- This is a Makefile target to push to
/ master
- Left-hand tabs are requried... vim can mess that up if you translate tabs to spaces in vim
- Use
as a basic internet connectivity test
- This
captures the main
/ master
branch name
.DEFAULT_GOAL := git-push
.PHONY: git-push
@echo ">> checkout master branch, push to origin/master, switch back to develop"
ping -q -c1 -W1 # ensure the internet is connected
-git checkout master || git checkout main # Add dash to ignore checkout fails
THIS_BRANCH=$(shell git branch --show-current) # ENV var assignment, no space
git merge @{-1} # merge the previous branch (@{-1})
git push origin $(THIS_BRANCH) # push to origin/master...
git checkout @{-1} # checkout the previous branch...