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This folder contains the template files used by TFplugindocs to autogenerate our provider documentation.

How To Guide

How do we use templates

The templates in TFplugindocs are implemented with Go text/template. After running tfplugindocs generate, the tfplugindocs engine performs the following operations:

  • Retrieves the templates in templates/resources/{resource_name}.md.tmpl and templates/data-sources/{resource_name}.md.tmpl for a specific resource-name
  • Retrieves the values in MarkdownDescription for all the fields in the resource-name schema
  • Retrieves the resource examples in examples/{resource_name}/
  • Generates the documentation.

How to generate a new template

Use resources/ and resources/ as an example to add templates for a resource and data source.

Data fields

Here is a list of the basic data fields and functions you can use to define a template.

See the HashiCorp documentation for a full list of data fields and functions.

Field Type Description
.Description string Provider description
.HasExample bool Is there an example file?
.ExampleFile string Path to the file with the terraform configuration example
.ProviderName string Canonical provider name (ex. terraform-provider-random)
.ProviderShortName string Short version of the provider name (ex. random)
.RenderedProviderName string Value provided via argument --rendered-provider-name, otherwise same as .ProviderName
.SchemaMarkdown string a Markdown formatted Provider Schema definition
Resources / Data Source
Field Type Description
.Name string Name of the resource/data-source (ex. tls_certificate)
.Type string Either Resource or Data Source
.Description string Resource / Data Source description
.HasExample bool Is there an example file?
.ExampleFile string Path to the file with the terraform configuration example
.HasImport bool Is there an import file?
.ImportFile string Path to the file with the command for importing the resource
.ProviderName string Canonical provider name (ex. terraform-provider-random)
.ProviderShortName string Short version of the provider name (ex. random)
.RenderedProviderName string Value provided via argument --rendered-provider-name, otherwise same as .ProviderName
.SchemaMarkdown string a Markdown formatted Resource / Data Source Schema definition


Function Description
codefile Create a Markdown code block with the content of a file. Path is relative to the repository root.
lower Equivalent to strings.ToLower.
plainmarkdown Render Markdown content as plaintext.
prefixlines Add a prefix to all (newline-separated) lines in a string.
printf Equivalent to fmt.Printf.
split Split string into sub-strings, by a given separator (ex. split .Name "_").
title Equivalent to cases.Title.
tffile A special case of the codefile function, designed for Terraform files (i.e. .tf).
trimspace Equivalent to strings.TrimSpace.
upper Equivalent to strings.ToUpper.