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mlrCPO Internals
Martin Binder
December 12, 2017

mlrCPO Internals

(almost) full map of mlrCPO function calls

(Almost) full map of mlrCPO function calls

This file is written in markdown and should be found in the info directory; a compiled .pdf version is also supplied in the same directory.

The following describes the internal design of mlrCPO. Package names, file names, and object names are in monospace: Classname; functions are monospace with parentheses: fun(); exported functions are followed by an asterisk: exportedFun()*; list slots are monospace, prepended with a dollar sign: $slot.


mlrCPO builds on the mlr package and adds flexible preprocessing operator objects. Please make sure you are familiar with the user interface, by reading the vignettes, the R help pages, and possibly going through the tutorial.

Coding Style

To fit in with the rest of mlr-org, it follows the same code style guide. A subset of this style is checked by lintr automatically during tests. Use the quicklint tool in the tools directory to run lint on only the files that have changed with respect to the master branch.

Class Structure

The central object of mlrCPO is the CPO with the following lifecycle (-->), subclasses (--) and relevant slots (==>):

CPOConstructor ----> CPO ----------------> CPOTrained(Primitive)
                    /   \              [CPORetrafo, CPOInverter]
                   /     \                        ||
         CPOPrimitive   CPOPipeline    $element <=´´
                  |                      /   \
                  |                     /     \
                  |         RetrafoElement   InverterElement
                  |                    ||     ||
                  `--------- $cpo <====++=====´´

The CPOConstructor is a function that is called to create a CPO, examples are cpoPca and cpoScale. It is generated by makeCPO()* and similar functions. CPO is the object representing a specific operation, completely with hyperparameters. CPOTrained represents the "retafo" operation that can be retrieved with retrafo()* or inverter()* from a preprocessed data object, or from a trained model.

CPO -------------------> CPOLearner ------------------> CPOModel

When a CPO gets attached to an mlr Learner, a CPOLearner object is created. The trained model of this learner has the class CPOModel.


CPOConstructor is created in makeCPOGeneral() which is called by makeCPO()* or makeCPOExtended()*, or similar functions, all defined in makeCPO.R. A CPOConstructor is an R function that takes all the CPO's arguments, as well as the affect.*, export, and id special arguments and assembles a CPO object. The body of each CPOConstructor is the same and can be found in makeCPO.R, starting at

funbody = quote({


A CPO can either be "primitive" or "compound".

The primitive CPO has the additional class CPOPrimitive and is at the heart of mlrCPO functionality. It is defined and documented in makeCPO.R starting at

cpo = makeS3Obj(c("CPOPrimitive", "CPO"),

Besides much meta-information, the primitive CPO stores the parameter set as $par.set and $unexported.par.set, as well as the parameter values as $par.vals and $ The trafo and retrafo operations are functions stored in the $trafo.funs slot.

A compound CPO can be created from two CPOs by composing them using the %>>% operator, which calls composeCPO()* (which can also be called directly). It has the additional class CPOPipeline, and is defined in composeCPO()*. Compound CPOs have a tree structure: Each compound CPO has a slot $first and $second, referencing two child CPOs (which may be compound or primitive) in the order in which they are applied. Otherwise CPOPipeline objects are relatively lightweight, they store meta-information computed from the child objects (e.g. a name referencing both children, and common properties), and parameter values.

When the hyperparameter of a CPOPipeline are changed, the child nodes are not modified; instead, the changed parameter values are stored in the root node. The parameter values of the child nodes are only updated when the CPO is actually called.


CPOTrained objects are created in makeCPOTainedBasic, which is called by makeCPORetrafo and makeCPOInverter, which are both called by callCPO.CPOPrimitive. CPOTrained objects are thus created whenever data is fed into a CPO, be it by using %>>%, by calling applyCPO()* directly, or by training a CPOLearner.

The main part of a CPOTrained object is the $element slot, which contains a linked list of RetrafoElement or InverterElement objects. Each retrafo or inverter operation stored in a CPOTrained has a corresponding object in this linked list. The slots of the CPOTrained object besides $element contain collective information about the operation in total: conversion ($convertfrom, $convertto), overall $properties, possible $predict.type and retrafo- or inverter-$capability.

