+ Each document’s first field should include an ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code
+ for the location it belongs to.
+ We also support ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes for countries containing
+ a cloud provider data center (both ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-2 codes may
+ be used for these countries). All valid country codes and the zones to
+ which they map are listed in the table below. Additionally, you can
+ view a list of all location codes{' '}
+ here.
+ {atlasMetadata?.projectId && atlasMetadata?.clusterName && (
+ <>
+ Locations’ zone mapping can be changed by navigating to this
+ clusters{' '}
+ Edit Configuration
+ {' '}
+ page and clicking the Configure Location Mappings’ link above the
+ map.
+ >
+ )}
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/packages/compass-global-writes/src/components/shard-zones-descripton.spec.tsx b/packages/compass-global-writes/src/components/shard-zones-descripton.spec.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe58b3819d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/compass-global-writes/src/components/shard-zones-descripton.spec.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+import React from 'react';
+import { expect } from 'chai';
+import { screen } from '@mongodb-js/testing-library-compass';
+import type { ConnectionInfo } from '@mongodb-js/compass-connections/provider';
+import { renderWithStore } from '../../tests/create-store';
+import { ShardZonesDescription } from './shard-zones-description';
+describe('ShardZonesDescription', () => {
+ it('Provides link to Edit Configuration', async function () {
+ const connectionInfo = {
+ id: 'testConnection',
+ connectionOptions: {
+ connectionString: 'mongodb://test',
+ },
+ atlasMetadata: {
+ projectId: 'project1',
+ clusterName: 'myCluster',
+ } as ConnectionInfo['atlasMetadata'],
+ };
+ await renderWithStore(, {
+ connectionInfo,
+ });
+ const link = await screen.findByRole('link', {
+ name: /Edit Configuration/,
+ });
+ const expectedHref = `/v2/${connectionInfo.atlasMetadata?.projectId}#/clusters/edit/${connectionInfo.atlasMetadata?.clusterName}`;
+ expect(link).to.be.visible;
+ expect(link).to.have.attribute('href', expectedHref);
+ });