diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index fa5dce64ba0..9644ade5334 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ "configs/*", "scripts" ], + "dependencies": { + "electron": "^25.9.3" + }, "devDependencies": { "@babel/core": "7.16.0", "@babel/parser": "7.16.0", diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/index.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/index.js index eadff2b51ba..99c44d8f1ee 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/index.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/index.js @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ const getTranspiler = (loadTree, visitor, generator, symbols) => { const result = {}; Object.keys(input).map((k) => { - result[k] = k === 'options' ? input[k] : compile(input[k], idiomatic, true); + result[k] = (k === 'options' || k === 'exportMode') ? input[k] : compile(input[k], idiomatic, true); }); if (!('options' in result) || !('uri' in result.options) || diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttogo.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttogo.js index 560b014471c..c12856599c3 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttogo.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttogo.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const options = spec.options;\n const uri = spec.options.uri\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth)\n\n const comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver')\n .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const connect = []\n .concat('ctx := context.TODO()')\n .concat(this.declarations.length() > 0 ? `\\n${this.declarations.toString()}\\n` : '')\n .concat('// Set client options')\n .concat(`clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(\"${uri}\")`)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Connect to MongoDB')\n .concat('client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)')\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .concat('defer func() {')\n .concat(' if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat('}()')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const coll = []\n .concat(`coll := client.Database(\"${options.database}\").Collection(\"${options.collection}\")`)\n .join('\\n');\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Open an aggregation cursor')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Aggregate(ctx, ${spec.aggregation})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n\n const findOptions = []\n if (spec.project)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetProjection(${spec.project})`);\n if (spec.sort)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetSort(${spec.sort})`);\n\n const optsStr = findOptions.length > 0 ? `,\\n${indent(1)}${findOptions.join(`,\\n${indent(1)}`)}` : ''\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Find data')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Find(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat(`var contains = func(elems bson.A, v interface{}) bool {`)\n .concat(' for _, s := range elems {')\n .concat(' if v == s {')\n .concat(' return true')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return false')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not'))\n prefix = '!';\n return `${prefix}contains(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' && ')\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' || ')\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `!${arg}`\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `math.Pow(${s}, ${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `primitive.Regex{${structParts.join(\", \")}}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => literal.toLowerCase()\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n if (literal === '')\n return 'bson.A{}';\n return `bson.A{${literal}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg, depth, last) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n return `${indent}${arg},`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Null{}'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Undefined{}'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `bson.D{${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n // If there are no args, then there is nothing for us to format\n if (args.length === 0)\n return '';\n\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n // Indent every line of a string\n const indentBlock = (string, count = 1, options = {}) => {\n const {\n indent = ' ',\n includeEmptyLines = false\n } = options;\n\n const regex = includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\\s*$)/gm;\n return string.replace(regex, indent.repeat(count));\n }\n\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n // Check if a string is multiple lines i.e. has a break point\n const isMultiline = (element) => /\\r|\\n/.exec(element)\n\n // Format element by go type\n const fmt = (element) => {\n const hash = { multiline: isMultiline(element) };\n const typeFormatters = {\n 'bson.A': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n 'bson.D': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n default: (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? el : ` ${el}`\n };\n hash.el = typeFormatters.default(element);\n for (const type in typeFormatters)\n if (element.startsWith(type)) {\n hash.el = typeFormatters[type](element);\n break;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n // Get the {key, value} pair for the bson.D object\n const getPairs = (args, sep = `,${indent}`) => {\n const hash = { multiline: false }\n hash.el = args.map((pair) => {\n const fmtPair = fmt(pair[1])\n if (!hash.multiline && fmtPair.multiline)\n hash.multiline = true\n return `{${doubleStringify(pair[0])},${fmtPair.el}}`\n }).join(sep)\n return hash\n }\n\n const pairs = getPairs(args);\n const singleLine = args.length <= 1 && !pairs.multiline;\n const prefix = singleLine ? '' : indent;\n const suffix = singleLine ? '' : ',' + closingIndent;\n return `${prefix}${pairs.el}${suffix}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CodeWithScope'\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, code, scope) => {\n if (code === undefined)\n return `{}`;\n\n if (scope !== undefined)\n scope = `Scope: ${scope}`;\n\n const singleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\\'' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\"' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n code = code.substr(1, code.length - 2);\n\n code = `Code: primitive.JavaScript(\"${code.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `{${code}}` : `{${code}, ${scope}}`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '')\n return 'primitive.NewObjectID()';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0;\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n default:\n return `float64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt32 = func(str string) int32 {')\n .concat('i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return int32(i64)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt32(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int32(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `(${structParts.join(\", \")})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = '\"0\"';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return `{T: ${low}, I: ${high}}`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n }\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Date'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null)\n return `time.Now()`;\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds(),\n '0',\n 'time.UTC'\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr})`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Code`\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `${arg1} == ${arg2}`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => `primitive.IsValidObjectID`\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `strconv.Itoa(${lhs})`\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `int(${lhs})`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `float64(${lhs})`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, args) => args\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == int64(0)`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < int64(0)`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '^'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `float64(${arg})`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0).String`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n () => '()'\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CompareTimestamp'\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `(${lhs}, ${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `!${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == 1`\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) >= 0`\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => ''\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == -1`\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) <= 0`\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `string(${lhs})`\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int(^uint(0) >> 1)'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-(1+int(^uint(0) >> 1))'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(0)'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(1)'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(-1)'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var int64FromString = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.Atoi(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `int64FromString(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.NewObjectIDFromTimestamp'\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, isNumber) => isNumber ? `(time.Unix(${arg}, int64(0)))` : `(${arg})`\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const imports = Object.values(args).flat()\n const driverImports = args.driver || [];\n delete args['driver'];\n\n const flattenedArgs = Array.from(new Set([...driverImports, ...imports])).sort();\n const universal = [];\n const all = universal\n .concat(flattenedArgs)\n .map((i) => ` \"${i}\"`);\n return []\n .concat('import (')\n .concat(all.join('\\n'))\n .concat(')')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return [\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo\",\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options\",\n \"context\",\n \"log\"\n ]\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson']\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['time.Time']\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const options = spec.options;\n const uri = spec.options.uri\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth)\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'DeleteMany';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'UpdateMany';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'Find';\n }\n\n const comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver')\n .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const connect = []\n .concat('ctx := context.TODO()')\n .concat(this.declarations.length() > 0 ? `\\n${this.declarations.toString()}\\n` : '')\n .concat('// Set client options')\n .concat(`clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(\"${uri}\")`)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Connect to MongoDB')\n .concat('client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)')\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .concat('defer func() {')\n .concat(' if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat('}()')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const coll = []\n .concat(`coll := client.Database(\"${options.database}\").Collection(\"${options.collection}\")`)\n .join('\\n');\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Open an aggregation cursor')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Aggregate(ctx, ${spec.aggregation})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n\n const findOptions = []\n if (spec.project)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetProjection(${spec.project})`);\n if (spec.sort)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetSort(${spec.sort})`);\n\n const optsStr = findOptions.length > 0 ? `,\\n${indent(1)}${findOptions.join(`,\\n${indent(1)}`)}` : ''\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.${driverMethod}(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat(`var contains = func(elems bson.A, v interface{}) bool {`)\n .concat(' for _, s := range elems {')\n .concat(' if v == s {')\n .concat(' return true')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return false')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not'))\n prefix = '!';\n return `${prefix}contains(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' && ')\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' || ')\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `!${arg}`\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `math.Pow(${s}, ${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `primitive.Regex{${structParts.join(\", \")}}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => literal.toLowerCase()\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n if (literal === '')\n return 'bson.A{}';\n return `bson.A{${literal}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg, depth, last) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n return `${indent}${arg},`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Null{}'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Undefined{}'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `bson.D{${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n // If there are no args, then there is nothing for us to format\n if (args.length === 0)\n return '';\n\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n // Indent every line of a string\n const indentBlock = (string, count = 1, options = {}) => {\n const {\n indent = ' ',\n includeEmptyLines = false\n } = options;\n\n const regex = includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\\s*$)/gm;\n return string.replace(regex, indent.repeat(count));\n }\n\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n // Check if a string is multiple lines i.e. has a break point\n const isMultiline = (element) => /\\r|\\n/.exec(element)\n\n // Format element by go type\n const fmt = (element) => {\n const hash = { multiline: isMultiline(element) };\n const typeFormatters = {\n 'bson.A': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n 'bson.D': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n default: (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? el : ` ${el}`\n };\n hash.el = typeFormatters.default(element);\n for (const type in typeFormatters)\n if (element.startsWith(type)) {\n hash.el = typeFormatters[type](element);\n break;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n // Get the {key, value} pair for the bson.D object\n const getPairs = (args, sep = `,${indent}`) => {\n const hash = { multiline: false }\n hash.el = args.map((pair) => {\n const fmtPair = fmt(pair[1])\n if (!hash.multiline && fmtPair.multiline)\n hash.multiline = true\n return `{${doubleStringify(pair[0])},${fmtPair.el}}`\n }).join(sep)\n return hash\n }\n\n const pairs = getPairs(args);\n const singleLine = args.length <= 1 && !pairs.multiline;\n const prefix = singleLine ? '' : indent;\n const suffix = singleLine ? '' : ',' + closingIndent;\n return `${prefix}${pairs.el}${suffix}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CodeWithScope'\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, code, scope) => {\n if (code === undefined)\n return `{}`;\n\n if (scope !== undefined)\n scope = `Scope: ${scope}`;\n\n const singleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\\'' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\"' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n code = code.substr(1, code.length - 2);\n\n code = `Code: primitive.JavaScript(\"${code.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `{${code}}` : `{${code}, ${scope}}`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '')\n return 'primitive.NewObjectID()';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0;\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n default:\n return `float64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt32 = func(str string) int32 {')\n .concat('i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return int32(i64)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt32(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int32(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `(${structParts.join(\", \")})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = '\"0\"';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return `{T: ${low}, I: ${high}}`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n }\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Date'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null)\n return `time.Now()`;\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds(),\n '0',\n 'time.UTC'\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr})`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Code`\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `${arg1} == ${arg2}`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => `primitive.IsValidObjectID`\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `strconv.Itoa(${lhs})`\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `int(${lhs})`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `float64(${lhs})`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, args) => args\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == int64(0)`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < int64(0)`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '^'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `float64(${arg})`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0).String`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n () => '()'\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CompareTimestamp'\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `(${lhs}, ${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `!${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == 1`\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) >= 0`\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => ''\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == -1`\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) <= 0`\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `string(${lhs})`\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int(^uint(0) >> 1)'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-(1+int(^uint(0) >> 1))'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(0)'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(1)'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(-1)'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var int64FromString = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.Atoi(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `int64FromString(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.NewObjectIDFromTimestamp'\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, isNumber) => isNumber ? `(time.Unix(${arg}, int64(0)))` : `(${arg})`\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const imports = Object.values(args).flat()\n const driverImports = args.driver || [];\n delete args['driver'];\n\n const flattenedArgs = Array.from(new Set([...driverImports, ...imports])).sort();\n const universal = [];\n const all = universal\n .concat(flattenedArgs)\n .map((i) => ` \"${i}\"`);\n return []\n .concat('import (')\n .concat(all.join('\\n'))\n .concat(')')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return [\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo\",\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options\",\n \"context\",\n \"log\"\n ]\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson']\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['time.Time']\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttojava.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttojava.js index 035c47cb8f6..698a850f870 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttojava.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttojava.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver.\n * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver`;\n\n const str = spec.options.uri;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n const uri = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n\n\n const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(\n new MongoClientURI(\n ${uri}\n )\n );\n\n MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(\"${spec.options.database}\");\n\n MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(\"${spec.options.collection}\");`;\n\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n */\\n\\n${connection}\n\n AggregateIterable result = collection.aggregate(${spec.aggregation});`;\n }\n\n let warning = '';\n const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s;\n if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n return `${s}\n Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n }, '');\n\n const result = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n switch (k) {\n case 'options':\n case 'filter':\n return s;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n return `${s}\n .maxTime(${spec[k]}, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)`;\n case 'skip':\n case 'limit':\n return `${s}\n .${k}((int)${spec[k]})`;\n case 'project':\n return `${s}\n .projection(project)`;\n case 'collation':\n warning = '\\n *\\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored';\n return s;\n default:\n return `${s}\n .${k}(${k})`;\n }\n }, 'FindIterable result = collection.find(filter)');\n\n return `${comment}${warning}\\n */\\n\\n${defs}\n\n ${connection}\n\n ${result};`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg.replace(/L$/, '000L')}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, mode) => {\n let imports = 'import com.mongodb.MongoClient;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.conversions.Bson;\\n' +\n 'import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.Document;\\n';\n if (mode === 'Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;';\n } else {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;';\n }\n return imports;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver.\n * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver`;\n\n const str = spec.options.uri;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n const uri = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(\n new MongoClientURI(\n ${uri}\n )\n );\n\n MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(\"${spec.options.database}\");\n\n MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(\"${spec.options.collection}\");`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n let driverResult;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'deleteMany';\n driverResult = 'DeleteResult';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'updateMany';\n driverResult = 'UpdateResult';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n driverResult = 'FindIterable';\n }\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n */\\n\\n${connection}\n\n AggregateIterable result = collection.aggregate(${spec.aggregation});`;\n }\n\n let warning = '';\n const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (!spec[k]) return s;\n if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s;\n if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n return `${s}\n Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n }, '');\n\n const result = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n switch (k) {\n case 'options':\n case 'filter':\n return s;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n return `${s}\n .maxTime(${spec[k]}, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)`;\n case 'skip':\n case 'limit':\n return `${s}\n .${k}((int)${spec[k]})`;\n case 'project':\n return `${s}\n .projection(project)`;\n case 'collation':\n warning = '\\n *\\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored';\n return s;\n case 'exportMode':\n return s;\n default:\n if (!spec[k]) return s;\n return `${s}\n .${k}(${k})`;\n }\n }, `${driverResult} result = collection.${driverMethod}(filter)`);\n\n return `${comment}${warning}\\n */\\n\\n${defs}\n\n ${connection}\n\n ${result};`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg.replace(/L$/, '000L')}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, mode) => {\n let imports = 'import com.mongodb.MongoClient;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.conversions.Bson;\\n' +\n 'import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.Document;\\n';\n if (mode === 'Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;';\n } else if (mode === 'Pipeline') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;';\n } else if (mode === 'Delete Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;';\n }\n return imports;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttophp.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttophp.js index 90fadb857d8..82e2fdcc32d 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttophp.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttophp.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver')\n .concat('// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/')\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n const client = `$client = new Client('${options.uri}');`;\n const collection = `$collection = $client->selectCollection('${options.database}', '${options.collection}');`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n // Note: toPHPArray() may not be required here as Compass should always provide an array for spec.aggregation\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->aggregate(${this.utils.toPHPArray(spec.aggregation)});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n\n let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]);\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} '${getKey(k)}' => ${val}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n args = args ? `, [\\n${args}\\n]` : '';\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->find(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // Identity comparison\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n if (op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n }\n // Not equal\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n // Equal\n if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n // All other cases\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // array\n if (rhs.charAt(0) === '[' && rhs.charAt(rhs.length - 1) === ']') {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\in_array(${lhs}, ${rhs})`;\n }\n \n //object\n if (rhs.indexOf('(object) ') === 0) {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\property_exists(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n \n // string - all other cases\n let targop = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n targop = '===';\n }\n return `\\\\strpos(${rhs}, ${lhs}) ${targop} false`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `! ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, arg) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `+${arg}`;\n case '-':\n return `-${arg}`;\n case '~':\n return `~${arg}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `${s} + ${rhs}`;\n case '-':\n return `${s} - ${rhs}`;\n case '*':\n return `${s} * ${rhs}`;\n case '/':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n case '//':\n return `\\\\intdiv(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '%':\n return `${s} % ${rhs}`;\n case '>>':\n return `${s} >> ${rhs}`;\n case '<<':\n return `${s} << ${rhs}`;\n case '|':\n return `${s} | ${rhs}`;\n case '&':\n return `${s} & ${rhs}`;\n case '^':\n return `${s} ^ ${rhs}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n \n stringifyWithSingleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n };\n\n return `${stringifyWithSingleQuotes(str)}`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n\n stringifyWithDoubleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}`;\n };\n \n pattern = `\"${stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}\"`;\n flags = flags ? `, \"${flags}\"` : '';\n\n return `new Regex(${pattern}${flags})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return `${literal}`;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n let isObjectCastRequired = true;\n \n if (args.length === 0) {\n return `(object) []`;\n }\n\n const isExpectedIndex = (actualIndex, expectedIndex) => {\n return '' + actualIndex === '' + expectedIndex;\n }\n \n let indexTest = 0;\n let pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n if (isObjectCastRequired && !isExpectedIndex(arg[0], indexTest)) {\n isObjectCastRequired = false;\n }\n indexTest++;\n return `${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n // Rebuilding pairs for numeric sequential indexes without quotes\n if (isObjectCastRequired) {\n pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${arg[0]} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n return `${isObjectCastRequired ? '(object) ' : ''}[${pairs}]`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Javascript';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n return !scope \n ? `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)})` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)}, ${scope})`\n ;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n return !id \n ? `()` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(id)})`\n ;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n if (type === null) {\n type = 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(bytes)}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n let coll_string = `'$ref' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(coll)}`;\n let id_string = `, '$id' => ${id}`;\n let db_string = db ? `, '$db' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(db)}` : `, '$db' => null`;\n return `[${coll_string}${id_string}${db_string}]`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n return `(float) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n return `('${this.utils.removeStringQuotes(arg)}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n // PHP orders increment and timestamp args differently (see: PHPC-845)\n return `(${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2}, ${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if ((arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) && (arg.indexOf('.') !== arg.length - 2)) {\n return `(float) ${arg}`\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'UTCDateTime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null) {\n return `new ${lhs}()`;\n }\n return isString \n ? `(new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}))->toDateTime()->format(\\\\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)`\n : `new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()})`\n ;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `new UTCDateTime()`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return ``;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(\\\\ctype_xdigit(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) && \\\\strlen(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) == 24)`;\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `\\\\strlen((${lhs})->getData())`;\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$db']`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$ref']`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$id']`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=>`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x00000000ffffffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new UTCDateTime((${lhs})->getTimestamp() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MAX';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MIN';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', (${arg})->toDateTime()->getTimestamp())), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', ${arg})), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\Client;`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n # Common internal Regexp\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Javascript;`;\n }\n # ObjectId\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\ObjectId;`;\n }\n # Binary\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Binary;`;\n }\n # DBRef\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n # Int64\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MinKey;`;\n }\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MaxKey;`;\n }\n # Regex\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n # Timestamp\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Timestamp;`;\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n # Decimal128\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Decimal128;`;\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\UTCDateTime;`;\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver')\n .concat('// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/')\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n const client = `$client = new Client('${options.uri}');`;\n const collection = `$collection = $client->selectCollection('${options.database}', '${options.collection}');`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n // Note: toPHPArray() may not be required here as Compass should always provide an array for spec.aggregation\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->aggregate(${this.utils.toPHPArray(spec.aggregation)});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]);\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} '${getKey(k)}' => ${val}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n args = args ? `, [\\n${args}\\n]` : '';\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->${driverMethod}(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // Identity comparison\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n if (op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n }\n // Not equal\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n // Equal\n if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n // All other cases\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // array\n if (rhs.charAt(0) === '[' && rhs.charAt(rhs.length - 1) === ']') {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\in_array(${lhs}, ${rhs})`;\n }\n \n //object\n if (rhs.indexOf('(object) ') === 0) {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\property_exists(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n \n // string - all other cases\n let targop = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n targop = '===';\n }\n return `\\\\strpos(${rhs}, ${lhs}) ${targop} false`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `! ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, arg) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `+${arg}`;\n case '-':\n return `-${arg}`;\n case '~':\n return `~${arg}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `${s} + ${rhs}`;\n case '-':\n return `${s} - ${rhs}`;\n case '*':\n return `${s} * ${rhs}`;\n case '/':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n case '//':\n return `\\\\intdiv(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '%':\n return `${s} % ${rhs}`;\n case '>>':\n return `${s} >> ${rhs}`;\n case '<<':\n return `${s} << ${rhs}`;\n case '|':\n return `${s} | ${rhs}`;\n case '&':\n return `${s} & ${rhs}`;\n case '^':\n return `${s} ^ ${rhs}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n \n stringifyWithSingleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n };\n\n return `${stringifyWithSingleQuotes(str)}`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n\n stringifyWithDoubleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}`;\n };\n \n pattern = `\"${stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}\"`;\n flags = flags ? `, \"${flags}\"` : '';\n\n return `new Regex(${pattern}${flags})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return `${literal}`;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n let isObjectCastRequired = true;\n \n if (args.length === 0) {\n return `(object) []`;\n }\n\n const isExpectedIndex = (actualIndex, expectedIndex) => {\n return '' + actualIndex === '' + expectedIndex;\n }\n \n let indexTest = 0;\n let pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n if (isObjectCastRequired && !isExpectedIndex(arg[0], indexTest)) {\n isObjectCastRequired = false;\n }\n indexTest++;\n return `${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n // Rebuilding pairs for numeric sequential indexes without quotes\n if (isObjectCastRequired) {\n pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${arg[0]} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n return `${isObjectCastRequired ? '(object) ' : ''}[${pairs}]`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Javascript';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n return !scope \n ? `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)})` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)}, ${scope})`\n ;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n return !id \n ? `()` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(id)})`\n ;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n if (type === null) {\n type = 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(bytes)}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n let coll_string = `'$ref' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(coll)}`;\n let id_string = `, '$id' => ${id}`;\n let db_string = db ? `, '$db' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(db)}` : `, '$db' => null`;\n return `[${coll_string}${id_string}${db_string}]`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n return `(float) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n return `('${this.utils.removeStringQuotes(arg)}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n // PHP orders increment and timestamp args differently (see: PHPC-845)\n return `(${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2}, ${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if ((arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) && (arg.indexOf('.') !== arg.length - 2)) {\n return `(float) ${arg}`\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'UTCDateTime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null) {\n return `new ${lhs}()`;\n }\n return isString \n ? `(new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}))->toDateTime()->format(\\\\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)`\n : `new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()})`\n ;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `new UTCDateTime()`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return ``;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(\\\\ctype_xdigit(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) && \\\\strlen(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) == 24)`;\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `\\\\strlen((${lhs})->getData())`;\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$db']`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$ref']`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$id']`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=>`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x00000000ffffffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new UTCDateTime((${lhs})->getTimestamp() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MAX';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MIN';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', (${arg})->toDateTime()->getTimestamp())), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', ${arg})), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\Client;`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n # Common internal Regexp\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Javascript;`;\n }\n # ObjectId\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\ObjectId;`;\n }\n # Binary\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Binary;`;\n }\n # DBRef\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n # Int64\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MinKey;`;\n }\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MaxKey;`;\n }\n # Regex\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n # Timestamp\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Timestamp;`;\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n # Decimal128\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Decimal128;`;\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\UTCDateTime;`;\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttopython.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttopython.js index a9126d9042b..0da342ffafe 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttopython.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttopython.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Python Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'a'\n y: ''\n g: 's'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n\n # filter, project, sort, collation, skip, limit, maxTimeMS\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `# Requires the PyMongo package.\n # https://api.mongodb.com/python/current`;\n const translateKey = {\n filter: 'filter',\n project: 'projection',\n sort: 'sort',\n collation: 'collation',\n skip: 'skip',\n limit: 'limit',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n delete spec.options;\n\n const connect = `client = MongoClient('${options.uri}')`;\n const coll = `client['${options.database}']['${options.collection}']`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n if (k === 'sort') {\n return `${result}\\n${k}=list(${spec[k]}.items())`;\n }\n return `${result}\\n${k}=${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${\n k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n }=${k}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(\\n${args}\\n)`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = 'in';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = 'not in';\n }\n return `${lhs} ${str} ${rhs}`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' and ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' or ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `not ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} // ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\(?!