layout | title | permalink |
get-started |
Quarkus - Get Started |
/get-started/ |
## Table of Contents
### Getting Started
## Create Your First Application
This guide covers:
- Bootstrapping an application
- Creating a JAX-RS endpoint
- Injecting beans
- Functional tests
- Packaging of the application
## Building Native Images
This guide covers:
- Compiling the application to a native executable
- The packaging of an application in a Docker container
This guide requires:
- Completion of the Creating Your First Application guide
## Using our Tooling
Quarkus comes with a toolchain enabling developers from live reload all the way down to deploying a Kubernetes application. In this guide, we will explore:
- how to use Maven as a build tool
- how to use Gradle as a build tool
- how to use the native CLI for your toolchain (coming soon)
- how to create and scaffold a new project
- how to deal with extensions
- how to enable live reload
- how to develop your application in your IDE
- how to compile your application natively