diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/Dockerfile b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e572a09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+FROM --platform=linux/amd64 pytorch/pytorch:2.0.1-cuda11.7-cudnn8-runtime as base
+# System dependencies
+RUN apt-get update && \
+ apt-get upgrade -y && \
+ apt-get install git -y
+# Install requirements
+COPY requirements.txt ./
+RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
+# Install Fondant
+# This is split from other requirements to leverage caching
+RUN pip3 install fondant[component,aws,azure,gcp,gpu]@git+https://github.com/ml6team/fondant@${FONDANT_VERSION}
+# Set the working directory to the component folder
+WORKDIR /component
+COPY src/ src/
+FROM base as test
+COPY tests/ tests/
+RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r tests/requirements.txt
+RUN python -m pytest tests
+FROM base
+WORKDIR /component/src
+ENTRYPOINT ["fondant", "execute", "main"]
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/README.md b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2348fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Retrieve images from FAISS index
+## Description
+Retrieve images from a Faiss index. The component should reference a Faiss image dataset,
+ which includes both the Faiss index and a dataset of image URLs. The input dataset consists
+ of a list of prompts. These prompts will be embedded using a CLIP model, and similar
+ images will be retrieved from the index.
+## Inputs / outputs
+### Consumes
+**This component consumes:**
+- prompt: string
+### Produces
+**This component produces:**
+- image_url: string
+- prompt: string
+## Arguments
+The component takes the following arguments to alter its behavior:
+| argument | type | description | default |
+| -------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
+| url_mapping_path | str | Url of the image mapping dataset | / |
+| faiss_index_path | str | Url of the dataset | / |
+| clip_model | str | Clip model name to use for the retrieval | laion/CLIP-ViT-B-32-laion2B-s34B-b79K |
+| num_images | int | Number of images that will be retrieved for each prompt | 2 |
+## Usage
+You can add this component to your pipeline using the following code:
+from fondant.pipeline import Pipeline
+pipeline = Pipeline(...)
+dataset = pipeline.read(...)
+dataset = dataset.apply(
+ "retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt",
+ arguments={
+ # Add arguments
+ # "url_mapping_path": ,
+ # "faiss_index_path": ,
+ # "clip_model": "laion/CLIP-ViT-B-32-laion2B-s34B-b79K",
+ # "num_images": 2,
+ },
+## Testing
+You can run the tests using docker with BuildKit. From this directory, run:
+docker build . --target test
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/fondant_component.yaml b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/fondant_component.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4107736
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/fondant_component.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+name: Retrieve images from FAISS index
+description: |
+ Retrieve images from a Faiss index. The component should reference a Faiss image dataset,
+ which includes both the Faiss index and a dataset of image URLs. The input dataset consists
+ of a list of prompts. These prompts will be embedded using a CLIP model, and similar
+ images will be retrieved from the index.
+image: fndnt/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt:dev
+ - Data retrieval
+ prompt:
+ type: string
+ image_url:
+ type: string
+ prompt:
+ type: string
+previous_index: prompt_id
+ url_mapping_path:
+ description: Url of the image mapping dataset
+ type: str
+ faiss_index_path:
+ description: Url of the dataset
+ type: str
+ clip_model:
+ description: Clip model name to use for the retrieval
+ type: str
+ default: laion/CLIP-ViT-B-32-laion2B-s34B-b79K
+ num_images:
+ description: Number of images that will be retrieved for each prompt
+ type: int
+ default: 2
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/requirements.txt b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad72cf3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/src/__init__.py b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/src/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/src/main.py b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/src/main.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44612d67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/src/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import typing as t
+import dask.dataframe as dd
+import faiss
+import fsspec
+import pandas as pd
+import torch
+from dask.distributed import Client, get_worker
+from dask_cuda import LocalCUDACluster
+from fondant.component import PandasTransformComponent
+from transformers import AutoTokenizer, CLIPTextModelWithProjection
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class RetrieveFromFaissByPrompt(PandasTransformComponent):
+ """Retrieve images from a faiss index using CLIP embeddings."""