\\/)/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `re.compile(r\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.generation_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `len(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `int(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate null\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.as_datetime()';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs}.as_datetime() - `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.as_datetime()).total_seconds()`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Single quote stringify\n const scopestr = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scopestr})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(b${bytes})`;\n }\n return `(b${bytes}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.MD5_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'float';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'int';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `(${newStr})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'sys.maxsize';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-sys.maxsize -1';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(0)';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(1)';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(-1)';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int(${arg}))`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.from_datetime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(datetime.fromtimestamp(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.is_valid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `float('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.utcnow()${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr}, tzinfo=timezone.utc)${toStr}`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime.utcnow';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 're';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`from bson import ${bson.join(', ')}`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from pymongo import MongoClient';\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import re';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timezone';\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Python Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'a'\n y: ''\n g: 's'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n\n # filter, project, sort, collation, skip, limit, maxTimeMS\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `# Requires the PyMongo package.\n # https://api.mongodb.com/python/current`;\n const translateKey = {\n filter: 'filter',\n project: 'projection',\n sort: 'sort',\n collation: 'collation',\n skip: 'skip',\n limit: 'limit',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `client = MongoClient('${options.uri}')`;\n const coll = `client['${options.database}']['${options.collection}']`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n if (k === 'sort') {\n return `${result}\\n${k}=list(${spec[k]}.items())`;\n }\n return `${result}\\n${k}=${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${\n k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n }=${k}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(\\n${args}\\n)`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = 'in';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = 'not in';\n }\n return `${lhs} ${str} ${rhs}`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' and ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' or ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `not ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} // ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\(?!\\/)/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `re.compile(r\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.generation_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `len(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `int(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate null\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.as_datetime()';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs}.as_datetime() - `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.as_datetime()).total_seconds()`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Single quote stringify\n const scopestr = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scopestr})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(b${bytes})`;\n }\n return `(b${bytes}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.MD5_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'float';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'int';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `(${newStr})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'sys.maxsize';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-sys.maxsize -1';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(0)';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(1)';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(-1)';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int(${arg}))`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.from_datetime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(datetime.fromtimestamp(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.is_valid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `float('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.utcnow()${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr}, tzinfo=timezone.utc)${toStr}`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime.utcnow';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 're';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`from bson import ${bson.join(', ')}`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from pymongo import MongoClient';\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import re';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timezone';\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoruby.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoruby.js index 696337a8353..82b44068f3b 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoruby.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoruby.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: ''\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n comment = '# Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver\\n# https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/';\n\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {}\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter\n\n const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`;\n const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n return `${result}\\n${getKey(k)} = ${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${getKey(k)}: ${getKey(k)}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(${filter}${args ? `, {\\n${args}\\n}` : ''})`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n let not = op.includes('not') ? '!' : ''\n return `${not}${lhs}.equal?(${rhs})`\n } else if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.include?(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s}.div(${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n return `/${pattern}/${flags ? flags : ''}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Code'\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n if (code === undefined) {\n return '.new'\n }\n return !scope ? `.new(${singleStringify(code)})` : `WithScope.new(${singleStringify(code)}, ${scope})`\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return !id ? '.new' : `(${singleStringify(id)})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::DBRef'\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n let db_string = db ? `,\\n '$db' => ${singleStringify(db)}` : ''\n return `.new(\\n '$ref' => ${singleStringify(coll)},\\n '$id' => ${id}${db_string}\\n)`\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_f`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '' : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `:'${newStr}'`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_sym`;\n }\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n }\n return `/${singleStringify(pattern)}/${flags ? singleStringify(flags) : ''}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.new('${arg}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `.new(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `'${newStr}'.to_f`;\n } else if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return newStr;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_f`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.new.utc${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}.utc(${dateStr})${toStr}`;\n }\n\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time.now.utc';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.javascript`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.scope`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.legal?`\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '${lhs}.to_s';\n }\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Time.at(${lhs}.increment).utc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inspect`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n let extractRegex = (lhs) => {\n let r = /^:'(.*)'$/;\n let arr = r.exec(lhs);\n return arr ? arr[1] : ''\n\n }\n let res = extractRegex(lhs)\n return res ? `'${res}'` : `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '9223372036854775807';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-9223372036854775808';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId.from_time';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n return `(Time.at(${arg}))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args))\n if (set.has(`require 'mongo'`)) return `require 'mongo'`\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'mongo'`\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: ''\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n comment = '# Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver\\n# https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/';\n\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {}\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`;\n const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n return `${result}\\n${getKey(k)} = ${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${getKey(k)}: ${getKey(k)}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}${args ? `, {\\n${args}\\n}` : ''})`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n let not = op.includes('not') ? '!' : ''\n return `${not}${lhs}.equal?(${rhs})`\n } else if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.include?(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s}.div(${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n return `/${pattern}/${flags ? flags : ''}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Code'\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n if (code === undefined) {\n return '.new'\n }\n return !scope ? `.new(${singleStringify(code)})` : `WithScope.new(${singleStringify(code)}, ${scope})`\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return !id ? '.new' : `(${singleStringify(id)})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::DBRef'\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n let db_string = db ? `,\\n '$db' => ${singleStringify(db)}` : ''\n return `.new(\\n '$ref' => ${singleStringify(coll)},\\n '$id' => ${id}${db_string}\\n)`\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_f`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '' : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `:'${newStr}'`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_sym`;\n }\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n }\n return `/${singleStringify(pattern)}/${flags ? singleStringify(flags) : ''}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.new('${arg}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `.new(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `'${newStr}'.to_f`;\n } else if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return newStr;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_f`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.new.utc${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}.utc(${dateStr})${toStr}`;\n }\n\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time.now.utc';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.javascript`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.scope`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.legal?`\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '${lhs}.to_s';\n }\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Time.at(${lhs}.increment).utc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inspect`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n let extractRegex = (lhs) => {\n let r = /^:'(.*)'$/;\n let arr = r.exec(lhs);\n return arr ? arr[1] : ''\n\n }\n let res = extractRegex(lhs)\n return res ? `'${res}'` : `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '9223372036854775807';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-9223372036854775808';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId.from_time';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n return `(Time.at(${arg}))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args))\n if (set.has(`require 'mongo'`)) return `require 'mongo'`\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'mongo'`\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttorust.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttorust.js index bfe7e82a5d0..f238301c002 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttorust.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttorust.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `// Requires the MongoDB crate.\\n// https://crates.io/crates/mongodb`;\n \n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || 'None';\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str(\"${options.uri}\").await?;`\n const coll = `client.database(\"${options.database}\").collection::(\"${options.collection}\")`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n let agg = spec.aggregation;\n if (agg.charAt(0) != '[') {\n agg = `[${agg}]`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`;\n }\n\n const findOpts = [];\n for (const k in spec) {\n let optName = k;\n let optValue = spec[k];\n switch(k) {\n case 'project':\n optName = 'projection';\n break;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n optName = 'max_time';\n optValue = `std::time::Duration::from_millis(${optValue})`;\n break;\n }\n findOpts.push(` .${optName}(${optValue})`);\n }\n let optStr = '';\n if (findOpts.length > 0) {\n optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::FindOptions::builder()\\n${findOpts.join('\\n')}\\n .build();\\n`;\n }\n let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None';\n const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.find(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\n${optStr}${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n prefix = '!';\n }\n return `${prefix}${rhs}.contains(&${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `${s}.pow(${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return `Regex { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string(), options: \"${flags}\".to_string() }`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (literal.charAt(1) === 'X') {\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'x' + literal.substring(2);\n }\n return literal;\n }\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n switch(literal.charAt(1)) {\n case 'o':\n return literal;\n case 'O':\n case '0':\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(2);\n default:\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(1);\n }\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (element, depth, isLast) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = isLast ? '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1) : ',';\n return `${indent}${element}${closingIndent}`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Null'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Undefined'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `doc! {${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((pair) => {\n return `${indent}${doubleStringify(pair[0])}: ${pair[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `${pairs}${closingIndent}`;\n\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string()`;\n if (scope === undefined) {\n return `Bson::JavaScriptCode(${code})`;\n } else {\n return `JavaScriptCodeWithScope { code: ${code}, scope: ${scope} }`;\n }\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'ObjectId'\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '') {\n return '::new()';\n }\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Generic'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Function'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::BinaryOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::UuidOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Uuid'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Md5'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `BinarySubtype::UserDefined(${arg})`\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, coll, id, db\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return `${arg}i64`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i64::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `(${arg})`\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n if (flags === null || flags === undefined) {\n flags = '';\n }\n if (\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\\'' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\"' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n flags = flags.substr(1, flags.length - 2);\n }\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return ` { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\", flags: \"${flags}\" }`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate null # No args\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, arg\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return ` { time: ${low}, increment: ${high} }`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n case '_integer':\n case '_long':\n case '_decimal':\n return `${arg}`;\n default:\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = isString ? '.to_rfc3339_string()' : '';\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}::now()${toStr}`;\n }\n return `${lhs}::parse_rfc3339_str(\"${date.toISOString()}\")?${toStr}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.scope`\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.to_hex()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate null\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes`\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes.len()`\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{}\", ${arg})`\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.subtype`\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as i32`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f64`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == 0`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < 0`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '~'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f32`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.to_string()`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `DateTime::from_millis(${arg}.time)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.cmp`\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{:?}\", ${arg})`\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime::now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MAX'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MIN'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '0i64'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '1i64'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-1i64'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg} as i64`\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, radix) => {\n if (radix) {\n return `i64::from_str_radix(${arg}, ${radix})?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let merged = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...merged].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::Client;'\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::doc;'\n # Null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Undefined\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;'\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Binary;'\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Timestamp;'\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::JavaScriptCodeWithScope;'\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::spec::BinarySubtype;'\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::DateTime;'\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `// Requires the MongoDB crate.\\n// https://crates.io/crates/mongodb`;\n \n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || 'None';\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str(\"${options.uri}\").await?;`\n const coll = `client.database(\"${options.database}\").collection::(\"${options.collection}\")`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n let agg = spec.aggregation;\n if (agg.charAt(0) != '[') {\n agg = `[${agg}]`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`;\n }\n\n let driverMethod;\n let optionsName;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n optionsName = 'DeleteOptions';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n optionsName = 'UpdateOptions';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n optionsName = 'FindOptions';\n break;\n }\n\n const findOpts = [];\n for (const k in spec) {\n let optName = k;\n let optValue = spec[k];\n switch(k) {\n case 'project':\n optName = 'projection';\n break;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n optName = 'max_time';\n optValue = `std::time::Duration::from_millis(${optValue})`;\n break;\n }\n findOpts.push(` .${optName}(${optValue})`);\n }\n let optStr = '';\n if (findOpts.length > 0) {\n optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::${optionsName}::builder()\\n${findOpts.join('\\n')}\\n .build();\\n`;\n }\n let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None';\n const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\n${optStr}${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n prefix = '!';\n }\n return `${prefix}${rhs}.contains(&${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `${s}.pow(${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return `Regex { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string(), options: \"${flags}\".to_string() }`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (literal.charAt(1) === 'X') {\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'x' + literal.substring(2);\n }\n return literal;\n }\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n switch(literal.charAt(1)) {\n case 'o':\n return literal;\n case 'O':\n case '0':\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(2);\n default:\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(1);\n }\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (element, depth, isLast) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = isLast ? '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1) : ',';\n return `${indent}${element}${closingIndent}`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Null'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Undefined'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `doc! {${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((pair) => {\n return `${indent}${doubleStringify(pair[0])}: ${pair[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `${pairs}${closingIndent}`;\n\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string()`;\n if (scope === undefined) {\n return `Bson::JavaScriptCode(${code})`;\n } else {\n return `JavaScriptCodeWithScope { code: ${code}, scope: ${scope} }`;\n }\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'ObjectId'\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '') {\n return '::new()';\n }\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Generic'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Function'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::BinaryOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::UuidOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Uuid'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Md5'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `BinarySubtype::UserDefined(${arg})`\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, coll, id, db\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return `${arg}i64`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i64::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `(${arg})`\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n if (flags === null || flags === undefined) {\n flags = '';\n }\n if (\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\\'' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\"' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n flags = flags.substr(1, flags.length - 2);\n }\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return ` { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\", flags: \"${flags}\" }`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate null # No args\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, arg\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return ` { time: ${low}, increment: ${high} }`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n case '_integer':\n case '_long':\n case '_decimal':\n return `${arg}`;\n default:\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = isString ? '.to_rfc3339_string()' : '';\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}::now()${toStr}`;\n }\n return `${lhs}::parse_rfc3339_str(\"${date.toISOString()}\")?${toStr}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.scope`\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.to_hex()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate null\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes`\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes.len()`\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{}\", ${arg})`\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.subtype`\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as i32`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f64`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == 0`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < 0`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '~'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f32`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.to_string()`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `DateTime::from_millis(${arg}.time)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.cmp`\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{:?}\", ${arg})`\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime::now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MAX'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MIN'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '0i64'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '1i64'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-1i64'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg} as i64`\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, radix) => {\n if (radix) {\n return `i64::from_str_radix(${arg}, ${radix})?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let merged = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...merged].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::Client;'\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::doc;'\n # Null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Undefined\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;'\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Binary;'\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Timestamp;'\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::JavaScriptCodeWithScope;'\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::spec::BinarySubtype;'\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::DateTime;'\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoshell.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoshell.js index 2bc5a8952be..40decaaeddf 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoshell.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/javascripttoshell.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n let cmd;\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n cmd = `aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n } else {\n const project = 'project' in spec ? `, ${spec.project}` : '';\n cmd = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'options' && k !== 'project' && k !== 'filter') {\n s = `${s}.${k}(${spec[k]})`;\n }\n return s;\n }, `find(${spec.filter}${project})`);\n }\n return `mongo '${spec.options.uri}' --eval \"db = db.getSiblingDB('${spec.options.database}');\n db.${spec.options.collection}.${cmd};\"`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Symbol, Double, Date.now]\n noNew = [111, 104, 200.1];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const stringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${stringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.hex`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDb()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollection()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.valueOf`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatApprox`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatValue()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n // Single quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BinData';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n type = '0';\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '3';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '80';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => {\n // Remove quotes\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return newStr;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberInt';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberLong';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.max()';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.min()';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 0;\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return 1;\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return -1;\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null # Also has process method\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate null\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberDecimal';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.fromDate`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new Date(${arg * 1000}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate null\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate null\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate null\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate null\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate null\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n let cmd;\n if (spec.exportMode === 'Delete Query') {\n cmd = `deleteMany(${spec.filter})`\n } \n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n cmd = `aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n } else if (!cmd) {\n const project = 'project' in spec ? `, ${spec.project}` : '';\n cmd = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'options' && k !== 'project' && k !== 'filter' && k != 'exportMode') {\n s = `${s}.${k}(${spec[k]})`;\n }\n return s;\n }, `find(${spec.filter}${project})`);\n }\n return `mongo '${spec.options.uri}' --eval \"db = db.getSiblingDB('${spec.options.database}');\n db.${spec.options.collection}.${cmd};\"`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Symbol, Double, Date.now]\n noNew = [111, 104, 200.1];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const stringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${stringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.hex`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDb()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollection()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.valueOf`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatApprox`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatValue()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n // Single quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BinData';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n type = '0';\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '3';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '80';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => {\n // Remove quotes\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return newStr;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberInt';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberLong';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.max()';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.min()';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 0;\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return 1;\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return -1;\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null # Also has process method\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate null\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberDecimal';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.fromDate`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new Date(${arg * 1000}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate null\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate null\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate null\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate null\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate null\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toHexString\"\n type: *StringType\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n value:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"value\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n sub_type:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n namespace:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"namespace\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n oid:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"oid\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Double: &DoubleType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Int32: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n Long: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongEqualsArgsTemplate\n toInt:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toInt\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongToIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToIntArgsTemplate\n toNumber:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toNumber\"\n type: *DecimalType\n template: *LongToNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongToNumberArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *LongCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongCompareArgsTemplate\n isOdd:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isOdd\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsOddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsOddArgsTemplate\n isZero:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isZero\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsZeroArgsTemplate\n isNegative:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isNegative\"\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongIsNegativeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate\n negate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"negate\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNegateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNegateArgsTemplate\n not:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"not\"\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongNotTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n add:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"add\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAddTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAddArgsTemplate\n subtract:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtract\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongSubtractTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSubtractArgsTemplate\n multiply:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"multiply\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongMultiplyTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongMultiplyArgsTemplate\n div:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"div\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongDivTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongDivArgsTemplate\n modulo:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"modulo\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongModuloTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongModuloArgsTemplate\n and:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"and\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongAndTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongAndArgsTemplate\n or:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"or\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongOrTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongOrArgsTemplate\n xor:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"xor\"\n args:\n - [ \"Long\" ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongXorTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongXorArgsTemplate\n shiftLeft:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftLeft\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftLeftTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate\n shiftRight:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"shiftRight\"\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: \"Long\"\n template: *LongShiftRightTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongShiftRightArgsTemplate\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n BSONRegExpType: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType #TODO: add pattern + options\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate\n getLowBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getLowBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getHighBits:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getHighBits\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n compare:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"compare\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampCompareTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampCompareArgsTemplate\n notEquals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"notEquals\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampNotEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate\n greaterThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate\n greaterThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"greaterThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n lessThan:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThan\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate\n lessThanOrEqual:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"lessThanOrEqual\"\n args:\n - [ \"Timestamp\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n valueOf:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"valueOf\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolValueOfTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolToStringArgsTemplate\n inspect:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inspect\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *SymbolInspectTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolInspectArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *Decimal128ToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"CodeFromJS\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n createFromHexString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"createFromHexString\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate\n createFromTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n isValid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"isValid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, *ObjectType ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr:\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Double:\n id: \"Double\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *DoubleType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int32:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n Long:\n id: \"Long\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr:\n MAX_VALUE:\n id: \"MAX_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMaxTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate\n MIN_VALUE:\n id: \"MIN_VALUE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolMinTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate\n ZERO:\n id: \"ZERO\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolZeroTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate\n ONE:\n id: \"ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate\n NEG_ONE:\n id: \"NEG_ONE\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolNegOneTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate\n fromBits:\n id: \"LongfromBits\" # Needs process method\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate\n fromInt:\n id: \"fromInt\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromIntTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate\n fromNumber:\n id: \"fromNumber\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *NumericType ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {} #TODO: add fromInt, fromNumber, fromBits, fromString\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONSymbol:\n id: \"BSONSymbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n BSONRegExp:\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr: {}\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr:\n fromString:\n id: \"fromString\"\n callable: *func\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs process method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontogo.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontogo.js index 4de11d40a27..da2bbfd376f 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontogo.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontogo.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const options = spec.options;\n const uri = spec.options.uri\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth)\n\n const comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver')\n .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const connect = []\n .concat('ctx := context.TODO()')\n .concat(this.declarations.length() > 0 ? `\\n${this.declarations.toString()}\\n` : '')\n .concat('// Set client options')\n .concat(`clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(\"${uri}\")`)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Connect to MongoDB')\n .concat('client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)')\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .concat('defer func() {')\n .concat(' if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat('}()')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const coll = []\n .concat(`coll := client.Database(\"${options.database}\").Collection(\"${options.collection}\")`)\n .join('\\n');\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Open an aggregation cursor')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Aggregate(ctx, ${spec.aggregation})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n\n const findOptions = []\n if (spec.project)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetProjection(${spec.project})`);\n if (spec.sort)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetSort(${spec.sort})`);\n\n const optsStr = findOptions.length > 0 ? `,\\n${indent(1)}${findOptions.join(`,\\n${indent(1)}`)}` : ''\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Find data')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Find(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat(`var contains = func(elems bson.A, v interface{}) bool {`)\n .concat(' for _, s := range elems {')\n .concat(' if v == s {')\n .concat(' return true')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return false')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not'))\n prefix = '!';\n return `${prefix}contains(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' && ')\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' || ')\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `!