In development.
- scripts/transit updated for Python 3 (finally!).
- util:
- drange for regularly-spaced times over an interval.
- spherical_distribution to generate a set of equally distributed points on a unit sphere.
- Add dt keyword to comet.Coma, a time offset for activity scaling.
- scripts:
- H2D script to convert asteroid absolute magnitude to diameter.
- irs-plot script for a quick plot of Spitzer/IRS data.
- Added --dt (peak activity offset) parameter to ephemeris.
- instruments.spitzer module script
- Now able to run slitloss_correct.
- Configuration files may now have comment lines starting with "#".
- Fixed instruments.spitzer.irs_summary crash when "COLUMN" or "ROW" is missing from the data header.
- scripts/horizons2dct-tcs can obtain HORIZONS ephemerides itself. It now requires callhorizons and Python 3.2 or later.
- scripts/ephemeris Fix crash for all flux density requests.
- Create finding charts with observing.finding.
- Estimate distance and phase angle for a target at a given heliocentric distance and solar elongation with util.delta_at_rh.
- Estimate the parallactic angle for differential refraction in the atomosphere with observing.parallactic.
- Rudimentary reduction of SpeX 60" slit data with instruments.irtf.SpeXPrism60.
- photometry.hb is nearly complete. New and revised code for working with the continuum, subtracting continuum from gas filters. OH and CN fluxes can be properly estimated.
- Parse comet names with comet.parse_name.
- ephem.geom.Geom.summary Reports a negative heliocentric distance for pre-perihelion epochs.
image.analysis.gcentroid uses 2D Gaussian fit from photutils.
scripts/center-target reuses the last box size, and can guess the object location after first centering if a WCS is defined.
photometry.hb - Revised SDSS r' zero point by a few percent. Now using effective
wavelength from Fukugita et al. 1996.
- New V-band flux density and effective wavelength.
- Msun and S0 defined for all filters.
- fluxd_continuum overhauled.
- cal_oh overhauled.
scripts/lmi-dither allows subframes.
scripts/ephemeris allows L2 for the observer.
image.analysis.imstat now includes the sum.
New file format and fixed order scaling for instruments.spitzer.IRSCombine (last order was not scaled).
Various updates to work with numpy 1.3.
Fixed util.planckfit err=None.
- Another fix for crashing imports with SpiceyPy.
- Fixed util.gaussian2d crash.
- New Sun-Earth L2 ephemeris object, Earth_L2, if a kernel named L2.bsp is available.
- Fixed import errors with SpiceyPy under some circumstances.
- SpiceState.oscelt for osculating elements
- SpiceState.core.et2jd to convert ephemeris time to Julian date.
- New center-target command-line script for annotating FITS headers with target coordinates.
- ephemeris command-line script can now estimate apparent magnitudes when given appropriate parameters.
- Corrected ksplot return value.
- Fixed crashes with numpy 1.11 and astropy quantities.
- Fixed rounding errors with refine_center.
- graphics.harrows was using radians for north when it shouldn't have been!
- Fixed image.trace which looks like it hasn't really ever worked.
- Fixed fitslog script crash.
- util.horizons_csv to read in a JPL HORIZONS CSV formatted file.
- comet.silicate_feature to examine a 10-μm silicate feature.
- instruments.spitzer - warm_aperture_correction for warm-mission (IRAC) aperture corrections. - IRSCombine for combining extracted Spitzer/IRS spectra. - irs_summary to summarize a set of IRS spectra extracted with SPICE. - spice_read to read in IRS SPICE files.
- graphics - ksplot can now plot a line to a user given final x value. - savepdf2pdf saves the current figure as a PDF, then reprocesses it with ghostscript. Useful on my system when marker alpha is used.
- image.process.cutout to cutout stamps from an image.
scripts/ - lmi-dither
- Allows a title column.
- New group (-g) option to group together dither sets.
- ephemeris - -n option finally works. - Additional columns may be included via --include.
leading_num_sort correctly works when there is no leading number.
graphics.tplot_setup tweak the axis labels and ticks.
- comet.efrho2fluxd to convert epsilon-f-rho to flux density.
- scripts/lmi-dither new options: --no-alternate, --no-filter, --offset, additional context image, configurable context itimes, updated default itimes.
