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To infer and deploy a model, we need export an inference model, or called to_static: convert dygraph model to static model
, at first.
python3.7 tools/export_model.py -c config_file -o output_path -p params_file
Note: In export_model.py
, It will build a model again, and then loading the prarams. But some init params in the infer phase is different from the train phase.
we add num_seg
for TSM in advanced, please add more params or modify them if it is necessary.
please refer to official documents for more information.
PaddleVideo supports a test script to test the exported model.
python3.7 tools/test_export_model.py -p params_file -i inference_folder -c config_file
We just print the output shape, please feel free to extend it. Avtually, only test a video file by PaddleInference can make sure the exported model is right.
PaddleVideo supports tools/predict.py
to infer
python3.7 tools/predict.py -v example.avi --model_file "./inference/example.pdmodel" --params_file "./inference/example.pdiparams" --enable_benchmark=False --model="example" --num_seg=8
PaddleVideo support a script to test inference speed
python3.7 tools/predict.py --enable_benchmark=True --model_file=模型文件 --params_file=参数文件
coming soon
coming soon
coming soon