${arg}`\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `math.Pow(${s}, ${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `primitive.Regex{${structParts.join(\", \")}}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => literal.toLowerCase()\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n if (literal === '')\n return 'bson.A{}';\n return `bson.A{${literal}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg, depth, last) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n return `${indent}${arg},`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Null{}'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Undefined{}'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `bson.D{${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n // If there are no args, then there is nothing for us to format\n if (args.length === 0)\n return '';\n\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n // Indent every line of a string\n const indentBlock = (string, count = 1, options = {}) => {\n const {\n indent = ' ',\n includeEmptyLines = false\n } = options;\n\n const regex = includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\\s*$)/gm;\n return string.replace(regex, indent.repeat(count));\n }\n\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n // Check if a string is multiple lines i.e. has a break point\n const isMultiline = (element) => /\\r|\\n/.exec(element)\n\n // Format element by go type\n const fmt = (element) => {\n const hash = { multiline: isMultiline(element) };\n const typeFormatters = {\n 'bson.A': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n 'bson.D': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n default: (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? el : ` ${el}`\n };\n hash.el = typeFormatters.default(element);\n for (const type in typeFormatters)\n if (element.startsWith(type)) {\n hash.el = typeFormatters[type](element);\n break;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n // Get the {key, value} pair for the bson.D object\n const getPairs = (args, sep = `,${indent}`) => {\n const hash = { multiline: false }\n hash.el = args.map((pair) => {\n const fmtPair = fmt(pair[1])\n if (!hash.multiline && fmtPair.multiline)\n hash.multiline = true\n return `{${doubleStringify(pair[0])},${fmtPair.el}}`\n }).join(sep)\n return hash\n }\n\n const pairs = getPairs(args);\n const singleLine = args.length <= 1 && !pairs.multiline;\n const prefix = singleLine ? '' : indent;\n const suffix = singleLine ? '' : ',' + closingIndent;\n return `${prefix}${pairs.el}${suffix}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CodeWithScope'\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, code, scope) => {\n if (code === undefined)\n return `{}`;\n\n if (scope !== undefined)\n scope = `Scope: ${scope}`;\n\n const singleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\\'' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\"' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n code = code.substr(1, code.length - 2);\n\n code = `Code: primitive.JavaScript(\"${code.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `{${code}}` : `{${code}, ${scope}}`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '')\n return 'primitive.NewObjectID()';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0;\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n default:\n return `float64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt32 = func(str string) int32 {')\n .concat('i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return int32(i64)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt32(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int32(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `(${structParts.join(\", \")})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = '\"0\"';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return `{T: ${low}, I: ${high}}`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n }\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Date'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null)\n return `time.Now()`;\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds(),\n '0',\n 'time.UTC'\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr})`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Code`\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `${arg1} == ${arg2}`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => `primitive.IsValidObjectID`\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `strconv.Itoa(${lhs})`\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `int(${lhs})`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `float64(${lhs})`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, args) => args\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == int64(0)`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < int64(0)`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '^'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `float64(${arg})`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0).String`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n () => '()'\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CompareTimestamp'\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `(${lhs}, ${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `!${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == 1`\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) >= 0`\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => ''\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == -1`\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) <= 0`\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `string(${lhs})`\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int(^uint(0) >> 1)'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-(1+int(^uint(0) >> 1))'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(0)'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(1)'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(-1)'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var int64FromString = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.Atoi(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `int64FromString(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.NewObjectIDFromTimestamp'\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, isNumber) => isNumber ? `(time.Unix(${arg}, int64(0)))` : `(${arg})`\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const imports = Object.values(args).flat()\n const driverImports = args.driver || [];\n delete args['driver'];\n\n const flattenedArgs = Array.from(new Set([...driverImports, ...imports])).sort();\n const universal = [];\n const all = universal\n .concat(flattenedArgs)\n .map((i) => ` \"${i}\"`);\n return []\n .concat('import (')\n .concat(all.join('\\n'))\n .concat(')')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return [\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo\",\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options\",\n \"context\",\n \"log\"\n ]\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson']\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['time.Time']\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const options = spec.options;\n const uri = spec.options.uri\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth)\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'DeleteMany';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'UpdateMany';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'Find';\n }\n\n const comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver')\n .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const connect = []\n .concat('ctx := context.TODO()')\n .concat(this.declarations.length() > 0 ? `\\n${this.declarations.toString()}\\n` : '')\n .concat('// Set client options')\n .concat(`clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(\"${uri}\")`)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Connect to MongoDB')\n .concat('client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)')\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .concat('defer func() {')\n .concat(' if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat('}()')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const coll = []\n .concat(`coll := client.Database(\"${options.database}\").Collection(\"${options.collection}\")`)\n .join('\\n');\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Open an aggregation cursor')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Aggregate(ctx, ${spec.aggregation})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n\n const findOptions = []\n if (spec.project)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetProjection(${spec.project})`);\n if (spec.sort)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetSort(${spec.sort})`);\n\n const optsStr = findOptions.length > 0 ? `,\\n${indent(1)}${findOptions.join(`,\\n${indent(1)}`)}` : ''\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.${driverMethod}(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat(`var contains = func(elems bson.A, v interface{}) bool {`)\n .concat(' for _, s := range elems {')\n .concat(' if v == s {')\n .concat(' return true')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return false')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not'))\n prefix = '!';\n return `${prefix}contains(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' && ')\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' || ')\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `!${arg}`\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `math.Pow(${s}, ${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `primitive.Regex{${structParts.join(\", \")}}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => literal.toLowerCase()\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n if (literal === '')\n return 'bson.A{}';\n return `bson.A{${literal}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg, depth, last) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n return `${indent}${arg},`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Null{}'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Undefined{}'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `bson.D{${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n // If there are no args, then there is nothing for us to format\n if (args.length === 0)\n return '';\n\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n // Indent every line of a string\n const indentBlock = (string, count = 1, options = {}) => {\n const {\n indent = ' ',\n includeEmptyLines = false\n } = options;\n\n const regex = includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\\s*$)/gm;\n return string.replace(regex, indent.repeat(count));\n }\n\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n // Check if a string is multiple lines i.e. has a break point\n const isMultiline = (element) => /\\r|\\n/.exec(element)\n\n // Format element by go type\n const fmt = (element) => {\n const hash = { multiline: isMultiline(element) };\n const typeFormatters = {\n 'bson.A': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n 'bson.D': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n default: (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? el : ` ${el}`\n };\n hash.el = typeFormatters.default(element);\n for (const type in typeFormatters)\n if (element.startsWith(type)) {\n hash.el = typeFormatters[type](element);\n break;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n // Get the {key, value} pair for the bson.D object\n const getPairs = (args, sep = `,${indent}`) => {\n const hash = { multiline: false }\n hash.el = args.map((pair) => {\n const fmtPair = fmt(pair[1])\n if (!hash.multiline && fmtPair.multiline)\n hash.multiline = true\n return `{${doubleStringify(pair[0])},${fmtPair.el}}`\n }).join(sep)\n return hash\n }\n\n const pairs = getPairs(args);\n const singleLine = args.length <= 1 && !pairs.multiline;\n const prefix = singleLine ? '' : indent;\n const suffix = singleLine ? '' : ',' + closingIndent;\n return `${prefix}${pairs.el}${suffix}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CodeWithScope'\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, code, scope) => {\n if (code === undefined)\n return `{}`;\n\n if (scope !== undefined)\n scope = `Scope: ${scope}`;\n\n const singleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\\'' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\"' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n code = code.substr(1, code.length - 2);\n\n code = `Code: primitive.JavaScript(\"${code.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `{${code}}` : `{${code}, ${scope}}`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '')\n return 'primitive.NewObjectID()';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0;\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n default:\n return `float64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt32 = func(str string) int32 {')\n .concat('i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return int32(i64)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt32(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int32(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `(${structParts.join(\", \")})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = '\"0\"';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return `{T: ${low}, I: ${high}}`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n }\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Date'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null)\n return `time.Now()`;\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds(),\n '0',\n 'time.UTC'\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr})`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Code`\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `${arg1} == ${arg2}`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => `primitive.IsValidObjectID`\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `strconv.Itoa(${lhs})`\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `int(${lhs})`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `float64(${lhs})`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, args) => args\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == int64(0)`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < int64(0)`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '^'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `float64(${arg})`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0).String`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n () => '()'\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CompareTimestamp'\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `(${lhs}, ${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `!${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == 1`\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) >= 0`\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => ''\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == -1`\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) <= 0`\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `string(${lhs})`\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int(^uint(0) >> 1)'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-(1+int(^uint(0) >> 1))'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(0)'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(1)'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(-1)'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var int64FromString = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.Atoi(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `int64FromString(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.NewObjectIDFromTimestamp'\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, isNumber) => isNumber ? `(time.Unix(${arg}, int64(0)))` : `(${arg})`\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const imports = Object.values(args).flat()\n const driverImports = args.driver || [];\n delete args['driver'];\n\n const flattenedArgs = Array.from(new Set([...driverImports, ...imports])).sort();\n const universal = [];\n const all = universal\n .concat(flattenedArgs)\n .map((i) => ` \"${i}\"`);\n return []\n .concat('import (')\n .concat(all.join('\\n'))\n .concat(')')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return [\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo\",\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options\",\n \"context\",\n \"log\"\n ]\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson']\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['time.Time']\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojava.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojava.js index 9420f37ca76..7220053d8cc 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojava.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojava.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver.\n * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver`;\n\n const str = spec.options.uri;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n const uri = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n\n\n const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(\n new MongoClientURI(\n ${uri}\n )\n );\n\n MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(\"${spec.options.database}\");\n\n MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(\"${spec.options.collection}\");`;\n\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n */\\n\\n${connection}\n\n AggregateIterable result = collection.aggregate(${spec.aggregation});`;\n }\n\n let warning = '';\n const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s;\n if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n return `${s}\n Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n }, '');\n\n const result = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n switch (k) {\n case 'options':\n case 'filter':\n return s;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n return `${s}\n .maxTime(${spec[k]}, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)`;\n case 'skip':\n case 'limit':\n return `${s}\n .${k}((int)${spec[k]})`;\n case 'project':\n return `${s}\n .projection(project)`;\n case 'collation':\n warning = '\\n *\\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored';\n return s;\n default:\n return `${s}\n .${k}(${k})`;\n }\n }, 'FindIterable result = collection.find(filter)');\n\n return `${comment}${warning}\\n */\\n\\n${defs}\n\n ${connection}\n\n ${result};`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg.replace(/L$/, '000L')}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, mode) => {\n let imports = 'import com.mongodb.MongoClient;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.conversions.Bson;\\n' +\n 'import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.Document;\\n';\n if (mode === 'Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;';\n } else {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;';\n }\n return imports;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver.\n * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver`;\n\n const str = spec.options.uri;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n const uri = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(\n new MongoClientURI(\n ${uri}\n )\n );\n\n MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(\"${spec.options.database}\");\n\n MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(\"${spec.options.collection}\");`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n let driverResult;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'deleteMany';\n driverResult = 'DeleteResult';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'updateMany';\n driverResult = 'UpdateResult';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n driverResult = 'FindIterable';\n }\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n */\\n\\n${connection}\n\n AggregateIterable result = collection.aggregate(${spec.aggregation});`;\n }\n\n let warning = '';\n const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (!spec[k]) return s;\n if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s;\n if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n return `${s}\n Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n }, '');\n\n const result = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n switch (k) {\n case 'options':\n case 'filter':\n return s;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n return `${s}\n .maxTime(${spec[k]}, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)`;\n case 'skip':\n case 'limit':\n return `${s}\n .${k}((int)${spec[k]})`;\n case 'project':\n return `${s}\n .projection(project)`;\n case 'collation':\n warning = '\\n *\\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored';\n return s;\n case 'exportMode':\n return s;\n default:\n if (!spec[k]) return s;\n return `${s}\n .${k}(${k})`;\n }\n }, `${driverResult} result = collection.${driverMethod}(filter)`);\n\n return `${comment}${warning}\\n */\\n\\n${defs}\n\n ${connection}\n\n ${result};`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg.replace(/L$/, '000L')}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, mode) => {\n let imports = 'import com.mongodb.MongoClient;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.conversions.Bson;\\n' +\n 'import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.Document;\\n';\n if (mode === 'Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;';\n } else if (mode === 'Pipeline') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;';\n } else if (mode === 'Delete Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;';\n }\n return imports;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojavascript.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojavascript.js index ca335bab4cd..e874b9727bf 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojavascript.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontojavascript.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function |\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Node.js Driver\n * https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native\n */`;\n const translateKey = {\n project: 'projection'\n };\n\n let cmd;\n let defs;\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n const agg = spec.aggregation;\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.aggregate(agg);`;\n defs = `const agg = ${agg};\\n`;\n } else {\n let opts = '';\n const args = {};\n Object.keys(spec).forEach((k) => {\n if (k !== 'options') {\n args[k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k] = spec[k];\n }\n });\n\n if (Object.keys(args).length > 0) {\n defs = Object.keys(args).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'filter') {\n if (opts === '') {\n opts = `${k}`;\n } else {\n opts = `${opts}, ${k}`;\n }\n }\n return `${s}const ${k} = ${args[k]};\\n`;\n }, '');\n opts = opts === '' ? '' : `, { ${opts} }`;\n }\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.find(filter${opts});`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${defs}\n const client = await MongoClient.connect(\n '${spec.options.uri}'\n );\n const coll = client.db('${spec.options.database}').collection('${spec.options.collection}');\n ${cmd}\n const result = await cursor.toArray();\n await client.close();`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Date.now, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`import {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} from 'mongodb';`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function |\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Node.js Driver\n * https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native\n */`;\n const translateKey = {\n project: 'projection'\n };\n\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n \n const args = {};\n Object.keys(spec).forEach((k) => {\n if (k !== 'options') {\n args[k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k] = spec[k];\n }\n });\n \n let cmd;\n let defs;\n if (exportMode == 'Delete Query') {\n defs = `const filter = ${args.filter};\\n`;\n cmd = `const result = coll.deleteMany(filter);`;\n }\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n const agg = spec.aggregation;\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.aggregate(agg);\\nconst result = await cursor.toArray();`;\n defs = `const agg = ${agg};\\n`;\n } else if (!cmd) {\n let opts = '';\n \n if (Object.keys(args).length > 0) {\n defs = Object.keys(args).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'filter') {\n if (opts === '') {\n opts = `${k}`;\n } else {\n opts = `${opts}, ${k}`;\n }\n }\n return `${s}const ${k} = ${args[k]};\\n`;\n }, '');\n opts = opts === '' ? '' : `, { ${opts} }`;\n }\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.find(filter${opts});\\nconst result = await cursor.toArray();`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${defs}\n const client = await MongoClient.connect(\n '${spec.options.uri}'\n );\n const coll = client.db('${spec.options.database}').collection('${spec.options.collection}');\n ${cmd}\n await client.close();`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Date.now, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`import {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} from 'mongodb';`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontophp.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontophp.js index 6a7246eca35..af9ff8b3234 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontophp.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontophp.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver')\n .concat('// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/')\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n const client = `$client = new Client('${options.uri}');`;\n const collection = `$collection = $client->selectCollection('${options.database}', '${options.collection}');`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n // Note: toPHPArray() may not be required here as Compass should always provide an array for spec.aggregation\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->aggregate(${this.utils.toPHPArray(spec.aggregation)});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n\n let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]);\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} '${getKey(k)}' => ${val}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n args = args ? `, [\\n${args}\\n]` : '';\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->find(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // Identity comparison\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n if (op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n }\n // Not equal\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n // Equal\n if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n // All other cases\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // array\n if (rhs.charAt(0) === '[' && rhs.charAt(rhs.length - 1) === ']') {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\in_array(${lhs}, ${rhs})`;\n }\n \n //object\n if (rhs.indexOf('(object) ') === 0) {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\property_exists(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n \n // string - all other cases\n let targop = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n targop = '===';\n }\n return `\\\\strpos(${rhs}, ${lhs}) ${targop} false`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `! ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, arg) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `+${arg}`;\n case '-':\n return `-${arg}`;\n case '~':\n return `~${arg}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `${s} + ${rhs}`;\n case '-':\n return `${s} - ${rhs}`;\n case '*':\n return `${s} * ${rhs}`;\n case '/':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n case '//':\n return `\\\\intdiv(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '%':\n return `${s} % ${rhs}`;\n case '>>':\n return `${s} >> ${rhs}`;\n case '<<':\n return `${s} << ${rhs}`;\n case '|':\n return `${s} | ${rhs}`;\n case '&':\n return `${s} & ${rhs}`;\n case '^':\n return `${s} ^ ${rhs}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n \n stringifyWithSingleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n };\n\n return `${stringifyWithSingleQuotes(str)}`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n\n stringifyWithDoubleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}`;\n };\n \n pattern = `\"${stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}\"`;\n flags = flags ? `, \"${flags}\"` : '';\n\n return `new Regex(${pattern}${flags})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return `${literal}`;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n let isObjectCastRequired = true;\n \n if (args.length === 0) {\n return `(object) []`;\n }\n\n const isExpectedIndex = (actualIndex, expectedIndex) => {\n return '' + actualIndex === '' + expectedIndex;\n }\n \n let indexTest = 0;\n let pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n if (isObjectCastRequired && !isExpectedIndex(arg[0], indexTest)) {\n isObjectCastRequired = false;\n }\n indexTest++;\n return `${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n // Rebuilding pairs for numeric sequential indexes without quotes\n if (isObjectCastRequired) {\n pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${arg[0]} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n return `${isObjectCastRequired ? '(object) ' : ''}[${pairs}]`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Javascript';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n return !scope \n ? `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)})` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)}, ${scope})`\n ;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n return !id \n ? `()` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(id)})`\n ;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n if (type === null) {\n type = 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(bytes)}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n let coll_string = `'$ref' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(coll)}`;\n let id_string = `, '$id' => ${id}`;\n let db_string = db ? `, '$db' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(db)}` : `, '$db' => null`;\n return `[${coll_string}${id_string}${db_string}]`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n return `(float) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n return `('${this.utils.removeStringQuotes(arg)}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n // PHP orders increment and timestamp args differently (see: PHPC-845)\n return `(${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2}, ${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if ((arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) && (arg.indexOf('.') !== arg.length - 2)) {\n return `(float) ${arg}`\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'UTCDateTime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null) {\n return `new ${lhs}()`;\n }\n return isString \n ? `(new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}))->toDateTime()->format(\\\\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)`\n : `new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()})`\n ;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `new UTCDateTime()`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return ``;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(\\\\ctype_xdigit(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) && \\\\strlen(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) == 24)`;\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `\\\\strlen((${lhs})->getData())`;\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$db']`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$ref']`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$id']`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=>`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x00000000ffffffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new UTCDateTime((${lhs})->getTimestamp() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MAX';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MIN';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', (${arg})->toDateTime()->getTimestamp())), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', ${arg})), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\Client;`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n # Common internal Regexp\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Javascript;`;\n }\n # ObjectId\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\ObjectId;`;\n }\n # Binary\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Binary;`;\n }\n # DBRef\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n # Int64\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MinKey;`;\n }\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MaxKey;`;\n }\n # Regex\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n # Timestamp\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Timestamp;`;\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n # Decimal128\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Decimal128;`;\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\UTCDateTime;`;\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver')\n .concat('// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/')\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n const client = `$client = new Client('${options.uri}');`;\n const collection = `$collection = $client->selectCollection('${options.database}', '${options.collection}');`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n // Note: toPHPArray() may not be required here as Compass should always provide an array for spec.aggregation\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->aggregate(${this.utils.toPHPArray(spec.aggregation)});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]);\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} '${getKey(k)}' => ${val}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n args = args ? `, [\\n${args}\\n]` : '';\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->${driverMethod}(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // Identity comparison\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n if (op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n }\n // Not equal\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n // Equal\n if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n // All other cases\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // array\n if (rhs.charAt(0) === '[' && rhs.charAt(rhs.length - 1) === ']') {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\in_array(${lhs}, ${rhs})`;\n }\n \n //object\n if (rhs.indexOf('(object) ') === 0) {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\property_exists(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n \n // string - all other cases\n let targop = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n targop = '===';\n }\n return `\\\\strpos(${rhs}, ${lhs}) ${targop} false`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `! ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, arg) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `+${arg}`;\n case '-':\n return `-${arg}`;\n case '~':\n return `~${arg}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `${s} + ${rhs}`;\n case '-':\n return `${s} - ${rhs}`;\n case '*':\n return `${s} * ${rhs}`;\n case '/':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n case '//':\n return `\\\\intdiv(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '%':\n return `${s} % ${rhs}`;\n case '>>':\n return `${s} >> ${rhs}`;\n case '<<':\n return `${s} << ${rhs}`;\n case '|':\n return `${s} | ${rhs}`;\n case '&':\n return `${s} & ${rhs}`;\n case '^':\n return `${s} ^ ${rhs}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n \n stringifyWithSingleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n };\n\n return `${stringifyWithSingleQuotes(str)}`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n\n stringifyWithDoubleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}`;\n };\n \n pattern = `\"${stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}\"`;\n flags = flags ? `, \"${flags}\"` : '';\n\n return `new Regex(${pattern}${flags})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return `${literal}`;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n let isObjectCastRequired = true;\n \n if (args.length === 0) {\n return `(object) []`;\n }\n\n const isExpectedIndex = (actualIndex, expectedIndex) => {\n return '' + actualIndex === '' + expectedIndex;\n }\n \n let indexTest = 0;\n let pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n if (isObjectCastRequired && !isExpectedIndex(arg[0], indexTest)) {\n isObjectCastRequired = false;\n }\n indexTest++;\n return `${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n // Rebuilding pairs for numeric sequential indexes without quotes\n if (isObjectCastRequired) {\n pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${arg[0]} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n return `${isObjectCastRequired ? '(object) ' : ''}[${pairs}]`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Javascript';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n return !scope \n ? `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)})` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)}, ${scope})`\n ;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n return !id \n ? `()` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(id)})`\n ;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n if (type === null) {\n type = 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(bytes)}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n let coll_string = `'$ref' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(coll)}`;\n let id_string = `, '$id' => ${id}`;\n let db_string = db ? `, '$db' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(db)}` : `, '$db' => null`;\n return `[${coll_string}${id_string}${db_string}]`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n return `(float) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n return `('${this.utils.removeStringQuotes(arg)}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n // PHP orders increment and timestamp args differently (see: PHPC-845)\n return `(${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2}, ${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if ((arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) && (arg.indexOf('.') !== arg.length - 2)) {\n return `(float) ${arg}`\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'UTCDateTime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null) {\n return `new ${lhs}()`;\n }\n return isString \n ? `(new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}))->toDateTime()->format(\\\\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)`\n : `new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()})`\n ;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `new UTCDateTime()`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return ``;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(\\\\ctype_xdigit(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) && \\\\strlen(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) == 24)`;\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `\\\\strlen((${lhs})->getData())`;\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$db']`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$ref']`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$id']`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=>`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x00000000ffffffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new UTCDateTime((${lhs})->getTimestamp() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MAX';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MIN';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', (${arg})->toDateTime()->getTimestamp())), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', ${arg})), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\Client;`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n # Common internal Regexp\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Javascript;`;\n }\n # ObjectId\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\ObjectId;`;\n }\n # Binary\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Binary;`;\n }\n # DBRef\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n # Int64\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MinKey;`;\n }\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MaxKey;`;\n }\n # Regex\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n # Timestamp\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Timestamp;`;\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n # Decimal128\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Decimal128;`;\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\UTCDateTime;`;\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoruby.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoruby.js index a8e627410e9..868e2ab620b 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoruby.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoruby.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: ''\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n comment = '# Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver\\n# https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/';\n\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {}\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter\n\n const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`;\n const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n return `${result}\\n${getKey(k)} = ${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${getKey(k)}: ${getKey(k)}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(${filter}${args ? `, {\\n${args}\\n}` : ''})`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n let not = op.includes('not') ? '!' : ''\n return `${not}${lhs}.equal?(${rhs})`\n } else if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.include?