Matthew Kijowski [email protected]
447 Russ
Office hours: Tues. 3-4pm, Wed. 3-4pm, other times by appointment.
This is a freshman-level 4 credit hour course conducted in a 14-week semester. Its goal is to develop in the minds of students an effective operational model of computer systems running either Linux or Windows. This course is lab-oriented.
Catalog Description: Provides introduction to Linux and Windows operating systems and system administration. Covers files and directories, ownership and sharing, programs and processes, system calls, libraries, dynamic linking, command line shells, scripting, regular expressions and secure network protocols.
- Course Git Repository:
General exposure to PCs, and MS Windows which is so common that we do not list it as official prerequisites. CEG2350 does not assume prior exposure to Unix/Linux. Familiarity with a programming language (such as C++, or Java) is expected.
These will not be covered exactly in the order below, we will skip around as we combine some of the knowledge from later topics with those covered earlier in the course.
- Operating systems basics. Commands:
man, bash
. - Files and directories: files, file systems, permissions, compression,
encryption, hard and soft links. Commands:
ls, ln, cp, mv, rm, cat, chmod, chown, dd. gzip, tar, file, wc, sort, uniq, gpg
. - Programs and Processes: system calls, libraries, virtual memory, loading,
linking. Commands:
/proc, ps, top, nice, bg, fg, ldd
. - Command Line Interpreters and scripting.
- Utilities. Regular expressions, version control. Commands:
grep, diff, make, find, git
. - Networking. Host names, IP addresses, ports, TCP/UDP, DNS. Commands:
ssh, sftp, ping, tracert, nmap, wget, curl
. - Programs/Applications. Compiling, linking, libraries, installing.
Commands:make, apt, ln
- Systems administration. Users, groups, permissions, security.
- Cloud computing and virtualization.
Letter grades: A/90%, B/80%, C/70%, D/60%, F/ Less than 60%
This course is lab-oriented. Expected number of labs: 10, worth 6% each, about one per week.
Two exams worth 15% and 25%.
Attendance to both Lecture and Lab sessions is mandatory. Attendance will be taken via in class quiz at random. Each quiz is not graded, but missing more than 2 without PRIOR approval will result in a 3% reduction in your final grade for each quiz missed.