The RetrafoElement / InverterElement objects are relatively lean; they mostly point to the CPOPrimitive objects that helped create them, contain a $state slot which contains the control objects or retrafo functions created by the cpo.train call, and "shapeinfo" about the data shape (feature names and types) used when calling the trafo. The element objects are connected by the $prev.retrafo.elt slot, which point to the operation to be done before the operation represented by the element.

A CPOTrained can be a "retrafo", an "inverter", or both. A retrafo has the CPORetrafo class and is used to re-apply a transformation that was "trained" on a dataset. An inverter has the CPOInverter class, it concerns only "Target Operation CPOs". It is created whenever a target operation CPO is applied to a dataset and gives the user the possibility of inverting the prediction performed with the transformed dataset. If the target operation CPO has the constant.invert flag set, the resulting inverter can be used on any prediction; otherwise, the inverter can only be used on predictions made with the resulting transformed dataset. Since the inverters resulting from constant.invert target operation transformations can be used on any new data, they are retrieved with the retrafo()* call, they both retrafo and inverter and have both the retrafo and invert capability set. The CPOInverter specific to the prediction of an individual processed dataset is retrieved using inverter()*.

The callCPO() call generates both CPORetrafo and CPOInverter linked lists; they are stored as attributes of the resulting data by applyCPO.CPO()*. retrafio()* and inverter()* are both relatively dumb functions which retrieve these object attributes.


The CPOLeaner is created using mlr's makeBaseWrapper()* functionality, in attachCPO()*. Whenever another CPO is attached to a CPOLearner, the Learner is not wrapped again, instead the attached CPO is extended. The CPOLearner also has properties and hyperparameters that are extended / modified according to the CPO. Whenever the hyperparameters of a CPOLearner are changed, the attached CPO (and its $par.vals slot) is not modified; instead, the CPO is modified upon invocation of trainLearner.CPOLearner()*.

When the train() method is called with a CPOLearner, the resulting model has a CPOTrained attached on the $retrafo slot: the CPORetrafo chain used for preprocessing. A CPOInverter object is only created during prediction for the specific data being predicted.


The NULLCPO object has a special place in mlrCPO: It is the neutral element of the %>>% operator and stands for an "empty" cpo. All functions pertaining to it are in NULLCPO.R. They are mostly about giving empty or unmodified results.

File Overview

The .R files in the R directory can be divided into three groups: Core files, auxiliary files, and CPO definition files. The latter group are all prefixed with a CPO_. As of writing of this document, there are 22 .R files in the R directory that are not CPO definition files and make up the back-end of the mlrCPO package. They are listed here, in approximate order of importance or dependence, and with a short description. The most important files are described in more detail in Functionality.

Core Files

These files are the core of CPO inner workings.

File Name Description
makeCPO.R makeCPO()* and related functions, for definition of CPOConstructors
callCPO.R Invocation of CPO trafo and retrafo functions, and creation of CPOTrained
FormatCheck.R Checking of input and output data conformity to CPO "properties", and uniformity of data between trafo and retrafo
callInterface.R Unification of the different CPO call styles to a single interface to be invoked by callCPO
operators.R Composition and splitting of CPO and CPOTrained objects
properties.R Getters and setters of CPO object properties
learner.R Everything CPOLearner-related: Attachment of CPO to Learner, training and prediction
inverter.R Framework for of CPO inverter functionality
RetrafoState.R Retrieval of the retrafo state, and re-creation of a CPORetrafo from it

Auxiliary Files

These files give auxiliary functions and boilerplate.

File Name Description
doublecaret.R %>>%-operators
attributes.R retrafo()* and inverter()* functions that access object attributes
print.R Printing of CPO objects
parameters.R Auxiliary functions that check parameter feasibility and overlap
composeProperties.R Auxiliary function for composition of the $properties slot
NULLCPO.R NULLCPO object and all related functions
fauxCPOConstructor.R Helper function for alternative way of creating CPOConstructors
listCPO.R Listing of present CPOs
auxiliary.R General helper functions
zzz.R Package initialization and import of external packages
auxhelp.R Roxygen documentation for the CPO lifecycle
makeCPOHelp.R Roxygen documentation for makeCPO()* functions
CPOHelp.R Roxygen template documentation base for CPOConstructor functions

CPO Definition Files

The most interesting files containing concrete CPO implementations.