(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s}.div(${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n return `/${pattern}/${flags ? flags : ''}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Code'\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n if (code === undefined) {\n return '.new'\n }\n return !scope ? `.new(${singleStringify(code)})` : `WithScope.new(${singleStringify(code)}, ${scope})`\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return !id ? '.new' : `(${singleStringify(id)})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::DBRef'\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n let db_string = db ? `,\\n '$db' => ${singleStringify(db)}` : ''\n return `.new(\\n '$ref' => ${singleStringify(coll)},\\n '$id' => ${id}${db_string}\\n)`\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_f`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '' : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `:'${newStr}'`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_sym`;\n }\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n }\n return `/${singleStringify(pattern)}/${flags ? singleStringify(flags) : ''}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.new('${arg}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `.new(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `'${newStr}'.to_f`;\n } else if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return newStr;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_f`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.new.utc${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}.utc(${dateStr})${toStr}`;\n }\n\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time.now.utc';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.javascript`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.scope`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.legal?`\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '${lhs}.to_s';\n }\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Time.at(${lhs}.increment).utc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inspect`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n let extractRegex = (lhs) => {\n let r = /^:'(.*)'$/;\n let arr = r.exec(lhs);\n return arr ? arr[1] : ''\n\n }\n let res = extractRegex(lhs)\n return res ? `'${res}'` : `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '9223372036854775807';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-9223372036854775808';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId.from_time';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n return `(Time.at(${arg}))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args))\n if (set.has(`require 'mongo'`)) return `require 'mongo'`\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'mongo'`\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: ''\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n comment = '# Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver\\n# https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/';\n\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {}\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`;\n const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n return `${result}\\n${getKey(k)} = ${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${getKey(k)}: ${getKey(k)}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}${args ? `, {\\n${args}\\n}` : ''})`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n let not = op.includes('not') ? '!' : ''\n return `${not}${lhs}.equal?(${rhs})`\n } else if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.include?(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s}.div(${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n return `/${pattern}/${flags ? flags : ''}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Code'\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n if (code === undefined) {\n return '.new'\n }\n return !scope ? `.new(${singleStringify(code)})` : `WithScope.new(${singleStringify(code)}, ${scope})`\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return !id ? '.new' : `(${singleStringify(id)})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::DBRef'\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n let db_string = db ? `,\\n '$db' => ${singleStringify(db)}` : ''\n return `.new(\\n '$ref' => ${singleStringify(coll)},\\n '$id' => ${id}${db_string}\\n)`\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_f`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '' : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `:'${newStr}'`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_sym`;\n }\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n }\n return `/${singleStringify(pattern)}/${flags ? singleStringify(flags) : ''}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.new('${arg}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `.new(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `'${newStr}'.to_f`;\n } else if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return newStr;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_f`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.new.utc${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}.utc(${dateStr})${toStr}`;\n }\n\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time.now.utc';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.javascript`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.scope`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.legal?`\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '${lhs}.to_s';\n }\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Time.at(${lhs}.increment).utc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inspect`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n let extractRegex = (lhs) => {\n let r = /^:'(.*)'$/;\n let arr = r.exec(lhs);\n return arr ? arr[1] : ''\n\n }\n let res = extractRegex(lhs)\n return res ? `'${res}'` : `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '9223372036854775807';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-9223372036854775808';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId.from_time';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n return `(Time.at(${arg}))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args))\n if (set.has(`require 'mongo'`)) return `require 'mongo'`\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'mongo'`\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontorust.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontorust.js index 73556addb11..48b70ab8f1d 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontorust.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontorust.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `// Requires the MongoDB crate.\\n// https://crates.io/crates/mongodb`;\n \n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || 'None';\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str(\"${options.uri}\").await?;`\n const coll = `client.database(\"${options.database}\").collection::(\"${options.collection}\")`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n let agg = spec.aggregation;\n if (agg.charAt(0) != '[') {\n agg = `[${agg}]`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`;\n }\n\n const findOpts = [];\n for (const k in spec) {\n let optName = k;\n let optValue = spec[k];\n switch(k) {\n case 'project':\n optName = 'projection';\n break;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n optName = 'max_time';\n optValue = `std::time::Duration::from_millis(${optValue})`;\n break;\n }\n findOpts.push(` .${optName}(${optValue})`);\n }\n let optStr = '';\n if (findOpts.length > 0) {\n optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::FindOptions::builder()\\n${findOpts.join('\\n')}\\n .build();\\n`;\n }\n let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None';\n const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.find(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\n${optStr}${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n prefix = '!';\n }\n return `${prefix}${rhs}.contains(&${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `${s}.pow(${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return `Regex { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string(), options: \"${flags}\".to_string() }`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (literal.charAt(1) === 'X') {\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'x' + literal.substring(2);\n }\n return literal;\n }\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n switch(literal.charAt(1)) {\n case 'o':\n return literal;\n case 'O':\n case '0':\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(2);\n default:\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(1);\n }\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (element, depth, isLast) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = isLast ? '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1) : ',';\n return `${indent}${element}${closingIndent}`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Null'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Undefined'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `doc! {${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((pair) => {\n return `${indent}${doubleStringify(pair[0])}: ${pair[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `${pairs}${closingIndent}`;\n\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string()`;\n if (scope === undefined) {\n return `Bson::JavaScriptCode(${code})`;\n } else {\n return `JavaScriptCodeWithScope { code: ${code}, scope: ${scope} }`;\n }\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'ObjectId'\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '') {\n return '::new()';\n }\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Generic'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Function'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::BinaryOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::UuidOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Uuid'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Md5'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `BinarySubtype::UserDefined(${arg})`\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, coll, id, db\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return `${arg}i64`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i64::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `(${arg})`\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n if (flags === null || flags === undefined) {\n flags = '';\n }\n if (\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\\'' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\"' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n flags = flags.substr(1, flags.length - 2);\n }\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return ` { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\", flags: \"${flags}\" }`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate null # No args\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, arg\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return ` { time: ${low}, increment: ${high} }`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n case '_integer':\n case '_long':\n case '_decimal':\n return `${arg}`;\n default:\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = isString ? '.to_rfc3339_string()' : '';\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}::now()${toStr}`;\n }\n return `${lhs}::parse_rfc3339_str(\"${date.toISOString()}\")?${toStr}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.scope`\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.to_hex()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate null\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes`\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes.len()`\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{}\", ${arg})`\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.subtype`\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as i32`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f64`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == 0`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < 0`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '~'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f32`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.to_string()`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `DateTime::from_millis(${arg}.time)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.cmp`\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{:?}\", ${arg})`\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime::now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MAX'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MIN'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '0i64'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '1i64'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-1i64'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg} as i64`\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, radix) => {\n if (radix) {\n return `i64::from_str_radix(${arg}, ${radix})?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let merged = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...merged].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::Client;'\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::doc;'\n # Null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Undefined\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;'\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Binary;'\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Timestamp;'\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::JavaScriptCodeWithScope;'\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::spec::BinarySubtype;'\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::DateTime;'\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `// Requires the MongoDB crate.\\n// https://crates.io/crates/mongodb`;\n \n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || 'None';\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str(\"${options.uri}\").await?;`\n const coll = `client.database(\"${options.database}\").collection::(\"${options.collection}\")`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n let agg = spec.aggregation;\n if (agg.charAt(0) != '[') {\n agg = `[${agg}]`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`;\n }\n\n let driverMethod;\n let optionsName;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n optionsName = 'DeleteOptions';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n optionsName = 'UpdateOptions';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n optionsName = 'FindOptions';\n break;\n }\n\n const findOpts = [];\n for (const k in spec) {\n let optName = k;\n let optValue = spec[k];\n switch(k) {\n case 'project':\n optName = 'projection';\n break;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n optName = 'max_time';\n optValue = `std::time::Duration::from_millis(${optValue})`;\n break;\n }\n findOpts.push(` .${optName}(${optValue})`);\n }\n let optStr = '';\n if (findOpts.length > 0) {\n optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::${optionsName}::builder()\\n${findOpts.join('\\n')}\\n .build();\\n`;\n }\n let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None';\n const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\n${optStr}${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n prefix = '!';\n }\n return `${prefix}${rhs}.contains(&${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `${s}.pow(${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return `Regex { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string(), options: \"${flags}\".to_string() }`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (literal.charAt(1) === 'X') {\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'x' + literal.substring(2);\n }\n return literal;\n }\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n switch(literal.charAt(1)) {\n case 'o':\n return literal;\n case 'O':\n case '0':\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(2);\n default:\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(1);\n }\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (element, depth, isLast) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = isLast ? '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1) : ',';\n return `${indent}${element}${closingIndent}`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Null'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Undefined'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `doc! {${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((pair) => {\n return `${indent}${doubleStringify(pair[0])}: ${pair[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `${pairs}${closingIndent}`;\n\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string()`;\n if (scope === undefined) {\n return `Bson::JavaScriptCode(${code})`;\n } else {\n return `JavaScriptCodeWithScope { code: ${code}, scope: ${scope} }`;\n }\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'ObjectId'\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '') {\n return '::new()';\n }\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Generic'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Function'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::BinaryOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::UuidOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Uuid'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Md5'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `BinarySubtype::UserDefined(${arg})`\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, coll, id, db\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return `${arg}i64`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i64::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `(${arg})`\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n if (flags === null || flags === undefined) {\n flags = '';\n }\n if (\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\\'' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\"' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n flags = flags.substr(1, flags.length - 2);\n }\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return ` { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\", flags: \"${flags}\" }`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate null # No args\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, arg\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return ` { time: ${low}, increment: ${high} }`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n case '_integer':\n case '_long':\n case '_decimal':\n return `${arg}`;\n default:\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = isString ? '.to_rfc3339_string()' : '';\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}::now()${toStr}`;\n }\n return `${lhs}::parse_rfc3339_str(\"${date.toISOString()}\")?${toStr}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.scope`\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.to_hex()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate null\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes`\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes.len()`\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{}\", ${arg})`\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.subtype`\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as i32`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f64`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == 0`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < 0`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '~'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f32`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.to_string()`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `DateTime::from_millis(${arg}.time)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.cmp`\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{:?}\", ${arg})`\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime::now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MAX'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MIN'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '0i64'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '1i64'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-1i64'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg} as i64`\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, radix) => {\n if (radix) {\n return `i64::from_str_radix(${arg}, ${radix})?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let merged = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...merged].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::Client;'\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::doc;'\n # Null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Undefined\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;'\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Binary;'\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Timestamp;'\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::JavaScriptCodeWithScope;'\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::spec::BinarySubtype;'\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::DateTime;'\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoshell.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoshell.js index 98fb4bd0900..7b47693aa61 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoshell.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/pythontoshell.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n let cmd;\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n cmd = `aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n } else {\n const project = 'project' in spec ? `, ${spec.project}` : '';\n cmd = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'options' && k !== 'project' && k !== 'filter') {\n s = `${s}.${k}(${spec[k]})`;\n }\n return s;\n }, `find(${spec.filter}${project})`);\n }\n return `mongo '${spec.options.uri}' --eval \"db = db.getSiblingDB('${spec.options.database}');\n db.${spec.options.collection}.${cmd};\"`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Symbol, Double, Date.now]\n noNew = [111, 104, 200.1];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const stringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${stringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.hex`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDb()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollection()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.valueOf`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatApprox`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatValue()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n // Single quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BinData';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n type = '0';\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '3';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '80';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => {\n // Remove quotes\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return newStr;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberInt';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberLong';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.max()';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.min()';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 0;\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return 1;\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return -1;\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null # Also has process method\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate null\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberDecimal';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.fromDate`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new Date(${arg * 1000}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate null\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate null\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate null\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate null\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate null\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n let cmd;\n if (spec.exportMode === 'Delete Query') {\n cmd = `deleteMany(${spec.filter})`\n } \n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n cmd = `aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n } else if (!cmd) {\n const project = 'project' in spec ? `, ${spec.project}` : '';\n cmd = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'options' && k !== 'project' && k !== 'filter' && k != 'exportMode') {\n s = `${s}.${k}(${spec[k]})`;\n }\n return s;\n }, `find(${spec.filter}${project})`);\n }\n return `mongo '${spec.options.uri}' --eval \"db = db.getSiblingDB('${spec.options.database}');\n db.${spec.options.collection}.${cmd};\"`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Symbol, Double, Date.now]\n noNew = [111, 104, 200.1];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const stringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${stringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.hex`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDb()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollection()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.valueOf`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatApprox`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.floatValue()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ===`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !==`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n // Single quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BinData';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n type = '0';\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '3';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '80';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => {\n // Remove quotes\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return newStr;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberInt';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberLong';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.max()';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Math.min()';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 0;\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return 1;\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return -1;\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null # Also has process method\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate null\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'NumberDecimal';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.fromDate`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new Date(${arg * 1000}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate null\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate null\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate null\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate null\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate null\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate null\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n int: &intType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\n float: &floatType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n type: *IntegerType\n attr: {}\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *ObjectType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n binary:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n generation_time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinaryType # Not currently supported\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n database:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n collection:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"collection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n Int64: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n MinKey: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKey: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Regex: &BSONRegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BSONRegExp\"\n code: 109\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n time:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"time\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n inc:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n as_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"inc\"\n type: *DateType\n template: *TimestampAsDateTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate\n Decimal128: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n scope:\n default: {}\n type: [ *ObjectType ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n oid:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType, *ObjectIdType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n from_datetime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdfrom_datetime\"\n args:\n - [ \"Date\" ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n is_valid:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"is_valid\"\n args:\n - [ *StringType, ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdIsValidTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n Binary: &BinarySymbol # Not currently supported\n id: \"Binary\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args: null\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType, *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n database:\n default: null\n type: [ *StringType ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n Int64:\n id: \"Int64\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Regex:\n id: \"Regex\"\n code: 109\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *StringType, *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *StringType, *IntegerType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n attr:\n from_native:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"from_native\"\n args:\n - [ *RegexType ]\n type: *BSONRegExpType\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n template: *BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Decimal128:\n id: \"Decimal128\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n datetime: # Needs process method\n id: \"datetime\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: {} # TODO: add more date funcs?\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n re:\n id: \"re\"\n code: 8\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr:\n compile:\n id: \"compile\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n namedArgs:\n flags:\n default: 0\n type: [ *IntegerType ]\n type: *RegexType\n attr: {}\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n A:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.A'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n ASCII:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.ASCII'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '256';\n }\n I:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.I'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n IGNORECASE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.IGNORECASE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '2';\n }\n DEBUG:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DEBUG'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '128';\n }\n L:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.L'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n LOCAL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.LOCAL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '4';\n }\n M:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.M'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n MULTILINE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.MULTILINE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '8';\n }\n S:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.S'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n DOTALL:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.DOTALL'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '16';\n }\n X:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.X'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n VERBOSE:\n <<: *__type\n id: 're.VERBOSE'\n type: *IntegerType\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '64';\n }\n template: !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n argsTemplate: null\n float:\n id: \"float\"\n code: 104\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *floatType\n attr: {}\n template: *DoubleSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate\n int:\n id: \"int\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *intType\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltogo.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltogo.js index 70820993381..56c75cf9117 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltogo.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltogo.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const options = spec.options;\n const uri = spec.options.uri\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth)\n\n const comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver')\n .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const connect = []\n .concat('ctx := context.TODO()')\n .concat(this.declarations.length() > 0 ? `\\n${this.declarations.toString()}\\n` : '')\n .concat('// Set client options')\n .concat(`clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(\"${uri}\")`)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Connect to MongoDB')\n .concat('client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)')\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .concat('defer func() {')\n .concat(' if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat('}()')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const coll = []\n .concat(`coll := client.Database(\"${options.database}\").Collection(\"${options.collection}\")`)\n .join('\\n');\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Open an aggregation cursor')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Aggregate(ctx, ${spec.aggregation})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n\n const findOptions = []\n if (spec.project)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetProjection(${spec.project})`);\n if (spec.sort)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetSort(${spec.sort})`);\n\n const optsStr = findOptions.length > 0 ? `,\\n${indent(1)}${findOptions.join(`,\\n${indent(1)}`)}` : ''\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Find data')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Find(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat(`var contains = func(elems bson.A, v interface{}) bool {`)\n .concat(' for _, s := range elems {')\n .concat(' if v == s {')\n .concat(' return true')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return false')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not'))\n prefix = '!';\n return `${prefix}contains(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' && ')\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' || ')\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `!${arg}`\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `math.Pow(${s}, ${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `primitive.Regex{${structParts.join(\", \")}}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => literal.toLowerCase()\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n if (literal === '')\n return 'bson.A{}';\n return `bson.A{${literal}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg, depth, last) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n return `${indent}${arg},`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Null{}'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Undefined{}'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `bson.D{${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n // If there are no args, then there is nothing for us to format\n if (args.length === 0)\n return '';\n\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n // Indent every line of a string\n const indentBlock = (string, count = 1, options = {}) => {\n const {\n indent = ' ',\n includeEmptyLines = false\n } = options;\n\n const regex = includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\\s*$)/gm;\n return string.replace(regex, indent.repeat(count));\n }\n\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n // Check if a string is multiple lines i.e. has a break point\n const isMultiline = (element) => /\\r|\\n/.exec(element)\n\n // Format element by go type\n const fmt = (element) => {\n const hash = { multiline: isMultiline(element) };\n const typeFormatters = {\n 'bson.A': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n 'bson.D': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n default: (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? el : ` ${el}`\n };\n hash.el = typeFormatters.default(element);\n for (const type in typeFormatters)\n if (element.startsWith(type)) {\n hash.el = typeFormatters[type](element);\n break;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n // Get the {key, value} pair for the bson.D object\n const getPairs = (args, sep = `,${indent}`) => {\n const hash = { multiline: false }\n hash.el = args.map((pair) => {\n const fmtPair = fmt(pair[1])\n if (!hash.multiline && fmtPair.multiline)\n hash.multiline = true\n return `{${doubleStringify(pair[0])},${fmtPair.el}}`\n }).join(sep)\n return hash\n }\n\n const pairs = getPairs(args);\n const singleLine = args.length <= 1 && !pairs.multiline;\n const prefix = singleLine ? '' : indent;\n const suffix = singleLine ? '' : ',' + closingIndent;\n return `${prefix}${pairs.el}${suffix}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CodeWithScope'\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, code, scope) => {\n if (code === undefined)\n return `{}`;\n\n if (scope !== undefined)\n scope = `Scope: ${scope}`;\n\n const singleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\\'' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\"' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n code = code.substr(1, code.length - 2);\n\n code = `Code: primitive.JavaScript(\"${code.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `{${code}}` : `{${code}, ${scope}}`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '')\n return 'primitive.NewObjectID()';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0;\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n default:\n return `float64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt32 = func(str string) int32 {')\n .concat('i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return int32(i64)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt32(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int32(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `(${structParts.join(\", \")})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = '\"0\"';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return `{T: ${low}, I: ${high}}`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n }\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Date'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null)\n return `time.Now()`;\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds(),\n '0',\n 'time.UTC'\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr})`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Code`\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `${arg1} == ${arg2}`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => `primitive.IsValidObjectID`\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `strconv.Itoa(${lhs})`\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `int(${lhs})`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `float64(${lhs})`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, args) => args\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == int64(0)`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < int64(0)`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '^'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `float64(${arg})`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0).String`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n () => '()'\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CompareTimestamp'\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `(${lhs}, ${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `!${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == 1`\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) >= 0`\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => ''\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == -1`\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) <= 0`\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `string(${lhs})`\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int(^uint(0) >> 1)'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-(1+int(^uint(0) >> 1))'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(0)'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(1)'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(-1)'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var int64FromString = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.Atoi(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `int64FromString(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.NewObjectIDFromTimestamp'\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, isNumber) => isNumber ? `(time.Unix(${arg}, int64(0)))` : `(${arg})`\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const imports = Object.values(args).flat()\n const driverImports = args.driver || [];\n delete args['driver'];\n\n const flattenedArgs = Array.from(new Set([...driverImports, ...imports])).sort();\n const universal = [];\n const all = universal\n .concat(flattenedArgs)\n .map((i) => ` \"${i}\"`);\n return []\n .concat('import (')\n .concat(all.join('\\n'))\n .concat(')')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return [\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo\",\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options\",\n \"context\",\n \"log\"\n ]\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson']\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['time.Time']\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const options = spec.options;\n const uri = spec.options.uri\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth)\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'DeleteMany';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'UpdateMany';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'Find';\n }\n\n const comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver')\n .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const connect = []\n .concat('ctx := context.TODO()')\n .concat(this.declarations.length() > 0 ? `\\n${this.declarations.toString()}\\n` : '')\n .concat('// Set client options')\n .concat(`clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(\"${uri}\")`)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Connect to MongoDB')\n .concat('client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions)')\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .concat('defer func() {')\n .concat(' if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat('}()')\n .join('\\n');\n\n const coll = []\n .concat(`coll := client.Database(\"${options.database}\").Collection(\"${options.collection}\")`)\n .join('\\n');\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat('// Open an aggregation cursor')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.Aggregate(ctx, ${spec.aggregation})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n\n const findOptions = []\n if (spec.project)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetProjection(${spec.project})`);\n if (spec.sort)\n findOptions.push(`options.Find().SetSort(${spec.sort})`);\n\n const optsStr = findOptions.length > 0 ? `,\\n${indent(1)}${findOptions.join(`,\\n${indent(1)}`)}` : ''\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat(connect)\n .concat('')\n .concat(`${coll}`)\n .concat(`_, err = coll.