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my group can see no reason not to grant discharge for the 1996 budget .
i hope that the new parliament and the new commission will make use of them .
it is a coincidence , but perhaps a fortunate one , that this very week when we are in the last week of the life of this house , we are also in the first week of the life of the amsterdam treaty .
i do not agree with a harmonised tax system or with - as mr berthu said - many of the harmonisations that are going on within the eu .
- ( fr ) the cfsp , which was first launched by the maastricht treaty , has found it hard to make its mark .
yet importantly , there clearly was a breach of competition rules on a massive scale .
i also have a question about the distribution of competences .
in view of the philosophy that i have explained , i believe that our position is understandable .
sixthly : hygiene .
members will recall that the european union , as the presidency said , is the largest financial donor to the overall efforts in bringing reconciliation to the people of the middle east .
i have always had confidence in this .
divergent national regulations should not be allowed to develop at all , or become established over and above the current scope .
we are pleased with the far greater emphasis given to fighting the trade in human beings than to action against its victims in relation to illegal immigration .
the much trumpeted area of freedom , security and justice is nothing more than the confirmation of a bureaucratic , repressive view of politics where much is said about security but little about freedom and justice , as demonstrated by the intensive series of intergovernmental conferences , dublin , europol , eurodac , eurojust and reciprocal assistance on legal matters , none of which are under the democratic control of parliament , the commission and the court of justice .
i believe we should achieve this in time .
a report of those meetings , in which a detailed analysis of the situation is provided , has been presented to the scientific steering committee . this committee met in brussels yesterday and is meeting today in order to discuss and draft an opinion on this matter .
in order to move forward with the internal market , it will be necessary to insist on the principle of harmonisation .
we believe , however , that it is important for this to be carried out during the planning stage so as to allow employees to anticipate change , extending the directives field of application and ensuring that it contains minimum provisions at community level , derogations from which may be allowed only if they are more favourable to employees , as well as extending the content to the areas which directly affect the workers and their future .
i understand that such a reform will have to target national contributions that correspond effectively to the respective economic development , so the gnp will have to be strengthened as an essential indicator for such contributions .
we demanded that this period should be reduced to four years , with a maximum weekly working time of fifty-four hours ( subject to negotiation ) during that time .
right now , without any change to the regulations , and this is the best way , eur 1 billion in public expenditure was eligible for european aid , within the framework of the total appropriations allocated to greece .
this is done with the ccee countries and it will be necessary to do the same with this new form of cross-border cooperation .
mr heaton-harris , if you have doubts about what i announced then you must ask for an electronic confirmation of the outcome of the vote , as other members do when they have doubts . it is quite simple .
madam president , commissioner , the liberal group sanctions the agreement reached on sunday between china and the united states regarding the lowering of bilateral barriers to trade .
i want to congratulate mr schwaiger on putting together what i regard as a decent framework within which to move forward .
if someone leaves , that is nobodys fault but their own or , to quote lenin and gorbachev , life will punish whoever leaves early .
however , as in many other areas , the reason that contracts have been awarded to countries like korea is surely because of the conditions that apply : for example workers in such countries get very low wages , working conditions and safety measures are very poor and unsatisfactory , because the health and safety of workers is not a priority .
i have to say , on behalf of my group where we have debated the issue at length that our positive attitude towards turkey is unanimous .
turkey will have no choice but to make drastic changes and make steps towards the european union . there is as yet no evidence of such steps being made .
giving up the use of nuclear power may be a subject for populists in the developed countries of europe , or here in parliament , where it really is a populist subject , but the realistic alternative is nowhere else to be found , not even in those countries the union is going to embrace in the future .
may i just warn against the commission and the council confining themselves to just four areas when they now produce the concrete programme following the beijing conference . i say this after 20 years experience of the united nations .
therefore , once again , we want to roundly condemn the taliban regime .
the tampere summit was about combating crime .
furthermore , although there might be international consensus on the introduction of the scheme , the question would remain regarding how the tax revenue would be distributed .
thank you for your statement , commissioner .
madam president , mr president of the commission , i have read and re-read the commissions document setting out the strategic objectives for its term in office .
mr president , i voted for the decourrière report on the community initiative interreg , mainly because of the reply commissioner barnier gave to some members who took the floor and asked for this programme to make greater reference to border regions with maritime frontiers . i voted for it , not just because i was born in a coastal town , genoa , but above all because the frontiers of regions bordered by the sea are frontiers too .
i have already appeared before the french senate .
are we talking about the nature of the works required to provide water services ?
mr president , human rights are universal , indivisible , interrelated and interwoven .
it is clear that such a scenario will never allow peace to be established in angola .
that is true as long as account is taken of the 20 per cent of the total postal services market where , in practice , there is still a monopoly , that is where the state is the only player .
i would like to thank the president-in-office of the council , mr antonio guterres , and immediately give the floor to mr romano prodi , president of the commission .
i think that setting dates is very important to our also in actual fact attaining the objectives .
i urge both institutions to turn it into something tangible , something concrete , and to do something constructive with it .
