This file documents changes to Argus-frontend that are important for the users to know.
- Missing article in ticket generation modal.
- Link to Django administration site for users with admin permissions. Link is available in the user menu dropdown.
Styling in the user menu dropdown: added a horizontal divider and icons.
Incident ID in <its source system> field to incident details view, which displays ID by which incident is referenced internally in its source system.
Configuration values can now be changed at runtime in development and production
environments. The defaults are as before in src/config.tsx
but now all of the
options can be set via environment variables.
See the Configuration-section in the README for more details.
- Error handling on filter deletion.
- Users can give custom names to Notification profiles via Title input field.
- Scrollbar to the Acknowledgements- and Events-feed in the detailed incident view.
- Uniform alignment of the input fields in the notification profiles.
- Bug with endless calls to destinations endpoint from the /notificationprofiles page. Bug did not create any noticeable lag in the browser.
This version strongly prefers argus-server version 1.13 or newer.
- There was a race condition when looking at destinations in notification profiles. This lead to weird behavior (rows loading in very late) particularly on flaky networks.
- How the actual filter is saved and used changed in the backend with v1.13, so the frontend was updated to use the new method.
- Handling of both network errors, and errors with fetching existing user in Login view .
- Bug with misleading error message in Login view on connection problems.
- Made LOGIN WITH FEIDE button more generic.
- LOGIN WITH FEIDE will not render by default anymore. Instead, LOGIN WITH button will only render if there are configured login methods that are other than userpass.
- Updated user manual
- The structure of notification profiles: removed the Media-selector, replaced the Phone number-selector with the Destinations-selector. User can now select multiple destinations per notification profile.
- Settings are replaced with Destinations. It is now possible to create/update/delete email addresses and other destinations (that are configured), in addition to phone numbers.
- Replaced add phone number from notification profiles feature with add destination from notification profiles feature.
- Ensure that description is stored properly when acking, both in bulk and directly
- Visual feedback (table loading) when changing incident filter parameters, and when navigating incident table pages
- Use backend bulk endpoints to speed up updating incidents in bulk
- Create ticket feature
- Show correct version number
- Fix ARGUS logo clipping part of the name.
- Fix a bug in Timeslot's time pickers where changing start-/end time via icon, leads to wrong values being registered, misleading error text being displayed, and "Save"-button being disabled
- Fix a bug in Timeslot's time pickers where typing invalid values for both start- and end time (both input fields display error text), disrupts further changes (incl. corrections) of those time values
- Fix a bug in Timeslot's time pickers where error text is not always removed and "Save"-button is disabled, even after user has provided valid and non-conflicting values (time range where start time is before end time)
- Labeling of "Unacked" chips and buttons is now consistent.
- Incidents page does not blank out anymore when selecting an old-style filter (filter created before 2023).
- Fix misleading error message on successful incident update. Bug appeared for incidents that were selected by user, but which were on the table page(s) that were out of view.
- Fix CLOSE/RE-OPEN button so that it does not disappear if user selects incidents on different table pages
- Allow reuse of timeslots in different notification profiles.
- Rename the label for the severity level selector from "Max level" to "Max severity level"
- Logo and favicon
- Add seconds to timestamps in elements of the event feed in detailed incident view
- Order of events and acknowledgements in feed in detailed incident view. Order is now oldest-first.
- Removed useless Filter List button from the incidents table header.
- Make it easier/more obvious to save a profile without a phone number by selecting the option "None".
- Option "None" is default in the phone number selector in notification profiles.
- Individual success alerts are replaced with a consolidated success message for bulk updates (bulk ack, bulk add/ticket etc.)
- Select-all-incidents per page feature. Several pages can be selected/de-selected at a time
- Info bar that drops below the app header while any of the bulk operations (bulk ack, bulk re-open etc.) is ongoing
- End time to the incident detailed view (for closed incidents only)
- User manual.
- Flickering of incidents table, and detailed incidents view when Interval update method is selected.
- Bug with table filtering where selecting tags/sources led to wrong incidents being displayed.
- Bug where app crashed on Feide logout.
- When bulk ack or close/re-open is successfully completed, affected incidents are still selected and multi-action bar does not disappear anymore.
- Correct re-render of the user icon in the header.
- Polished filter look in the mobile-view.
- Fix invalid time bug in Safari, where Incidents page was blanked out.
- All required input fields are correctly marked on all pages.
- Proper error cause (from backend) is shown in alert snackbars.
- Frontend does not crash anymore when backend is offline.
- Proper error handling and error helper texts when working with timeslots and recurrences.
- Redesigned Notification profile page.
- Mobile-view on all Argus pages.
- Bulk add-ticket-url feature.
- Incident severity level as one of the filtering options.
- Success/error alerts on all bulk-operations on incidents (ack, add-ticket-url, open, close).
- The ability to filter out older incidents via Timeframe selector.
- Display of frontend-, backend- and API versions below the incidents table.