Built for Znuny LTS / Znuny Features
OTRS / Znuny - Auto assigning incoming ticket (from email) to the agent (onwer/responsible).
- Agent (Online or Offline ) with the less ticket ownership/responsible will get the ticket allocate to him / her. - Agent within Out Of Office time frame will not get ticket allocate to him /her. - Note: Ticket filtering has been removed from module file. Filtering should be make at Ganeric Agent itself.
.OPM will auto create 1 Generic Agent (owner assignment) to execute this module on ticket create. If not, create it manually.
Name: ZZZTicket AutoAllocation
Event Based Execution
-- Ticket::TicketCreate -
Select Tickets
-- Ticket#: *
-- State: new
-- Agent/Owner: Admin OTRS
-- Ticket unlock : unlock -
Execute Custom Module
-- Module
--- Kernel::System::GenericAgent::TicketAutoAllocation
-- Param 1 key => value
--- Allocation => Owner
-- Param 2 key => value
--- Online => Yes
Additional Generic Agent Module Attribute:
Allocation => (Owner|Resposible) #allocate ticket to owner or responsible Online => (Yes|No) #allocate ticket to online agent only or all agent.
If you are updating the addon, update the Generic Agent to match the structure above!.