This project contains an AWS Lambda function (ES6) that posts messages to a Microsoft Teams Webhook. With it, a team can receive AWS CloudWatch Alarms in a Microsoft Teams channel. Alarm data is preserved as is, but formatted in an HTML table
The function is designed to be attached as a subscriber to one or more SNS topics, which again is notified from CloudWatch Alarms.
This readme contains the following sections:
Development guide: how to build and run this application
Deployment guide: how to install on AWS
All commands below assume a POSIX compliant shell.
npm install
Then, with AWS SAM CLI 🐿, post a message to your Microsoft Teams channel like this:
cat sample-event.json | sam local invoke AwsCloudWatchAlarmsToMsTeamsForwarder
File sample-event.json
contains a dummy CloudWatch Alert event. The lambda function forwards this alert to the Microsoft Teams channel specified by the Webhook URL in template.yaml
The following steps describe how to install the lambda on AWS. You will need npm, aws cli and sam cli before you proceed. Also, from your terminal, ensure that you have configured proper AWS credentials.
aws s3 mb s3://BUCKET_NAME
is the name of the bucket you want to use for storing the packaged lambda function.
sam package --template-file template.yaml --s3-bucket BUCKET_NAME --output-template-file packaged.yaml
sam deploy --template-file ./packaged.yaml --stack-name LAMBDA_STACK_NAME --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
is the AWS CloudFormation script name that you want to use.
From the AWS console, open the settings for your lambda function.
Update environment variable TEAMS_WEB_HOOK_URL
to point to the relevant Microsoft Teams Webhook.