10 . considerably limits the present derogations for cement kilns .
the union is , and should remain , a union of states .
the commission is aware that the organisation of the referendum is currently affected by problems with the finalisation of the list of voters and it hopes that mr bakers visit to the region will bring the desired breakthrough .
yet it is they who are controlling what we know and it is they who control what coverage we get and we must be circumspect .
instead of the required answers , we have today received an explanation from the commission which can not be the last word as far as the european parliament is concerned .
this poverty focus is essential in order to actually get value for money .
the commission should mostly be able to act under its own responsibility and if it has to consult member states it will be on the simplest possible advisory basis .
what matters most is what we are doing right now to get help to the starving .
i think we should give mr laschets report our full backing and vote unanimously in favour of it .
not that this was ever disputed for the european central bank .
no statistical data exists .
in reality , however , the text before us is so obsessed with hunting down discrimination that it completely loses sight of the basic principles of the rule of law and even , to crown it all , the principle of equal treatment between persons .
finally , we call on the european commission to take the necessary legislative initiatives on all the issues which touch on immigration and , of course , to define the mutual obligations as between the member states .
mr president , smoking is bad for the health .
the aim of the european unions policy in the telecommunications sector is to fully liberalise the markets , develop competition and privatise public-sector corporations .
there is a lack of agreement between member states , even among sports ministers .
my group does not merely intend that we should acquire in this way a funding channel for the european parties , but what is most important is that there will now be the opportunity to define those basic principles on which the european parties can function .
clearly there is pressure on our agenda today .
you can not ignore the fact that , if we do not adopt support measures for nuts and locust beans , many crops will eventually be abandoned .
in the past , as rapporteur , mr lehne has already had the opportunity to show his interest , expertise and commitment in this subject that he has just presented .
i am really quite amazed that the councils budget committee has already proposed more far-reaching savings in the agricultural sector than the commission , notably to the tune of half a billion euros .
it was a pity that the lisbon conclusions did not call for a timetable .
it is a meagre amount : eur 3.3 billion from 1995 to 1999 , from morocco to gaza and the west bank , even if , by adding to it the eur 3.6 million in loans from the european investment bank , the financial contribution is greater than the eur 4.4 billion given by the world bank .
in this particular case , i am entirely confident that günter verheugen fully supports the commissions policy , which this house has approved on many occasions .
in the current framework the european commission has already undertaken a considerable number of initiatives to protect children 's rights as in the daphne and stop programmes which fall under my competence .
at present , there is room for considerable improvement with regard to both of these aspects .
i therefore believe that the final objective should be the establishment of a single body corresponding to a single legal framework within the european union and that that body be provided with its own budget and staff , even exceeding the normal distribution between pillars , taking advantage of the option provided for in article 42 of the treaty of the european union .
finally , i must ask the commissioner present today , because i have asked this repeatedly , to express , in this plenary session , an effective commitment to this parliament for the presentation of an offprint to the regulation in relation to the registers and calculation of vat own resources , because i must remind you the approval of the joint position was , in my view , linked to this commitment .
the objectivity of my report is certified by the committee on foreign affairs , human rights , common security and defence policy .
the increase in intergovernmental initiatives , the official demands raised , and the options discussed in connection with enhanced cooperation , are all initiatives that could ruin the truly successful nature of the european union .
it is just that i am trying not to indulge in demagoguery .
mr president , politicians often have the difficult task of telling constituents that no matter how heartfelt their grievance , or how strong its moral base , there is no legal remedy .
just a few more words about export issues .
mr martinez took part in the first one , and right here i have , if my fellow member would care to consult it , his minority opinion , which was expressed in writing at the time of the böge committee .
the future is thereby assured , and the prospect is taking shape of a great community embracing people of different languages , customs and beliefs , with this parliament as one of the institutional bodies .
so today i will just be bringing you up to date on the main issues under discussion .
i think i can say that we met these conditions .
europes leaders , of which you are one , are reduced to carrying out increasingly frequent operations to manipulate the media and public opinion .