File Name Description
CPO_meta.R cpoMultiplex and cpoCase
CPO_cbind.R cpoCbind and its special printing function
CPO_filterFeatures.R Feature filter CPOs
CPO_impute.R Imputation CPOs
CPO_wrap.R cpoWrap and cpoWrapRetrafoless CPO wrappers
CPO_select.R cpoSelect and cpoSelectFreeProperties


CPO Creation (makeCPO.R)

Map of makeCPO function calls

Map of makeCPO function calls, exported functions are bold

CPOConstructors are created by calling makeCPO.R. Actual creation happens in makeCPOGeneral(), which gets called with different values depending on which makeCPOXXX()* is called by the user. (Before that, prepareCPOTargetOp does some preparation that is specific to target operation CPOs.) makeCPOGeneral() relies on a few helper functions that prepare the slots of the final CPO object: assembleProperties() generates the $properties slot from the given properties.* parameters; prepareParams() handles parameters and parameter exports; constructTrafoFunctions() creates the $trafo.funs trafo and retrafo functions (See callInterface.R). If the functions are given as special NSE blocks (just curly braces without function headers), makeFunction() creates the necessary function headers, otherwise the given headers are checked.

The actual CPOConstructor is a function that collects its arguments (using, creates a par.vals and list, and puts them into a big CPOPrimitive S3-object which it returns. The CPOConstructor function is created artificially by makeCPOGeneral by using a custom function header (formals in R lingo) that reflects the CPO's ParamSet.

CPO Invocation (callCPO.R, inverter.R)

Map of several exported functions and their close dependents

Map of several exported functions and their close dependents

Invocation of CPOs is done when the user calls applyCPO()* and happens recursively by the callCPO() function: If called with a CPOPipeline, the given data is first transformed by the $first, then by the $second slot (which in turn may be CPOPipeline objects). If called with a CPOPrimitive, the necessary data and property checks and conversions (See Format Check) are performed, the $trafo.funs$cpo.trafo slot (as generated by callInterface) is called, and the CPORetrafo and CPOInverter chains are constructed by makeCPORetrafo() and makeCPOInverter(). The chains are constructed by adding a new head to the prev.retrafo and prev.inverter arguments.

When the user calls applyCPO()* with a CPORetrafo, the callCPORetrafoElement() function is used. CPOTrained objects contain a linked lists in their $element slot. Therefore, callCPORetrafoElement() recursively calls itself if it finds a $prev.retrafo.elt. For target operating CPOs, an inverter CPOTrained chain is constructed using makeCPOInverter() in a similar way to how it is constructed in callCPO(), adding newly created CPOInverter objects to the top of the prev.inverter linked list.

Prediction inversion is done when the user calls invert()* and is done in the invertCPO() function, which recursively calls itself for all present InverterElements. invert()* tries to work with both mlr Prediction objects and ordinary data.frame, matrix or vector shaped predictions by first converting them to a common (data.frame) shape and then, if necessary, by constructing a new mlr Prediction.

Other Exported Functionality (operators.R, learner.R, RetrafoState.R)

The map above shows the interaction of the applyCPO() / invertCPO() functions with other exported functionality:

