diff --git a/R/ParamSet.R b/R/ParamSet.R
index 4f7e5c24..4448ce88 100644
--- a/R/ParamSet.R
+++ b/R/ParamSet.R
@@ -132,14 +132,18 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
#' Return values `with_token`, `without_token` or `only_token`?
#' @param check_required (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Check if all required parameters are set?
+ #' @param remove_dependencies (`logical(1)`)\cr
+ #' Determines if values of parameters with unsatisfied dependencies are removed.
#' @return Named `list()`.
- get_values = function(class = NULL, is_bounded = NULL, tags = NULL,
- type = "with_token", check_required = TRUE) {
+ get_values = function(class = NULL, is_bounded = NULL, tags = NULL, type = "with_token", check_required = TRUE,
+ remove_dependencies = TRUE) {
assert_choice(type, c("with_token", "without_token", "only_token"))
+ assert_flag(remove_dependencies)
values = self$values
params = self$params_unid
ns = names(values)
+ deps = self$deps
if (type == "without_token") {
values = discard(values, is, "TuneToken")
@@ -147,13 +151,26 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
values = keep(values, is, "TuneToken")
- if(check_required) {
+ if (check_required) {
required = setdiff(names(keep(params, function(p) "required" %in% p$tags)), ns)
if (length(required) > 0L) {
stop(sprintf("Missing required parameters: %s", str_collapse(required)))
+ if (remove_dependencies) {
+ if (nrow(deps)) {
+ for (j in seq_row(deps)) {
+ p1id = deps$id[j]
+ p2id = deps$on[j]
+ cond = deps$cond[[j]]
+ if (p1id %in% ns && !inherits(values[[p2id]], "TuneToken") && !isTRUE(cond$test(values[[p2id]]))) {
+ values[p1id] = NULL
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
values[intersect(names(values), self$ids(class = class, is_bounded = is_bounded, tags = tags))]
@@ -203,8 +220,11 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
#' Params for which dependencies are not satisfied should not be part of `x`.
#' @param xs (named `list()`).
+ #' @param check_strict (`logical(1)`)\cr
+ #' Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.
#' @return If successful `TRUE`, if not a string with the error message.
- check = function(xs) {
+ check = function(xs, check_strict = FALSE) {
+ assert_flag(check_strict)
ok = check_list(xs, names = "unique")
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
@@ -227,33 +247,41 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
- # check dependencies
- deps = self$deps
- if (nrow(deps)) {
- for (j in seq_row(deps)) {
+ if (check_strict) {
+ # check required
+ required = setdiff(names(keep(params, function(p) "required" %in% p$tags)), ns)
+ if (length(required) > 0L) {
+ stop(sprintf("Missing required parameters: %s", str_collapse(required)))
+ }
- p1id = deps$id[j]
- p2id = deps$on[j]
- if (inherits(xs[[p1id]], "TuneToken") || inherits(xs[[p2id]], "TuneToken")) {
- next # be lenient with dependencies when any parameter involved is a TuneToken
- }
- # we are ONLY ok if:
- # - if param is there, then parent must be there, then cond must be true
- # - if param is not there
- cond = deps$cond[[j]]
- ok = (p1id %in% ns && p2id %in% ns && cond$test(xs[[p2id]])) ||
- (p1id %nin% ns)
- if (isFALSE(ok)) {
- message = sprintf("The parameter '%s' can only be set if the following condition is met '%s'.",
- p1id, cond$as_string(p2id))
- val = xs[[p2id]]
- if (is.null(val)) {
- message = sprintf(paste("%s Instead the parameter value for '%s' is not set at all.",
- "Try setting '%s' to a value that satisfies the condition"), message, p2id, p2id)
- } else {
- message = sprintf("%s Instead the current parameter value is: %s=%s", message, p2id, val)
+ # check dependencies
+ deps = self$deps
+ if (nrow(deps)) {
+ for (j in seq_row(deps)) {
+ p1id = deps$id[j]
+ p2id = deps$on[j]
+ if (inherits(xs[[p1id]], "TuneToken") || inherits(xs[[p2id]], "TuneToken")) {
+ next # be lenient with dependencies when any parameter involved is a TuneToken
+ }
+ # we are ONLY ok if:
+ # - if param is there, then parent must be there, then cond must be true
+ # - if param is not there
+ cond = deps$cond[[j]]
+ ok = (p1id %in% ns && p2id %in% ns && cond$test(xs[[p2id]])) ||
+ (p1id %nin% ns)
+ if (isFALSE(ok)) {
+ message = sprintf("The parameter '%s' can only be set if the following condition is met '%s'.",
+ p1id, cond$as_string(p2id))
+ val = xs[[p2id]]
+ if (is.null(val)) {
+ message = sprintf(paste("%s Instead the parameter value for '%s' is not set at all.",
+ "Try setting '%s' to a value that satisfies the condition"), message, p2id, p2id)
+ } else {
+ message = sprintf("%s Instead the current parameter value is: %s=%s", message, p2id, val)
+ }
+ return(message)
- return(message)
@@ -268,8 +296,10 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
#' Params for which dependencies are not satisfied should not be part of `x`.