${driverMethod}(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`)\n .concat('if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat(`var contains = func(elems bson.A, v interface{}) bool {`)\n .concat(' for _, s := range elems {')\n .concat(' if v == s {')\n .concat(' return true')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return false')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not'))\n prefix = '!';\n return `${prefix}contains(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' && ')\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => args.join(' || ')\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `!${arg}`\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `math.Pow(${s}, ${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `primitive.Regex{${structParts.join(\", \")}}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => literal.toLowerCase()\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n if (literal === '')\n return 'bson.A{}';\n return `bson.A{${literal}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg, depth, last) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n return `${indent}${arg},`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Null{}'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Undefined{}'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `bson.D{${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n // If there are no args, then there is nothing for us to format\n if (args.length === 0)\n return '';\n\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n // Indent every line of a string\n const indentBlock = (string, count = 1, options = {}) => {\n const {\n indent = ' ',\n includeEmptyLines = false\n } = options;\n\n const regex = includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\\s*$)/gm;\n return string.replace(regex, indent.repeat(count));\n }\n\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n // Check if a string is multiple lines i.e. has a break point\n const isMultiline = (element) => /\\r|\\n/.exec(element)\n\n // Format element by go type\n const fmt = (element) => {\n const hash = { multiline: isMultiline(element) };\n const typeFormatters = {\n 'bson.A': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n 'bson.D': (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? indentBlock(`${indent}${el},${indent}`) : ` ${el}`,\n default: (el, hash) => isMultiline(el) ? el : ` ${el}`\n };\n hash.el = typeFormatters.default(element);\n for (const type in typeFormatters)\n if (element.startsWith(type)) {\n hash.el = typeFormatters[type](element);\n break;\n }\n return hash;\n }\n\n // Get the {key, value} pair for the bson.D object\n const getPairs = (args, sep = `,${indent}`) => {\n const hash = { multiline: false }\n hash.el = args.map((pair) => {\n const fmtPair = fmt(pair[1])\n if (!hash.multiline && fmtPair.multiline)\n hash.multiline = true\n return `{${doubleStringify(pair[0])},${fmtPair.el}}`\n }).join(sep)\n return hash\n }\n\n const pairs = getPairs(args);\n const singleLine = args.length <= 1 && !pairs.multiline;\n const prefix = singleLine ? '' : indent;\n const suffix = singleLine ? '' : ',' + closingIndent;\n return `${prefix}${pairs.el}${suffix}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CodeWithScope'\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, code, scope) => {\n if (code === undefined)\n return `{}`;\n\n if (scope !== undefined)\n scope = `Scope: ${scope}`;\n\n const singleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\\'' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = code.charAt(0) === '\"' && code.charAt(code.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n code = code.substr(1, code.length - 2);\n\n code = `Code: primitive.JavaScript(\"${code.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `{${code}}` : `{${code}, ${scope}}`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '')\n return 'primitive.NewObjectID()';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0;\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n default:\n return `float64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt32 = func(str string) int32 {')\n .concat('i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 32)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return int32(i64)')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt32(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int32(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = 0\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `int64(${arg})`;\n }\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n // Wrap string in double quotes\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n const singleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `\"${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const structParts = [];\n structParts.push(`Pattern: ${doubleStringify(pattern)}`);\n if (flags)\n structParts.push(`Options: ${doubleStringify(flags)}`);\n return `(${structParts.join(\", \")})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n if (!arg)\n arg = '\"0\"';\n\n // Double quote stringify\n const singleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'';\n const doubleQuoted = arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"';\n if (singleQuoted || doubleQuoted)\n arg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n arg = `\"${arg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '{}'\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return `{T: ${low}, I: ${high}}`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseFloat64 = func(str string) float64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.ParseFloat(str, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseFloat64(${arg})`\n }\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseInt = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' i64, err := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return i64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseInt64(${arg})`;\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Date'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null)\n return `time.Now()`;\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds(),\n '0',\n 'time.UTC'\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr})`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Code`\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `${arg1} == ${arg2}`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => `primitive.IsValidObjectID`\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `strconv.Itoa(${lhs})`\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `int(${lhs})`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `float64(${lhs})`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, args) => args\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == int64(0)`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < int64(0)`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '^'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `float64(${arg})`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0).String`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n () => '()'\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.T`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.I`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `time.Unix(${lhs}.T, 0)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.CompareTimestamp'\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `(${lhs}, ${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `!${lhs}.Equal`\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == 1`\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) >= 0`\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => ''\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, rhs) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${lhs}, ${rhs}) == -1`\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg1, arg2) => `primitive.CompareTimestamp(${arg1}, ${arg2}) <= 0`\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `string(${lhs})`\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.String()`\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'time.Now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int(^uint(0) >> 1)'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-(1+int(^uint(0) >> 1))'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(0)'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(1)'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64(-1)'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'int64'\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var int64FromString = func(str string) int64 {')\n .concat(' f64, err := strconv.Atoi(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return f64')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `int64FromString(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var parseDecimal128 = func(str string) primitive.Decimal128 {')\n .concat(' d128, err := primitive.ParseDecimal128(str)')\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return d128')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `parseDecimal128(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => {\n this.declarations.addFunc([]\n .concat('var objectIDFromHex = func(hex string) primitive.ObjectID {')\n .concat(` objectID, err := primitive.ObjectIDFromHex(hex)`)\n .concat(' if err != nil {')\n .concat(' log.Fatal(err)')\n .concat(' }')\n .concat(' return objectID')\n .concat('}')\n .join('\\n'));\n return `objectIDFromHex(${arg})`\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'primitive.NewObjectIDFromTimestamp'\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, isNumber) => isNumber ? `(time.Unix(${arg}, int64(0)))` : `(${arg})`\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const imports = Object.values(args).flat()\n const driverImports = args.driver || [];\n delete args['driver'];\n\n const flattenedArgs = Array.from(new Set([...driverImports, ...imports])).sort();\n const universal = [];\n const all = universal\n .concat(flattenedArgs)\n .map((i) => ` \"${i}\"`);\n return []\n .concat('import (')\n .concat(all.join('\\n'))\n .concat(')')\n .join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return [\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo\",\n \"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options\",\n \"context\",\n \"log\"\n ]\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson']\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate null\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['log', 'strconv']\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive']\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive', 'log']\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => ['time.Time']\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojava.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojava.js index 5ffdc19a8a5..756046a3820 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojava.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojava.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver.\n * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver`;\n\n const str = spec.options.uri;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n const uri = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n\n\n const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(\n new MongoClientURI(\n ${uri}\n )\n );\n\n MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(\"${spec.options.database}\");\n\n MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(\"${spec.options.collection}\");`;\n\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n */\\n\\n${connection}\n\n AggregateIterable result = collection.aggregate(${spec.aggregation});`;\n }\n\n let warning = '';\n const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s;\n if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n return `${s}\n Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n }, '');\n\n const result = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n switch (k) {\n case 'options':\n case 'filter':\n return s;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n return `${s}\n .maxTime(${spec[k]}, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)`;\n case 'skip':\n case 'limit':\n return `${s}\n .${k}((int)${spec[k]})`;\n case 'project':\n return `${s}\n .projection(project)`;\n case 'collation':\n warning = '\\n *\\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored';\n return s;\n default:\n return `${s}\n .${k}(${k})`;\n }\n }, 'FindIterable result = collection.find(filter)');\n\n return `${comment}${warning}\\n */\\n\\n${defs}\n\n ${connection}\n\n ${result};`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg.replace(/L$/, '000L')}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, mode) => {\n let imports = 'import com.mongodb.MongoClient;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.conversions.Bson;\\n' +\n 'import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.Document;\\n';\n if (mode === 'Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;';\n } else {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;';\n }\n return imports;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Java Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver.\n * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver`;\n\n const str = spec.options.uri;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n const uri = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(\n new MongoClientURI(\n ${uri}\n )\n );\n\n MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase(\"${spec.options.database}\");\n\n MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection(\"${spec.options.collection}\");`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n let driverResult;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'deleteMany';\n driverResult = 'DeleteResult';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'updateMany';\n driverResult = 'UpdateResult';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n driverResult = 'FindIterable';\n }\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n */\\n\\n${connection}\n\n AggregateIterable result = collection.aggregate(${spec.aggregation});`;\n }\n\n let warning = '';\n const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (!spec[k]) return s;\n if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s;\n if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n return `${s}\n Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`;\n }, '');\n\n const result = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => {\n switch (k) {\n case 'options':\n case 'filter':\n return s;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n return `${s}\n .maxTime(${spec[k]}, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)`;\n case 'skip':\n case 'limit':\n return `${s}\n .${k}((int)${spec[k]})`;\n case 'project':\n return `${s}\n .projection(project)`;\n case 'collation':\n warning = '\\n *\\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored';\n return s;\n case 'exportMode':\n return s;\n default:\n if (!spec[k]) return s;\n return `${s}\n .${k}(${k})`;\n }\n }, `${driverResult} result = collection.${driverMethod}(filter)`);\n\n return `${comment}${warning}\\n */\\n\\n${defs}\n\n ${connection}\n\n ${result};`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.contains(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `floor(${s})`;\n case '**':\n return `pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add codes of classes that don't need new.\n // Currently: Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong, Double, Int32, Number, regex, Date\n noNew = [112, 106, 104, 105, 2, 8, 200];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n // Double escape characters except for slashes\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `Pattern.compile(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${literal}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${literal})`;\n }\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # TODO\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if ((literal.charAt(0) === '0' && literal.charAt(1) === '0') ||\n (literal.charAt(0) === '0' && (literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O'))) {\n return `0${literal.substr(2, literal.length - 1)}`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n // TODO: figure out how to best do depth in an array and where to\n // insert and indent\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n // have an indent on every ', new Document' in an array not\n // entirely perfect, but at least makes this more readable/also\n // compiles\n const arr = literal.split(', new').join(`, ${indent}new`)\n\n return `Arrays.asList(${arr})`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonNull()';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new BsonUndefined()';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n\n if (literal === '') {\n return `new Document()`;\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return 'new Document()';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n const start = `new Document(${doubleStringify(args[0][0])}, ${args[0][1]})`;\n\n args = args.slice(1);\n const result = args.reduce((str, pair) => {\n return `${str}${indent}.append(${doubleStringify(pair[0])}, ${pair[1]})`;\n }, start);\n\n return `${result}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeTemplate: &DoubleTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n return `${literal}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${literal}`;\n }\n DoubleTypeArgsTemplate: &DoubleTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeTemplate: &LongTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongTypeArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Object Method templates\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toHexString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getData`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getDatabaseName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getCollectionName()`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getId()`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(int) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(double) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateLeft';\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.rotateRight';\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${lhs}, ${arg})`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTime()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getInc()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new java.util.Date(${lhs}.getTime())`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) != 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) > 0`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) >= 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) < 0`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.compareTo`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg}) <= 0`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getSymbol`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return (scope === undefined) ? `(${code})` : `WithScope(${code}, ${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n return `(${type}, ${bytes}.getBytes(\"UTF-8\"))`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_LEGACY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.UUID_STANDARD';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonBinarySubType.USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const dbstr = db === undefined ? '' : `${db}, `;\n return `(${dbstr}${coll}, ${id})`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_double' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Integer.parseInt(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1);\n }\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.parseLong(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n if (arg.includes('d') || arg.includes('L')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}L`;\n }\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n return `new Long(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MAX_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long.MIN_VALUE';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0L';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1L';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1L';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}L`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Long.parseLong`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONTimestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Symbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BsonRegularExpression';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n return `(${doubleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + doubleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, str) => { // just stringify\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `.parse(\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.parse`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(new java.util.Date(${arg.replace(/L$/, '000L')}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId.isValid';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Double.parseDouble(${arg})`;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_decimal') {\n if (arg.includes('L') || arg.includes('d')) {\n return `${arg.substr(0, arg.length - 1)}d`;\n }\n return `${arg}d`;\n }\n return `(double) ${arg}`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'java.util.Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = (d) => d;\n if (isString) {\n toStr = (d) => `new SimpleDateFormat(\"EEE MMMMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss\").format(${d})`;\n }\n if (date === null) {\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}()`);\n }\n return toStr(`new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}L)`);\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new java.util.Date().getTime()';\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Pattern';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate null\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, mode) => {\n let imports = 'import com.mongodb.MongoClient;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;\\n' +\n 'import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.conversions.Bson;\\n' +\n 'import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;\\n' +\n 'import org.bson.Document;\\n';\n if (mode === 'Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;';\n } else if (mode === 'Pipeline') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;';\n } else if (mode === 'Delete Query') {\n imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;';\n }\n return imports;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.regex.Pattern;';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.util.Arrays;';\n }\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.Document;';\n }\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonNull;';\n }\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonUndefined;';\n }\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Code;';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.CodeWithScope;';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.ObjectId;';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Binary;';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import com.mongodb.DBRef;';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MinKey;';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.MaxKey;';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonRegularExpression;';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.BSONTimestamp;';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Symbol;';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.types.Decimal128;';\n }\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import org.bson.BsonBinarySubType;';\n }\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;';\n }\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i && f !== 'options'))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Aggregates.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Accumulators.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Projections.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import static com.mongodb.client.model.Sorts.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.geojson.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (classes) => {\n return classes\n .filter((f, i) => (classes.indexOf(f) === i))\n .sort()\n .map((c) => {\n return `import com.mongodb.client.model.${c};`;\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojavascript.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojavascript.js index 36ea912f25e..c333f0e2b52 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojavascript.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltojavascript.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function |\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Node.js Driver\n * https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native\n */`;\n const translateKey = {\n project: 'projection'\n };\n\n let cmd;\n let defs;\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n const agg = spec.aggregation;\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.aggregate(agg);`;\n defs = `const agg = ${agg};\\n`;\n } else {\n let opts = '';\n const args = {};\n Object.keys(spec).forEach((k) => {\n if (k !== 'options') {\n args[k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k] = spec[k];\n }\n });\n\n if (Object.keys(args).length > 0) {\n defs = Object.keys(args).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'filter') {\n if (opts === '') {\n opts = `${k}`;\n } else {\n opts = `${opts}, ${k}`;\n }\n }\n return `${s}const ${k} = ${args[k]};\\n`;\n }, '');\n opts = opts === '' ? '' : `, { ${opts} }`;\n }\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.find(filter${opts});`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${defs}\n const client = await MongoClient.connect(\n '${spec.options.uri}'\n );\n const coll = client.db('${spec.options.database}').collection('${spec.options.collection}');\n ${cmd}\n const result = await cursor.toArray();\n await client.close();`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Date.now, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`import {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} from 'mongodb';`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Javascript Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: 'y'\n g: 'g'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function |\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `/*\n * Requires the MongoDB Node.js Driver\n * https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native\n */`;\n const translateKey = {\n project: 'projection'\n };\n\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n \n const args = {};\n Object.keys(spec).forEach((k) => {\n if (k !== 'options') {\n args[k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k] = spec[k];\n }\n });\n \n let cmd;\n let defs;\n if (exportMode == 'Delete Query') {\n defs = `const filter = ${args.filter};\\n`;\n cmd = `const result = coll.deleteMany(filter);`;\n }\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n const agg = spec.aggregation;\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.aggregate(agg);\\nconst result = await cursor.toArray();`;\n defs = `const agg = ${agg};\\n`;\n } else if (!cmd) {\n let opts = '';\n \n if (Object.keys(args).length > 0) {\n defs = Object.keys(args).reduce((s, k) => {\n if (k !== 'filter') {\n if (opts === '') {\n opts = `${k}`;\n } else {\n opts = `${opts}, ${k}`;\n }\n }\n return `${s}const ${k} = ${args[k]};\\n`;\n }, '');\n opts = opts === '' ? '' : `, { ${opts} }`;\n }\n cmd = `const cursor = coll.find(filter${opts});\\nconst result = await cursor.toArray();`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${defs}\n const client = await MongoClient.connect(\n '${spec.options.uri}'\n );\n const coll = client.db('${spec.options.database}').collection('${spec.options.collection}');\n ${cmd}\n await client.close();`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '===';\n }\n return `${rhs}.indexOf(${lhs}) ${str} -1`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `Math.floor(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `Math.pow(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (expr, skip, code) => {\n // Add classes that don't use \"new\" to array.\n // So far: [Date.now, Decimal128/NumberDecimal, Long/NumberLong]\n noNew = [200.1, 112, 106];\n if (skip || (code && noNew.indexOf(code) !== -1)) {\n return expr;\n }\n return `new ${expr}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `RegExp(${pattern}${flags ? ', ' + '\\'' + flags + '\\'': ''})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate null\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'undefined';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toString()`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate null\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.sub_type`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.db`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.namespace`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.oid`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate null\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate null\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toInt`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate null\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate null\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate null\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate null\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate null\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate null\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate null\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate null\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate null\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate null\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate null\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate null\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate null\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate null\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate null\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate null\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate null\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate null\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate null\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate null\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate null\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate null\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate null\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate null\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate null\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate null\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate null\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate null\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate null\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate null\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate null\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate null\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.toNumber()`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate null\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getLowBits()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.getHighBits()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new Date(${lhs}.getHighBits() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate null\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate null\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate null\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate null\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate null\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate null\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate null\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate null\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate null\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate null\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n code = code === undefined ? '\\'\\'' : code;\n scope = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n return `(${code}${scope})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, buffer, subtype) => {\n return `(${buffer.toString('base64')}, '${subtype}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `Long.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `Long.fromNumber(${arg})`;\n }\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate null\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.fromString(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.fromString('${arg}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.createFromTime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg}.getTime() / 1000)`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.isValid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Number';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg;\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Date.now';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'RegExp';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`import {\\n ${bson.join(',\\n ')}\\n} from 'mongodb';`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Double';\n }\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int32';\n }\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Long';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONRegExp';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSONSymbol';\n }\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltophp.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltophp.js index 78ff4fc250e..e1b43e3b4d4 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltophp.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltophp.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver')\n .concat('// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/')\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n const client = `$client = new Client('${options.uri}');`;\n const collection = `$collection = $client->selectCollection('${options.database}', '${options.collection}');`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n // Note: toPHPArray() may not be required here as Compass should always provide an array for spec.aggregation\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->aggregate(${this.utils.toPHPArray(spec.aggregation)});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n\n let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]);\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} '${getKey(k)}' => ${val}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n args = args ? `, [\\n${args}\\n]` : '';\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->find(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // Identity comparison\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n if (op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n }\n // Not equal\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n // Equal\n if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n // All other cases\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // array\n if (rhs.charAt(0) === '[' && rhs.charAt(rhs.length - 1) === ']') {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\in_array(${lhs}, ${rhs})`;\n }\n \n //object\n if (rhs.indexOf('(object) ') === 0) {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\property_exists(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n \n // string - all other cases\n let targop = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n targop = '===';\n }\n return `\\\\strpos(${rhs}, ${lhs}) ${targop} false`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `! ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, arg) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `+${arg}`;\n case '-':\n return `-${arg}`;\n case '~':\n return `~${arg}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `${s} + ${rhs}`;\n case '-':\n return `${s} - ${rhs}`;\n case '*':\n return `${s} * ${rhs}`;\n case '/':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n case '//':\n return `\\\\intdiv(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '%':\n return `${s} % ${rhs}`;\n case '>>':\n return `${s} >> ${rhs}`;\n case '<<':\n return `${s} << ${rhs}`;\n case '|':\n return `${s} | ${rhs}`;\n case '&':\n return `${s} & ${rhs}`;\n case '^':\n return `${s} ^ ${rhs}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n \n stringifyWithSingleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n };\n\n return `${stringifyWithSingleQuotes(str)}`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n\n stringifyWithDoubleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}`;\n };\n \n pattern = `\"${stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}\"`;\n flags = flags ? `, \"${flags}\"` : '';\n\n return `new Regex(${pattern}${flags})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return `${literal}`;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n let isObjectCastRequired = true;\n \n if (args.length === 0) {\n return `(object) []`;\n }\n\n const isExpectedIndex = (actualIndex, expectedIndex) => {\n return '' + actualIndex === '' + expectedIndex;\n }\n \n let indexTest = 0;\n let pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n if (isObjectCastRequired && !isExpectedIndex(arg[0], indexTest)) {\n isObjectCastRequired = false;\n }\n indexTest++;\n return `${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n // Rebuilding pairs for numeric sequential indexes without quotes\n if (isObjectCastRequired) {\n pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${arg[0]} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n return `${isObjectCastRequired ? '(object) ' : ''}[${pairs}]`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Javascript';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n return !scope \n ? `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)})` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)}, ${scope})`\n ;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n return !id \n ? `()` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(id)})`\n ;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n if (type === null) {\n type = 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(bytes)}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n let coll_string = `'$ref' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(coll)}`;\n let id_string = `, '$id' => ${id}`;\n let db_string = db ? `, '$db' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(db)}` : `, '$db' => null`;\n return `[${coll_string}${id_string}${db_string}]`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n return `(float) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n return `('${this.utils.removeStringQuotes(arg)}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n // PHP orders increment and timestamp args differently (see: PHPC-845)\n return `(${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2}, ${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if ((arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) && (arg.indexOf('.') !== arg.length - 2)) {\n return `(float) ${arg}`\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'UTCDateTime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null) {\n return `new ${lhs}()`;\n }\n return isString \n ? `(new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}))->toDateTime()->format(\\\\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)`\n : `new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()})`\n ;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `new UTCDateTime()`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return ``;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(\\\\ctype_xdigit(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) && \\\\strlen(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) == 24)`;\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `\\\\strlen((${lhs})->getData())`;\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$db']`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$ref']`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$id']`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=>`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x00000000ffffffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new UTCDateTime((${lhs})->getTimestamp() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MAX';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MIN';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', (${arg})->toDateTime()->getTimestamp())), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', ${arg})), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\Client;`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n # Common internal Regexp\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Javascript;`;\n }\n # ObjectId\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\ObjectId;`;\n }\n # Binary\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Binary;`;\n }\n # DBRef\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n # Int64\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MinKey;`;\n }\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MaxKey;`;\n }\n # Regex\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n # Timestamp\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Timestamp;`;\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n # Decimal128\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Decimal128;`;\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\UTCDateTime;`;\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {};\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n comment = []\n .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver')\n .concat('// https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/')\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n const client = `$client = new Client('${options.uri}');`;\n const collection = `$collection = $client->selectCollection('${options.database}', '${options.collection}');`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n // Note: toPHPArray() may not be required here as Compass should always provide an array for spec.aggregation\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->aggregate(${this.utils.toPHPArray(spec.aggregation)});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]);\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} '${getKey(k)}' => ${val}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n args = args ? `, [\\n${args}\\n]` : '';\n\n return []\n .concat(comment)\n .concat('')\n .concat(client)\n .concat(collection)\n .concat(`$cursor = $collection->${driverMethod}(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`)\n .join('\\n')\n ;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // Identity comparison\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n if (op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} !