in my view , the common position before us , which we have to decide on today , has a number of crucial weaknesses , which for the rest nobody has disputed so far during the debate in terms of principle .
these public health proposals will therefore send a strong message to all citizens , especially the youngest europeans .
the de facto tax-free status of much us e-commerce must have had a tremendous impact in encouraging the new economy and its phenomenal success in the us . this tax is unenforceable , why should we spend the time and the money and the effort on creating a tax that we can not collect .
we might even ask ourselves whether this inertia does not derive from the fact that the majority of mobile phone manufacturers are european companies .
in its monthly report for july 2000 , the european central bank as already issuing serious warnings .
every wet place is affected , including , as far as loire-atlantique is concerned , the brière , brivet , goulaine , and redon marshes , the grand lieu lake , the mazerolles plains , and so forth .
in a modern democracy , a strong state must be balanced by a strong civil society .
for example , in germany , my own party , the cdu , has a woman leader and in the group of the european people 's party ( christian democrats ) and the european democrats a considerable number of the national delegations are led by women .
this conference should form the cornerstone of broad public debate in europe , which should be given a structured start at this sort of conference .
how much offal has accumulated for destruction and how is it being stored ?
i must draw your attention to the fact that such a regime already exists and is set forth in regulation ( eec ) no 389/1982 . moreover , the creation of producers organisations has been financed by the community for the past ten years .
i applaud the rapporteur for introducing a time limit for the council decision .
i understand mr von boetticher 's problem and even agree with his comment about the difficulties .
i think it is important that , here too , parliament is really involved in the debate on content .
let me now turn to the question raised about proposals for implementing measures .
lastly , i should like to draw the commissions attention to the difficult problem that the european union will face in the future , which is the effective control of its external borders .
i think that the commission needs to pay greater attention to this fact in its activities in future .
the decision was made to move gradually to the coverage of all serious crime .
i must say that i was greatly perturbed by mrs frahms intervention , because she claimed that the proposals represent quite a step backwards , and that is simply not true .
in other words , the swedes have helped legitimise the regulation rather than defending citizens interests , and today the european parliament has followed suit .
the commission considers that the process of promoting more flexible forms of work should be encouraged and that efforts should continue to relax the existing restrictive legal framework on the protection of work even more , i.e. in order to allow more economic uncontrolled mass redundancies .
we also have to look at eu economic policy and its impact on ireland in relation to interest rates , over which we no longer have any control .
if not , when will it be in operation ?
i agree with the words of the president of the european parliament madame nicole fontaine according to whom we can not continue building the european union in " closed circles " .
the document by the european commission , on the other hand , gives a clear analysis of the issue .
so , while it is certainly useful to have a network which enables those who wish to find a job in another country within the european union , our first priority must continue to be to make it possible for businesses to create jobs for their own people in their own countries .
like everyone else in this house , i hope and expect that the sow stalls proposal will go through on thursday . it will certainly have our support .
i believe we must show respect for the decision taken in the irish referendum .
i am happy to report that one of those , the establishment of an irish forum on the future of europe , has now been adopted by the irish government .
i will refer to a series of amendments , which will be listed specifically tomorrow , which i can not accept at the moment , although i agree with their content .
. mr president , i shall try to answer some of the points raised by members .
mr president , i should like to invite the house to support the report by my colleague , maria carrilho , which aims at improving a regulation which we consider important .
i think those of us who participate in the fisheries committee in this parliament do not always get the credit for what they achieve or indeed what the commission achieves .
it has , of course , been a widespread feature of society over the last few years that organisations have been obliged to re-think the way they organise their work in order to maintain competitiveness and exploit the opportunities offered by modern technology and public administration and , in so doing , give the electorate full value for their tax contributions .
we must ask the americans to be more active and to try once again to guide the people of the region .
i therefore think that it remains very difficult to justify making such demands , entailing large additional costs for car owners .
the commission therefore believes that it is much more logical to maintain the system as it is at the moment , with the guarantee that , without any doubt , if any candidate countries have problems , the macrofinancial aid system will be applied to them .
outside the refugee camps , there are so-called travel agents waiting who send refugees with money on to other countries , and the cheapest fare to a western country is now a journey to australia , which costs approximately eur 6 000 .
we are filled with grief and horror in the face of this disaster , a disaster which must never be repeated , and the forces of civilisation throughout the world must now work shoulder to shoulder with the united states to bring those responsible for this attack to account , and we must work closely together to prevent future terrorist attacks .