#' @param xs (named `list()`).
+ #' @param check_strict (`logical(1)`)\cr
+ #' Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.
#' @return If successful `TRUE`, if not `FALSE`.
- test = function(xs) makeTest(res = self$check(xs)),
+ test = function(xs, check_strict = FALSE) makeTest(res = self$check(xs, check_strict)),
#' @description
#' \pkg{checkmate}-like assert-function. Takes a named list.
@@ -281,8 +311,12 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
#' @param .var.name (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Name of the checked object to print in error messages.\cr
#' Defaults to the heuristic implemented in [vname][checkmate::vname].
+ #' @param check_strict (`logical(1)`)\cr
+ #' Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.
#' @return If successful `xs` invisibly, if not an error message.
- assert = function(xs, .var.name = vname(xs)) makeAssertion(xs, self$check(xs), .var.name, NULL), # nolint
+ assert = function(xs, .var.name = vname(xs), check_strict = FALSE) {
+ makeAssertion(xs, self$check(xs, check_strict), .var.name, NULL) # nolint
+ },
#' @description
#' \pkg{checkmate}-like check-function. Takes a [data.table::data.table]
@@ -292,11 +326,13 @@ ParamSet = R6Class("ParamSet",
#' dependencies are not satisfied should be set to `NA` in `xdt`.
#' @param xdt ([data.table::data.table] | `data.frame()`).
+ #' @param check_strict (`logical(1)`)\cr
+ #' Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.
#' @return If successful `TRUE`, if not a string with the error message.
- check_dt = function(xdt) {
+ check_dt = function(xdt, check_strict = FALSE) {
xss = map(transpose_list(xdt), discard, is.na)
for (xs in xss) {
- ok = self$check(xs)
+ ok = self$check(xs, check_strict)
if (!isTRUE(ok)) {
diff --git a/man/ParamSet.Rd b/man/ParamSet.Rd
index 14fca66c..f8a35988 100644
--- a/man/ParamSet.Rd
+++ b/man/ParamSet.Rd
@@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ Only returns values of parameters that satisfy all conditions.
is_bounded = NULL,
tags = NULL,
type = "with_token",
- check_required = TRUE
+ check_required = TRUE,
+ remove_dependencies = TRUE
@@ -277,6 +278,9 @@ Return values \code{with_token}, \code{without_token} or \code{only_token}?}
Check if all required parameters are set?}
+Determines if values of parameters with unsatisfied dependencies are removed.}
@@ -327,13 +331,16 @@ A point x is feasible, if it configures a subset of params,
all individual param constraints are satisfied and all dependencies are satisfied.
Params for which dependencies are not satisfied should not be part of \code{x}.
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{ParamSet$check(xs, check_strict = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
\item{\code{xs}}{(named \code{list()}).}
+Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.}
@@ -350,13 +357,16 @@ A point x is feasible, if it configures a subset of params,
all individual param constraints are satisfied and all dependencies are satisfied.
Params for which dependencies are not satisfied should not be part of \code{x}.
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{ParamSet$test(xs, check_strict = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
\item{\code{xs}}{(named \code{list()}).}
+Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.}
@@ -373,7 +383,7 @@ A point x is feasible, if it configures a subset of params,
all individual param constraints are satisfied and all dependencies are satisfied.
Params for which dependencies are not satisfied should not be part of \code{x}.
-\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{ParamSet$assert(xs, .var.name = vname(xs))}\if{html}{\out{
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{ParamSet$assert(xs, .var.name = vname(xs), check_strict = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
@@ -384,6 +394,9 @@ Params for which dependencies are not satisfied should not be part of \code{x}.
Name of the checked object to print in error messages.\cr
Defaults to the heuristic implemented in \link[checkmate:vname]{vname}.}
+Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.}
@@ -401,13 +414,16 @@ if it configures a subset of params, all individual param constraints are
satisfied and all dependencies are satisfied. Params for which
dependencies are not satisfied should be set to \code{NA} in \code{xdt}.
