Mondrian is a proposed suite of workflows for analysing the single cell data generated by single cell sequencing platforms. It’ll provide single cell level workflows for aligning the fastq files to the human reference genome and to infer copy number at a single cell level. Mondrian will also provide pseudo-bulk level workflows to look for point mutations, indels and structural variations. Mondrian will also provide genotyping workflows to overlay the pseudo bulk results on a single cell level
The source code is currently hosted on GitHub at:
docker containers are available at
The official documentation is hosted on
For usage questions, the best place to go to is Gitter channel
Most development discussions take place on github in this repo. and a Gitter channel is available for quick development related questions.
The code is hosted on GitHub, so you will need to use Git to clone the project and make changes to the codebase. Once you have obtained a copy of the code, you should create a development environment that is separate from your existing Python environment so that you can make and test changes without compromising your own work environment.
Before submitting your changes for review, make sure to check that your changes do not break any tests.
Once your changes are ready to be submitted, make sure to push your changes to GitHub before creating a pull request. We will review your changes, and you will most likely be asked to make additional changes before it is finally ready to merge. However, once it's ready, we will merge it, and you will have successfully contributed to the codebase!
As contributors and maintainers to this project, you are expected to abide by mondrian' code of conduct. More information can be found at: Contributor Code of Conduct.
Feel free to ask questions on Gitter.
As contributors and maintainers to this project, you are expected to abide by mondrian's code of conduct. More information can be found at: Contributor Code of Conduct