Baby Prediction Server side is a Django application
first Install GIT from,
Install PYTHON (3.6) from
You need also some dependencies to make this project run:
Install PIP from,
Create your work folder "my-folder"
then open your Bash (Unix like) or your command prompt (Windows)
and navigate with "cd" until you get under "my-folder".
Now type "python3.6 -m venv my-env;source my-env/bin/activate"
you will notice that you get (my-env) at the right of your bash or command prompt.
now Install with pip the last project dependencies with "pip install Django djangorestframework pandas django-cors-headers scipy sklearn pydot"
Now your environment is ready.
Type: git clone
Now go under that directory with "cd baby-prediction-server-side"
and type "python runserver" to run the Baby Prediction server-side project.
Feel free to update it.
mohamed_mhiri's mail: [email protected]
maryem_ben_yahia's mail: [email protected]