+\if{html}{\out{}}\preformatted{ParamSet$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = FALSE)}\if{html}{\out{
\item{\code{xdt}}{(\link[data.table:data.table]{data.table::data.table} | \code{data.frame()}).}
+Determines if dependencies and required parameters are checked.}
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_ParamSet.R b/tests/testthat/test_ParamSet.R
index 2785b3ef..d78bfac8 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_ParamSet.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_ParamSet.R
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ test_that("ParamSet$check", {
ps = ParamLgl$new("x")$rep(2)
ps$add_dep("x_rep_1", "x_rep_2", CondEqual$new(TRUE))
- expect_string(ps$check(list(x_rep_1 = FALSE, x_rep_2 = FALSE)), fixed = "x_rep_2 = TRUE")
+ expect_string(ps$check(list(x_rep_1 = FALSE, x_rep_2 = FALSE), check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "x_rep_2 = TRUE")
test_that("we cannot create ParamSet with non-strict R names", {
@@ -277,6 +277,95 @@ test_that("ParamSet$get_values", {
expect_equal(ps$get_values(), list(x = 1, y = 2))
expect_equal(ps$get_values(class = c("ParamInt", "ParamFct")), list(y = 2))
expect_equal(ps$get_values(is_bounded = TRUE), list(y = 2))
+ # 2 dependencies
+ pss = ps(
+ a = p_fct(c("b", "c")),
+ b = p_int(depends = a == "b"),
+ c = p_int(depends = a == "c")
+ )
+ pss$values$b = 1
+ expect_list(pss$get_values(), len = 0)
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(remove_dependencies = FALSE), list(b = 1))
+ pss$values$a = "c"
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(a = "c"))
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(remove_dependencies = FALSE), list(b = 1, a = "c"))
+ pss$values$a = "b"
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(b = 1, a = "b"))
+ pss$values$a = "b"
+ pss$values$b = 1
+ pss$values$c = 1
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(b = 1, a = "b"))
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(remove_dependencies = FALSE), list(b = 1, a = "b", c = 1))
+ # 2 dependencies and tune token
+ pss = ps(
+ a = p_fct(c("b", "c")),
+ b = p_int(depends = a == "b"),
+ c = p_int(depends = a == "c")
+ )
+ pss$values$a = to_tune()
+ pss$values$b = 1
+ pss$values$c = 1
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(a = to_tune(), b = 1L, c = 1L))
+ # 3 dependencies
+ pss = ps(
+ a = p_fct(c("b", "c")),
+ b = p_int(depends = a == "b"),
+ c = p_int(depends = a == "c"),
+ d = p_lgl(),
+ e = p_int(depends = d == TRUE)
+ )
+ pss$values$a = "b"
+ pss$values$b = 1
+ pss$values$c = 1
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(a = "b", b = 1L))
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(remove_dependencies = FALSE), list(a = "b", b = 1L, c = 1L))
+ pss$values$e = 1
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(a = "b", b = 1L))
+ pss$values$d = FALSE
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(a = "b", b = 1L, d = FALSE))
+ pss$values$d = TRUE
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(a = "b", b = 1L, e = 1, d = TRUE))
+ # nested dependencies
+ pss = ps(
+ a = p_fct(c("b", "c")),
+ b = p_int(depends = a == "b"),
+ c = p_int(depends = b == 1)
+ )
+ pss$values$c = 1
+ expect_list(pss$get_values(), len = 0)
+ pss$values$b = 1
+ expect_list(pss$get_values(), len = 0)
+ pss$values$a = "b"
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(c = 1, b = 1, a = "b"))
+ pss$values = list()
+ pss$values$b = 1
+ expect_list(pss$get_values(), len = 0)
+ pss$values$a = "b"
+ expect_equal(pss$get_values(), list(b = 1, a = "b"))
test_that("required tag", {
@@ -335,11 +424,11 @@ test_that("ParamSet$check_dt", {
ps = ParamLgl$new("x")$rep(2)
ps$add_dep("x_rep_2", "x_rep_1", CondEqual$new(TRUE))
xdt = data.table(x_rep_1 = c(TRUE, TRUE), x_rep_2 = c(FALSE, TRUE))
- expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt))
+ expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = TRUE))
xdt = data.table(x_rep_1 = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), x_rep_2 = c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
- expect_character(ps$check_dt(xdt), fixed = "x_rep_1 = TRUE")
+ expect_character(ps$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "x_rep_1 = TRUE")
xdt = data.table(x_rep_1 = c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), x_rep_2 = c(FALSE, TRUE, NA))
- expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt))
+ expect_true(ps$check_dt(xdt, check_strict = TRUE))
test_that("rd_info.ParamSet", {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_ParamSetCollection.R b/tests/testthat/test_ParamSetCollection.R