  • CPO Composition is done by composeCPO.CPO()*, which creates CPOPipeline objects that have the constituent CPOs in their $first and $second slot. It also takes care that parameters of composed CPOs don't clash (parameterClashAssert()) and constructs the properties and $predict.type of the resulting compound CPO using composeProperties() and chainPredictType().
  • CPOTrained Composition is done by composeCPO.CPOTrained()*, which has similar responsibilities but creates a linked list instead of a tree. It discards the CPOTrained head of its inputs, chains their $element linked lists, and creates a new CPOTrained head that reflects the new properties, predict.types and capabilities of the chained object.
  • CPO Learners are created using attachCPO()*, which uses mlr's mkaeBaseWrapper functionality to wrap the given Learner in a CPOLearner. To prevent deep nesting of learners, if a CPO is attached to a CPOLearner, the Learner is not wrapped another time, instead the already attached CPO is extended by the new CPO. A tricky part of extending a Learner with a CPO is the calculation of resulting learner properties, which is performed by compositeCPOLearnerProps(). The predict type of a CPOLearner respects the $predict.type slot of the attached CPO(s); this translation is done by setPredictType.CPOLearner(). The trainLearner and predictLearner functions shown in the map are called when a CPOLearner is invoked. They use callCPO(), callCPORetrafoElement() and invertCPO() to modify the data that comes in to and goes out of the wrapped Learner.
  • CPOTrained State can be gotten from a CPOTrained using getCPOTrainedState, which prepares the $state stored in a RetrafoElement or InverterElement to a common format (since different CPOs using different call interfaces have different state layouts) using getPrettyState(). For functional CPOs, it uses functionToObjectState() to convert a function's environment to a list with appropriate layout. makeCPOTrainedFromState()* creates a bare CPO object from the given constructor and puts in the state information.

Call Interface (callInterface.R)

Map of callInterface.R

Map of callInterface.R

The callInterface.R functions provide wrapper functions for the different kinds of "trafo" and "retrafo" calls that different kinds of CPO offer. When a CPO is invoked for trafo or retrafo, callCPO just calls these wrapper-functions in the $trafo.funs slot of the given CPO, with a standard set of arguments. The routing between cpo.train(), cpo.trafo(), cpo.retrafo(), cpo.traininvert() and cpo.invert() functions (as given by the makeCPO() user) happens inside these wrapper functions.

constructTrafoFunctions() in makeCPO.R calls one of the makeCall*() functions (first rank in the map) in callInterface.R, which populate the $trafo.funs CPO-slot. The wrapper functions (mostly generated in the second rank in the map) rely on a few helper functions (third rank) that are used for capturing and checking return values of user-supplied cpo.train() etc. functions.

Format Check (FormatCheck.R)

Map of FormatCheck.R

Map of FormatCheck.R

FormatCheck.R is a central part of CPO that does checking of input and output data for property adherence, checking that input data to retrafo conforms to input data to the corresponding trafo invocation, and conversion of data depending on dataformat values for a given CPO.

Data preparation and post-processing is done by the functions prepareTrafoInput(), prepareRetrafoInput(), handleTrafoOutput(), and handleRetrafoOutput(). They are called by callCPO() for *Trafo* and callCPORetrafoElement() for *Retrafo*. Each of these takes the data, desired properties, and possibly shape-info (data feature column type info), checks the data validity, and returns the converted data according to the dataformat and the type of the CPO.

Functions in FormatCheck.R can be grouped into

  • Top level functions: {prepare,handle}{Trafo,Retrafo}{Input,Output} are called by outside functions callCPO() and callCPORetrafoElement().
  • ShapeInfo handling: makeInputShapeInfo(), makeOutputShapeInfo() create ShapeInfo objects that contain information about the shape layout of data coming in and going out of a trafo function. This is then used during retrafo by assertShapeConform() and assertTargetShapeConform() to check that the data has still the shape it is supposed to have. fixFactors() is called when the fix.factors flag is set to make sure that factors during retrafo have the same levels as during trafo.
  • Properties checking: The properties of data coming in need to be compared to the properties that a CPO is allowed to handle, and to be checked for unallowed additions of column types or missings. The properties of data are collected by getGeneralDataProperties() and checked in assertPropertiesOk() during CPO input and checkOutputProperties() during CPO output.
  • Data splitting and recombining: According to the given dataformat of a CPO, the data given to its trafo and retrafo functions needs to be converted and / or split into data.frame(s) or a Task. This is done during input in splitIndata() and by its dependent split*() functions. Recombination happens, depending on whether the output will be a Task or a data.frame, by recombinetask() or recombinedf() (or recombineRetrafolessResult() for a "retrafoless" CPO). The recombination functions also check that a CPO did not change columns it may not modify (target columns during feature operation, feature columns during target operation) using checkTaskBasics(), checkDFBasics(), and checkColumnsEqual().
  • Column type dataformat: An auxiliary role is played by getIndata() and rebuildOutdata(): If the dataformat is a column type ("numeric", "factor" etc.), internally the splitting of data is done according to the "split" dataformat (this conversion is done by getLLDataformat()). Only right before the data is given to the CPO, the split data is subset using getIndata(); right when the CPO returns its result, it is recombined again in rebuildOutdata().
  • affect.* parameter handling: affect.* parameters are converted into column indices by getColIndices() and then handled by subsetIndata() during input. recombineLL() uses these column indices to rebuild the complete Task / data.frame from the (subset) returned from the CPO trafo / retrafo and the remaining original data.

