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A newbie's guide to working on Kajoo

bodacea edited this page Mar 12, 2011 · 5 revisions

We're using a git repository to hold the code. If getting code out of git terrifies you, try this:

###Get the code - first time only

To copy the codebase from git onto your local machine the first time:

  • Open a terminal window (on Ubuntu, that's Applications->Accessories->Terminal on the top menu)
  • Go to the directory where you keep your code. For diehards on Ubuntu, this is /home/yourname/source where yourname is your username (you'll have to create this directory if you don't have it). The magic words for this in the terminal window are “cd source”, or “cd /home/yourname/source” if you've managed to get yourself lost already.
  • Type “git clone [email protected]:buspreneurs/startupbus-platform.git”
  • Type “cd kajoo”
  • Lots of words will appear. Hit return a couple of times, then type “q” and say “yes” when you're asked a “yes/no” question.
  • Type “bundle install”

###create the database - first time only

  • Go into directory “home/yourname/source/kajoo/config”
  • Create a copy of file database.sample.yml and name it database.yml – the magic words for this are “cp config/database.sample.yml config/database.yml”
  • Go back up to the kajoo main directory (“cd ..”).
  • type “rake db:setup”

###Get the code (after the first time)

  • Go into directory kajoo
  • Type "git pull"
  • Type "bundle install"

###Start the server and play with your copy of Kajoo

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