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In the name of Allah

WordClustering version 1.0

  9 January 2013

This is the README for the "WordClustering" package that used for adding unsupervised features to dependency parser. This package has been developed by [Mojtaba Khallash] (mailto: [email protected]) from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).

The home page for the project is:

If you want to use this software for research, please refer to this web address in your papers.

The package can be used freely for non-commercial research and educational purposes. It comes with no warranty, but we welcome all comments, bug reports, and suggestions for improvements.

Table of contents

  1. Compiling

  2. Example of usage

  3. Running the package

  4. References

  5. Compiling


  • Version 1.7 or later of the [Java 2 SDK] ( You must add java binary file to system path.
    In linux, your can open ~/.bashrc file and append this line: PATH=$PATH:/<address-of-bin-folder-of-JRE>

To compile the code, first decompress the package:

in linux:

tar -xvzf WordClustering.tgz cd WordClustering sh

in windows:

decompress the compile.bat

You can open the all projects in NetBeans 7.1 (or maybe later) too.

  1. Example of Usage

By using "Brown Clustering" algorithm [1] we have clustered all words in [Persian treebank] ( with 50 and 100 clusters count and also by using wordform and lemma. result of word clustering put in "Source" folder. this package read lemm_paths.txt and word_paths.txt that place in folder named with cluster count (currently "50" and "100"). You can put word clustering results of X cluster count in folder with name X.

  1. Running the package

This package run in two mode:

  • gui [default mode]
    Simply double click on jar file or run the following command:

java -jar WordClustering.jar

  • command-line
    In order to running package in command-line mode must be set -v flag (visible) to 0:

java -jar WordClustering.jar -v 0 -i -o -c <number-of-cluster(50|100)> -m -p

-i <input conll file>intput CoNLL file that you want to add word cluster ids to FEATS column.
-o <output conll file>name of output CoNLL file after adding feature
-c <number-of-cluster(50|100|X) [default: 50]>number of cluster that use in brown clustering. this number refered to folder in "Source". currently two folder "50" and "100" exits but you can add result of X cluster count in folder with name X.
-m <mode (word|lemm) [default word])>type of input that brown clustering received. this mode refered to file in "Source > (number-of-cluster)" folder.
  • word -> "word_paths.txt"
  • lemm -> "lemm_paths.txt"
-p <prefix length (default is -1 which means full bit length)> length of prefix bit for truncating each bit-string associated with words in "Source > (number-of-cluster) > (mode)" file. for disable truncating you can omit this parameter or send -1 to use full bit string. (By using prefixes of various lengths, we can cluster with different granularities [2].)

For example:

java -jar WordClustering.jar -v 0 -i input.conll -o output.conll -c 100 -m lemm -p 10

For running word clustering algorithm you can used the [Liang implementation] ( [3] of the Brown algorithm to obtain the necessary word clusters.

  1. References

[1] P. F. Brown, et al., "Class-based n-gram models of natural language", Computational Linguistics, vol. 18, pp. 467-479, 1992.

[2] S. Miller, et al., "Name tagging with word clusters and discriminative training", in In Proceedings of 2004 Human Language Technology conference - North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting (HLT-NAACL 2004), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 337-342, 2004.

[3] P. Liang, "Semi-supervised learning for natural language", Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.