== ${rhs}`;\n } else {\n return `${lhs} === ${rhs}`;\n }\n }\n // Not equal\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n // Equal\n if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n // All other cases\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n // array\n if (rhs.charAt(0) === '[' && rhs.charAt(rhs.length - 1) === ']') {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\in_array(${lhs}, ${rhs})`;\n }\n \n //object\n if (rhs.indexOf('(object) ') === 0) {\n let not = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n not = '! ';\n }\n return `${not}\\\\property_exists(${rhs}, ${lhs})`;\n }\n \n // string - all other cases\n let targop = '!==';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n targop = '===';\n }\n return `\\\\strpos(${rhs}, ${lhs}) ${targop} false`;\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `! ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, arg) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `+${arg}`;\n case '-':\n return `-${arg}`;\n case '~':\n return `~${arg}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return `${s} + ${rhs}`;\n case '-':\n return `${s} - ${rhs}`;\n case '*':\n return `${s} * ${rhs}`;\n case '/':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n case '//':\n return `\\\\intdiv(${s}, ${rhs})`;\n case '%':\n return `${s} % ${rhs}`;\n case '>>':\n return `${s} >> ${rhs}`;\n case '<<':\n return `${s} << ${rhs}`;\n case '|':\n return `${s} | ${rhs}`;\n case '&':\n return `${s} & ${rhs}`;\n case '^':\n return `${s} ^ ${rhs}`;\n default:\n throw new Error(`unrecognized operation: ${op}`);\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n \n stringifyWithSingleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n };\n\n return `${stringifyWithSingleQuotes(str)}`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // This is some standalone object context, which is generated to parse \n // node and doesn't have access to main Generator object. Thus we can't\n // use utility function call. All ~Template calls use this type of \n // context. All ~ArgsTemplate have access to utility functions.\n\n stringifyWithDoubleQuotes = (str) => {\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')\n ) {\n str = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${str.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}`;\n };\n \n pattern = `\"${stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}\"`;\n flags = flags ? `, \"${flags}\"` : '';\n\n return `new Regex(${pattern}${flags})`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'null';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return `${literal}`;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n let isObjectCastRequired = true;\n \n if (args.length === 0) {\n return `(object) []`;\n }\n\n const isExpectedIndex = (actualIndex, expectedIndex) => {\n return '' + actualIndex === '' + expectedIndex;\n }\n \n let indexTest = 0;\n let pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n if (isObjectCastRequired && !isExpectedIndex(arg[0], indexTest)) {\n isObjectCastRequired = false;\n }\n indexTest++;\n return `${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n // Rebuilding pairs for numeric sequential indexes without quotes\n if (isObjectCastRequired) {\n pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${arg[0]} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n return `${isObjectCastRequired ? '(object) ' : ''}[${pairs}]`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Javascript';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n return !scope \n ? `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)})` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(code)}, ${scope})`\n ;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n return !id \n ? `()` \n : `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(id)})`\n ;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Binary';\n }\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n if (type === null) {\n type = 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(bytes)}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_GENERIC';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_FUNCTION';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_BINARY';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_OLD_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_UUID';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_MD5';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary::TYPE_USER_DEFINED';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n let coll_string = `'$ref' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(coll)}`;\n let id_string = `, '$id' => ${id}`;\n let db_string = db ? `, '$db' => ${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(db)}` : `, '$db' => null`;\n return `[${coll_string}${id_string}${db_string}]`;\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n return `(float) ${arg}`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n return `(${this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + this.utils.stringifyWithDoubleQuotes(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n return `('${this.utils.removeStringQuotes(arg)}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `()`;\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n // PHP orders increment and timestamp args differently (see: PHPC-845)\n return `(${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2}, ${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if ((arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) && (arg.indexOf('.') !== arg.length - 2)) {\n return `(float) ${arg}`\n }\n return `(int) ${arg}`\n default:\n return `${arg}`\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'UTCDateTime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n if (date === null) {\n return `new ${lhs}()`;\n }\n return isString \n ? `(new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()}))->toDateTime()->format(\\\\DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED)`\n : `new ${lhs}(${date.getTime()})`\n ;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `new UTCDateTime()`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getCode()`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getScope()`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return ``;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(\\\\ctype_xdigit(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) && \\\\strlen(${this.utils.stringifyWithSingleQuotes(arg)}) == 24)`;\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `\\\\strlen((${lhs})->getData())`;\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getData()`;\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getType()`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$db']`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$ref']`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}['$id']`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=>`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) === 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} === 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(float) ${lhs}`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x00000000ffffffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getTimestamp()`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})->getIncrement()`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `new UTCDateTime((${lhs})->getTimestamp() * 1000)`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(string) ${lhs}`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MAX';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '\\\\PHP_INT_MIN';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int) ${arg}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'new ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', (${arg})->toDateTime()->getTimestamp())), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n return `(\\\\str_pad(\\\\bin2hex(\\\\pack('N', ${arg})), 24, '0'))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\Client;`;\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n # Common internal Regexp\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Javascript;`;\n }\n # ObjectId\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\ObjectId;`;\n }\n # Binary\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Binary;`;\n }\n # DBRef\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n # Int64\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MinKey;`;\n }\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\MaxKey;`;\n }\n # Regex\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Regex;`;\n }\n # Timestamp\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Timestamp;`;\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n # Decimal128\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\Decimal128;`;\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `use MongoDB\\\\BSON\\\\UTCDateTime;`;\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltopython.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltopython.js index 70300d2a337..b581959e207 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltopython.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltopython.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Python Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'a'\n y: ''\n g: 's'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n\n # filter, project, sort, collation, skip, limit, maxTimeMS\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `# Requires the PyMongo package.\n # https://api.mongodb.com/python/current`;\n const translateKey = {\n filter: 'filter',\n project: 'projection',\n sort: 'sort',\n collation: 'collation',\n skip: 'skip',\n limit: 'limit',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n delete spec.options;\n\n const connect = `client = MongoClient('${options.uri}')`;\n const coll = `client['${options.database}']['${options.collection}']`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n if (k === 'sort') {\n return `${result}\\n${k}=list(${spec[k]}.items())`;\n }\n return `${result}\\n${k}=${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${\n k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n }=${k}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(\\n${args}\\n)`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = 'in';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = 'not in';\n }\n return `${lhs} ${str} ${rhs}`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' and ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' or ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `not ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} // ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\(?!\\/)/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `re.compile(r\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.generation_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `len(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `int(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate null\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.as_datetime()';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs}.as_datetime() - `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.as_datetime()).total_seconds()`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Single quote stringify\n const scopestr = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scopestr})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(b${bytes})`;\n }\n return `(b${bytes}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.MD5_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'float';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'int';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `(${newStr})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'sys.maxsize';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-sys.maxsize -1';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(0)';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(1)';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(-1)';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int(${arg}))`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.from_datetime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(datetime.fromtimestamp(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.is_valid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `float('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.utcnow()${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr}, tzinfo=timezone.utc)${toStr}`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime.utcnow';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 're';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`from bson import ${bson.join(', ')}`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from pymongo import MongoClient';\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import re';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timezone';\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n# Python Templates\nTemplates:\n # Misc\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'a'\n y: ''\n g: 's'\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n # Syntax\n\n # filter, project, sort, collation, skip, limit, maxTimeMS\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `# Requires the PyMongo package.\n # https://api.mongodb.com/python/current`;\n const translateKey = {\n filter: 'filter',\n project: 'projection',\n sort: 'sort',\n collation: 'collation',\n skip: 'skip',\n limit: 'limit',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `client = MongoClient('${options.uri}')`;\n const coll = `client['${options.database}']['${options.collection}']`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n if (k === 'sort') {\n return `${result}\\n${k}=list(${spec[k]}.items())`;\n }\n return `${result}\\n${k}=${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${\n k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n }=${k}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(\\n${args}\\n)`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = 'in';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = 'not in';\n }\n return `${lhs} ${str} ${rhs}`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' and ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' or ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `not ${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} // ${rhs}`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosSyntaxTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null\n EofSyntaxTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null\n # BSON Object Type templates\n CodeTypeTemplate: &CodeTypeTemplate null\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n flags = flags === '' ? '' : `(?${flags})`;\n const escaped = pattern.replace(/\\\\(?!\\/)/, '\\\\\\\\');\n\n // Double-quote stringify\n const str = escaped + flags;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `re.compile(r\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\")`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n return `${str.charAt(0).toUpperCase()}${str.slice(1)}`;\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'None';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])}: ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(', ');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`;\n }\n # BSON Object Method templates\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate null\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.generation_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `len(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `str(${lhs})`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.subtype`;\n }\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `int(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `float(${lhs})`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.time`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate null\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.as_datetime()';\n }\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs}.as_datetime() - `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.as_datetime()).total_seconds()`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n # Symbol Templates\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Single quote stringify\n const scopestr = scope === undefined ? '' : `, ${scope}`;\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n return `(${code}${scopestr})`;\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate null\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n if (!str || str.length === 0) {\n return '()';\n }\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, bytes, type) => {\n const str = bytes;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n bytes = `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n\n if (type === null) {\n return `(b${bytes})`;\n }\n return `(b${bytes}, ${type})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.FUNCTION_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.OLD_UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.UUID_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.MD5_SUBTYPE';\n }\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'binary.USER_DEFINED_SUBTYPE';\n }\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'float';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate null\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'int';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `(${newStr})`;\n }\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'sys.maxsize';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-sys.maxsize -1';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(0)';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(1)';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64(-1)';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(int(${arg}))`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate null\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate null\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate null\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return `(${singleStringify(pattern)}${flags ? ', ' + singleStringify(flags) : ''})`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `('${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}')`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'str';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs})`;\n }\n # BSON Util Templates\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `ObjectId.from_datetime`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (isNumber) {\n return `(datetime.fromtimestamp(${arg}))`;\n }\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.is_valid`;\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n # JS Symbol Templates\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `float('${newStr}')`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.utcnow()${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}(${dateStr}, tzinfo=timezone.utc)${toStr}`;\n }\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'datetime.utcnow';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate null\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function > # Also has process method\n () => {\n return 're';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n const bson = [];\n const other = [];\n Object.keys(args).map(\n (m) => {\n if (m > 99 && m < 200) {\n bson.push(args[m]);\n } else {\n other.push(args[m]);\n }\n }\n );\n if (bson.length) {\n other.push(`from bson import ${bson.join(', ')}`);\n }\n return other.join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from pymongo import MongoClient';\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'import re';\n }\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Code';\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'ObjectId';\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Binary';\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'DBRef';\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Int64';\n }\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MinKey';\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'MaxKey';\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Regex';\n }\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Timestamp';\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Decimal128';\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'from datetime import datetime, tzinfo, timezone';\n }\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltoruby.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltoruby.js index a7b05bb8636..188fdf12f8f 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltoruby.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltoruby.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: ''\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n comment = '# Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver\\n# https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/';\n\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {}\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter\n\n const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`;\n const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n return `${result}\\n${getKey(k)} = ${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${getKey(k)}: ${getKey(k)}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(${filter}${args ? `, {\\n${args}\\n}` : ''})`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n let not = op.includes('not') ? '!' : ''\n return `${not}${lhs}.equal?(${rhs})`\n } else if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.include?(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s}.div(${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n return `/${pattern}/${flags ? flags : ''}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Code'\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n if (code === undefined) {\n return '.new'\n }\n return !scope ? `.new(${singleStringify(code)})` : `WithScope.new(${singleStringify(code)}, ${scope})`\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return !id ? '.new' : `(${singleStringify(id)})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::DBRef'\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n let db_string = db ? `,\\n '$db' => ${singleStringify(db)}` : ''\n return `.new(\\n '$ref' => ${singleStringify(coll)},\\n '$id' => ${id}${db_string}\\n)`\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_f`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '' : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `:'${newStr}'`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_sym`;\n }\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n }\n return `/${singleStringify(pattern)}/${flags ? singleStringify(flags) : ''}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.new('${arg}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `.new(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `'${newStr}'.to_f`;\n } else if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return newStr;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_f`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.new.utc${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}.utc(${dateStr})${toStr}`;\n }\n\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time.now.utc';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.javascript`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.scope`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.legal?`\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '${lhs}.to_s';\n }\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Time.at(${lhs}.increment).utc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inspect`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n let extractRegex = (lhs) => {\n let r = /^:'(.*)'$/;\n let arr = r.exec(lhs);\n return arr ? arr[1] : ''\n\n }\n let res = extractRegex(lhs)\n return res ? `'${res}'` : `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '9223372036854775807';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-9223372036854775808';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId.from_time';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n return `(Time.at(${arg}))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args))\n if (set.has(`require 'mongo'`)) return `require 'mongo'`\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'mongo'`\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: ''\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: ''\n l: ''\n u: ''\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n comment = '# Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver\\n# https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/';\n\n const getKey = k => {\n let translateKey = {\n project: 'projection',\n maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms'\n }\n return k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k\n };\n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || {}\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`;\n const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`;\n\n let driverMethod;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n }\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`;\n }\n\n const vars = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n return `${result}\\n${getKey(k)} = ${spec[k]}`;\n },\n connect\n );\n\n const args = Object.keys(spec).reduce(\n (result, k) => {\n const divider = result === '' ? '' : ',\\n';\n return `${result}${divider} ${getKey(k)}: ${getKey(k)}`;\n },\n ''\n );\n\n const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}${args ? `, {\\n${args}\\n}` : ''})`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${vars}\\n\\n${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('is')) {\n let not = op.includes('not') ? '!' : ''\n return `${not}${lhs}.equal?(${rhs})`\n } else if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n } else if (op === '==' || op === '===') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let str = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n str = '!';\n }\n return `${str}${rhs}.include?(${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate null\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s}.div(${rhs})`;\n case '**':\n return `${s} ** ${rhs}`;\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n const str = pattern;\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n pattern = `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n return `/${pattern}/${flags ? flags : ''}`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n let offset = 0;\n\n if (\n literal.charAt(0) === '0' &&\n (literal.charAt(1) === '0' || literal.charAt(1) === 'o' || literal.charAt(1) === 'O')\n ) {\n offset = 2;\n } else if (literal.charAt(0) === '0') {\n offset = 1;\n }\n\n literal = `0o${literal.substr(offset, literal.length - 1)}`;\n\n return literal;\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n depth++;\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n\n return `[${indent}${literal}${closingIndent}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate null # Args: single array element, nestedness, lastElement? (note: not being used atm)\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'nil';\n }\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '{}';\n }\n return literal;\n }\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '{}';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n const pairs = args.map((arg) => {\n return `${indent}${singleStringify(arg[0])} => ${arg[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `{${pairs}${closingIndent}}`\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Code'\n }\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n if (code === undefined) {\n return '.new'\n }\n return !scope ? `.new(${singleStringify(code)})` : `WithScope.new(${singleStringify(code)}, ${scope})`\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, id) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n return !id ? '.new' : `(${singleStringify(id)})`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate null\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::DBRef'\n }\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, coll, id, db) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `'${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(')/g, '\\\\$1$2')}'`;\n }\n\n let db_string = db ? `,\\n '$db' => ${singleStringify(db)}` : ''\n return `.new(\\n '$ref' => ${singleStringify(coll)},\\n '$id' => ${id}${db_string}\\n)`\n }\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_f`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return arg;\n }\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '' : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `:'${newStr}'`;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_sym`;\n }\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, pattern, flags) => {\n const singleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])/g, '\\\\$1')}`;\n }\n return `/${singleStringify(pattern)}/${flags ? singleStringify(flags) : ''}`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? '0' : arg.toString();\n if (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n return `.new('${arg}')`;\n }\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MinKey';\n }\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::MaxKey';\n }\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '.new';\n }\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Timestamp';\n }\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg1, arg2) => {\n return `.new(${arg1 === undefined ? 0 : arg1}, ${arg2 === undefined ? 0 : arg2})`;\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n const str = arg.toString();\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n return `'${newStr}'.to_f`;\n } else if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return newStr;\n } else {\n return `${newStr}.to_f`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time';\n }\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n const toStr = isString ? '.strftime(\\'%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S %Z\\')' : '';\n\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}.new.utc${toStr}`;\n }\n\n const dateStr = [\n date.getUTCFullYear(),\n date.getUTCMonth() + 1,\n date.getUTCDate(),\n date.getUTCHours(),\n date.getUTCMinutes(),\n date.getUTCSeconds()\n ].join(', ');\n\n return `${lhs}.utc(${dateStr})${toStr}`;\n }\n\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'Time.now.utc';\n }\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.javascript`;\n }\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.scope`;\n }\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_time`;\n }\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.legal?`\n }\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate null\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate null\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate null\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate null\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate null\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate null\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.database`;\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.collection`;\n }\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.id`;\n }\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '${lhs}.to_s';\n }\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ==`;\n }\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}`;\n }\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} +`;\n }\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} -`;\n }\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `${arg} *`;\n }\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} /`;\n }\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} %`;\n }\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} &`;\n }\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} |`;\n }\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} ^`;\n }\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <<`;\n }\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >>`;\n }\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} -`;\n }\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `(${lhs} % 2) == 1`;\n }\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == 0`;\n }\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < 0`;\n }\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-';\n }\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '~';\n }\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} !=`;\n }\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >=`;\n }\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <`;\n }\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=`;\n }\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return ` ${arg}`;\n }\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_f`;\n }\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >> 32`;\n }\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} & 0x0000ffff`;\n }\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} == `;\n }\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return ''\n }\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.seconds`;\n }\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.increment`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `Time.at(${lhs}.increment).utc`;\n }\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate null\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <=> `;\n }\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} != `;\n }\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} > `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} >= `;\n }\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} < `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs} <= `;\n }\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}`;\n }\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return lhs;\n }\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.inspect`;\n }\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n let extractRegex = (lhs) => {\n let r = /^:'(.*)'$/;\n let arr = r.exec(lhs);\n return arr ? arr[1] : ''\n\n }\n let res = extractRegex(lhs)\n return res ? `'${res}'` : `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return `${lhs}.to_s`;\n }\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => {\n return '';\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '9223372036854775807';\n }\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-9223372036854775808';\n }\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '0';\n }\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '1';\n }\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '-1';\n }\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return arg;\n }\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate null\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return '';\n }\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `${arg}.to_i`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::Decimal128';\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `.new(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return 'BSON::ObjectId.from_time';\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, isNumber) => {\n if (!isNumber) {\n return `(${arg})`;\n }\n return `(Time.at(${arg}))`;\n }\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let set = new Set(Object.values(args))\n if (set.has(`require 'mongo'`)) return `require 'mongo'`\n return [...set].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'mongo'`\n }\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate null\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate null\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate null\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate null\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => {\n return `require 'bson'`\n }\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate null\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate null\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate null\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltorust.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltorust.js index b773eb50ba8..5f853dbaba3 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltorust.js +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/lib/symbol-table/shelltorust.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `// Requires the MongoDB crate.\\n// https://crates.io/crates/mongodb`;\n \n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || 'None';\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n\n const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str(\"${options.uri}\").await?;`\n const coll = `client.database(\"${options.database}\").collection::(\"${options.collection}\")`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n let agg = spec.aggregation;\n if (agg.charAt(0) != '[') {\n agg = `[${agg}]`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`;\n }\n\n const findOpts = [];\n for (const k in spec) {\n let optName = k;\n let optValue = spec[k];\n switch(k) {\n case 'project':\n optName = 'projection';\n break;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n optName = 'max_time';\n optValue = `std::time::Duration::from_millis(${optValue})`;\n break;\n }\n findOpts.push(` .${optName}(${optValue})`);\n }\n let optStr = '';\n if (findOpts.length > 0) {\n optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::FindOptions::builder()\\n${findOpts.join('\\n')}\\n .build();\\n`;\n }\n let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None';\n const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.find(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\n${optStr}${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n prefix = '!';\n }\n return `${prefix}${rhs}.contains(&${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `${s}.pow(${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return `Regex { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string(), options: \"${flags}\".to_string() }`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (literal.charAt(1) === 'X') {\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'x' + literal.substring(2);\n }\n return literal;\n }\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n switch(literal.charAt(1)) {\n case 'o':\n return literal;\n case 'O':\n case '0':\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(2);\n default:\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(1);\n }\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (element, depth, isLast) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = isLast ? '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1) : ',';\n return `${indent}${element}${closingIndent}`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Null'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Undefined'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `doc! {${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((pair) => {\n return `${indent}${doubleStringify(pair[0])}: ${pair[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `${pairs}${closingIndent}`;\n\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string()`;\n if (scope === undefined) {\n return `Bson::JavaScriptCode(${code})`;\n } else {\n return `JavaScriptCodeWithScope { code: ${code}, scope: ${scope} }`;\n }\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'ObjectId'\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '') {\n return '::new()';\n }\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Generic'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Function'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::BinaryOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::UuidOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Uuid'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Md5'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `BinarySubtype::UserDefined(${arg})`\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, coll, id, db\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return `${arg}i64`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i64::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `(${arg})`\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n if (flags === null || flags === undefined) {\n flags = '';\n }\n if (\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\\'' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\"' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n flags = flags.substr(1, flags.length - 2);\n }\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return ` { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\", flags: \"${flags}\" }`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate null # No args\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, arg\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return ` { time: ${low}, increment: ${high} }`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n case '_integer':\n case '_long':\n case '_decimal':\n return `${arg}`;\n default:\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = isString ? '.to_rfc3339_string()' : '';\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}::now()${toStr}`;\n }\n return `${lhs}::parse_rfc3339_str(\"${date.toISOString()}\")?${toStr}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.scope`\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.to_hex()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate null\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes`\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes.len()`\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{}\", ${arg})`\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.subtype`\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as i32`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f64`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == 0`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < 0`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '~'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f32`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.to_string()`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `DateTime::from_millis(${arg}.time)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.cmp`\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{:?}\", ${arg})`\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime::now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MAX'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MIN'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '0i64'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '1i64'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-1i64'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg} as i64`\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, radix) => {\n if (radix) {\n return `i64::from_str_radix(${arg}, ${radix})?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let merged = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...merged].