wgs84conv is a accurate & fast Earth-Fixed Earth-Centered (ECEF) to Geodetic (lla) convert module based on:
Karl Osen. Accurate Conversion of Earth-Fixed Earth-Centered Coordinates to Geodetic Coordinates.[Research Report] Norwegian University of Science and Technology. 2017. hal-01704943v2
And with pybind11
& carma
, this module also support Python binding.
- armadillo
- pybind11
- mkdir build && cd build
- cmake -G"Ninja" ..
- Input: ECEF position in meter
- Output: WGS84 LLA in radius, meter
- Input: WGS84 LLA in radius
- Output: ECEF position in meter
Compare to pyproj convertion
$ time python gps_track_pybind11.py test.tlm
0.42s user 0.04s system 99% cpu 0.459 total
$ time python gps_track.py test.tlm
34.54s user 3.20s system 98% cpu 38.256 total