Errors are a warning for you (the unknown monitor & Mac owner) and
do not in-and-of-themselves mean there is a bug in ddcctl
You must include pertinent information on your monitors, Macintosh, and macOS, or else
your issue will get an incomplete
Making & running a debug build (make debug
) and reproducing your issue to provide
detailed output for the report is highly encouraged!
I will close reports about these issues out-of-hand:
You're on your own with Hackintoshes.
This is already known: #17
No patch has been submitted to resolve this, but the essential facts have
been gathered to work from.
Any suggestion to revert the master branch to an obsolete version
to work-around this will be rejected.
Release and mantain your own fork if this bothers you.
I do not work for you and will not be providing backports for your convienience.
The DDC standard is very loosely implemented by monitor manufacturers beyond sleeping the display.
- This is because Windows doesn't use brightness sensors to dim screens like OSX does —via USB, not DDC!
- Adjusting brightness, contrast, and super-awesome-multimedia-frobber-mode may not be possible.
- Power cycle the monitor.
- You just have to trial-and-error what works for your hardware.
VGA cables seem to wreak havoc with DDC comms.
Use DVI/DisplayPort/Thunderbolt if you can.
Please consider that there is no team working on ddcctl
, it is a fun-time project
that has long-since been considered "finished".
Bad, incomplete, or lazy reports and non-bugs are not fun to work on
so I will be cranky towards their reporters who didn't heed these instructions.