The %>>%-Operator (doublecaret.R)

The %>>% operator is syntactic sugar for the applyCPO()*, composeCPO()*, and attachCPO()* functions defined in callCPO.R, operators.R, and learner.R.

To implement the nonstandard right-to-left evaluation order of some operators (%<<<%, %<>>%, and %>|%), a call to one of the %>*% operators first triggers a reorganisation of the abstract syntax tree by deferAssignmentOperator() to manipulate call order. It replaces all operators by "internal%>>%()" and similar functions (so that AST reorganisation is not invoked again). These functions then go on to call the correct operation functions.

retrafo()* and inverter()* (attributes.R)

Both retrafo()* and inverter()* are very lightweight functions that only access the respective attributes of a data object. If the data object has no such attribute, a NULLCPO is returned, instead of NULL, so that y %>>% retrafo(x) works even when no retrafo is present. An exception is made for CPOModel: It retrieves the CPORetrafo generated while training a CPOLearner; the generic is found in CPOLearner.R.


The NULLCPO object is implemented by implementing all generics for it, and have them do the respective no-op.

CPO listing (listCPO.R)

A CPO is registered in a global variable CPOLIST by calling registerCPO with the respective descriptive items. To have definition and documentation relatively close, registerCPO() should be called right after the definition of an internal CPO. The listCPO() function then only creates a data.frame from this list.

Constructor Wrapper (fauxCPOConstructor.R)

Sometimes the CPOConstructor functionality of creating CPOs is too rigid for a given case. cpoMultiplex, for example, needs certain parameters (the CPOs to be multiplexed), that need to be specially checked during creation, and which do not fit in the "hyperparameters" scheme. cpoCbind may create more than one CPO at once.

This flexibility is provided by makeFauxCPOConstructor(), which takes a function that returns a CPOConstructor, and turns this function into an object of class CPOConstructor itself. In the process, it adds the general CPOConstructor arguments (affect.*, id). The function given to makeFauxCPOConstructor() can thus do specific parameter checking and configuration that could not easily be configured when using the ordinary makeCPO() calls.

Specific CPOs

Description of a few CPOs that merit their own documentation.

Meta CPOs (CPO_meta.R)

cpoMultiplex, cpoCase, cpoTransformParams, and cpoCache all work in a very similar fashion: On Construction, they are given one or more CPOs which they then go on to apply in their own cpo.trafo and cpo.retrafo() functions. CPO_meta.R contains a few helper functions that are common to all these CPOs: Creating a named list from constructed or unconstructed CPOs (constructCPOList()), generating the list of type information and properties necessary to represent the aggregate of CPOs (collectCPOTypeInfo(), collectCPOProperties(), propertiesToMakeCPOProperties()), and generation of cpo.trafo() / cpo.retrafo() functions that apply a CPO during trafo and use the stored retrafo during cpo.retrafo() (makeWrappingCPOConstructor()).

Feature Filtering (CPO_filterFeatures.R)

Currently the filterFeatures() functionality of mlr is used here. CPOConstructors are created by declareFilterCPO(), which takes the method name and looks it up in mlr's .FilterRegister variable. This variable provides some information about supported tasks and required packages of the resulting CPO.

Imputation (CPO_impute.R)

Similarly to feature filters, mlr provides many imputation methods that it provides with its impute() function, which are all turned into specific CPOConstructors using declareImputeFunction().