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::Client;'\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::doc;'\n # Null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Undefined\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;'\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Binary;'\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Timestamp;'\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::JavaScriptCodeWithScope;'\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::spec::BinarySubtype;'\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::DateTime;'\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; +module.exports="SymbolTypes:\n VAR: &var 0\n CONSTRUCTOR: &constructor 1\n FUNC: &func 2\n# Internal patterns to save typing\n__type: &__type\n id: null\n callable: *var\n args: null\n type: null\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n__func: &__func\n callable: *func\n args: []\n attr: {}\n template: null\n argsTemplate: null\n\n#############################################\n# Sample Templates #\n# #\n# The expected arguments are commented next #\n# to the template itself. Currently all are #\n# set to null, but to define a function #\n# replace 'null' with '!!js/function > \\n #\n# and a function defined below. #\n# #\n# See the other template files for examples #\n# #\n# Good to know: #\n# lhs is left-hand-side of the expression #\n# rhs is right-hand-side of the expression #\n# All args are strings unless noted #\n# - arg? is boolean #\n# - arg# is number #\n# #\n#############################################\nTemplates:\n ########\n # Misc #\n ########\n\n # Filter out regex flags that have translations or are unsupported.\n RegexFlags: &RegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n u: 'u'\n y: ''\n g: ''\n BSONRegexFlags: &BSONRegexFlags\n i: 'i'\n m: 'm'\n x: 'x'\n s: 's'\n l: 'l'\n u: 'u'\n\n #############################################\n # Syntax #\n # #\n # Templates for language syntax expressions #\n # #\n #############################################\n\n DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function >\n (spec) => {\n const comment = `// Requires the MongoDB crate.\\n// https://crates.io/crates/mongodb`;\n \n const options = spec.options;\n const filter = spec.filter || 'None';\n const exportMode = spec.exportMode;\n delete spec.options;\n delete spec.filter;\n delete spec.exportMode;\n\n const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str(\"${options.uri}\").await?;`\n const coll = `client.database(\"${options.database}\").collection::(\"${options.collection}\")`;\n\n if ('aggregation' in spec) {\n let agg = spec.aggregation;\n if (agg.charAt(0) != '[') {\n agg = `[${agg}]`;\n }\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`;\n }\n\n let driverMethod;\n let optionsName;\n switch (exportMode) {\n case 'Delete Query':\n driverMethod = 'delete_many';\n optionsName = 'DeleteOptions';\n break;\n case 'Update Query':\n driverMethod = 'update_many';\n optionsName = 'UpdateOptions';\n break;\n default:\n driverMethod = 'find';\n optionsName = 'FindOptions';\n break;\n }\n\n const findOpts = [];\n for (const k in spec) {\n let optName = k;\n let optValue = spec[k];\n switch(k) {\n case 'project':\n optName = 'projection';\n break;\n case 'maxTimeMS':\n optName = 'max_time';\n optValue = `std::time::Duration::from_millis(${optValue})`;\n break;\n }\n findOpts.push(` .${optName}(${optValue})`);\n }\n let optStr = '';\n if (findOpts.length > 0) {\n optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::${optionsName}::builder()\\n${findOpts.join('\\n')}\\n .build();\\n`;\n }\n let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None';\n const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`;\n\n return `${comment}\\n\\n${connect}\\n${optStr}${cmd}`;\n }\n EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n return `${lhs} != ${rhs}`;\n }\n else if (op === '==' || op === '===' || op === 'is') {\n return `${lhs} == ${rhs}`;\n }\n return `${lhs} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n InSyntaxTemplate: &InSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, op, rhs) => {\n let prefix = '';\n if (op.includes('!') || op.includes('not')) {\n prefix = '!';\n }\n return `${prefix}${rhs}.contains(&${lhs})`\n }\n AndSyntaxTemplate: &AndSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' && ');\n }\n OrSyntaxTemplate: &OrSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.join(' || ');\n }\n NotSyntaxTemplate: &NotSyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => {\n return `!${arg}`;\n }\n UnarySyntaxTemplate: &UnarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (op, val) => {\n switch(op) {\n case '+':\n return val;\n case '~':\n return `!${val}`;\n default:\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n return `${op}${val}`;\n }\n BinarySyntaxTemplate: &BinarySyntaxTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n return args.reduce((s, op, i, arr) => {\n if (i % 2 === 0) {\n return s;\n }\n const rhs = arr[i + 1];\n switch(op) {\n case '//':\n return `${s} / ${rhs}`\n case '**':\n return `${s}.pow(${rhs})`\n default:\n return `${s} ${op} ${rhs}`;\n }\n }, args[0]);\n }\n ParensSyntaxTemplate: &ParensSyntaxTemplate null\n EosTemplate: &EosSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-line\n EofTemplate: &EofSyntaxTemplate null # No args. End-of-file\n FloorDivTemplate: &FloorDivSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n PowerTemplate: &PowerSyntaxTemplate null # Args: lhs, rhs\n NewTemplate: &NewSyntaxTemplate null # Args: expression, skip?, code# [to check if meant to be skipped]\n\n #############################################\n # Literal Types #\n # #\n # Templates for literal type instance. Most #\n # get passed the literal itself as an arg. #\n # #\n #############################################\n StringTypeTemplate: &StringTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n RegexTypeTemplate: &RegexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (pattern, flags) => {\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return `Regex { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string(), options: \"${flags}\".to_string() }`;\n }\n BoolTypeTemplate: &BoolTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => {\n return literal.toLowerCase();\n }\n IntegerTypeTemplate: &IntegerTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType (i.e. '_string', '_decimal' etc)\n DecimalTypeTemplate: &DecimalTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n LongBasicTypeTemplate: &LongBasicTypeTemplate null\n HexTypeTemplate: &HexTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n if (literal.charAt(1) === 'X') {\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'x' + literal.substring(2);\n }\n return literal;\n }\n OctalTypeTemplate: &OctalTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, type) => {\n switch(literal.charAt(1)) {\n case 'o':\n return literal;\n case 'O':\n case '0':\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(2);\n default:\n return literal.charAt(0) + 'o' + literal.substring(1);\n }\n }\n NumericTypeTemplate: &NumericTypeTemplate null # args: literal, argType\n ArrayTypeTemplate: &ArrayTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal, depth) => {\n if (literal === '') {\n return '[]'\n }\n return `[${literal}]`;\n }\n ArrayTypeArgsTemplate: &ArrayTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (element, depth, isLast) => {\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = isLast ? '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1) : ',';\n return `${indent}${element}${closingIndent}`;\n }\n NullTypeTemplate: &NullTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Null'\n UndefinedTypeTemplate: &UndefinedTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Undefined'\n ObjectTypeTemplate: &ObjectTypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (literal) => `doc! {${literal}}`\n ObjectTypeArgsTemplate: &ObjectTypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (args, depth) => {\n if (args.length === 0) {\n return '';\n }\n depth++;\n const indent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth);\n const closingIndent = '\\n' + ' '.repeat(depth - 1);\n const doubleStringify = (str) => {\n let newStr = str;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n return `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n }\n\n const pairs = args.map((pair) => {\n return `${indent}${doubleStringify(pair[0])}: ${pair[1]}`;\n }).join(',');\n\n return `${pairs}${closingIndent}`;\n\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Symbols #\n # #\n # Templates for symbols, can be either #\n # functions or variables. #\n # #\n # The *SymbolTemplates return names and #\n # usually don't take any arguments. The #\n # *SymbolArgsTemplates are invoked for func #\n # calls. The first argument is always the #\n # lhs, i.e. the symbol returned from the #\n # corresponding SymbolTemplate. The rest of #\n # the arguments are the processed arguments #\n # passed to the original function. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeSymbolTemplate: &CodeSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n CodeSymbolArgsTemplate: &CodeSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, code, scope) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newStr = code === undefined ? '' : code;\n const str = newStr;\n if (\n (str.charAt(0) === '\\'' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (str.charAt(0) === '\"' && str.charAt(str.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2);\n }\n code = `\"${newStr.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\".to_string()`;\n if (scope === undefined) {\n return `Bson::JavaScriptCode(${code})`;\n } else {\n return `JavaScriptCodeWithScope { code: ${code}, scope: ${scope} }`;\n }\n }\n ObjectIdSymbolTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'ObjectId'\n ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n if (arg === undefined || arg === '') {\n return '::new()';\n }\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n BinarySymbolTemplate: &BinarySymbolTemplate null\n BinarySymbolArgsTemplate: &BinarySymbolArgsTemplate null\n BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Generic'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Function'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::BinaryOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::UuidOld'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Uuid'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template: &BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template !!js/function >\n () => 'BinarySubtype::Md5'\n BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate: &BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `BinarySubtype::UserDefined(${arg})`\n DBRefSymbolTemplate: &DBRefSymbolTemplate null # No args\n DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate: &DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, coll, id, db\n DoubleSymbolTemplate: &DoubleSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate: &DoubleSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_decimal' || type === '_double') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long') {\n return `${arg}.0`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n Int32SymbolTemplate: &Int32SymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Int32SymbolArgsTemplate: &Int32SymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return arg;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n LongSymbolTemplate: &LongSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n if (type === '_integer' || type === '_long' || type === '_hex' || type === '_octal') {\n return `${arg}i64`;\n }\n if (type === '_string') {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `i64::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n RegExpSymbolTemplate: &RegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, pattern, flags\n SymbolSymbolTemplate: &SymbolSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::Symbol'\n SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate: &SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `(${arg})`\n BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Regex'\n BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate: &BSONRegExpSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, pattern, flags) => {\n if (flags === null || flags === undefined) {\n flags = '';\n }\n if (\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\\'' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (flags.charAt(0) === '\"' && flags.charAt(flags.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n flags = flags.substr(1, flags.length - 2);\n }\n // Double-quote stringify\n let newPat = pattern;\n if (\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\\'' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (pattern.charAt(0) === '\"' && pattern.charAt(pattern.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newPat = pattern.substr(1, pattern.length - 2);\n }\n return ` { pattern: \"${newPat.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\", flags: \"${flags}\" }`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolTemplate null # No args\n Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate null # Args: lhs, arg\n MinKeySymbolTemplate: &MinKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MinKey'\n MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n MaxKeySymbolTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Bson::MaxKey'\n MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate: &MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampSymbolTemplate: &TimestampSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'Timestamp'\n TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate: &TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, low, high) => {\n if (low === undefined) {\n low = 0;\n high = 0;\n }\n return ` { time: ${low}, increment: ${high} }`\n }\n # non bson-specific\n NumberSymbolTemplate: &NumberSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n NumberSymbolArgsTemplate: &NumberSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg, type) => {\n arg = arg === undefined ? 0 : arg;\n\n switch(type) {\n case '_string':\n if (arg.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n case '_integer':\n case '_long':\n case '_decimal':\n return `${arg}`;\n default:\n return `f32::try_from(${arg})?`;\n }\n }\n DateSymbolTemplate: &DateSymbolTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime'\n DateSymbolArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, date, isString) => {\n let toStr = isString ? '.to_rfc3339_string()' : '';\n if (date === null) {\n return `${lhs}::now()${toStr}`;\n }\n return `${lhs}::parse_rfc3339_str(\"${date.toISOString()}\")?${toStr}`;\n }\n\n #############################################\n # Object Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # instantiated objects. For example, #\n # ObjectId().isValid() or Timestamp().t #\n # #\n # They follow the same pattern with the\n # *Template/*ArgsTemplates: usually no args #\n # to the Template and lhs plus any original #\n # arguments to the ArgsTemplate. #\n # #\n #############################################\n CodeCodeTemplate: &CodeCodeTemplate null\n CodeCodeArgsTemplate: &CodeCodeArgsTemplate null\n CodeScopeTemplate: &CodeScopeTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.scope`\n CodeScopeArgsTemplate: &CodeScopeArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdToStringTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.to_hex()`\n ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdEqualsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => arg\n ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs}.timestamp()`\n ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n ObjectIdIsValidTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidTemplate null\n ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdIsValidArgsTemplate null\n BinaryValueTemplate: &BinaryValueTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes`\n BinaryValueArgsTemplate: &BinaryValueArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryLengthTemplate: &BinaryLengthTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.bytes.len()`\n BinaryLengthArgsTemplate: &BinaryLengthArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinaryToStringTemplate: &BinaryToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{}\", ${arg})`\n BinaryToStringArgsTemplate: &BinaryToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n BinarySubtypeTemplate: &BinarySubtypeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.subtype`\n BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate: &BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n DBRefGetDBTemplate: &DBRefGetDBTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdTemplate: &DBRefGetIdTemplate null\n DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate null\n DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate: &DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate null\n DBRefToStringTemplate: &DBRefToStringTemplate null\n DBRefToStringArgsTemplate: &DBRefToStringArgsTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfTemplate: &DoubleValueOfTemplate null\n DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate: &DoubleValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfTemplate: &Int32ValueOfTemplate null\n Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate: &Int32ValueOfArgsTemplate null\n Int32ToStringTemplate: &Int32ToStringTemplate null\n Int32ToStringArgsTemplate: &Int32ToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongEqualsTemplate: &LongEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n LongEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongToStringTemplate: &LongToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongToStringArgsTemplate: &LongToStringArgsTemplate null\n LongToIntTemplate: &LongToIntTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as i32`\n LongToIntArgsTemplate: &LongToIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongValueOfTemplate: &LongValueOfTemplate null\n LongValueOfArgsTemplate: &LongValueOfArgsTemplate null\n LongToNumberTemplate: &LongToNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f64`\n LongToNumberArgsTemplate: &LongToNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongAddTemplate: &LongAddTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} + `\n LongAddArgsTemplate: &LongAddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongSubtractTemplate: &LongSubtractTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongSubtractArgsTemplate: &LongSubtractArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongMultiplyTemplate: &LongMultiplyTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} * `\n LongMultiplyArgsTemplate: &LongMultiplyArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongDivTemplate: &LongDivTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} / `\n LongDivArgsTemplate: &LongDivArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongModuloTemplate: &LongModuloTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} % `\n LongModuloArgsTemplate: &LongModuloArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongAndTemplate: &LongAndTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} & `\n LongAndArgsTemplate: &LongAndArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongOrTemplate: &LongOrTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} | `\n LongOrArgsTemplate: &LongOrArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongXorTemplate: &LongXorTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} ^ `\n LongXorArgsTemplate: &LongXorArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftLeftTemplate: &LongShiftLeftTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} << `\n LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate: &LongShiftLeftArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongShiftRightTemplate: &LongShiftRightTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >> `\n LongShiftRightArgsTemplate: &LongShiftRightArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongCompareTemplate: &LongCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} - `\n LongCompareArgsTemplate: &LongCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongIsOddTemplate: &LongIsOddTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} % 2 == 1`\n LongIsOddArgsTemplate: &LongIsOddArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsZeroTemplate: &LongIsZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} == 0`\n LongIsZeroArgsTemplate: &LongIsZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongIsNegativeTemplate: &LongIsNegativeTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} < 0`\n LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate: &LongIsNegativeArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongNegateTemplate: &LongNegateTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-'\n LongNegateArgsTemplate: &LongNegateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotTemplate: &LongNotTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '~'\n LongNotArgsTemplate: &LongNotArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => arg\n LongNotEqualsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &LongNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanTemplate: &LongGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanTemplate: &LongLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n LongLessThanArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &LongLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n LongFloatApproxTemplate: &LongFloatApproxTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} as f32`\n LongTopTemplate: &LongTopTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} >> 32`\n LongBottomTemplate: &LongBottomTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg} & 0x0000ffff`\n TimestampToStringTemplate: &TimestampToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.to_string()`\n TimestampToStringArgsTemplate: &TimestampToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampEqualsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} == `\n TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate: &TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampTTemplate: &TimestampTTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.time`\n TimestampITemplate: &TimestampITemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.increment`\n TimestampAsDateTemplate: &TimestampAsDateTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `DateTime::from_millis(${arg}.time)`\n TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate: &TimestampAsDateArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n TimestampCompareTemplate: &TimestampCompareTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.cmp`\n TimestampCompareArgsTemplate: &TimestampCompareArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => `(${rhs})`\n TimestampNotEqualsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} != `\n TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate: &TimestampNotEqualsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} > `\n TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} >= `\n TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampGreaterThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanTemplate: &TimestampLessThanTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} < `\n TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => `${lhs} <= `\n TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate: &TimestampLessThanOrEqualArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, rhs) => rhs\n SymbolValueOfTemplate: &SymbolValueOfTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate: &SymbolValueOfArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolInspectTemplate: &SymbolInspectTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `format!(\"{:?}\", ${arg})`\n SymbolInspectArgsTemplate: &SymbolInspectArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n SymbolToStringTemplate: &SymbolToStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (arg) => `${arg}.as_symbol().unwrap()`\n SymbolToStringArgsTemplate: &SymbolToStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n Decimal128ToStringTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringTemplate null\n Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128ToStringArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific\n DateSymbolNowTemplate: &DateSymbolNowTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'DateTime::now()'\n DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate: &DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n\n #############################################\n # Symbol Attributes/Methods #\n # #\n # These're variables or functions called on #\n # symbols. Also called bson-utils. #\n # #\n # They are basically the same thing as #\n # object attributes/methods, but need to be #\n # distinguished since they are separate #\n # namespaces that happen to have the same #\n # name which is v confusing. #\n # #\n # For example, ObjectId().toString() is an #\n # object method, while ObjectId.fromString #\n # is a symbol attribute. These are two #\n # separate ObjectId related namespaces that #\n # don't overlap. #\n # #\n #############################################\n LongSymbolMaxTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MAX'\n LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMaxArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolMinTemplate: &LongSymbolMinTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'i64::MIN'\n LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolMinArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolZeroTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '0i64'\n LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolZeroArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolOneTemplate: &LongSymbolOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '1i64'\n LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolNegOneTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneTemplate !!js/function >\n () => '-1i64'\n LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolNegOneArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromBitsArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromIntTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromIntArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg}i64`\n LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromNumberArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg) => `${arg} as i64`\n LongSymbolFromStringTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringTemplate !!js/function >\n () => ''\n LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &LongSymbolFromStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (_, arg, radix) => {\n if (radix) {\n return `i64::from_str_radix(${arg}, ${radix})?`;\n }\n return `${arg}.parse::()?`;\n }\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringTemplate null\n Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate: &Decimal128SymbolFromStringArgsTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs) => lhs\n ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromHexStringArgsTemplate !!js/function >\n (lhs, arg) => {\n // Double quote stringify\n let newArg = arg;\n if (\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\\'' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\\'') ||\n (arg.charAt(0) === '\"' && arg.charAt(arg.length - 1) === '\"')) {\n newArg = arg.substr(1, arg.length - 2);\n }\n newArg = `\"${newArg.replace(/\\\\([\\s\\S])|(\")/g, '\\\\$1$2')}\"`;\n return `::parse_str(${newArg})?`;\n }\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate null\n ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate: &ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate null\n # non bson-specific would go here, but there aren't any atm.\n\n #############################################\n # Imports #\n # #\n # Each type has a 'code' that is consistent #\n # between languages. The import templates #\n # for each code generate the required #\n # statement for each type. No args. #\n # #\n # The ImportTemplate collects everything #\n # into one statement. #\n # #\n #############################################\n ImportTemplate: &ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n (args) => {\n let merged = new Set(Object.values(args));\n return [...merged].sort().join('\\n');\n }\n DriverImportTemplate: &DriverImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::Client;'\n 0ImportTemplate: &0ImportTemplate null\n 1ImportTemplate: &1ImportTemplate null\n 2ImportTemplate: &2ImportTemplate null\n 3ImportTemplate: &3ImportTemplate null\n 4ImportTemplate: &4ImportTemplate null\n 5ImportTemplate: &5ImportTemplate null\n 6ImportTemplate: &6ImportTemplate null\n 7ImportTemplate: &7ImportTemplate null\n 8ImportTemplate: &8ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 9ImportTemplate: &9ImportTemplate null\n 10ImportTemplate: &10ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::doc;'\n # Null\n 11ImportTemplate: &11ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Undefined\n 12ImportTemplate: &12ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # Code\n 100ImportTemplate: &100ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 101ImportTemplate: &101ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId;'\n 102ImportTemplate: &102ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Binary;'\n 103ImportTemplate: &103ImportTemplate null\n 104ImportTemplate: &104ImportTemplate null\n 105ImportTemplate: &105ImportTemplate null\n 106ImportTemplate: &106ImportTemplate null\n # MinKey\n 107ImportTemplate: &107ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n # MaxKey\n 108ImportTemplate: &108ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Bson;'\n 109ImportTemplate: &109ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Regex;'\n 110ImportTemplate: &110ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::Timestamp;'\n 111ImportTemplate: &111ImportTemplate null\n 112ImportTemplate: &112ImportTemplate null\n 113ImportTemplate: &113ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::JavaScriptCodeWithScope;'\n 114ImportTemplate: &114ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::spec::BinarySubtype;'\n 200ImportTemplate: &200ImportTemplate !!js/function >\n () => 'use mongodb::bson::DateTime;'\n 201ImportTemplate: &201ImportTemplate null\n 300ImportTemplate: &300ImportTemplate null\n 301ImportTemplate: &301ImportTemplate null\n 302ImportTemplate: &302ImportTemplate null\n 303ImportTemplate: &303ImportTemplate null\n 304ImportTemplate: &304ImportTemplate null\n 305ImportTemplate: &305ImportTemplate null\n 306ImportTemplate: &306ImportTemplate null\n# Universal types\n# Everything inherits from StringType because we haven't implemented any of them.\nBasicTypes:\n # Universal basic types\n _bool: &BoolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_bool\"\n code: 0\n template: *BoolTypeTemplate\n _integer: &IntegerType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_integer\"\n code: 1\n template: *IntegerTypeTemplate\n _long: &LongBasicType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_long\"\n code: 2\n template: *LongBasicTypeTemplate\n _decimal: &DecimalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_decimal\"\n code: 3\n template: *DecimalTypeTemplate\n _hex: &HexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_hex\"\n code: 4\n template: *HexTypeTemplate\n _octal: &OctalType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_octal\"\n code: 5\n template: *OctalTypeTemplate\n _numeric: &NumericType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_numeric\"\n code: 6\n template: *NumericTypeTemplate\n _string: &StringType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_string\"\n code: 7\n template: *StringTypeTemplate\n _regex: &RegexType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_regex\"\n code: 8\n template: *RegexTypeTemplate\n _array: &ArrayType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_array\"\n code: 9\n template: *ArrayTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ArrayTypeArgsTemplate\n _object: &ObjectType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_object\"\n code: 10\n template: *ObjectTypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectTypeArgsTemplate\n _null: &NullType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_null\"\n code: 11\n template: *NullTypeTemplate\n _undefined: &UndefinedType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"_undefined\"\n code: 12\n template: *UndefinedTypeTemplate\n\nSyntax:\n equality:\n template: *EqualitySyntaxTemplate\n in:\n template: *InSyntaxTemplate\n and:\n template: *AndSyntaxTemplate\n or:\n template: *OrSyntaxTemplate\n not:\n template: *NotSyntaxTemplate\n unary:\n template: *UnarySyntaxTemplate\n binary:\n template: *BinarySyntaxTemplate\n parens:\n template: *ParensSyntaxTemplate\n eos:\n template: *EosSyntaxTemplate\n eof:\n template: *EofSyntaxTemplate\n # The new template takes in expr, and an optional skip argument and optional\n # id argument. The skip argument is a boolean that if true then doesn't add\n # new. The code argument is the symbol code being called. The template will check\n # if it is an exception, i.e. a type that is a constructor but may not use new.\n new:\n template: *NewSyntaxTemplate\n # The regex flags that change symbols between languages can be defined here.\n # Flags that aren't defined can be left blank and will be ignored.\n regexFlags: *RegexFlags\n bsonRegexFlags: *BSONRegexFlags\n driver: *DriverTemplate\nImports:\n import:\n template: *ImportTemplate\n driver:\n template: *DriverImportTemplate\n 0:\n template: *0ImportTemplate\n 1:\n template: *1ImportTemplate\n 2:\n template: *2ImportTemplate\n 3:\n template: *3ImportTemplate\n 4:\n template: *4ImportTemplate\n 5:\n template: *5ImportTemplate\n 6:\n template: *6ImportTemplate\n 7:\n template: *7ImportTemplate\n 8:\n template: *8ImportTemplate\n 9:\n template: *9ImportTemplate\n 10:\n template: *10ImportTemplate\n 11:\n template: *11ImportTemplate\n 12:\n template: *12ImportTemplate\n 100:\n template: *100ImportTemplate\n 101:\n template: *101ImportTemplate\n 102:\n template: *102ImportTemplate\n 103:\n template: *103ImportTemplate\n 104:\n template: *104ImportTemplate\n 105:\n template: *105ImportTemplate\n 106:\n template: *106ImportTemplate\n 107:\n template: *107ImportTemplate\n 108:\n template: *108ImportTemplate\n 109:\n template: *109ImportTemplate\n 110:\n template: *110ImportTemplate\n 111:\n template: *111ImportTemplate\n 112:\n template: *112ImportTemplate\n 113:\n template: *113ImportTemplate\n 114:\n template: *114ImportTemplate\n 200:\n template: *200ImportTemplate\n 201:\n template: *201ImportTemplate\n 300:\n template: *300ImportTemplate\n 301:\n template: *301ImportTemplate\n 302:\n template: *302ImportTemplate\n 303:\n template: *303ImportTemplate\n 304:\n template: *304ImportTemplate\n 305:\n template: *305ImportTemplate\n 306:\n template: *306ImportTemplate\nBsonTypes:\n Code: &CodeType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n code:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"code\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeCodeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeCodeArgsTemplate\n scope:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"scope\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *CodeScopeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeScopeArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *ObjectIdToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdToStringArgsTemplate\n equals:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"equals\"\n args:\n - [ \"ObjectId\" ]\n type: *BoolType\n template: *ObjectIdEqualsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdEqualsArgsTemplate\n getTimestamp:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTimestamp\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *ObjectIdGetTimestampTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdGetTimestampArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinaryType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryToStringArgsTemplate\n base64:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"base64\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *BinaryValueTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryValueArgsTemplate\n length:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"length\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinaryLengthTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinaryLengthArgsTemplate\n subtype:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"subtype\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySubtypeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySubtypeArgsTemplate\n DBRef: &DBRefType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n getDb:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getDb\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n $db:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$db\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetDBTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetDBArgsTemplate\n getCollection:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getCollection\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getRef:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getRef\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n $ref:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$ref\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetCollectionTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetCollectionArgsTemplate\n getId:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getId\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n $id:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"$id\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *DBRefGetIdTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefGetIdArgsTemplate\n NumberInt: &Int32Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberInt\"\n code: 105\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n NumberLong: &LongType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"LongtoString\" # Needs process method\n type: *StringType\n top:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"top\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongTopTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n bottom:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"bottom\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongBottomTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n floatApprox:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"floatApprox\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *LongFloatApproxTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n MinKeyType: &MinKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n type: *ObjectType\n MaxKeyType: &MaxKeyType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n type: *ObjectType\n Timestamp: &TimestampType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"TimestampFromShell\"\n code: 110\n type: *ObjectType\n attr:\n toString:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"toString\"\n type: *StringType\n template: *TimestampToStringTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampToStringArgsTemplate\n getTime:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetLowBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetLowBitsArgsTemplate\n getInc:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampGetHighBitsTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampGetHighBitsArgsTemplate\n t:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getTime\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampTTemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n i:\n callable: *var\n args: null\n attr: null\n id: \"getInc\"\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *TimestampITemplate\n argsTemplate: null\n Symbol: &SymbolType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n type: *ObjectType\n NumberDecimal: &Decimal128Type\n <<: *__type\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n SUBTYPE_DEFAULT:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_DEFAULT\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeDefaultTemplate\n SUBTYPE_FUNCTION:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_FUNCTION\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeFunctionTemplate\n SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_BYTE_ARRAY\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeByteArrayTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID_OLD\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidOldTemplate\n SUBTYPE_UUID:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_UUID\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUuidTemplate\n SUBTYPE_MD5:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_MD5\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeMd5Template\n SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED:\n id: \"SUBTYPE_USER_DEFINED\"\n callable: *var\n args: null\n code: 113\n type: *IntegerType\n template: *BinarySymbolSubtypeUserDefinedTemplate\nNativeTypes:\n Date: &DateType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in date methods added yet\n RegExp: &RegExpType\n <<: *__type\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n type: *ObjectType\n attr: {}\n\n\n\n\nBsonSymbols:\n Code: &CodeSymbol\n id: \"Code\"\n code: 100\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n - [ *ObjectType, null ]\n type: *CodeType\n attr: {}\n template: *CodeSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *CodeSymbolArgsTemplate\n ObjectId: &ObjectIdSymbol\n id: \"ObjectId\"\n code: 101\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n attr:\n fromDate:\n <<: *__func\n id: \"ObjectIdCreateFromTime\"\n args:\n - [ *DateType ]\n type: *ObjectIdType\n template: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdCreateFromTimeArgsTemplate\n template: *ObjectIdSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *ObjectIdSymbolArgsTemplate\n BinData: &BinarySymbol\n id: \"BinData\"\n code: 102\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType ]\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *BinaryType\n attr: {}\n template: *BinarySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *BinarySymbolArgsTemplate\n DBRef:\n id: \"DBRef\"\n code: 103\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n - [ *ObjectIdType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DBRefType\n attr: {}\n template: *DBRefSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DBRefSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberInt:\n id: \"Int32\"\n code: 105\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *NumericType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *Int32Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Int32SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Int32SymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberLong:\n id: \"NumberLong\"\n code: 106\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *LongType\n attr: {}\n template: *LongSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *LongSymbolArgsTemplate\n MinKey:\n id: \"MinKey\"\n code: 107\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MinKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MinKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MinKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n MaxKey:\n id: \"MaxKey\"\n code: 108\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *MaxKeyType\n attr: {}\n template: *MaxKeySymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *MaxKeySymbolArgsTemplate\n Timestamp:\n id: \"Timestamp\"\n code: 110\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n - [ *IntegerType, null ]\n type: *TimestampType\n attr: {}\n template: *TimestampSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *TimestampSymbolArgsTemplate\n Symbol:\n id: \"Symbol\"\n code: 111\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType ]\n type: *SymbolType\n attr: {}\n template: *SymbolSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *SymbolSymbolArgsTemplate\n NumberDecimal:\n id: \"NumberDecimal\"\n code: 112\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n type: *Decimal128Type\n attr: {}\n template: *Decimal128SymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *Decimal128SymbolArgsTemplate\n\nNativeSymbols:\n Number:\n id: \"Number\"\n code: 2\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *IntegerType, *StringType, null ]\n type: *NumericType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in number funcs added yet\n template: *NumberSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *NumberSymbolArgsTemplate\n Date: # Needs emit method\n id: \"Date\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n - [ *NumericType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr: # TODO: add more date funcs?