- Don't panic
- Email [email protected] with a description of the problem and a method to contact you
- Try to be specific about the problem you're seeing
- How can on-call contact you to acknowledge your problem?
- Join #fundraising on irc.mozilla.org if you're able
- Try to gather additional information about the issue while waiting for on-call to acknowledge
- Can you take a screenshot of the problem you're seeing?
- Does the problem occur in different browsers? How about on different devices?
- Are you encountering any errors with other sites?
- Could you try another credit card? Can you sign-in with a different PayPal account?
- Are there any error messages appearing in your browsers web console?
- If on-call has not acknowledged your issue in 15 minutes then use the Mozilla Phonebook to look up and call the following people
- Jon Buckley
- Ali Al Dallal
- Scott Downe
- Simon Wex
- We have AWS Business Support.
- You can file a support ticket by visiting the Support Center.
- You must be able to sign-in to the mofo-secure AWS account before you can file a support ticket.
- You can see the current AWS status by visiting their status page.
- We have no support agreement with GitHub.
- You can file a support ticket by visiting the support page.
- You must have a GitHub account to file a ticket.
- You can see the current GitHub status by visiting their status page.
- We have Heroku Premium Support.
- You can file a support ticket by visiting Heroku Help.
- You must have a Heroku account before you can file an issue.
- To receive premium support you must sign-up with your @mozilla.com or @mozillafoundation.org email address.
- You can see the current Heroku status by visiting status page.
- For non-critical issues you should file an issue in GitHub or visit #fundraising on irc.mozilla.org.
- For critical issues you should page MoFo on-call support with a clear description of the problem and a method to contact you.
- You can also join #moc on irc.mozilla.org and ask for help from on-call