- instruments.spitzer - irsclean and irsclean_files to clean IRS 2D spectra. - moving_wcs_fix to correct WCS headers of moving target observations.
- util.file2list read in a text file and return a list of lines without trailing new lines.
- image.process.stripes can optionally return an image of the stripes.
- graphics.rem_interior_ticklabels to remove interior tick labels from multi-axis plots.
- New config value "irs.spice_path" and defaults are saved when there are missing configuration values.
- image.analysis.align_by_wcs raises NoSourcesFound when no sources are in the image.
- image.analysis.align_by_wcs and align_by_centroid use align_by_offset which fixes a rollover masking bug.
- util.dh2hms fixed handling of arbitrary precision of fractional seconds.
- catalogs - find_offset returns more stats. - project_catalog can handle different projection modes for WCS to pix.
- image.process.align_by_offset to align images when the offset is already known.
- photometry.hb.Rm2S to convert continuum color in magnitudes to spectral slope.
- image.analysis.apphot_by_wcs better handles SIP when requested coordinates are off the image.
- image.analysis.align_by_wcs raises NoSourcesFound when no sources are in the image.
- image.analysis.align_by_wcs and align_by_centroid use align_by_offset which fixes a rollover masking bug.
mskpy now requires Python 3.
NAIF SPICE functionality is now provided by SpiceyPy (v0.6.2 required). pyspice has been dropped.
- ephem.SolarSysObject.lightcurve now has configurable flux density column headings.
- observing.Observer.rts : added limit keyword for rise/transit/set at a user requested airmass.
- instruments.IRAC.ccorrection may now compute only a subset of the 4 IRAC bands.
- util.gaussfit can pass keywords to leastsq.
- ephem.kernel_path file name resolution is on demand.
ephem - Geom objects have been made more dictionary-like (i.e.,
- SpiceState exposes some more SPICE functionality through r(), v(), and rv(): now aberration corrections, observer, and frame can be set.
- image.analysis.apphot single aperture photometry using multiple images was returning nonsense. Fixed.
- catalogs.find_offset fixed to use the correct data points when computing the final offset.
calib - dw_atran to use the Diane Wooden method to compute the
transmission of the atmosphere through a filter.
catalogs.find_offset may skip meanclip step when there are not enough sources based on a user defined threshold.
ephem - A Kepler object is created when the Kepler Telescope's ephemeris
kernel is available as kepler.bsp.
image - New process.subim function to return image cutouts given a
center position and box size.
- analysis.fwhm can now independently fit x and y directions.
instruments.irtf.MIRSI - New standard_fluxd for standard star flux densities
in MIRSI filters.
- New filter_atran for atmospheric transmission.
- New fluxd to observe a spectrum through MIRSI filters.
models - DApColor for asteroids with linear reflectance slopes. - neatm convenience function for quick NEATM calls.
observing - am_plot now returns a table of target rise, transit, and set
times, and geometric quantities (e.g., rh, delta, phase, ra, dec).
photometry.hb add r' filter.
util - gaussfit may now consider a linear term. - clusters to define array slices based on a test array.
Scripts - ephemeris
- Will now translate numbers into asteroid designations (e.g., 24 becomes 2000024).
- Allows diameter, IR beaming parameter, and albedo as inputs for quick NEATM brightness estimates.
- horizons2dct-tcs and lmi-dither new scripts for DCT observing.
- asteroid.Asteroid fixed diameter and albedo initialization of reflected when the user provides their own model.
- ephemeris - Will provide the command-line options in the output.
- util.spearman fixed due to new output from scipy.
- graphics.arrows actually works now (again?).
- image.analysis.azavg bug fix for raps parameter as an integer.
catalogs - brightest to sort out bright sources from a catalog. - faintest to sort out faint sources from a catalog. - find_offset to determine the offset between two catalogs. - nearest_match to find neighbors in two lists. - project_catalog to project RA, Dec onto image plane.
image - analysis.anphot, apphot, bgphot allow multiple sources. - analysis.apphot_by_wcs for aperture photometry by coordinates. - analysis.find for rudimentary source finding. - core.imshift allow whole pixel shifts. - core.rebin handles scale factor 1 by special case. - process.align_by_centroid and align_by_wcs for image
observing - Observer.finding_chart for creating a finding chart with DS9. - plot_transit_time for doing just that. for least-squares fitting of a spectrum.