in serious cases , some countries envisage the right to asylum , as contemplated in the directive under the heading of the right to asylum for reasons of sexual discrimination .
it is perfectly fair that an asylum seeker from , say , canada , will have a greater job convincing the authorities that asylum is justified , compared to someone coming for example from iraq .
if we adopt this report we can start to establish minimum basic rights , as the minister and the commissioner have said , for refugees , for access to welfare , housing , education , health care things that we in the privileged world take for granted .
we can not preach in favour of democracy and liberty if we do not set an example ourselves .
we know , however , that the framework agreement between six eu states to promote the defence of industry and of a global defence market is precisely the most opaque procedure ever , that it clasps tightly what it used to give : no parliamentary scrutiny and no debate , even on the conclusion and ratification of this agreement .
there is scope for more public investment . there can be more public involvement , always of course within the rules laid down in the system we have created for ourselves to ensure more effective operation of the balance between monetary and fiscal policy .
for instance , would the president-in-office tell me who so far has been charged with complicity in the murder of president lumumba and the installation of the psychopath mobotu , which resulted in great pain for the former colony of the congo ?
i regret but i have to tell you that certain member states do not seem to share these priorities .
this was true prior to 11 september .
as far as parliament is concerned , these are not just hollow words , but words of substance .
employers should be responsible for ensuring that their employees are not harassed and that they have equal wages for equal work and the opportunity to pursue careers and , especially , to combine work and family life .
mr president , first of all , i should like to thank the various interlocutors and groups for their observations .
but we will have to start and i am convinced of this by creating a true common eu foreign and security policy with a common conscience that is efficient , coherent and visible , as mr broks report recommends .
i would therefore like to thank the commission , which i see is still represented here .
as currently desired by the industry and the group of the european peoples party and european democrats , only cmr 1 and 2 and pops are to be included which , in that case , can not be said to be much in the way of a strategy for the future .
lastly , mr president , financial resources gained from water-pricing policies should be used to improve infrastructures , which would prevent water loss in transport , for example , and would ensure better and increased access to this resource .
the commission 's suggestion that only biotechnology should be promoted in the health context is too narrow .
that must be the basic principle .
this kind of tossing the ball back and forth is not acceptable with regard to getting the members time schedules organised .
so any car can take low-sulphur fuel and it has a positive effect , especially with older types of diesel engines .
we would also emphasise that this type of aid , that is to say , contributions in combination with a long-term soft loan , must be seen as exceptional and not allowed to constitute the norm for the future .
it is understandable that honourable members should think that there is some confusion in our management strategy for the whole region , but i do not feel that i am being inconsistent in arguing , on the one hand , that we have to work through europe aid , through deconcentration , which has now begun and which we must now push as rapidly as possible , while on the other hand , saying there may be odd occasions , particularly crises , which require different sort of arrangements .
our committee on constitutional affairs backs what she has said and if we can do that , next year we will discuss politics more and process less .
on the environment , the united states , which is not a party to the kyoto agreement , did not associate itself with us , and on social affairs , all the european trade unions have expressed their highly negative opinions about doha .
we note that these african partners are already exerting effective peer pressure on mugabe so that a solution to the crisis may be found .
it is very characteristic of the state of affairs in todays europe that , actually , only someone like former commissioner , mr van miert , dared to put his finger on the wound .
you have not said what you think about more europe .
even if it were possible to achieve that consensus on a political level , numerous technical problems would still arise , such as problems relating to the appropriate tax basis and collection mechanisms .
i do wish , however , to see the introduction of a maximum dose yes , a maximum dose is something i do want to see .
mr president , ladies and gentlemen , amendments nos 1 and 10 , which were adopted by a majority of the committee on the environment , public health and consumer policy , relate to a ban on the use of catering waste for feeding and to its disposal and use .
my first point is about the expenditure in 2000 of the synergy programme , which is a programme to further international cooperation in the energy sector , and one strongly supported by the european parliament .
chechnya could have developed into a tatarstan , and perhaps even a tatarstan with more independence than tatarstan itself .
clearly also , priority should be given to setting up intercultural dialogue and establishing a genuine euro-mediterranean partnership in the social , cultural and human fields .
but in commissioner patten 's interview in herat on monday , it was indicated that brussels was frustrated that the israelis did not seem to appreciate the eu link . they regard us with distrust , rightly or wrongly .
there are many other conditions we could perhaps apply .
the european union emphatically condemns slavery in all its forms , including , as the concept does today , alongside traditional slavery and the slave trade , such things as serious violations of the rights of children and of women , the exploitation of certain dependency situations , and apartheid .
