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108 lines (65 loc) · 3.72 KB




  • JDK 1.8
  • node

Local Postgres setup

MacOS users install docker with command brew cask install dockertoolbox.

  1. Create new docker-machine docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dockerVM
  2. Run docker-machine env dockerVM and check DOCKER_HOST variable
  3. Edit /etc/hosts. Add line <docker-host-ip-goes-here> hakuperusteetdb
  4. docker run -d -p 5432:5432 postgres
  5. psql -hhakuperusteetdb -p5432 -Upostgres postgres -c "CREATE ROLE OPH;"
  6. psql -hhakuperusteetdb -p5432 -Upostgres postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE hakuperusteet;"
  7. psql -hhakuperusteetdb -p5432 -Upostgres postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE hakuperusteettest;"

To start docker again (e.g. after boot), run the following command and continue from step 2 above.

  1. docker-machine start dockerVM


To start hakuperusteet after Postgres is up, run the following commands:

  1. npm install
  2. ./sbt run
  3. Access hakuperusteet at https://localhost:18080/hakuperusteet/
  4. npm run watch on separate console to enable front auto compile

By default hakuperusteet uses services from Luokka-environment.

Run using mock configuration

Mock configuration does not have any external dependencies (except Google Authentication, but email one can be used). This setup needs a running mock server, which should be started with following commands first:

  1. cd mockserver
  2. npm install
  3. node server.js

or use nodemon to auto reload on changes

  1. npm install -g nodemon
  2. nodemon server.js

Mock configuration is enabled when running the following command:

  1. ./sbt run -J-Dmock=true


This project has multiple configuration files, which are used for following purposes.


  • Development time configuration file, which uses luokka-environment


  • Development time configuration file, which uses mock server (see below).


  • This file is the configuration template used with real environments.


  • This file is used during unit and UI-tests, uses mock server and Postgres. Both mock server and Posgres has different ports than in reference.conf above. Unit tests do not use mock server, hence their port numbers are irrelevant.


  • This optional config files is used to enable in-memory HSQLDB. Used with UI-tests, because Bamboo does not have Postgres.


To create assembly jars (app and admin), run the following commands

  1. npm install
  2. ./sbt assembly
  3. ./sbt admin:assembly

Postgres client classes for Slick

Currently we store generated Postgres-client classes in git, and hence it is not necessary to run this normally. During development, after schema changes you must regenerate db-classes with command:

./sbt "run-main fi.vm.sade.hakuperusteet.db.CodeGenerator"

Remember to create separate schema migration script for HSQLDB also, and ensure that UI-tests continue to work.


  1. ./sbt "test:run-main fi.vm.sade.hakuperusteet.db.CodeGeneratorTest"
  2. ./sbt "test:run-main fi.vm.sade.hakuperusteet.HakuperusteetTestServer" -J-DuseHsql=true
  3. ./node_modules/.bin/mocha-phantomjs --ignore-resource-errors --ssl-protocol=any --ignore-ssl-errors=true https://localhost:18081/hakuperusteet/spec/testRunner.html

To run tests in browser, open following url after steps 1. and 2. above.

  1. http://localhost:8081/hakuperusteet/spec/testRunner.html

Remember to remove HSQLD-client classes after tests, because their existence breaks unit tests

  1. rm -r src/test/scala/fi/vm/sade/hakuperusteet/db/generated/