New photometry module, with lots of Hale Bopp filter support in hb submodule.
scripts/ - ephemeris may now output coma flux estimates, and accepts kernel
file names from the command line.
- New transit script for generating plots of transit times.
util functions - gaussfit for Gaussian fitting. - glfit for Gaussian + linear function fitting. - stat_avg for array binning, considering measurement
- write_table for quick writing of an astropy table with a simple header.
- xyz2lb to convert Cartesian coordinates to angles.
- calib.filter_trans modified to use np.loadtxt.
- catalogs.spatial_match and triangles overhauls.
- comet.m2afrho updated, but still experimental.
- graphics.niceplot keyword arguments to prevent changes to line
- widths, marker sizes, and marker edge widths.
- image - analysis.gcentroid uses float when passed a float. - process.fixpix behind the scenes improvements and limit fixing by area. - analysis.azavg bug fix for raps parameter as an integer.
- observing.Observer includes date in string representation.
- util - getrot fix for current behavior. - planckfit fix for when leastsq refuses to fit the data.
- eph.State.v for an array of dates returned r, now returns v.
New util.planckfit.
New comet functions: - Q2flux to convert gas production rates into fluxes. - afrho2flux to convert Afrho into flux density. - m2qh2o to convert absolute magnitude into water production rate,
based on Jorda et al. (2008) relationship.
- Renamed m2afrho1 to M2afrho1.
- New m2afrho to convert apparent magnitude into Afrho. This is an EXPERIMENTAL relationship that WILL CHANGE.
New SolarSysObject.ephemeris functionality: - Filter output given solar elongation limits. - Allow observers other than Earth.
New ephem.proper_motion.
New instrument: BASS.
- image.gcentroid now ignores nans, infs.
- Fix time bug when milliseconds are passed to SolarSysObject.ephemeris.
- The ephemeris script in scripts/ now displays help when no parameters are given.
- image.radprof now returns centers of the radius bins, in addition to average of the radii within each bin. This change breaks old code.
- New instruments: - Added FLITECAM to sofia. - Moved MIRSI to new irtf. - Added SpeX to irtf.
- Fix SolarSysObject.lightcurve call to Column.
- Fix Asteroid crashes due to missing name parameter and astropy.time.Time.
- Modeling commented out and awaiting finalized astropy modeling API.
- Maximum liftable grain radius: models.dust.acrit.
- Crash fixes: - util.state2orbit -
- Timezone (pytz) fixes for Observer.
ephem - Add mass to SolarSysObject. - Add masses to planets in ephem.
graphics - Add ax keyword to circle. - Change default font size for niceplot.
Add La Palma (lapalma) to `observing.
comets.Coma - Initializes via SolarSysObject (still need to change other
- Improved Afrho1 parameter checks.
Update astropy.units usage in instruments.spitzer.IRAC.
- Critical fix to meanclip: use higher precision float64 by default.
- New polarimetry module.
- Removed graphics.ds9. The XPA interface in pyds9 isn't working well on my setup.
- catalogs, currently limited to spatially matching lists of sources together.
- graphics.ds9: if pyds9 is installed, graphics.ds9 is a class with a view method for more lazy display calls.
- observing module, updated from mskpy1.
- image - combine, more efficient than util.meanclip for 2D arrays. - bgphot for background photometry.
- Instruments: hst.wfc3uvis, vis.OptiPol.
- util - linefit for simple line fitting with uncertainties. - timestamp string generator.
- New util.lb2xyz.
- New ephem.state.KeplerState. - KeplerState gets comet name from SpiceState.
image - Fix linecut fatal crash. - Fix crclean fatal crash. I'm not sure algorithm is working
properly, though.
- fwhm renamed from fwhmfit and now actually respects the bg keyword.
- Bug fix in anphot for single apertures.
ephem - Geom crash fix. - ssobj.getxyz fix: wasn't running at all.
scripts/ephemeris now uses correct end date.
util - Fix gaussian crash. - Fix hms2dh crash given any input. - date_len bug fixes.
graphics - Fix exception handling (e.g., when matplotlib does not exist)
during graphics importing.