index 541707d4..71bdf5e6 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_ParamSetCollection.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_ParamSetCollection.R
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ test_that("deps", {
# check deps across sets
psc$add_dep("ps2.d", on = "ps1.f", CondEqual$new("a"))
expect_data_table(psc$deps, nrows = 2, ncols = 3)
- expect_true(psc$check(list(ps1.f = "a", ps1.d = 0, ps2.d = 0)))
- expect_string(psc$check(list(ps2.d = 0)))
+ expect_true(psc$check(list(ps1.f = "a", ps1.d = 0, ps2.d = 0), check_strict = TRUE))
+ expect_string(psc$check(list(ps2.d = 0), check_strict = TRUE))
# ps1 and ps2 should not be changed
expect_equal(ps1clone, ps1)
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_deps.R b/tests/testthat/test_deps.R
index 0d3ab275..176066bb 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_deps.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_deps.R
@@ -6,19 +6,19 @@ test_that("basic example works", {
ps$add_dep("th_param_int", on = "th_param_fct", CondEqual$new("a"))
x = list(th_param_int = 1)
- expect_string(ps$check(x), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
+ expect_string(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
x = list(th_param_int = 1, th_param_fct = "a")
- expect_true(ps$check(x))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE))
x = list(th_param_int = 1, th_param_fct = "b")
- expect_string(ps$check(x), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
+ expect_string(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
x = list(th_param_int = NA, th_param_fct = "b")
- expect_string(ps$check(x), fixed = "May not be NA")
+ expect_string(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "May not be NA")
x = list(th_param_fct = "a")
- expect_true(ps$check(x))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE))
x = list(th_param_fct = "b")
- expect_true(ps$check(x))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE))
x = list(th_param_dbl = 1.3)
- expect_true(ps$check(x))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x, check_strict = TRUE))
# test printer, with 2 deps
ps = th_paramset_full()
@@ -40,17 +40,17 @@ test_that("nested deps work", {
ps$add_dep("th_param_lgl", on = "th_param_fct", CondEqual$new("c"))
x1 = list(th_param_int = 1)
- expect_string(ps$check(x1), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
+ expect_string(ps$check(x1, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
x2 = list(th_param_int = 1, th_param_fct = "b")
- expect_true(ps$check(x2))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x2, check_strict = TRUE))
x3 = list(th_param_int = 1, th_param_fct = "c")
- expect_string(ps$check(x3), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
+ expect_string(ps$check(x3, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_int' can only be set")
x4 = list(th_param_fct = "a")
- expect_true(ps$check(x4))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x4, check_strict = TRUE))
x5 = list(th_param_dbl = 1.3)
- expect_string(ps$check(x5), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_dbl' can only be set")
+ expect_string(ps$check(x5, check_strict = TRUE), fixed = "The parameter 'th_param_dbl' can only be set")
x6 = list(th_param_fct = "c", th_param_lgl = TRUE, th_param_dbl = 3)
- expect_true(ps$check(x6))
+ expect_true(ps$check(x6, check_strict = TRUE))
@@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ test_that("adding 2 sets with deps works", {
expect_data_table(ps1$deps, nrows = 2)
# do a few feasibility checks on larger set
- expect_true(ps1$test(list(x1 = "a", y1 = 1, x2 = "a", y2 = 1)))
- expect_true(ps1$test(list(x1 = "a", y1 = 1)))
- expect_false(ps1$test(list(x1 = "b", y1 = 1)))
- expect_true(ps1$test(list(x2 = "a", y2 = 1)))
- expect_false(ps1$test(list(x2 = "b", y2 = 1)))
+ expect_true(ps1$test(list(x1 = "a", y1 = 1, x2 = "a", y2 = 1), check_strict = TRUE))
+ expect_true(ps1$test(list(x1 = "a", y1 = 1), check_strict = TRUE))
+ expect_false(ps1$test(list(x1 = "b", y1 = 1), check_strict = TRUE))
+ expect_true(ps1$test(list(x2 = "a", y2 = 1), check_strict = TRUE))
+ expect_false(ps1$test(list(x2 = "b", y2 = 1), check_strict = TRUE))
test_that("subsetting with deps works", {
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ test_that("we can also dep on integer", {
ps$add_dep("d", on = "i", CondAnyOf$new(1:3))
- expect_true(ps$check(list(i = 2, d = 5)))
- expect_string(ps$check(list(i = 5, d = 5)))
+ expect_true(ps$check(list(i = 2, d = 5), check_strict = TRUE))
+ expect_string(ps$check(list(i = 5, d = 5), check_strict = TRUE))
test_that("deps make sense", {