) then everything is colored according to the glColor calls made
- glEnable(GL_LIGHT0)
- glLightfv
- Sets parameters for a light
- Parameters:
- light - which light it is
- pname - which parameter name to change for the light
- params - the value(s) of the parameters
- glMaterialfv
- Sets parameters for a material (with respect to a light)
- Parameters:
- face - face being updated (GL_FRONT, GL_BACK, or GL_FRONT_AND_BACK)
- pname - which material parameter to change
- params - the value(s) of the parameters
- glShadeModel
- GL_SMOOTH: interpolate colors across vertices
- GL_FLAT: solid color over the whole polygon
- glNormal
- You have to specify the normals at each vertex
- This means you have to perform the calculation (derivatives)
- glGenTextures
- Create a texture object
- glBindTexture
- Name a texture object
- glTexImage2D
- Set the texture map
- Parameters:
- Target texture type
- Level of detail (mipmap reduction)
- Number of color components
- Size (width, height)
- Border
- Format, data type of the pixels
- Pointer to the image data in memory (pixels)
- glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D)
- Enable 2D texture mapping
- glTexEnvi
- How the final color of a fragment is chosen
- Decal: texture painted on top of the surface (don't worry about original color)
- Modulate: multiplies the original color with the texture (specular highlights will show through)
- Others...
- glTexParameteri
- How to wrap the texture if the image isn't the same size as the fragment
- glTexCoord2d
- Sets the texture coordinates on the texture
- Then, the next specified vertex coordinates will have those coordinates
- Stores the distance from the view plane
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
- When filling in pixels, comparison is done with the existing depth value at the pixel being drawn
- glEnable(GL_BLEND)
- Enable blending to blend a pixel with an alpha value with the pixel already drawn at that location
- glBlendFunc
- Specifies how the source (current pixel to draw) should be computed and how the destination (existing pixel) should be computed