- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Verisure now offers 2-factor authentication. This however doesn't work well with a tool like this one. For now you'll have to keep using username/pwd if you want to keep pulling your data from Verisure's system. Hopefully they will at some point offer app-specific tokens similar to how for example GitHub does things.
- Updated dependencies.
- Verisure's API has changed and now returns different fields vs earlier. Adapt to the new reality and extract what information is available.
- Create separate changelog file.
- A bit improved error handling.
- Updated dependencies.
- Switched to using Drone for building Docker images.
- Slight change in version numbers of images available on Docker Hub.
- Docker image now based on Node.js v12 (was using v8 previously).
- Added support for door lock state (thanks André!).
- Move to use docker-compose 3.3. Minor changes in docker-compose.yml file.
- First release.