\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n code: 200.1\n callable: *func\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n ISODate: # Needs emit method\n id: \"ISODate\"\n code: 200\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *DateType\n attr:\n now:\n id: \"now\"\n callable: *constructor\n args: []\n type: *DateType\n attr: {}\n template: *DateSymbolNowTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolNowArgsTemplate\n template: *DateSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *DateSymbolArgsTemplate\n RegExp: # Needs process method\n id: \"RegExp\"\n code: 8\n callable: *constructor\n args:\n - [ *StringType, *RegexType ]\n - [ *StringType, null ]\n type: *RegExpType\n attr: {} # TODO: no built-in regex funcs added yet\n template: *RegExpSymbolTemplate\n argsTemplate: *RegExpSymbolArgsTemplate\n\n"; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/go/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/go/templates.yaml index 6055ca9a56f..1b19e613662 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/go/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/go/templates.yaml @@ -49,11 +49,25 @@ Templates: const options = spec.options; const uri = spec.options.uri const filter = spec.filter || {}; + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; delete spec.options; delete spec.filter; + delete spec.exportMode; const indent = (depth) => ' '.repeat(depth) + let driverMethod; + switch (exportMode) { + case 'Delete Query': + driverMethod = 'DeleteMany'; + break; + case 'Update Query': + driverMethod = 'UpdateMany'; + break; + default: + driverMethod = 'Find'; + } + const comment = [] .concat('// Requires the MongoDB Go Driver') .concat('// https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver') @@ -107,9 +121,8 @@ Templates: .concat(comment) .concat(connect) .concat('') - .concat('// Find data') .concat(`${coll}`) - .concat(`_, err = coll.Find(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`) + .concat(`_, err = coll.${driverMethod}(ctx, ${filter}${optsStr})`) .concat('if err != nil {') .concat(' log.Fatal(err)') .concat('}') diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/java/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/java/templates.yaml index 308dafb0596..17b31ac48c3 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/java/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/java/templates.yaml @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ Templates: newStr = str.substr(1, str.length - 2); } const uri = `"${newStr.replace(/\\([\s\S])|(")/g, '\\$1$2')}"`; - - + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; + delete spec.exportMode; const connection = `MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( new MongoClientURI( @@ -42,7 +42,21 @@ Templates: MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("${spec.options.collection}");`; - + let driverMethod; + let driverResult; + switch (exportMode) { + case 'Delete Query': + driverMethod = 'deleteMany'; + driverResult = 'DeleteResult'; + break; + case 'Update Query': + driverMethod = 'updateMany'; + driverResult = 'UpdateResult'; + break; + default: + driverMethod = 'find'; + driverResult = 'FindIterable'; + } if ('aggregation' in spec) { return `${comment}\n */\n\n${connection} @@ -51,6 +65,7 @@ Templates: let warning = ''; const defs = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => { + if (!spec[k]) return s; if (k === 'options' || k === 'maxTimeMS' || k === 'skip' || k === 'limit' || k === 'collation') return s; if (s === '') return `Bson ${k} = ${spec[k]};`; return `${s} @@ -75,11 +90,14 @@ Templates: case 'collation': warning = '\n *\n * Warning: translating collation to Java not yet supported, so will be ignored'; return s; + case 'exportMode': + return s; default: + if (!spec[k]) return s; return `${s} .${k}(${k})`; } - }, 'FindIterable result = collection.find(filter)'); + }, `${driverResult} result = collection.${driverMethod}(filter)`); return `${comment}${warning}\n */\n\n${defs} @@ -974,8 +992,10 @@ Templates: 'import org.bson.Document;\n'; if (mode === 'Query') { imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;'; - } else { + } else if (mode === 'Pipeline') { imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.AggregateIterable;'; + } else if (mode === 'Delete Query') { + imports += 'import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult;'; } return imports; } diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/javascript/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/javascript/templates.yaml index 5877c757530..8699794bb7a 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/javascript/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/javascript/templates.yaml @@ -25,21 +25,29 @@ Templates: project: 'projection' }; + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; + delete spec.exportMode; + + const args = {}; + Object.keys(spec).forEach((k) => { + if (k !== 'options') { + args[k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k] = spec[k]; + } + }); + let cmd; let defs; + if (exportMode == 'Delete Query') { + defs = `const filter = ${args.filter};\n`; + cmd = `const result = coll.deleteMany(filter);`; + } if ('aggregation' in spec) { const agg = spec.aggregation; - cmd = `const cursor = coll.aggregate(agg);`; + cmd = `const cursor = coll.aggregate(agg);\nconst result = await cursor.toArray();`; defs = `const agg = ${agg};\n`; - } else { + } else if (!cmd) { let opts = ''; - const args = {}; - Object.keys(spec).forEach((k) => { - if (k !== 'options') { - args[k in translateKey ? translateKey[k] : k] = spec[k]; - } - }); - + if (Object.keys(args).length > 0) { defs = Object.keys(args).reduce((s, k) => { if (k !== 'filter') { @@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ Templates: }, ''); opts = opts === '' ? '' : `, { ${opts} }`; } - cmd = `const cursor = coll.find(filter${opts});`; + cmd = `const cursor = coll.find(filter${opts});\nconst result = await cursor.toArray();`; } return `${comment}\n\n${defs} const client = await MongoClient.connect( @@ -61,7 +69,6 @@ Templates: ); const coll = client.db('${spec.options.database}').collection('${spec.options.collection}'); ${cmd} - const result = await cursor.toArray(); await client.close();`; } EqualitySyntaxTemplate: &EqualitySyntaxTemplate !!js/function > diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/php/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/php/templates.yaml index 4f85922e0cf..aa34155f9dc 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/php/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/php/templates.yaml @@ -54,8 +54,10 @@ Templates: }; const options = spec.options; const filter = spec.filter || {}; + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; delete spec.options; delete spec.filter; + delete spec.exportMode; comment = [] .concat('// Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver') @@ -77,6 +79,18 @@ Templates: ; } + let driverMethod; + switch (exportMode) { + case 'Delete Query': + driverMethod = 'delete_many'; + break; + case 'Update Query': + driverMethod = 'update_many'; + break; + default: + driverMethod = 'find'; + } + let args = Object.keys(spec).reduce( (result, k) => { let val = this.utils.removePHPObject(spec[k]); @@ -92,7 +106,7 @@ Templates: .concat('') .concat(client) .concat(collection) - .concat(`$cursor = $collection->find(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`) + .concat(`$cursor = $collection->${driverMethod}(${this.utils.removePHPObject(filter)}${args});`) .join('\n') ; } diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/python/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/python/templates.yaml index b9dc4ec432d..3b187c68ff9 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/python/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/python/templates.yaml @@ -31,11 +31,25 @@ Templates: maxTimeMS: 'max_time_ms' }; const options = spec.options; + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; delete spec.options; + delete spec.exportMode; const connect = `client = MongoClient('${options.uri}')`; const coll = `client['${options.database}']['${options.collection}']`; + let driverMethod; + switch (exportMode) { + case 'Delete Query': + driverMethod = 'delete_many'; + break; + case 'Update Query': + driverMethod = 'update_many'; + break; + default: + driverMethod = 'find'; + } + if ('aggregation' in spec) { return `${comment}\n\n${connect}\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`; } @@ -59,7 +73,7 @@ Templates: }, '' ); - const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(\n${args}\n)`; + const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(\n${args}\n)`; return `${comment}\n\n${vars}\n\n${cmd}`; } diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/ruby/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/ruby/templates.yaml index 1eefc2c6cc3..65ee4987335 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/ruby/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/ruby/templates.yaml @@ -57,12 +57,27 @@ Templates: }; const options = spec.options; const filter = spec.filter || {} + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; + delete spec.options; delete spec.filter + delete spec.exportMode; const connect = `client = Mongo::Client.new('${options.uri}', :database => '${options.database}')`; const coll = `client.database['${options.collection}']`; + let driverMethod; + switch (exportMode) { + case 'Delete Query': + driverMethod = 'delete_many'; + break; + case 'Update Query': + driverMethod = 'update_many'; + break; + default: + driverMethod = 'find'; + } + if ('aggregation' in spec) { return `${comment}\n\n${connect}\nresult = ${coll}.aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`; } @@ -82,7 +97,7 @@ Templates: '' ); - const cmd = `result = ${coll}.find(${filter}${args ? `, {\n${args}\n}` : ''})`; + const cmd = `result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}${args ? `, {\n${args}\n}` : ''})`; return `${comment}\n\n${vars}\n\n${cmd}`; } diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/rust/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/rust/templates.yaml index 1b946ee40a6..8aaa18f0f2f 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/rust/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/rust/templates.yaml @@ -50,8 +50,10 @@ Templates: const options = spec.options; const filter = spec.filter || 'None'; + const exportMode = spec.exportMode; delete spec.options; delete spec.filter; + delete spec.exportMode; const connect = `let client = Client::with_uri_str("${options.uri}").await?;` const coll = `client.database("${options.database}").collection::("${options.collection}")`; @@ -64,6 +66,23 @@ Templates: return `${comment}\n\n${connect}\nlet result = ${coll}.aggregate(${agg}, None).await?;`; } + let driverMethod; + let optionsName; + switch (exportMode) { + case 'Delete Query': + driverMethod = 'delete_many'; + optionsName = 'DeleteOptions'; + break; + case 'Update Query': + driverMethod = 'update_many'; + optionsName = 'UpdateOptions'; + break; + default: + driverMethod = 'find'; + optionsName = 'FindOptions'; + break; + } + const findOpts = []; for (const k in spec) { let optName = k; @@ -81,10 +100,10 @@ Templates: } let optStr = ''; if (findOpts.length > 0) { - optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::FindOptions::builder()\n${findOpts.join('\n')}\n .build();\n`; + optStr = `let options = mongodb::options::${optionsName}::builder()\n${findOpts.join('\n')}\n .build();\n`; } let optRef = optStr ? 'options' : 'None'; - const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.find(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`; + const cmd = `let result = ${coll}.${driverMethod}(${filter}, ${optRef}).await?;`; return `${comment}\n\n${connect}\n${optStr}${cmd}`; } diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/shell/templates.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/shell/templates.yaml index 68bb4643cf9..6d78b0ecbc6 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/shell/templates.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/symbols/shell/templates.yaml @@ -18,12 +18,15 @@ Templates: DriverTemplate: &DriverTemplate !!js/function > (spec) => { let cmd; + if (spec.exportMode === 'Delete Query') { + cmd = `deleteMany(${spec.filter})` + } if ('aggregation' in spec) { cmd = `aggregate(${spec.aggregation})`; - } else { + } else if (!cmd) { const project = 'project' in spec ? `, ${spec.project}` : ''; cmd = Object.keys(spec).reduce((s, k) => { - if (k !== 'options' && k !== 'project' && k !== 'filter') { + if (k !== 'options' && k !== 'project' && k !== 'filter' && k != 'exportMode') { s = `${s}.${k}(${spec[k]})`; } return s; diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/test/index.test.js b/packages/bson-transpilers/test/index.test.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..be72642937e --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/test/index.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +const assert = require('assert'); +const transpilers = require('../index'); + +const SAMPLE = transpilers.javascript.java; + +const VALID_OPTIONS = { + uri: 'mongodb://localhost', + database: 'test', + collection: 'webscale' +}; + +const INVALID_JS = '{ ... }'; +const VALID_JS = '({ a : 1 })'; + +describe('bson transpiler', function() { + describe('#compileWithDriver', function() { + it('does not compile internal options like "options"', function() { + const result = SAMPLE.compileWithDriver({ + options: VALID_OPTIONS, + filter: VALID_JS + }); + assert.ok(result.includes('webscale')); + }); + + it('does not compile internal options like "exportMode"', function() { + const result = SAMPLE.compileWithDriver({ + options: VALID_OPTIONS, + exportMode: INVALID_JS, + filter: VALID_JS + }); + assert.ok(result.includes('webscale')); + }); + }); +}); diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/driver-syntax.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/driver-syntax.yaml index 6b7046c212a..3f65f52a202 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/driver-syntax.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/driver-syntax.yaml @@ -6,7 +6,16 @@ runner: !!js/function > ).to.equal(test.output[output]); }); it(`${input}: imports in ${output}`, () => { - const mode = type === 'query' ? 'Query' : 'Pipeline'; + let mode; + if (type === 'delete_query') { + mode = 'Delete Query'; + } else if (type === 'update_query') { + mode = 'Update Query'; + } else if (type === 'query') { + mode = 'Query'; + } else { + mode = 'Pipeline' + } expect( transpiler[input][output].getImports(mode, true) ).to.equal(test.imports[output]); @@ -256,7 +265,6 @@ tests: } }() - // Find data coll := client.Database("db").Collection("collection") _, err = coll.Find(ctx, bson.D{{"x", int64(0)}}) if err != nil { @@ -501,7 +509,6 @@ tests: } }() - // Find data coll := client.Database("db").Collection("collection") _, err = coll.Find(ctx, bson.D{{"x", int64(0)}}, options.Find().SetProjection(bson.D{{"y", primitive.NewObjectID()}}), @@ -571,13 +578,152 @@ tests: use mongodb::Client; use mongodb::bson::doc; use mongodb::bson::oid::ObjectId; + delete_query: + - + description: 'generate driver syntax with only delete' + input: + javascript: { exportMode: 'Delete Query', filter: '{x: Long(0, 0)}', options: { uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', database: 'db', collection: 'collection' } } + shell: { exportMode: 'Delete Query', filter: '{x: NumberLong(0)}', options: { uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', database: 'db', collection: 'collection' } } + output: + python: |- + # Requires the PyMongo package. + # https://api.mongodb.com/python/current + + client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017') + filter={ + 'x': Int64(0) + } + + result = client['db']['collection'].delete_many( + filter=filter + ) + java: |- + /* + * Requires the MongoDB Java Driver. + * https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver + */ + + Bson filter = eq("x", 0L); + + MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient( + new MongoClientURI( + "mongodb://localhost:27017" + ) + ); + MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("db"); + MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("collection"); + DeleteResult result = collection.deleteMany(filter); + javascript: |- + /* + * Requires the MongoDB Node.js Driver + * https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native + */ + + const filter = { + 'x': Long.fromNumber(0) + }; + + const client = await MongoClient.connect( + 'mongodb://localhost:27017' + ); + const coll = client.db('db').collection('collection'); + const result = coll.deleteMany(filter); + await client.close(); + shell: |- + mongo 'mongodb://localhost:27017' --eval "db = db.getSiblingDB('db'); + db.collection.deleteMany({ + 'x': new NumberLong(0) + });" + php: |- + // Requires the MongoDB PHP Driver + // https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/php/ + + $client = new Client('mongodb://localhost:27017'); + $collection = $client->selectCollection('db', 'collection'); + $cursor = $collection->delete_many(['x' => 0]); + ruby: |- + # Requires the MongoDB Ruby Driver + # https://docs.mongodb.com/ruby-driver/master/ + + client = Mongo::Client.new('mongodb://localhost:27017', :database => 'db') + + result = client.database['collection'].delete_many({ + 'x' => 0 + }) + go: |- + // Requires the MongoDB Go Driver + // https://go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver + ctx := context.TODO() + + // Set client options + clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI("mongodb://localhost:27017") + + // Connect to MongoDB + client, err := mongo.Connect(ctx, clientOptions) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + defer func() { + if err := client.Disconnect(ctx); err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + }() + + coll := client.Database("db").Collection("collection") + _, err = coll.DeleteMany(ctx, bson.D{{"x", int64(0)}}) + if err != nil { + log.Fatal(err) + } + rust: |- + // Requires the MongoDB crate. + // https://crates.io/crates/mongodb + + let client = Client::with_uri_str("mongodb://localhost:27017").await?; + let result = client.database("db").collection::("collection").delete_many(doc! { + "x": 0i64 + }, None).await?; + imports: + python: |- + from pymongo import MongoClient + from bson import Int64 + java: |- + import static com.mongodb.client.model.Filters.eq; + import com.mongodb.MongoClient; + import com.mongodb.MongoClientURI; + import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; + import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; + import org.bson.conversions.Bson; + import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; + import org.bson.Document; + import com.mongodb.client.result.DeleteResult; + javascript: |- + import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb'; + import { + Long + } from 'mongodb'; + shell: '' + php: |- + use MongoDB\Client; + ruby: require 'mongo' + go: |- + import ( + "context" + "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson" + "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo" + "go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options" + "log" + "strconv" + ) + rust: |- + use mongodb::Client; + use mongodb::bson::doc; + declarations: - description: 'generate driver syntax with declarations' input: shell: { aggregation: "{x: ObjectId('5a7382114ec1f67ae445f778')}", options: { uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', database: 'db', collection: 'collection'} } javascript: { aggregation: "{x: ObjectId('5a7382114ec1f67ae445f778')}", options: { uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', database: 'db', collection: 'collection'} } - python: { aggregation: "{'x': ObjectId('5a7382114ec1f67ae445f778')}", options: { uri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', database: 'db', collection: 'collection'} } output: go: |- // Requires the MongoDB Go Driver diff --git a/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/imports.yaml b/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/imports.yaml index 97674460752..518039a7740 100644 --- a/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/imports.yaml +++ b/packages/bson-transpilers/test/yaml/imports.yaml @@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ runner: !!js/function > (it, type, expect, input, output, transpiler, test) => { it(`correct ${output} imports from ${input}`, () => { transpiler[input][output].compile(test.input[input], true, false); - const mode = type === 'query' ? 'Query' : 'Pipeline'; + let mode; + if (type === 'delete_query') { + mode = 'Delete Query'; + } else if (type === 'update_query') { + mode = 'Update Query'; + } else if (type === 'query') { + mode = 'Query'; + } else { + mode = 'Pipeline' + } expect( transpiler[input][output].getImports(mode) ).to.equal(test.output[output]); diff --git a/packages/compass-aggregations/src/modules/export-to-language.js b/packages/compass-aggregations/src/modules/export-to-language.js index 91ea1b7cbf6..5d576d9ad01 100644 --- a/packages/compass-aggregations/src/modules/export-to-language.js +++ b/packages/compass-aggregations/src/modules/export-to-language.js @@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ -import { - localAppRegistryEmit, - globalAppRegistryEmit, -} from '@mongodb-js/mongodb-redux-common/app-registry'; +import { localAppRegistryEmit } from '@mongodb-js/mongodb-redux-common/app-registry'; import { getPipelineStringFromBuilderState } from './pipeline-builder/builder-helpers'; /** @@ -18,10 +15,5 @@ export const exportToLanguage = () => { dispatch( localAppRegistryEmit('open-aggregation-export-to-language', pipeline) ); - dispatch( - globalAppRegistryEmit('compass:export-to-language:opened', { - source: 'Aggregations', - }) - ); }; }; diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.spec.tsx b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.spec.tsx index 350d77794e6..3e3e94af885 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.spec.tsx +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.spec.tsx @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ describe('BulkDeleteModal Component', function () { const onCloseSpy = sinon.spy(); renderBulkDeleteModal({ onCancel: onCloseSpy }); - userEvent.click(screen.getByText('Close').closest('button')!); + userEvent.click(screen.getByText('Cancel').closest('button')!); expect(onCloseSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); @@ -72,4 +72,16 @@ describe('BulkDeleteModal Component', function () { ); expect(onConfirmDeletionSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; }); + + it('opens the export to language modal', function () { + const onExportToLanguageSpy = sinon.spy(); + renderBulkDeleteModal({ + documentCount: 10, + onExportToLanguage: onExportToLanguageSpy, + }); + + userEvent.click(screen.getByText('Export').closest('button')!); + + expect(onExportToLanguageSpy).to.have.been.calledOnce; + }); }); diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.tsx b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.tsx index e47ea5c4828..9fb8f6592c0 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.tsx +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/bulk-delete-modal.tsx @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { ModalBody, ModalFooter, Button, + Icon, KeylineCard, css, cx, @@ -17,33 +18,21 @@ const modalFooterSpacingStyles = css({ gap: spacing[2], }); -const documentHorizontalWrapper = css({ +const documentListWrapper = css({ display: 'flex', - flexDirection: 'row', + flexDirection: 'column', flex: 'none', flexShrink: 0, overflow: 'auto', marginBottom: spacing[2], gap: spacing[2], - maxWidth: '100%', + maxHeight: '340px', }); const documentContainerStyles = css({ display: 'flex', - flexDirection: 'column', - flex: 'none', flexShrink: 0, marginBottom: spacing[2], - width: '100%', -}); - -const documentStyles = css({ - flexBasis: '164px', - flexGrow: 1, - flexShrink: 0, - overflow: 'auto', - padding: 0, - width: '100%', }); const modalBodySpacingStyles = css({ @@ -54,8 +43,15 @@ const modalBodySpacingStyles = css({ gap: spacing[3], }); -const previewStyles = css({ - minHeight: '200px', +const queryBarStyles = css({ + display: 'flex', + flexDirection: 'row', + alignItems: 'center', + gap: spacing[3], +}); + +const exportToLanguageButtonStyles = css({ + alignSelf: 'end', }); type BulkDeleteModalProps = { @@ -66,6 +62,7 @@ type BulkDeleteModalProps = { sampleDocuments: Document[]; onCancel: () => void; onConfirmDeletion: () => void; + onExportToLanguage: () => void; }; const BulkDeleteModal: React.FunctionComponent = ({ @@ -76,18 +73,14 @@ const BulkDeleteModal: React.FunctionComponent = ({ sampleDocuments, onCancel, onConfirmDeletion, + onExportToLanguage, }) => { const preview = ( -
{sampleDocuments.map((doc, i) => { return ( - -
- -
+ + ); })} @@ -102,7 +95,20 @@ const BulkDeleteModal: React.FunctionComponent = ({ variant={'danger'} /> - +
+ + +
Preview (sample of {sampleDocuments.length} documents) {preview} @@ -113,7 +119,7 @@ const BulkDeleteModal: React.FunctionComponent = ({ Delete {documentCount} documents diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/delete-data-menu.tsx b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/delete-data-menu.tsx index 84b298b2fbb..6e6ea6b1e5a 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/delete-data-menu.tsx +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/delete-data-menu.tsx @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ const DeleteMenuButton: React.FunctionComponent = ({ value={'Delete'} size="xsmall" onClick={onClick} - leftGlyph={} + leftGlyph={} data-testid="crud-bulk-delete" > Delete diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/document-list.tsx b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/document-list.tsx index 7ac69a648d8..d2b69fe0920 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/document-list.tsx +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/document-list.tsx @@ -294,6 +294,10 @@ class DocumentList extends React.Component { void this.props.store.runBulkDelete(); } + onExportToLanguageDeleteQuery() { + void this.props.store.openDeleteQueryExportToLanguageDialog(); + } + /** * Render the bulk deletion modal */ @@ -309,6 +313,7 @@ class DocumentList extends React.Component { sampleDocuments={ this.props.store.state.bulkDelete.previews as any as Document[] } + onExportToLanguage={this.onExportToLanguageDeleteQuery.bind(this)} /> ); } diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/readonly-filter.tsx b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/readonly-filter.tsx index 7cf03a9699f..3f9c7d33dc3 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/components/readonly-filter.tsx +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/components/readonly-filter.tsx @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ const textInputStyles = css({ input: { fontFamily: fontFamilies.code, }, + width: '100%', }); type ReadonlyFilterProps = { diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.spec.ts b/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.spec.ts index e37e064f7a9..aa076ebbe47 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.spec.ts +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.spec.ts @@ -979,6 +979,21 @@ describe('store', function () { affected: 1, }); }); + + it('triggers code export', function (done) { + store.state.query.filter = { query: 1 }; + store.localAppRegistry.on( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + (options, exportMode) => { + expect(exportMode).to.equal('Delete Query'); + expect(options).to.deep.equal({ filter: '{\n query: 1\n}' }); + + done(); + } + ); + + store.openDeleteQueryExportToLanguageDialog(); + }); }); describe('#replaceDocument', function () { diff --git a/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.ts b/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.ts index ee4abc1bb37..5aeac32d95b 100644 --- a/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.ts +++ b/packages/compass-crud/src/stores/crud-store.ts @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import type { TypeCastMap } from 'hadron-type-checker'; import type AppRegistry from 'hadron-app-registry'; import { BaseRefluxStore } from './base-reflux-store'; import { openToast, showConfirmation } from '@mongodb-js/compass-components'; +import { toJSString } from 'mongodb-query-parser'; export type BSONObject = TypeCastMap['Object']; export type BSONArray = TypeCastMap['Array']; type Mutable = { -readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] }; @@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ export type CrudActions = { runBulkUpdate(): void; closeBulkDeleteDialog(): void; runBulkDelete(): void; + openDeleteQueryExportToLanguageDialog(): void; }; export type DocumentView = 'List' | 'JSON' | 'Table'; @@ -1862,7 +1864,7 @@ class CrudStoreImpl timeout: 6_000, description: `${ this.state.bulkDelete.affected || 0 - } documents have been deleted.`, + } documents have been deleted. Please refresh to preview.`, }); } @@ -1881,7 +1883,7 @@ class CrudStoreImpl const confirmation = await showConfirmation({ title: 'Are you absolutely sure?', - buttonText: 'Delete', + buttonText: `Delete ${affected || 0} documents`, description: `This action can not be undone. This will permanently delete ${ affected || 0 } documents.`, @@ -1901,6 +1903,16 @@ class CrudStoreImpl } } } + + openDeleteQueryExportToLanguageDialog(): void { + this.localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + filter: toJSString(this.state.query.filter) || '{}', + }, + 'Delete Query' + ); + } } export type CrudStore = Store & CrudStoreImpl & { gridStore: GridStore }; diff --git a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/components/modal.tsx b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/components/modal.tsx index 7e9ff825291..b79424c51cd 100644 --- a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/components/modal.tsx +++ b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/components/modal.tsx @@ -18,7 +18,11 @@ import { codeLanguageToOutputLanguage, } from '../modules/languages'; import type { OutputLanguage } from '../modules/languages'; -import { getInputExpressionMode, runTranspiler } from '../modules/transpiler'; +import { + getInputExpressionMode, + isQuery, + runTranspiler, +} from '../modules/transpiler'; import type { InputExpression } from '../modules/transpiler'; import { createLoggerAndTelemetry } from '@mongodb-js/compass-logging'; @@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ const ExportToLanguageModal: React.FunctionComponent< useBuilders, ]); - const includeUseBuilders = outputLanguage === 'java' && mode === 'Query'; + const includeUseBuilders = outputLanguage === 'java' && isQuery(mode); const input = 'aggregation' in inputExpression diff --git a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.spec.ts b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.spec.ts index 7840a4c6005..8342de46f3c 100644 --- a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.spec.ts +++ b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.spec.ts @@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ import type { InputExpression } from './transpiler'; describe('transpiler', function () { describe('getInputExpressionMode', function () { + it('returns the provided exportMode', function () { + expect( + getInputExpressionMode({ exportMode: 'Delete Query', filter: 'foo' }) + ).to.equal('Delete Query'); + }); + it('returns Query for basic queries', function () { expect(getInputExpressionMode({ filter: 'foo' })).to.equal('Query'); }); diff --git a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.ts b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.ts index 27899eb4c51..5a5434056d3 100644 --- a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.ts +++ b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/modules/transpiler.ts @@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ import { maybeProtectConnectionString } from '@mongodb-js/compass-maybe-protect- import type { OutputLanguage } from './languages'; +export type ExportMode = 'Query' | 'Pipeline' | 'Delete Query' | 'Update Query'; + +type WithExportMode = { + exportMode?: ExportMode; +}; + type AggregationExpression = { aggregation: string; }; @@ -18,11 +24,20 @@ type QueryExpression = { maxTimeMS?: string; }; -export type InputExpression = AggregationExpression | QueryExpression; +export function isQuery(exportMode?: ExportMode) { + return exportMode === 'Query' || exportMode === 'Delete Query'; +} + +export type InputExpression = WithExportMode & + (AggregationExpression | QueryExpression); export function getInputExpressionMode( inputExpression: InputExpression -): 'Query' | 'Pipeline' { +): ExportMode { + if (inputExpression.exportMode) { + return inputExpression.exportMode; + } + if ('filter' in inputExpression) { return 'Query'; } @@ -50,8 +65,7 @@ export function runTranspiler({ }: RunTranspilerOptions) { const mode = getInputExpressionMode(inputExpression); - useBuilders = useBuilders && outputLanguage === 'java' && mode === 'Query'; - + useBuilders = useBuilders && outputLanguage === 'java' && isQuery(mode); let output = ''; if (includeDrivers) { diff --git a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.js b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.js index 52853ed7fa8..aa635e2389c 100644 --- a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.js +++ b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.js @@ -57,15 +57,19 @@ const configureStore = (options = {}) => { 'open-aggregation-export-to-language', (aggregation) => { store.dispatch(modalOpenChanged(true)); - store.dispatch(inputExpressionChanged({ aggregation: aggregation })); + store.dispatch( + inputExpressionChanged({ + aggregation: aggregation, + exportMode: 'Pipeline', + }) + ); } ); - localAppRegistry.on('open-query-export-to-language', (queryStrings) => { - const query = {}; - if (typeof queryStrings === 'string') { - query.filter = queryStrings === '' ? '{}' : queryStrings; - } else { + localAppRegistry.on( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + (queryStrings, exportMode) => { + const query = {}; [ 'filter', 'project', @@ -83,11 +87,18 @@ const configureStore = (options = {}) => { query[k] = queryStrings[k]; } }); - } - store.dispatch(modalOpenChanged(true)); - store.dispatch(inputExpressionChanged(query)); - }); + if (!exportMode) { + throw new Error( + 'exportMode must be provided with the type of query you want to export to.' + ); + } + + query.exportMode = exportMode; + store.dispatch(modalOpenChanged(true)); + store.dispatch(inputExpressionChanged(query)); + } + ); } if (options.globalAppRegistry) { diff --git a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.spec.js b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.spec.js index d5def237d7d..fd86e9ee064 100644 --- a/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.spec.js +++ b/packages/compass-export-to-language/src/stores/store.spec.js @@ -16,6 +16,13 @@ const subscribeCheck = (s, pipeline, check, done) => { return unsubscribe; }; +function inputExpressionEquals(actual, expected) { + const expectedClean = { ...expected, exportMode: undefined }; + const actualClean = { ...actual, exportMode: undefined }; + + return JSON.stringify(expectedClean) === JSON.stringify(actualClean); +} + describe('ExportToLanguage Store', function () { const localAppRegistry = new AppRegistry(); const globalAppRegistry = new AppRegistry(); @@ -87,19 +94,24 @@ describe('ExportToLanguage Store', function () { store, {}, (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ filter: "'filterString'" }), + inputExpressionEquals(s.inputExpression, { + filter: "'filterString'", + }), done ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', { - project: '', - maxTimeMS: '', - sort: '', - skip: '', - limit: '', - collation: '', - filter: "'filterString'", - }); + localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + project: '', + maxTimeMS: '', + sort: '', + skip: '', + limit: '', + collation: '', + filter: "'filterString'", + }, + 'Query' + ); }); it('filters query correctly with other args', function (done) { @@ -107,82 +119,65 @@ describe('ExportToLanguage Store', function () { store, {}, (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ + inputExpressionEquals(s.inputExpression, { filter: "'filterString'", skip: '10', limit: '50', }), done ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', { - filter: "'filterString'", - project: '', - sort: '', - collation: '', - skip: '10', - limit: '50', - maxTimeMS: '', - }); + localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + filter: "'filterString'", + project: '', + sort: '', + collation: '', + skip: '10', + limit: '50', + maxTimeMS: '', + }, + 'Query' + ); }); it('handles default filter', function (done) { unsubscribe = subscribeCheck( store, {}, - (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ filter: '{}' }), + (s) => inputExpressionEquals(s.inputExpression, { filter: '{}' }), done ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', { - project: '', - maxTimeMS: '', - sort: '', - skip: '', - limit: '', - collation: '', - filter: '', - }); - }); - - it('handles null or missing args', function (done) { - unsubscribe = subscribeCheck( - store, - {}, - (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ filter: '{}' }), - done + localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + project: '', + maxTimeMS: '', + sort: '', + skip: '', + limit: '', + collation: '', + filter: '', + }, + 'Query' ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', { - maxTimeMS: null, - sort: null, - }); }); - it('treats a string as a filter', function (done) { + it('handles null or missing args', function (done) { unsubscribe = subscribeCheck( store, {}, - (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ filter: '{x: 1, y: 2}' }), + (s) => inputExpressionEquals(s.inputExpression, { filter: '{}' }), done ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', '{x: 1, y: 2}'); - }); - - it('treats a empty string as a default filter', function (done) { - unsubscribe = subscribeCheck( - store, - {}, - (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ filter: '{}' }), - done + localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + maxTimeMS: null, + sort: null, + }, + 'Query' ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', ''); }); it('handles default filter with other args', function (done) { @@ -190,22 +185,25 @@ describe('ExportToLanguage Store', function () { store, {}, (s) => - JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === - JSON.stringify({ + inputExpressionEquals(s.inputExpression, { filter: '{}', sort: '{x: 1}', }), done ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', { - filter: '', - project: '', - sort: '{x: 1}', - collation: '', - skip: '', - limit: '', - maxTimeMS: '', - }); + localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + filter: '', + project: '', + sort: '{x: 1}', + collation: '', + skip: '', + limit: '', + maxTimeMS: '', + }, + 'Query' + ); }); }); @@ -224,17 +222,28 @@ describe('ExportToLanguage Store', function () { }; it('opens the query modal', function (done) { unsubscribe = subscribeCheck(store, query, (s) => s.modalOpen, done); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', query); + localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', query, 'Query'); + }); + + it('opens the query modal when called with a mode', function (done) { + unsubscribe = subscribeCheck(store, query, (s) => s.modalOpen, done); + localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', query, 'Query'); + }); + + it('fails when a mode is not provided', function () { + expect(() => + localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', query) + ).to.throw(); }); it('adds input expression to the state', function (done) { unsubscribe = subscribeCheck( store, query, - (s) => JSON.stringify(s.inputExpression) === JSON.stringify(query), + (s) => inputExpressionEquals(s.inputExpression, query), done ); - localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', query); + localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', query, 'Query'); }); }); }); diff --git a/packages/compass-query-bar/src/stores/query-bar-reducer.ts b/packages/compass-query-bar/src/stores/query-bar-reducer.ts index 56909dd3587..ed62b72bbeb 100644 --- a/packages/compass-query-bar/src/stores/query-bar-reducer.ts +++ b/packages/compass-query-bar/src/stores/query-bar-reducer.ts @@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ export const openExportToLanguage = (): QueryBarThunkAction => { Object.entries(getState().queryBar.fields).map(([key, field]) => { return [key, field.string]; }) - ) + ), + 'Query' ); }; }; diff --git a/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.js b/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.js index bc4f6151462..9b159d4747f 100644 --- a/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.js +++ b/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.js @@ -179,18 +179,19 @@ const configureStore = (options = {}) => { }, onExportToLanguage(queryState) { - this.localAppRegistry.emit('open-query-export-to-language', { - filter: queryState.filterString, - project: queryState.projectString, - sort: queryState.sortString, - collation: queryState.collationString, - skip: queryState.skipString, - limit: queryState.limitString, - maxTimeMS: queryState.maxTimeMSString, - }); - this.globalAppRegistry.emit('compass:export-to-language:opened', { - source: 'Schema', - }); + this.localAppRegistry.emit( + 'open-query-export-to-language', + { + filter: queryState.filterString, + project: queryState.projectString, + sort: queryState.sortString, + collation: queryState.collationString, + skip: queryState.skipString, + limit: queryState.limitString, + maxTimeMS: queryState.maxTimeMSString, + }, + 'Query' + ); }, onSchemaSampled() { diff --git a/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.spec.js b/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.spec.js index d325255f6d5..05918e05f27 100644 --- a/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.spec.js +++ b/packages/compass-schema/src/stores/store.spec.js @@ -147,15 +147,5 @@ describe('Schema Store', function () { maxTimeMS: '', }); }); - - it('emits the event with the schema tag to the global app registry', function () { - expect(globalAppRegistryEmitSpy.calledOnce).to.be.true; - expect(globalAppRegistryEmitSpy.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal( - 'compass:export-to-language:opened' - ); - expect(globalAppRegistryEmitSpy.firstCall.args[1]).to.deep.equal({ - source: 'Schema', - }); - }); }); });