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IDA Pro CLI Cheatsheet

Installation Guide


  1. Download IDA Pro from the official website
  2. Run the installer executable
  3. Add IDA Pro directory to system PATH:
    • Right-click on 'This PC' → Properties
    • Click 'Advanced system settings'
    • Click 'Environment Variables'
    • Under System Variables, find PATH
    • Add IDA Pro installation directory


# Extract the archive
tar -xf idapro_[version]_linux.tar.gz

# Move to /opt
sudo mv idapro /opt/

# Create symbolic links
sudo ln -s /opt/idapro/idat64 /usr/local/bin/idat64
sudo ln -s /opt/idapro/idat /usr/local/bin/idat


# Extract the archive
tar -xf idapro_[version]_mac.tar.gz

# Move to Applications
mv idapro /Applications/

# Add to PATH in ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH="/Applications/idapro:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

Basic Commands

Analysis Commands

Command Usage Purpose
-A idat64 -A file.exe Auto analyze file
-B idat64 -B file.exe Batch mode (no interface)
-c idat64 -c file.exe Create database only
-p<type> idat64 -ppc file.exe Specify processor type
-S<script> idat64 -S"script.idc" file.exe Execute IDC/Python script

Database Operations

Command Usage Purpose
-T<format> idat64 -Thex file.idb Specify output format
-o<file> idat64 -o output.idb input.exe Specify output file
-P+ idat64 -P+ file.exe Load debugging info
-iPATH idat64 -i/path/to/imports file.exe Specify import directory
-b idat64 -b file.exe Don't save database

Script Integration

Command Usage Purpose
-OIDAPython idat64 file.exe Run Python script
-OIDC idat64 -OIDC:script.idc file.exe Run IDC script
-S"cmd" idat64 -S"PrintEntryPoint()" file.exe Execute IDC command
-Llog.txt idat64 -Llog.txt file.exe Log output to file
-Q idat64 -Q file.exe Quick analysis

Export Commands

Command Usage Purpose
-Otext idat64 -Otext:output.txt file.idb Export as text
-Ohex idat64 -Ohex:output.hex file.idb Export as hex
-Oasm idat64 -Oasm:output.asm file.idb Export as assembly
-Oc idat64 -Oc:output.c file.idb Export as C code
-Ohtml idat64 -Ohtml:output.html file.idb Export as HTML

Analysis Options

Command Usage Purpose
-a idat64 -a file.exe Automatic analysis
-p idat64 -p file.exe Parse debug info
-c idat64 -c file.exe Create IDB only
-B idat64 -B file.exe Batch mode
-M idat64 -M file.exe No memory limit

Debug Commands

Command Usage Purpose
-r idat64 -r file.exe Remote debug server
-R idat64 -R file.exe Remote debug client
-z idat64 -z file.exe Don't compress
-v idat64 -v file.exe Verbose mode
-D idat64 -D file.exe Debug mode

File Type Specifications

Command Usage Purpose
-fPE idat64 -fPE file Force PE format
-fELF idat64 -fELF file Force ELF format
-fMACH idat64 -fMACH file Force MACH-O format
-fBIN idat64 -fBIN file Force binary format
-fCOFF idat64 -fCOFF file Force COFF format

Memory Options

Command Usage Purpose
-m idat64 -m file.exe Map files larger than 4GB
-i idat64 -i file.exe Ignore input file format
-k idat64 -k file.exe Use kernel mode paths
-x idat64 -x file.exe Extract unknown files
-z idat64 -z file.exe Don't compress idb

Script Automation

Command Usage Purpose
-S<file> idat64 file.exe Run script file
-t idat64 -t file.exe Text mode interface
-q idat64 -q file.exe Quick mode
-u idat64 -u file.exe Don't update registry
-n idat64 -n file.exe No analysis

Advanced Options

Command Usage Purpose
-c+ idat64 -c+ file.exe Create database with analysis
-X idat64 -X file.exe No exception handling
-z+ idat64 -z+ file.exe Maximum compression
-p- idat64 -p- file.exe Don't parse debug info
-a- idat64 -a- file.exe No auto analysis

Network Options

Command Usage Purpose
-N idat64 -N file.exe No network
-R<host> idat64 -R127.0.0.1 file.exe Remote debugging host
-P<port> idat64 -P23946 file.exe Remote debugging port
-j idat64 -j file.exe Use JSON for communication
-Y idat64 -Y file.exe Accept all network certificates

Plugin Commands

Command Usage Purpose
-L<dir> idat64 -L/plugins file.exe Plugin directory
-P<plugin> idat64 -Pmyplugin file.exe Load specific plugin
-O<options> idat64 -Ooption=value file.exe Plugin options
-g<group> idat64 -ganalysis file.exe Plugin group
-h idat64 -h file.exe Show plugin help

Output Formatting

Command Usage Purpose
-d idat64 -d file.exe Don't display output
-e<format> idat64 -easm file.exe Export format
-f idat64 -f file.exe Force overwrite
-l<lang> idat64 -len-US file.exe Set language
-w idat64 -w file.exe Wait for completion

Database Management

Command Usage Purpose
-k idat64 -k file.exe Create backup
-r idat64 -r file.exe Restore backup
-u idat64 -u file.exe Update database
-x idat64 -x file.exe Extract types
-y idat64 -y file.exe Synchronize types

Analysis Configuration

Command Usage Purpose
-C idat64 -C file.exe Use custom config
-I idat64 -I file.exe No FLIRT signatures
-S idat64 -S file.exe Silent mode
-T idat64 -T file.exe Time analysis
-U idat64 -U file.exe Update signatures

Debugging Features

Command Usage Purpose
-D idat64 -D file.exe Debug mode
-K idat64 -K file.exe Kernel debugging
-R idat64 -R file.exe Remote debugging
-V idat64 -V file.exe Verbose debugging
-W idat64 -W file.exe Wait for debugger

Common Workflows

Basic Analysis

# Quick analysis of a file
idat64 -A -B file.exe

# Create database with full analysis
idat64 -c+ -A file.exe

# Export analysis to text
idat64 -Otext:output.txt file.idb

Scripting Workflow

# Run Python script during analysis
idat64 -S"" file.exe

# Execute multiple commands
idat64 -S"cmd1;cmd2" file.exe

# Batch processing with log
idat64 -B -L"log.txt" file.exe

Remote Debugging

# Start debug server
idat64 -R -P23946 file.exe

# Connect to debug server
idat64 -R127.0.0.1:23946 file.exe

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Always use -B for batch processing
  2. Combine -A with -c for quick database creation
  3. Use -S for automation scripts
  4. Enable logging with -L for troubleshooting
  5. Use -M for large files