In the name of Allah
9 January 2013
This is the README for the "WordClustering" package that used for adding unsupervised features to dependency parser. This package has been developed by [Mojtaba Khallash] (mailto: [email protected]) from Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST).
The home page for the project is:
If you want to use this software for research, please refer to this web address in your papers.
The package can be used freely for non-commercial research and educational purposes. It comes with no warranty, but we welcome all comments, bug reports, and suggestions for improvements.
Example of usage
Running the package
- Version 1.7 or later of the [Java 2 SDK] (
You must add java binary file to system path.
In linux, your can open~/.bashrc
file and append this line:PATH=$PATH:/<address-of-bin-folder-of-JRE>
To compile the code, first decompress the package:
in linux:
tar -xvzf WordClustering.tgz cd WordClustering sh
in windows:
decompress the compile.bat
You can open the all projects in NetBeans 7.1 (or maybe later) too.
- Example of Usage
By using "Brown Clustering" algorithm [1] we have clustered all words in [Persian
treebank] ( with 50 and 100 clusters count and also by using
wordform and lemma. result of word clustering put in "Source" folder. this
package read lemm_paths.txt
and word_paths.txt
that place in folder named
with cluster count (currently "50" and "100"). You can put word clustering
results of X cluster count in folder with name X.
- Running the package
This package run in two mode:
- gui [default mode]
Simply double click on jar file or run the following command:
java -jar WordClustering.jar
- command-line
In order to running package in command-line mode must be set -v flag (visible) to 0:
java -jar WordClustering.jar -v 0 -i -o -c <number-of-cluster(50|100)> -m -p
-i <input conll file> | intput CoNLL file that you want to add word cluster ids to FEATS column. |
-o <output conll file> | name of output CoNLL file after adding feature |
-c <number-of-cluster(50|100|X) [default: 50]> | number of cluster that use in brown clustering. this number refered to folder in "Source". currently two folder "50" and "100" exits but you can add result of X cluster count in folder with name X. |
-m <mode (word|lemm) [default word])> | type of input that brown clustering received. this mode refered to file in "Source > (number-of-cluster)" folder.
-p <prefix length (default is -1 which means full bit length)> | length of prefix bit for truncating each bit-string associated with words in "Source > (number-of-cluster) > (mode)" file. for disable truncating you can omit this parameter or send -1 to use full bit string. (By using prefixes of various lengths, we can cluster with different granularities [2].) |
For example:
java -jar WordClustering.jar -v 0 -i input.conll -o output.conll -c 100 -m lemm -p 10
For running word clustering algorithm you can used the [Liang implementation] ( [3] of the Brown algorithm to obtain the necessary word clusters.
- References
[1] P. F. Brown, et al., "Class-based n-gram models of natural language", Computational Linguistics, vol. 18, pp. 467-479, 1992.
[2] S. Miller, et al., "Name tagging with word clusters and discriminative training", in In Proceedings of 2004 Human Language Technology conference - North American chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics annual meeting (HLT-NAACL 2004), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 337-342, 2004.
[3] P. Liang, "Semi-supervised learning for natural language", Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2005.