- nicelegend now handles font properties via prop keyword.
Fix units.
image - Let stack2grid work for any number of images. - gcentroid:
- Uses scipy.optimize.
- Contrain fits to within the box.
- Re-write mkflat to only do the normalization.
ephem: - Fix some planet NAIF IDs. - Optimize state.State with rv method.
- Converting Afrho to thermal emission in mskpy1 resulted in fluxes a factor of 4 too high (comet.fluxest). This has been corrected by implementing an Afrho to efrho conversion factor (ef2af) in dust.AfrhoThermal.
New ephem module. - SolarSysObject for object ephemerides and, possibly, flux
- SpiceState to retrieve positions and velocities from SPICE kernels. ephem includes a set of default SolarSysObject`s, e.g., `Sun, Earth, Spitzer (if the kernels are available).
- Use getspiceobj to easily create a SolarSysObject with a SpiceState.
comet and asteroid modules define the Asteroid, Coma, and Comet `SolarSysObject`s for flux estimates of comets and asteroids.
Geom is completely rewritten, and should be much more useful.
models module, including surfaces and dust. - NEATM, DAp, and HG for thermal and reflected light from
- AfrhoScattered and AfrhoThermal for comet comae described with the Afrho parameter.
- Various phase functions for dust and surfaces: phaseHG, lambertian, phaseK, phaseH, phaseHM.
New modeling module (mirroring astropy.modeling) for fitting models to data.
Asteroid, Coma, and Comet objects for easy estimates of their fluxes. These objects package together SpiceObject and models.
A few key functions are now astropy Quantity aware. E.g., util.Planck, calib.solar_flux.
New time functions in util: - cal2iso to ISO format your lazy calendar dates. - cal2doy and jd2doy for time to day of year conversions. - cal2time and jd2time to lazily generate astropy.time.Time
New instruments module. It can currently be used to estimate fluxes from comets and asteroids, but may have other uses in the future. Includes midir sub-module with MIRSI, and spitzer sub-module with IRAC.
New scripts directory for command-line scripts. Currently includes an ephemeris generator.
math renamed util and sorted: - archav and Planck return Quantities! - nanmedian now considers inf as a real value. - numalpha replaced with leading_num_key. - dminmax renamed mean2minmax. - powerlaw renamed randpl. - pcurve renamed polcurve - Added projected_vector_angle and vector_rotate. - Rather than returning ndarrays, takefrom now returns lists,
tuples, etc., based on the input arrays' type.
- spectral_density_sb for astropy.unit surface brightness conversions.
- autodoc to automatically update a module's docstring.
calib: - cohenstandard renamed cohen_standard. - filtertrans renamed filter_trans - solarflux renamed solar_flux
spice renamed ephem: - Removed get_observer_xyz, get_planet_xyz, get_spitzer_xyz,
get_herschel_xyz, get_comet_xyz.
- getgeom code incorporated into Geom.
- summarizegeom code incorporated into Geom.
Geom, getgeom, and summarizegeom moved from observing to ephem.
time functions moved into util: - date2X, jd2dt, s2dt, s2jd removed in favor of cal2time,
jd2time, or date2time.
- jd2dt removed in favor of jd2time.
- dms2dd renamed hms2dh. Accepts format.
- doy2md now requires year.
orbit.state2orbit moved into util.
image reorganized. FITS and WCS functions moved to util. - combine, imcombine, jailbar, phot, zarray didn't make it. - Argument names made more consistent between all functions. For
example, center and cen renamed yx, sample renamed subsample. Functions which previously took two coordinates, y and x now take one yx.
- New refine_center to handle refining rarray and tarray subsampling.
- rarray and tarray subsample parameters changed from bool to int so the exact subsampling factor can be specified.
- Re-write azavg and radprof to use anphot.
- New gcentroid.
- bgfit arguments renamed. Only 2D uncertainty maps are allowed.
- mkflat re-written since imcombine was removed.
- hms2dh checks for rounding errors (e.g., 1000 ms, should be 1 s and 0 ms).