+ def __init__( # PLR0913
+ self,
+ url_mapping_path: str,
+ faiss_index_path: str,
+ clip_model: str = "laion/CLIP-ViT-B-32-laion2B-s34B-b79K",
+ num_images: int = 2,
+ ):
+ self.model_id = clip_model
+ self.number_of_images = num_images
+ self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
+ # Download faiss index to local machine
+ if not os.path.exists("faiss_index"):
+ logger.info(f"Downloading faiss index from {faiss_index_path}")
+ with fsspec.open(faiss_index_path, "rb") as f:
+ file_contents = f.read()
+ with open("faiss_index", "wb") as out:
+ out.write(file_contents)
+ dataset = dd.read_parquet(url_mapping_path)
+ if "url" not in dataset.columns:
+ msg = "Dataset does not contain column 'url'"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ self.image_urls = dataset["url"].compute().to_list()
+ def setup(self) -> Client:
+ """Setup LocalCudaCluster if gpu is available."""
+ if self.device == "cuda":
+ cluster = LocalCUDACluster()
+ return Client(cluster)
+ return super().setup()
+ def embed_prompt(self, prompt: str):
+ """Embed prompt using CLIP model."""
+ worker = get_worker()
+ if worker and hasattr(worker, "model"):
+ tokenizer = worker.tokenizer
+ model = worker.model
+ else:
+ logger.info("Initializing model '%s' on worker '%s", self.model_id, worker)
+ tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.model_id)
+ model = CLIPTextModelWithProjection.from_pretrained(self.model_id).to(
+ self.device,
+ )
+ worker.model = model
+ worker.tokenizer = tokenizer
+ inputs = tokenizer([prompt], padding=True, return_tensors="pt")
+ inputs = inputs.to(self.device)
+ outputs = model(**inputs)
+ return outputs.text_embeds.cpu().detach().numpy().astype("float64")
+ def retrieve_from_index(
+ self,
+ query: float,
+ number_of_images: int = 2,
+ ) -> t.List[str]:
+ """Retrieve images from faiss index."""
+ search_index = faiss.read_index("faiss_index")
+ _, indices = search_index.search(query, number_of_images)
+ return indices.tolist()[0]
+ def transform(self, dataframe: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Transform partition of dataframe."""
+ results = []
+ prompts = dataframe["prompt"]
+ for prompt in prompts:
+ query = self.embed_prompt(prompt)
+ indices = self.retrieve_from_index(query, self.number_of_images)
+ for i, idx in enumerate(indices):
+ url = self.image_urls[idx]
+ row_to_add = (f"{prompt}_{i}", prompt, url)
+ results.append(row_to_add)
+ results_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ results,
+ columns=["id", "prompt", "image_url"],
+ )
+ results_df = results_df.set_index("id")
+ return results_df
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/pytest.ini b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/pytest.ini
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf6a8a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/pytest.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pythonpath = ../src
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/requirements.txt b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a929edc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/test_component.py b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/test_component.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d0d4816
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fondant/components/retrieve_from_faiss_by_prompt/tests/test_component.py
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+import pandas as pd
+from src.main import RetrieveFromFaissByPrompt
+def test_component():
+ input_dataframe = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(
+ {
+ "id": [1, 2],
+ "prompt": ["country style kitchen", "cozy living room"],
+ },
+ )
+ input_dataframe = input_dataframe.set_index("id")
+ input_dataframe["prompt"] = input_dataframe["prompt"].astype(str)
+ # Run component
+ component = RetrieveFromFaissByPrompt(
+ url_mapping_path="gs://soy-audio-379412-embed-datacomp/12M/id_mapping",
+ faiss_index_path="gs://soy-audio-379412-embed-datacomp/12M/faiss",
+ )
+ component.setup()
+ output_dataframe = component.transform(input_dataframe)
+ assert output_dataframe.columns.tolist() == [
+ "prompt",
+ "image_url",
+ ]