the commission and the council have set themselves and parliament the goal of creating a coherent legal framework for electronic commerce , which is intended , over the coming years , to substantially push forward the integration of europe 's financial markets and enhance the capacity of europe 's financial services sector to compete across the world .
tourism should become treaty based , not so that operators incur excessive regulation indeed , the growth of the industry depends upon its ability to innovate independently but so that it is seen as a serious european issue .
that is why i am very grateful that our vote in the committee on foreign affairs , human rights , common security and defence policy was unanimous .
as regards today 's agenda , i want to inform the house that mr cortés , secretary of state for international cooperation in latin america , can not be here before 5.30 p.m. the council and commission statements on the eu / latin-american summit will therefore begin after 5.30 p.m .
anyone at all can come and say whatever they like .
so i am looking for major and clear assurances of intent in that area .
another important area of attention is the implementation of the trans-european networks , particularly with regard to the environmental pre-conditions within which this is supposed to take place .
on occasions , they ask the commission questions about issues on which we ourselves have to decide .
what those of us in the committee on employment and social affairs proposed was simply that parliaments role should be established in the light of this method .
i have to say that i have received no representations from allergy sufferers on this point .
this should not , and can not , entail the undermining of our principle of voluntary ' gratis ' self-sufficiency .
one such aspect is the priority ' global change and ecosystems ' , given that the fisheries sector was subjected to swingeing budgetary cuts under the sixth framework programme for research , with its budget being reduced from eur 880 million under the previous programme to only eur 570 million .
we have received encouraging signals from the field .
the commission proposal is barking up the wrong tree here .
this responds to one of the requests made to the commission in the howitt report on the green paper .
i should like to ask the commissioner whether mr mchugh , the owner of the atlantic dawn , has applied to use the eu-mauritanian fisheries agreement ?
in my answer , i gave an example of events in actual fact taking the opposite course .
there are no figures for countries like portugal , ireland and greece , which want a derogation .
the financial resources approved in monterrey , which have been mentioned by the representative of the commission , represent a step forward , but everyone agrees that they are insufficient .
we must maintain eurocontrol and its prerogatives and we must , therefore , firstly clarify the prerequisites of regulatory relations with this body .
we are talking about an internet world where people can shop all over the european union and where businesses can put out offers to them .
one year on , we are of course all aware that the struggle against terrorism , as president bush himself once said , will be a long one at various levels , and that quick victories are illusory .
there is even less information available regarding employers organisations .
mr president , i speak in my capacity as draftsman of the opinion on the european climate change programme .
in my view , it is obvious that there can be no sustainable development without economic and social development it is as simple as that .
i want to address commissioner nielson directly in saying that we did not expect all our demands to be met , but it is sometimes the case that the tone is what matters in music , and at times our side was dissatisfied with the way the parliamentarians were negotiated with or spoken to .
in this regard we must thank the rapporteur , mr callanan , for a job well done .
or is the focus in respect of these inherently sound intentions on the social directives ?
regarding openness and the participation of partners , i wish to emphasise what has been said about the social partners .
. mr president , before proceeding with the vote let me draw members ' attention to the following oral amendments to heading 5 .
the council has to a large extent given in to american pressure , and i want , on behalf of the group of the european liberal , democrat and reform party , to call upon the national parliaments in the eu and in the candidate countries to keep a close eye on what their governments are doing so that the rome statute is not weakened .
however , employment legislation and the world have moved on since 1911 .
the people in these countries have been prepared to accept sacrifices , dilution and chaos in the hope that they would be rewarded with major inflows of money from the eu from the time of their accession .
one issue that separates us is the civil war in chechnya .
i therefore appeal to you to decisively reject amendment no 147 .
information on emissions into the environment must always be disclosed even in exceptional circumstances except on grounds relating to defence , safeguarding the course of justice , or industrial or intellectual property rights .
these lorries sometimes hog the carriageway for several kilometres and cause many accidents and traffic-jams .
it was an animated , very convivial game .
i wish you every success .
these amendments advocate better quality health services , security and solidarity , and propose new means of financing statutory retirement schemes with a view in particular to extending social welfare contributions to all income , at a rate identical to that levied on wages and salaries .
however , values should not just be described ; justice , the fight against poverty and peace must be pursued in difficult circumstances .
i believe that this is the opinion even of those members who were here just now but have just left the house holding up placards saying no to war , not realising that , in doing so , they are making war more likely .