# [2.0.0](https://github.com/mooyoul/node-webpinfo/compare/v1.3.0...v2.0.0) (2019-10-02) ### Build System * drop Node.js 6 support ([4509ca4](https://github.com/mooyoul/node-webpinfo/commit/4509ca4)) ### BREAKING CHANGES * Drop Node.js 6 support ## 1.3.0 - Added `width`, `height`, `isAnimated`, `isLossless`, `hasAlpha` field to format summary ## 1.2.0 - **BREAKING** Rename `WebPInfo#parse` to `WebPInfo#from`. ## 1.1.1 - fixed parser miscalculates `duration` of `ANMF` chunk. - If actual ANMF duration is 60(ms), parser reported duration as 61(ms), not 60. ## 1.1.0 - Now `WebPInfo#parse`, `WebPInfo#isAnimated`, `WebPInfo#isLossless` methods can accept not only Buffer but also Local File Path, URL, and ReadableStream. ## 1.0.4 - Initial Release