This project contains the code for the Minion Backend. It provides an API to create and start scans and the machinery to execute the scan.
The Minion Backend consists of three parts:
- A lightweight REST API that is powered by Flask
- A MongoDB database where scans and plans (workflows) are stored
- A scan scheduler daemon
- Four 'workers' that execute the workflow
Note that Mozilla maintains Vagrant and Docker configurations for Minion. It's the best and easiest way to get started with development!
The following instructions for manual installation assume a recent version of Ubuntu; we currently test with Ubuntu
14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr). Although Minion can be installed anywhere on your system, we recommend
for the backend, and /opt/minion/minion-env
for your virtualenv.
First install the essentials:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -y build-essential curl git libcurl4-openssl-dev libffi-dev \
libssl-dev mongodb-server postfix python python-dev python-virtualenv \
rabbitmq-server stunnel supervisor
Then, create and source your virtual environment. This will help keep Minion isolated from the rest of your system. We also need to upgrade setuptools from the version included with Ubuntu by default:
# mkdir -p /etc/minion /opt/minion
# cd /opt/minion
# virtualenv minion-env
# source minion-env/bin/activate
(minion-env)# easy_install --upgrade setuptools # required for Mock
Next, setup your system with the following directories and the minion
user account. We'll also create some convenience
shell commands, to make working with Minion easier when running as the minion
# useradd -m minion
# install -m 700 -o minion -g minion -d /run/minion -d /var/lib/minion -d /var/log/minion -d ~minion/.python-eggs
# echo -e "\n# Automatically source minion-backend virtualenv" >> ~minion/.profile
# echo -e "source /opt/minion/minion-env/bin/activate" >> ~minion/.profile
# echo -e "\n# Minion convenience commands" >> ~minion/.bashrc
# echo -e "alias miniond=\"supervisord -c /opt/minion/minion-backend/etc/supervisord.conf\"" >> ~minion/.bashrc
# echo -e "alias minionctl=\"supervisorctl -c /opt/minion/minion-backend/etc/supervisord.conf\"" >> ~minion/.bashrc
Now we can checkout Minion and install it:
# cd /opt/minion
# git clone
# source minion-env/bin/activate
(minion-env)# python develop
To make sure that Minion starts when the system reboots, we need to install the Minion init script. We can also disable
the global supervisord
installed with apt-get install
above, if it wasn't being used before:
# cp /opt/minion/minion-backend/scripts/minion-init /etc/init.d/minion
# chown root:root /etc/init.d/minion
# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/minion
# update-rc.d minion defaults 40
# update-rc.d -f supervisor remove
Next, we enable debug logging and automatic reloading of Minion or plugins upon code changes, by adding the --debug
# sed -i 's/runserver/--debug --reload runserver/' /opt/minion/minion-backend/etc/minion-backend.supervisor.conf
And that's it! Provided that everything installed successfully, we can start everything up:
# service mongodb start
# service rabbitmq-server start
# service minion start
From this point on, you should be able to control the Minion processes either as root or as the newly-created minion user.
Let's su - minion
, and see if everything is running properly:
(minion-env)$ service minion status
minion-backend RUNNING pid 18010, uptime 0:00:04
minion-plugin-worker RUNNING pid 18004, uptime 0:00:04
minion-scan-worker RUNNING pid 18009, uptime 0:00:04
minion-scanschedule-worker RUNNING pid 18008, uptime 0:00:04
minion-scanscheduler RUNNING pid 18007, uptime 0:00:04
minion-state-worker RUNNING pid 18005, uptime 0:00:04
Success! You can also use minionctl
(an alias to supervisorctl
, using the Minion supervisord.conf
to stop and start individual services, or check on status:
(minion-env)$ minionctl stop minion-backend
minion-backend: stopped
(minion-env)$ minionctl status minion-backend
minion-backend STOPPED Sep 03 09:18 PM
(minion-env)$ minionctl start minion-backend
minion-backend: started
(minion-env)$ minionctl status minion-backend
minion-backend RUNNING pid 18795, uptime 0:00:07
All that's left to do now is initialize the Minion database and create an administrator:
(minion-env)$ minion-db-init 'Your Name' '[email protected]' y
success: added 'Your Name' ([email protected]) as administrator
And we're done! You should now be able to login to minion-frontend using the
newly created administrative account. All logs for Minion, including stdout, stderr, and debug logs, should appear
in /var/log/minion
By default, Minion will use the configuration files frontend.json
, backend.json
, and scan.json
located in
for its configuration. If you would like to change these files, copy them into
and Minion will use them instead upon restart.
For example, scan.json
blacklists all local IP address networks (such as and from being scanned.
If you would like to be able to scan your local networks, copy scan.json
to /etc/minion/scan.json
and either add
addresses to the whitelist or remove them from the blacklist.
Also note that due to the recommended configuration of running minion-frontend and
minion-backend on separate systems, minion-backend listens on *:8383 for API access. It is strongly suggested that you
restrict access to specific IP addresses running the frontend using firewall rules. Alternatively, you can lock it down
in etc/minion-backend.supervisor.conf
to -a
if running the frontend and backend on the same system.
We have a number of functional test cases; mostly of them are written to test plugins.
If you plan on running plugin function tests, you need to install stunnel
since some of the plugins require HTTPS connection. We actually launch a Flask development
server as we run tests against each built-in plugin.
should be available to your OS distribution. For example, on Ubuntu you can issue:
# apt-get install stunnel
The test folder already contains a stunnel configuration file, a RSA key pair, and an SSL certificate file to run our tests. WARNING: Avoid running tests on production server. We are using port 1234, 1235 and 1443 throughout all plugin tests.
Finally, you can run all the test cases assuming you already have cloned down the repository to disk:
$ cd /opt/minion/minion-backend
$ nosetests
should be installed if you have run python develop